What a way to put Malta off coalitions for life
The last four years have been the rocky road to hell for the government and, ultimately, for the country. And all this because of the personal difficulties of three members of parliament, egged on, aided and abetted by others.
We have had, effectively if not in name, four years of coalition government, and now we are about to have the proper thing, with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando right where he wants to be, calling the shots and pretending to himself that he is doing the right thing.
Before the last general election, there was plenty of talk from AD activists and promoters who tried to sell the idea of a coalition government (again – they first tried it in 2003), saying that it would be brilliant if we had a government made up of MLPAD or PNAD, with AD holding the single-seat balance of power.
I thought that a nightmarish scenario and fortunately, so did most. The experience of the last four years have shown just what sort of hell this is. We really don’t need any of that kind of stress – what’s the point? Those who revel at the thought of having a varied parliament with plenty of parties should ask themselves now whether they really can take any more of this sort of thing for any longer.
Has it been fun? No. Has it been good for the country? No. The only thing that could have been worse than this is a Labour government.
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So does all this make JPOS our very own Nick Clegg?
“Has it been fun? No. Has it been good for the country? No. ”
Has it been fun and good for Joseph Muscat? YES.
Qed ninkwieta ghal Franco …. ghax JPO hadlu is-siggu fin-nofs
Tagghilx, ta’ Franco ghada gejja.Ma hsibtx li se joqghod kwiet hux?
“I thought that a nightmarish scenario and fortunately, so did most. The experience of the last four years have shown just what sort of hell this is.”
I’m sorry, but you’re off the mark. The problems of the last four years have been due to internal power struggles within the party. An AD MP cannot act like a primadonna to thwart Herman Schiavone’s candidature or for some other nonsense reason like what we’ve seen. Ma noqogħdux inbeżżgħu bil-babaw.
Of course not, it’s just that the new chairman thinks legal contracts should be rescinded and to hell with those foolish enough to invest their money in bonds.
Arnold got my vote, one of more than 20,000 if I’m not mistaken and packs off to Italy. Sweet.
And Henry is, ah yes, working away with the one who would sell us a con called CCS.
I would pack off to Italy too after wasting enough time trying to get elected in Malta and not succeeding.
it’s been like a four-year-long dirty election campaign. I’m fed up to the back teeth, for one.
The only good thing that will come of a PL government is an end to all of that, hopefully. ‘The people’ need another ’96-’98 lesson, but that’s selfish. The big picture will be a disaster.
Joey says “the people didn’t vote for a coalition”.
Duh! The people never vote for coalitions.
And yet he won’t call a vote of no confidence.
JPOS should have resigned his parliamentary seat and kept what was left of his honour and not carry on with this farce.
No wonder AD are so keen on the PM calling an election as soon as possible. The last thing they want before the election is for us to get a taste of coalition government.
What a well fitting article after this evening’s event. At least something good has come out of this madness. Cassola u Brigulio should pack it in for good.
Don’t mistake cohabitation for a coalition.
What JPO wants is the former.
This government should continue to compromise its way as far as possible and continue to gear up for an election that should hopefully secure an unprecedented fourth win in a row. The consequences of having Malta run by a Super One reporter and his police inspector sidekick are too terrible to contemplate.
Both parties, but mostly PL, are coalitions of ondividuals in themselves.
Imagine the diverse ideologies of Evarist Bartolo, Joseph Sammut, Owen Bonnici, Justyne Caruana, Yana Mintoff Bland, Cyrus Engerer and so on.
That party will implode. The question is when. The scary thing that it will happen when they are in government.
For that reason alone, I prefer a clear PN-AD coalition, or a lone AD MP in opposition than having the Partit Bla Isem in government.