Il-manifestazzjoni ta’ kuragg, 2009, when Joseph and his henchmen (oh, and lil din too) bravely led the starving masses down Republic Street to show courage in the face of adversity.
This was on the 90th anniversary of Armistice Day. Joseph Muscat, leader of the opposition, wasn’t present that morning because, you know, all those soldiers are dead so who cares about them, anyway?
If what Joe Mizzi says is true, a man of the state, because that is what RCC is, notwithstanding personal opinions, was left to his own devices following an assassination attempt.
When any citizen feels their life is at risk, all hell breaks loose if the state doesn’t care. In this case, the state gave a signal where it stands with the individual as a person.
Jeffrey can say whatever he likes, he doesn’t even have a clue what a Nationalist is.
[Daphne – You’re right. You have no idea what it feels like to contend with the idea that Karmenu Vella and Leo Brincat, who blighted my teens are 20s, are gearing up to blight my late 40s. How can this be possible in the real world?]
Martin, ask yourself this question: how much would your property and business be worth had the past Labour governments (led by Mintoff, KMB and Alfred Sant) been anywhere near as sane as the Nationalist ones led by Borg Olivier, Fenech Adami and Gonzi?
Try to keep that figure in mind whenever you’re tempted to promote Joey’s government-in-waiting. I sure do, despite the temptation to see some characters get a well deserved come-uppance.
To say nothing of seeing the comeback on the Neo Mintoffian Labour Party Media of faces and surnames associated with the hnizrijiet of the 70s and 80s So much for expecting some peace and tranquillity in my old age.
The anticipation of seeing a sea of red torca flags engulfing the main roads of our towns and villages for a couple of days and nights to the infernal sounds from the victorious Labour denizens of the (in)famous Labour anthems is more then what my nerves and health can take at present.
I wish you’d warned your readers to turn down the volume on their speakers. I nearly fell off my kitchen stool when Mary Spiteri’s dulcet tones flooded the morning air.
Muscat is particularly bad. He started off comparing himself to Zapatero, but Zapatero ruined Spain and his party got crushed at the last elections.
He went on to try and take credit for Iceland economic boom. Soon after, it turne sour with the country suffering a huge economic crisis as a direct result of its banking activity. The action Muscat tried to take credit for ended up with the UK and Netherlands needing to spend £6 billion to Icelandic bank customers.
He called himself youthful – then became bald and fat.
I too feel ill at the prospect of Labour coming to power again.
I can`t shake off the the trauma of the awful seventies and early eighties, especially as I lived in Valletta in those years and this truly horrid anthem rakes up all the bad memories of the past under a Labour Government – We bore the brunt of weekly demonstrations when teeming masses of rabid Labourites used to swarm all over the place – round the Triton fountain, past City Gate into Pjazza Helsien, atop the ruined Theatre, down Republic Street and spilling out onto St. George`s Square.
What a giant step backwards in time that will be if the Labourites are elected to power again – especially as it hasn`t been reformed one single bit. It`s still the same, old retrograde party with the same old mentality and mindset. Veru tal- biki.
Let. all of us start getting used to the idea of re-living the horrors of the seventies and eighties in the hope that it will not last for more then 20 months.
Where in the world are people so deprived of information that a middle-aged blogger reliving a skewed past, posting one inanity after the other in a quantity-over-quality vein, gets glorified as a major opinion-maker and hailed as the ultimate love-her-or-hate-her icon?
Ahleb, Guz! These children DO make up the nation – a pod nation with two identical peas.
[Daphne – Well, Mr Sharon Ellul Bonici, you’re in a Brussels suburb, not Malta, and still you’re glued to this website and apparently fixated on this middle-aged blogger and have been for some years now.]
Amazing, isn’t it, Kev? Here you are pushing up the numbers – when you aren’t lurking unseen doing the same thing – and thinking you’re an A1 original.
When were you last in a pod with Jeffrey and Franco?
Life in Malta under a Labour government was oppressive – it was a unique mixture of a climate of fear , intimidation, beatings at demonstrations, scarcities and drabness similar to life behind the Iron Curtain together with endless and ferocious political diatribes comparable to Gaddafi`s ranting and raving in his last days ( Debono Grech`s and other labourite parliamentarians` role model being Duminku Mintoff).
