Things to look forward to/Part 4: Ministru Bla Portafoll

Published: July 21, 2012 at 11:40am

Believe it or not, this is the other deputy leader of the Labour Party.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Lilla says:

    Please Daphne, stop with these videos, you’re killing me.

  2. Fido says:

    Dan huwa xempju ċar tal-livell stratosferku kulturali ta’ dawk li qed jippretendu li kapaċi jmexxu lill-Malta il-quddiem. (fl-injoranza imma)

    Jekk tħalli lill-għama jmexxik, fejn tispiċċa?

  3. PG says:

    How disgusting. Kemm hu baxx. X’nies!

  4. Andi Zrara says:

    Which of the two are you talking about?

  5. A Montebello says:

    Which one’s the future deputy minister?

  6. Joseph (Not Muscat) says:

    After watching this video I feel like voting Labour. How inspiring from our deputy leader.

  7. Riff Raff says:

    What happened to the post linked to the KMB picture?

    [Daphne – You’ll have to tell me what it was about. Telling me what the picture is is not enough.]

    • Riff Raff says:

      There was a post with KMB’s picture, I swear – just after you put up the “IT WAS ME. I HACKED JOHN DALLI’S EMAIL ACCOUNT.” post. Ten minutes later I went to open the post and it was gone.

      [Daphne – Oh, OK, now I know which you mean. I intended to click ‘draft’, clicked ‘publish’ instead, then took it back to draft when I realised. It’s going up this morning. Because you know, sometimes I like to play little tricks on Labour brains and coconuts by lining up lots of drafts written at leisure, then clicking Publish in quick succession and then going over to their comments-boards and watching them rave about how amazingly crazy and machine-like I am, writing a post every minute or so. Fantastic.]

  8. ciccio says:

    Mur gibu sar isqof. Ghandu jirringrazzja ‘l Alla li fl-Awli tal-Qorti ma jittehdux videos u allura ma jezistux videos ta’ kif igib ruhu fil-Qorti quddiem l-Imhallfin, fejn gie mwiddeb kemm il-darba – u anke immultat.

    Tal-misthija. Mhux ta’ b’xejn li milli jidher Joseph qed jipprova jahbieh.

  9. JAMES says:

    So which one is the muppet ?

  10. anthony says:

    This is an example of what I call ‘real class’. In Maltese ‘tad-daqqiet ta’ harta’.

    He certainly qualifies for the portfolio of culture or education.

    Only by PL standards.

  11. C Frendo says:

    If this video was really shown on ONE then God help us.

    [Daphne – Yes, it was on Super One.]

  12. Joe Zerafa says:

    Good grief! Is this what we have to look forward to if Labour, heaven forbid, win the upcoming election?

    I hope everyone wakes up before it’s too late. Ara kif ikissru pajjiz bil buzzulotti li jghamlu.

  13. Andi Zrara says:

    Do they mean tele Tubbies or is Tubi simply the plural of tuba in which case it makes lots of sense? Tuba + Tuba = Tubi

  14. sasha says:

    God needs to help us with this bunch of low class idiots.

  15. Gahan says:

    Maltatoday has run an online poll:

    “After Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s resignation, what’s the next step for Gonzi?”

    No. 1 answer:

    “Early elections: Gonzi has now lost the one-seat majority he never had.”

    Now, can Salvu explain to me how can one lose something which he never had?

    This says a lot about Malta Today’s readers’ way of thinking and how stupid the editor of Malta Today really is.

  16. Randon says:

    ‘Bla portafoll’: don’t tell me that the teletubi stole his wallet. Is that tv station anywhere close to Albert Town?

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