A freeloader until the end

Published: August 21, 2012 at 3:46pm

A terror scene from the past, involving the present in the form of Karmenu Vella. Nationalist politicians should consider refreshing themselves with a couple of pictures before they start banging on about Mintoff.

A state funeral, eh?

Well, it was to be expected: he gave one to George Borg Olivier and the compliment, I suppose, has to be returned.

A miser not just unto death, but beyond. Now he’s even managed to get his funeral paid for by the bloody kaxxa ta’ Malta.

Min jaf kemm se jiehu gost, imdawwar bil-qassisin jaghmlulu l-incens.

You have to hand it to the Libyans. They may have been brutal, but boy, were they honest.

Issa viva l-ipokrezija, bit-tebut fuq il-gun carriage u serbut ta’ official mourners, b’hafna nies isterici b’ritratti tieghu, qishom xi haga minn ta’ wara l-muntanji jew minn xi rahal fir-Russja.

Damn shame he won’t be watching from down below. He’d be torn between satisfaction at getting all that for free and the overwhelming urge to hit everyone and yell abuse at them.

Oh, and can we stop it with the eulogies, please? Leave them to the Labour Party. The man was the worst thing to happen to Malta since the Blitz in World War II. No Nationalist politician or former politician need bother pretending otherwise just because he’s flat-lined at last.

Give the mealy-mouthed falsity a rest.

176 Comments Comment

  1. Mario says:

    Well said Daphne. Iexpected better from Fenech Adami and Tonio Borg too. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Will there be a lying in state?

    [Daphne – Yes, but he’ll be protected with a sheet of plastic and there’ll be guards there, so don’t get any ideas.]

    • Dee says:

      Maybe Baxxter plans to steal the wish bone as a keep sake to use as a miracle cure when Dom is declared Santo Subito.

    • kev says:

      Your pun got lost in the Nosepad maze, Baxxter. As a former proud hamallu you should know flat-earthers don’t do irony.

      By the way, have you read The Tripoli Post on Mintoff? You’d think Muammar still rules. The anti-Western tone remains intact. Nothing changed.

      But wait. Muammar who?

      See how the Western-installed, islamist anti-democratic leadership causes its press to stalinise the past: http://www.tripolipost.com/articledetail.asp?c=1&i=9063

    • Angus Black says:

      A useless exercise, I say since he lied to his own all his life. But then what’s a few hours more?

  3. Aunt Hetty says:

    There is actually a crucifix on the old heretic’s box.
    Whose idea of a black joke was that?

    • Sarah says:

      Following the timesofmalta.com link – what about the grand house he owns in Tarxien. Is it in line with his famous social welfare policy?

      Ghax ma marx joqghod fil-kerrejja?

      And his other assets, who knows whether any funds from the kaxxa ta Malta made their way to his pocket.

      He’s always hammering about the ‘haddiem Malti’. I wonder how many ‘haddiema Maltin’ in his times owned similar properties, if not by way of ‘hbieb tal-hbieb’.

      • Elizabeth Jones says:

        That is what all the politicians do so we must blame all of them then. But I think we should at least respect dead people

  4. ciccio says:

    Daphne, can I please launch two appeals?

    1. to everyone, to stop posting insults. You’re blokking this blokk.

    2. to me self, and the others like me, who have opened 10 windows of DCG’s blokk so that at least one of them works – you are blokking this blokk too.

    Jeez, I never knew the rabid Mintoffjani were such great followers of this blokk.
    And isn’t it worrying to note how the Mintoffjanizmu has reached the internet generation?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Live according to LOVE, ciccio, not HATRED. The power of LOVE, a force from ABOVE. Karma to you brother.

      • L.Gatt says:

        A comment on timesofmalta.com compared Mintoff to – wait for it – Gandhi “Malta’s Ghandhi”! This comparison does not take the “cake” but the whole bloody confectionary.

    • Daniel Camilleri says:

      This site is “blokked” ghax is-server tas-site hu tal-qamel u tghidx x’jibghatu pings of death biex iwaqqaw is-site.
      U dan ma jghidulux blokk imma blog. Jigifieri jekk tahseb li thalt fl-Intenet Generation ghandek zball – blokka!

    • Grezz says:

      The irony is that, had that ruddy bastard had his way, Malta would have been ketpt eons behind the civilised world, even when it came to information technology.