And to think that Joseph Muscat, unlike Alfred Sant, is an unrepentant Mintoffian and is adamant in bringing on board the old guard. His only superficial cosmetic change is in the colour of his ties and shirts – and even that is for now only.
Life under a Labour Government doesn`t even begin to compare with the civilised way of life we have long grown used to under a PN government.
Hey Kevvy! You’re beginning to sound like that little twerp, Eddie Privitera. You two corresponding now? Possibly working on a new conspiracy theory?
The dishes await.
Those who complain about l-gholi tal-hajja have something new to complain about.
Due to recent power cuts they suffer as they can’t switch on their air conditioners and they have to throw out the contents of their full to the brim freezer.
In this morning’s ”Sibt il punt” on One radio, this blog and its owner were mentioned gratuitously quite a number of times.
Anyone here followed the program?
It is funny really on just how many grown-up men quake in their booties at the thought of the lady and her blog.
[Daphne – They don’t quake. They’re just pissed off that it’s the 21st century and they can’t actually burn me at the stake or embark on a little spot of witch-ducking.]
Perhaps it would also be a good idea to show JPO crying when he was involved in the Mistra mystry, just to remind one and all what a false person he is. We should have taken a different decision then and not let him stand for elections which we nearly lost thanks to him.
Daphne – what Maltese history books would you suggest, covering the Mintoff period and its aftermath? Are there many out there, and are they (somewhat) objective?
I don’t mind learning this history through anecdotes and snippets; it has the kind of small town charm that this island deserves – but I’d also like to support Maltese scholarship.
Matt – I agree with you. However, it is about time that children start growing up with the right priorities in life and hopefully will be able to fight their own battles.
Children/young people are over-pampered in Malta both by their parents and the government, making things so very easy for them and they are just taking things for granted and also as if the world owes them something.
Nistaqsi kif JPOS kien mgharraf b’dawn il-“fatti”?F’xi party?
Min infurmah b’dawn il-fatti?Qallu Joseph?
Meta sar jaf b’dawn l-akkuzi?
Kif hu kien lest jemmen lil Karmenu Vella u lil Joe Mizzi kontra siehbu fil-partit.
Li qal Karmenu Vella seta jigi ikkonfermat mil-minuti tal-laqghat tal-Air Malta imma dan sar jaf li m’hemm xejn li jimplika lil RCC allura laqghalna minn qabel u qal gidba ohra bie jghatti l-gidba ta’ qabel.
Nahseb li din l-istorja giet mohmija minn Jeffrey u Joseph, u l-fatt li l-“ufficjal” tal-Labour qal li ISSA se jiehdu “back seat approach” juri li ndunaw li kienu se jinqabdu fit-tahbila li huma qed jippruvaw jimmuntaw kontra l-Partit Nazzjonalista.
Lil min tafu tistaqsix ghalih, Joseph diga inqabad jahmi xi haga ma l-editur tal-RTK u ahna Alla jbierek qisu ma’ gara xejn. Li grat xi haga hekk fl-Ewropa kieku ilu li gie mgieghel jirrizenja u intesa minn kullhadd.
F’din it-tghassida li holqu Joseph u Jeffrey jidher car li kollox kien mahsub u meqjus minn qabel :
Joseph jghid “Qed inkun preciz fi kliemi” u “ghal-lum se nieqaf hawn”(biex ma jinqabadx f’gidba).
Mizzi qed jaqra l-istqarrija tieghu minn fuq xi teleprompter u xorta gie ccensurat minn tas-SUPER ONE. Ried ihawwad meta qalilna li hu dawn l-istqarrijiet qalom kemm il-darba , id-dettal li nesa’ Mizzi jew ried inessijna kien li qalhom taht l-immunita parlamentari li xebghat tigi abbuzata.Kif qal li qal barra l-parlament gie imfittex fil-qorti ghad-danni minn RCC.
U Karmenu il-Gaj waqt l-istqarrija flimkien ma Joseph kellom il-karti quddiemhom lesti bil-battuta tal-papa ukoll.
Storja orkestrata mil-bidu sa l-ahhar; u l-gurnalisti (iktar nghidilhom tfal ) jiktbu bla ma’ jistaqsu mistoqsija niggieza wahda.
