When most people go to the beach, they like to swim and sunbathe

Published: July 21, 2012 at 9:23pm

Cyrus Engerer on Facebook:

Went down for an hour at Exiles in Sliema and 7 people asked me to become Partit Laburista members: 5 former PN voters and 2 first-time voters. Way to go!

38 Comments Comment

  1. GiovDeMartino says:

    May I become a Partit Laburista member, please, Cyrus?

  2. Anthony Briffa says:

    He can do well in missions. What a waste.

  3. Fido says:

    Oh how cute!

  4. Daniela says:

    Actually that shows how hard he works. He was the top person in the previous council who always remained in touch with us residents and he still is. Pity he’s not contesting general elections.

    My vote will go to Robert Arrigo who also worked hard in our council.

  5. Il-Kajboj says:

    Matthew 14:17-18

    “We have here only five loaves and two fish”. And He said, “Bring them here to Me.”

  6. edgar says:

    Nahseb li iffanzjawh.

  7. Simon says:

    Cyrus, next time you go to Exiles please tell me as I have some boat party tickets I’d like you to sell to the masses while you are spreading your New Labour gospel.

  8. Neil Dent says:

    Lying idiot. How stupidly, obviously false. Less than zero credibility, and advertising the fact on Facebook. Idiot.

  9. anthony says:

    I am devastated.

    I too was down at Exiles but I missed you Cyrus dear.

    My unlucky day.

  10. The Beach Boys says:

    Cyrus, did you call the paramedics? Seems like those seven persons were suffering from sunstroke.

  11. David S says:

    Mur emmnu, pulicinell ta’ dik il- kwalita.

    Was he on the list of Dalli’s suspects, with his track record?

  12. Phili B. says:

    Mhux hekk tghid? In which part of Exiles exactly was he? Ghal li jista jkun.. ma kienux ghadhom hergin minn xi bar hemmek, riha ta smoke, hux?

  13. Kevin Zammit says:

    Wpw, they even gave me their naked photos so I can email them out to their friends, family and colleagues if they do not keep their word and subscribe.

  14. TinaB says:

    Oh, so these five former PN voters and two first-time voters chose to wait until they met Cyrus at Exiles to become Partit Laburista members, God bless.

    That is SO sweet.

  15. Joe Portelli says:

    Did they give him their photos in the nude to fix on the PL “tessera”?

    [Daphne – Probably not, but who’s to say he didn’t steal some?]

  16. Peter F says:

    Camus’ “L’Etranger” comes to mind. The heat must have really affected Cyrus’s brain cell (intentional singular) very badly.

  17. Andi Zrara says:

    Is he telling them all that unless they get rid of Richard Cachia Caruana they won’t win the next election like he’s been telling his new pals at PL?

  18. Antoniette says:

    Yes, way to go…..to the dogs.

  19. P.Zammit says:

    They must have liked his bathing suit.

  20. WhoamI? says:

    Dan Cyrus ukoll. Jaqalu ghal Joseph.

  21. Anthony Farrugia says:

    There is absolutely nothing ”cute” in this post!

    We should be ashamed of ourselves if we are actually managing to lose ‘exiles’ voters to the PL!

    [Daphne – Yawn. I trust you don’t see that it’s the individuals themselves who should be ashamed of their embarrassing choice. Ask youself why nobody actually admits to voting Labour. It’s not that they’re afraid of the comeback. They’re just embarrassed.]

    • Lomax says:

      Anthony, you’re assuming this is true.

      What is the first thing that comes to mind when one is at Exiles or anywhere within an inch from the sea?

      Surely, subscribing to a political party. Come on.

      It’s the equivalent of a teenage girl boasting on Facebook on how many males chatted her up – when in actual fact nobody would have chatted her up.

  22. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The event was called Bikini Bottoms and it was chock-a-block with the young and the beautiful and the well-connected. If most of them are voting Labour, then god help us.

  23. N.L. says:

    Alla jbierek, kemm hu attrejenti l-wonder boy.

  24. spa says:

    Maybe they were high, drunk or pulling his leg (or something else).

  25. Stacey says:

    Is Franco Debono still his lawyer?

    “It was in fact the nature of the charges that lawyer Franco Debono said justified the case being heard in camera.”


  26. polly bonello says:

    Daphne, try to get hold of Palestrina’s ‘Stabat Mater’, play it during the day; at night play Goldberg.s Variations: its good for people who are fucked up big time!

    [Daphne – I prefer Enya. That seems to be even better.]

  27. Silverbug says:

    Jekk raw lilek bhala xempju, Cyrus,dear, ajar mal PL. M’ghandniex x’nambu imbarazz.

  28. Aunt Hetty says:

    Pretty desperate and pathetic if you ask me.

  29. Nicholas Ellul says:

    All this shows that the PN has got rid of people like Cirus Engerer who is simply good for one thing and that is creating stories to put him in the limelight,trying to copy his good friend JPO.The PN has no place for these guys.

  30. Fidelio says:

    Daphne, in your zest to ridicule what you considered to be a rising star in the NP a few months ago, you failed to take into account the liberal beliefs of most (young) Nationalist voters in this part of the island.

    [Daphne – I think you must forget that I have extended access to a mass of those, not least through having raised three of them myself. I know exactly what I am talking about in this regard. The fact that people in that age group have certain views (which are, incidentally, no different to my own at twice their age) does not translate into liking or admiration for Cyrus Engerer. That’s a non sequitur. In fact, when I once – more than few months ago, I assure you – wrote about how good Cyrus was on television and that he has a future, it was precisely people in that age group who told me ‘What were you THINKING?’]

    I have only known Cyrus for a couple of years but I can say that I am truly impressed at what this individual has achieved for a minuscule segment of society.

    [Daphne – I don’t know about you, Fidelio, but I don’t think I would set much store by the character and reliability of somebody who vengefully emails sex photographs of his ex lover to that ex lover’s colleagues, family and friends, after having misappropriated them. I would say this is a very bad sign. It is not a one-off impulse thing, like losing your temper in a row, is it.]

    Although I do not belong to this segment I fully support their cause.

    [Daphne – The polls show that most of them support the Nationalist Party, not Cyrus Engerer or Labour. There’s interesting research to be done there, but I can’t see anyone doing it right now. Why don’t they like an overweight and balding schmuck who speaks without conviction and tells them that he’s young like them? I wonder.]

    It is high time that politicians understand that the general Maltese pubic has matured to the extent that, what was considered to be almost taboo a decade ago, is now generally accepted by most young adults.

    The way the Nationalist Party handled the divorce issue was a complete fiasco and it is my opinion that the mess we find ourselves in today is a direct result of that shortsightedness.

    [Daphne – I agree with you that it was handled absolutely disastrously, but I don’t agree that the current situation is the result of that. At all.]

    The people want change in many spheres of society and are primed for it. It is now up to the politicians to show faith in the electorate. Failure to do so will condemn those politicians to the opposition benches come next election.

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