Ghalija f’din l-istorja huwa iktar minn ovvju li Jeffrey jrid jaghmel l-ikbar hsara lil partit li jista’ jaghmel. Dan ikkonfermajtu meta mar bil-body guards li riedu jidhlu gol bini fejn kienu qed jidhlu membri tal-ezekuttiv biss, l-incident Ciangura holqu apposta biex Jeffrey jghidilna li l-PN ghandhom is-servizz tas-sigurta ipprovdut b’xejn.
Ciangura u nies ohra jithallew jidhlu meta jkunu xoghol u meta ma’ jkunx hemm bzonn ta’ sigurta stretta. Li ivvutajt lin-Nazzjonalisti daqs is-security officer ta’ quddiemek m’ghandux x’jaqsam , l-ghada stajt tidhol! il-bieb miftuh ikun dejjem
According to Maltatoday, quoting JPO and Dr Franco Debono, “PRESIDENT JUSTIFIED IN ASKING IF GONZI HAS A MAJORITY”.
To the best of my knowledge the President of the Republic has not asked Gonzi that question.
He is somewhere in Peru doing good humanitarian work, playing it cool and emulating Sir Francis Drake calmly finishing his game of bowls when notified about the approach of the Spanish Armada.
I am not sure whether the President can even ask that question.
To my knowledge, it is up to the Prime Minister to inform the President if the government fails to obtain a majority when a money Bill is voted on and on his advice, the President will then dissolve Parliament and issue a writ for fresh elections.
Martin, men who feel they need bodyguards in Malta are, at best, cryptorchid.
Speaking as a member of the male species I am embarrassed to admit that Daphne has the most formidable pair of balls (metaphorically) in the entire Republic.
So Hollande, one of Dr. Muscat’s idols, is now saying the restructuring plan for PSA (makers of Peugeot & Citroen) is unacceptable.
This shows you the Socialists never change, trying to meddle in a private company’s affairs.
Moreover, Hollande is accusing the PSA management of leaving the bad news for after his coming to power to make him look bad. This is akin to Dr Muscat accusing the OPEC members that they left the oil price hike after he came to power (God help us) thus it is their fault that he couldn’t keep the fantasy promise of lowering utility bills regardless of oil price.
On ONE news this evening , it was reported that Franco Debono said categorically that he will not be voting with the government on the next budget bill.
Is there any truth in it?
What is that Hitler like salute towards the end?
Il-manifestazzjoni ta’ kuragg, 2009, when Joseph and his henchmen (oh, and lil din too) bravely led the starving masses down Republic Street to show courage in the face of adversity.
This was on the 90th anniversary of Armistice Day. Joseph Muscat, leader of the opposition, wasn’t present that morning because, you know, all those soldiers are dead so who cares about them, anyway?
It wouldn’t be the first time Labour have gone after the dead vote.
It’s a manifestation of the national Socialists.
ciccio, I think that is the real problem. The “movement” has all the signs of National Socialism.
If what Joe Mizzi says is true, a man of the state, because that is what RCC is, notwithstanding personal opinions, was left to his own devices following an assassination attempt.
When any citizen feels their life is at risk, all hell breaks loose if the state doesn’t care. In this case, the state gave a signal where it stands with the individual as a person.
Jeffrey can say whatever he likes, he doesn’t even have a clue what a Nationalist is.
What’s happening to Toni Abela? Did Joseph Muscat put him on the back burner?
We only get to hear about him when the magistrate orders him out of the court room.
You must be really desperate.
[Daphne – You’re right. You have no idea what it feels like to contend with the idea that Karmenu Vella and Leo Brincat, who blighted my teens are 20s, are gearing up to blight my late 40s. How can this be possible in the real world?]
Martin, ask yourself this question: how much would your property and business be worth had the past Labour governments (led by Mintoff, KMB and Alfred Sant) been anywhere near as sane as the Nationalist ones led by Borg Olivier, Fenech Adami and Gonzi?
Try to keep that figure in mind whenever you’re tempted to promote Joey’s government-in-waiting. I sure do, despite the temptation to see some characters get a well deserved come-uppance.
To say nothing of seeing the comeback on the Neo Mintoffian Labour Party Media of faces and surnames associated with the hnizrijiet of the 70s and 80s So much for expecting some peace and tranquillity in my old age.
The anticipation of seeing a sea of red torca flags engulfing the main roads of our towns and villages for a couple of days and nights to the infernal sounds from the victorious Labour denizens of the (in)famous Labour anthems is more then what my nerves and health can take at present.
I wish you’d warned your readers to turn down the volume on their speakers. I nearly fell off my kitchen stool when Mary Spiteri’s dulcet tones flooded the morning air.
zoom in the video:
His eyes is not looking to the camera nor the interviewer.
If you watch carefully his glasses have a reflection i suspect it is the teleprompter
Labour has a new generation with dreadfully inaccurate foresight. This was in 2009, when the world’s financial system had already begun unravelling:
Muscat is particularly bad. He started off comparing himself to Zapatero, but Zapatero ruined Spain and his party got crushed at the last elections.
He went on to try and take credit for Iceland economic boom. Soon after, it turne sour with the country suffering a huge economic crisis as a direct result of its banking activity. The action Muscat tried to take credit for ended up with the UK and Netherlands needing to spend £6 billion to Icelandic bank customers.
He called himself youthful – then became bald and fat.
Not a great trek rekort.
I feel ill.
I too feel ill at the prospect of Labour coming to power again.
I can`t shake off the the trauma of the awful seventies and early eighties, especially as I lived in Valletta in those years and this truly horrid anthem rakes up all the bad memories of the past under a Labour Government – We bore the brunt of weekly demonstrations when teeming masses of rabid Labourites used to swarm all over the place – round the Triton fountain, past City Gate into Pjazza Helsien, atop the ruined Theatre, down Republic Street and spilling out onto St. George`s Square.
What a giant step backwards in time that will be if the Labourites are elected to power again – especially as it hasn`t been reformed one single bit. It`s still the same, old retrograde party with the same old mentality and mindset. Veru tal- biki.
Let. all of us start getting used to the idea of re-living the horrors of the seventies and eighties in the hope that it will not last for more then 20 months.
Where in the world are people so deprived of information that a middle-aged blogger reliving a skewed past, posting one inanity after the other in a quantity-over-quality vein, gets glorified as a major opinion-maker and hailed as the ultimate love-her-or-hate-her icon?
Ahleb, Guz! These children DO make up the nation – a pod nation with two identical peas.
[Daphne – Well, Mr Sharon Ellul Bonici, you’re in a Brussels suburb, not Malta, and still you’re glued to this website and apparently fixated on this middle-aged blogger and have been for some years now.]
Amazing, isn’t it, Kev? Here you are pushing up the numbers – when you aren’t lurking unseen doing the same thing – and thinking you’re an A1 original.
When were you last in a pod with Jeffrey and Franco?
Skewed past? This is the future government you’re looking at, one with a colourful past.
Can you swear – hand on heart – that you have never voted Labour?
Thought so.
It’s people like you who are to blame for what you see here.
It was a screwed up past.
Life in Malta under a Labour government was oppressive – it was a unique mixture of a climate of fear , intimidation, beatings at demonstrations, scarcities and drabness similar to life behind the Iron Curtain together with endless and ferocious political diatribes comparable to Gaddafi`s ranting and raving in his last days ( Debono Grech`s and other labourite parliamentarians` role model being Duminku Mintoff).
And to think that Joseph Muscat, unlike Alfred Sant, is an unrepentant Mintoffian and is adamant in bringing on board the old guard. His only superficial cosmetic change is in the colour of his ties and shirts – and even that is for now only.
Life under a Labour Government doesn`t even begin to compare with the civilised way of life we have long grown used to under a PN government.
The police force remains unchanged it seems, they still behave like they did under Labour.
Oooh, aren’t we touchy when the veil of nonchalance falls off.
I come here because it’s the best on the island, remember? Which makes it all the more tragicomic, of course.
The fixation you see, however, is a bye-product of your egocentric existence. But who’s perfect, Daphne?
[Daphne – By-product, Kevin, not bye-product.]
Hey Kevvy! You’re beginning to sound like that little twerp, Eddie Privitera. You two corresponding now? Possibly working on a new conspiracy theory?
The dishes await.
And I want to be finance minister, if I can get past Joseph’s other favourites.
That’s quite a document. What was it dear Dom was screaming?
It’s so true to form when they say ‘dak il-passat’.
Those who complain about l-gholi tal-hajja have something new to complain about.
Due to recent power cuts they suffer as they can’t switch on their air conditioners and they have to throw out the contents of their full to the brim freezer.
In this morning’s ”Sibt il punt” on One radio, this blog and its owner were mentioned gratuitously quite a number of times.
Anyone here followed the program?
It is funny really on just how many grown-up men quake in their booties at the thought of the lady and her blog.
[Daphne – They don’t quake. They’re just pissed off that it’s the 21st century and they can’t actually burn me at the stake or embark on a little spot of witch-ducking.]
Mary Mifsud has re surfaced on’s comments board.
What on earth are “haddemin,” a word used in that anthem? Are they pimps?
and two editorials you have to read
Perhaps it would also be a good idea to show JPO crying when he was involved in the Mistra mystry, just to remind one and all what a false person he is. We should have taken a different decision then and not let him stand for elections which we nearly lost thanks to him.
Daphne – what Maltese history books would you suggest, covering the Mintoff period and its aftermath? Are there many out there, and are they (somewhat) objective?
I don’t mind learning this history through anecdotes and snippets; it has the kind of small town charm that this island deserves – but I’d also like to support Maltese scholarship.
Just frightening.
For our children’s sake may God spare us from this nightmare.
Matt – I agree with you. However, it is about time that children start growing up with the right priorities in life and hopefully will be able to fight their own battles.
Children/young people are over-pampered in Malta both by their parents and the government, making things so very easy for them and they are just taking things for granted and also as if the world owes them something.
“Back seat approach” sieqi !
Nistaqsi kif JPOS kien mgharraf b’dawn il-“fatti”?F’xi party?
Min infurmah b’dawn il-fatti?Qallu Joseph?
Meta sar jaf b’dawn l-akkuzi?
Kif hu kien lest jemmen lil Karmenu Vella u lil Joe Mizzi kontra siehbu fil-partit.
Li qal Karmenu Vella seta jigi ikkonfermat mil-minuti tal-laqghat tal-Air Malta imma dan sar jaf li m’hemm xejn li jimplika lil RCC allura laqghalna minn qabel u qal gidba ohra bie jghatti l-gidba ta’ qabel.
Nahseb li din l-istorja giet mohmija minn Jeffrey u Joseph, u l-fatt li l-“ufficjal” tal-Labour qal li ISSA se jiehdu “back seat approach” juri li ndunaw li kienu se jinqabdu fit-tahbila li huma qed jippruvaw jimmuntaw kontra l-Partit Nazzjonalista.
Lil min tafu tistaqsix ghalih, Joseph diga inqabad jahmi xi haga ma l-editur tal-RTK u ahna Alla jbierek qisu ma’ gara xejn. Li grat xi haga hekk fl-Ewropa kieku ilu li gie mgieghel jirrizenja u intesa minn kullhadd.
F’din it-tghassida li holqu Joseph u Jeffrey jidher car li kollox kien mahsub u meqjus minn qabel :
Joseph jghid “Qed inkun preciz fi kliemi” u “ghal-lum se nieqaf hawn”(biex ma jinqabadx f’gidba).
Mizzi qed jaqra l-istqarrija tieghu minn fuq xi teleprompter u xorta gie ccensurat minn tas-SUPER ONE. Ried ihawwad meta qalilna li hu dawn l-istqarrijiet qalom kemm il-darba , id-dettal li nesa’ Mizzi jew ried inessijna kien li qalhom taht l-immunita parlamentari li xebghat tigi abbuzata.Kif qal li qal barra l-parlament gie imfittex fil-qorti ghad-danni minn RCC.
U Karmenu il-Gaj waqt l-istqarrija flimkien ma Joseph kellom il-karti quddiemhom lesti bil-battuta tal-papa ukoll.
Storja orkestrata mil-bidu sa l-ahhar; u l-gurnalisti (iktar nghidilhom tfal ) jiktbu bla ma’ jistaqsu mistoqsija niggieza wahda.
Ghalija f’din l-istorja huwa iktar minn ovvju li Jeffrey jrid jaghmel l-ikbar hsara lil partit li jista’ jaghmel. Dan ikkonfermajtu meta mar bil-body guards li riedu jidhlu gol bini fejn kienu qed jidhlu membri tal-ezekuttiv biss, l-incident Ciangura holqu apposta biex Jeffrey jghidilna li l-PN ghandhom is-servizz tas-sigurta ipprovdut b’xejn.
Ciangura u nies ohra jithallew jidhlu meta jkunu xoghol u meta ma’ jkunx hemm bzonn ta’ sigurta stretta. Li ivvutajt lin-Nazzjonalisti daqs is-security officer ta’ quddiemek m’ghandux x’jaqsam , l-ghada stajt tidhol! il-bieb miftuh ikun dejjem
Be afraid…. be very afraid.
Naqra ta’ video bellezza. Dawn in-nies ghad iridu jgibu dan il-pajjiz fallut fuq saqajh bhal ma ghamlu fis-’71, ’96 u ser jerga jaghmlu issa.
Insejt is-snin 1976 u 1981.
Has-Serh? Developers worried because of more development? What is this woman on?
The best part of it is that she claims the greatest worry most of us have is our eroding neutrality.
I’m glad The Sunday Times carried this – it just reminds us what a bunch of nut-jobs Labour has on its ticket.
I tried to follow her line of thought, then I realised we had run out of LSD.
Someone tell me where the traffic island is.
F^cking unbelievable how she wrote that. Really progressive and moderate.
This is another video to watch, for certain people (you-know-who) to understand the system:
This morning, Labour and Alternattiva woke up calling for the government to resign and call an election.
Is it possible that they don’t recognise a much simpler solution and ask JPOS, Debono and Mugliett to resign their seats?
They are the ones who are not comfortable with the present PN government.
They should make way for other worthy representatives who obtained their votes on a PN platform just like the three rebels did.
She meant the carpark opposite my flat.
According to Maltatoday, quoting JPO and Dr Franco Debono, “PRESIDENT JUSTIFIED IN ASKING IF GONZI HAS A MAJORITY”.
To the best of my knowledge the President of the Republic has not asked Gonzi that question.
He is somewhere in Peru doing good humanitarian work, playing it cool and emulating Sir Francis Drake calmly finishing his game of bowls when notified about the approach of the Spanish Armada.
I am not sure whether the President can even ask that question.
To my knowledge, it is up to the Prime Minister to inform the President if the government fails to obtain a majority when a money Bill is voted on and on his advice, the President will then dissolve Parliament and issue a writ for fresh elections.
This is quite interesting, too.
Do you have the guts to post it?
[Daphne – Guts? I don’t think that Ernest Tonna could have been more polite or civilised, really. As for Jeffrey – what a pr**k. Miskin, really.]
Look at Jeffrey watching behind the glass.
Martin, men who feel they need bodyguards in Malta are, at best, cryptorchid.
Speaking as a member of the male species I am embarrassed to admit that Daphne has the most formidable pair of balls (metaphorically) in the entire Republic.
Now look at these
Sweet eh? Especially the melanchonic newsreader in the first video who blames the journalist of incitement simply for being there.
Just don’t go there Martin.
Martin, people without bodyguards have more guts than you think.
So Hollande, one of Dr. Muscat’s idols, is now saying the restructuring plan for PSA (makers of Peugeot & Citroen) is unacceptable.
This shows you the Socialists never change, trying to meddle in a private company’s affairs.
Moreover, Hollande is accusing the PSA management of leaving the bad news for after his coming to power to make him look bad. This is akin to Dr Muscat accusing the OPEC members that they left the oil price hike after he came to power (God help us) thus it is their fault that he couldn’t keep the fantasy promise of lowering utility bills regardless of oil price.
Martin, imagine this scenario.
JPO is a Labour MP and did what he did to the party.
Now do you honestly think that he would have gone to the Labour HQ at all, even with two bodyguards? They would have lynched him.
Ernest Tonna was very calm and polite, and he controlled the situation well.
Just lovely. Gawdi poplu Malti.
On ONE news this evening , it was reported that Franco Debono said categorically that he will not be voting with the government on the next budget bill.
Is there any truth in it?
Daphne, could anyone update us to what happened with the incident of the Labour Birkirkara local councillor who attacked that elderly woman?
It seems everyone went silent about it and the LP never even condemned such an action!
I might be wrong, but guess if one does not condemn such actions by its own members, by simple elimination they are in favour.
Jaqq. Makes me sick.
A repetitive and uninspired bass line. Bah.
F’dan il-kaz il-passat huwa il-garanzija tal-futur.
I feel physically sick.
Bhas-soltu meta jaraw dawn il-hnizriijet ma jikkummentawx u jmorru jinhbew f’xi toqba bhal grieden. VERU, MARTIN?
Heaven spare us