      Remember how it was even virtually impossible to own even a pesis ZX 81 for home use without filling in reams of forms?

      • Interested Bystander says:

        I think he had a point.

        I made a fortune out of IT and destroyed hundreds of jobs along the way.

      • Pg says:

        If my memory doesn’t lay tricks on me , Mintoff never in his lifetime said that he was against the catholic religion although he believed that everybody believe what he wants. But the battle was against Sir Michael Gonzi who was a spy to the british empire and to make a distinction between state and church, Last but not least , we are not going to be propagate by you who’s you intention is to upset those people who are in mourning

    • Sarah says:

      Ciccio, thank your lucky stars that you are now using internet freely an all the other modern IT technologies that today have become part of our lives.

      Albeit, our country has seen these developments 30 years later than other civilised progressive countries, thanks to Mintoff who has kept us in a dark limbo during all the years of his ‘reign’ when he mocked all technological advancement, mocked other democratic countries for allowing freedom of speech, and kept us on analogue telephony till the late 80s – you could lift the receiver and hear your neighbour talking on the phone!! Stone age in the1980s!! That’s how MIntoff kept us living….

      Thanks to Eddie Fenech Adami that we were taken out of that black hole – how come nobody is mentioning this!!! Mintoff loved his country so much that he wanted to keep us all like pawns in a chess game, blinkered like horses, all to himself, all thinking that he is the only way, the only one for us. No wonder he loved Malta – he wouldn’t let the Maltese (or rather those who followed him) think of anything else.

      • M. says:

        Yes, thanks to Eddie, we were dragged out of Mintoff’s black hole. Unfortunately, he lost most of his credit with his eulogy towards Mintoff earlier on today (or was it yesterday – I’ve lost track)..

  5. Daniel Camilleri says:

    U mur ‘l hemm ha mahruqa. Jaqaw mhux ser ghamlulek funeral statali. Ghajjura! Le, il-funeral statali ta’ Guido de Marco kien sew, dak zgur hella ta’ flus!
    Ammetti li Mintoff ghamel hafna gid lil pajjiz imma peress li inti daqshekk mahmuga politikament, lanqas trid tammetti. Issa tkun hielsa minghajr li ghamel Mintoff!
    ” The worst thing to happen to Malta since the Blitz in World War II” – Caruana Galizia.

    P.S. Tixtieq ikollok daqshekk coverage minn stazzionijiet barranin wara mewtek bhal Mintoff. Jew nahseb xorta ikollok naqra ghax jghidu li sa fl-ahhar hlisna minn dik il-purcinella.

    • Wormfood says:

      ‘ Tixtieq ikollok daqshekk coverage minn stazzionijiet barranin wara mewtek bhal Mintoff. Jew nahseb xorta ikollok naqra ghax jghidu li sa fl-ahhar hlisna minn dik il-purcinella.’

      Anki l-ħabib kbir ta’ Mintoff, Kim Jong Il, kellu funeral statali mxandar mad-dinja kollha, ma’ kienx irrispettat lanqas ja njurant. Kieku ma’ kienux nagħaġ ta’ dan il-gvern kienu jixħtu il-katavru il-Magħtab.

    • jeremy says:

      well done daniel!!! daphne what goes around comes around jekk bnidem jkun ghadu tieghek ukoll fil mewt ma ghandek tghid xejn ahseb wara mintoff kien eroj tana il bonus children allowance sick u leave airport tarzna u xoghol li il-pn ghamlu bil kontra tarzna maghluqa zieda fuel gas hajja licenzji u xoghol m hawx + li dahluna fl ewro kelna lira taghna ….

    • La Redoute says:

      Anke l-habib ta’ Mintoff, Gaddafi, tawh coverage mad-dinja kollha.

      Ar’hemm, hej.

  6. Lomax says:

    Kudos to that.

  7. GALLETTU says:

    The great leader went to meet other great leaders who were his friends. And I don’t mean Winston Churchill.

    • Anthony says:

      Winston Churchill would be unfazed meeting Mintoff. I am sure.

      He would refer to him in the same words he directed towards Stanley Baldwin.

      “It would have been better if he had never lived”.

      This he plagiarised from Mark and also Matthew referring to Judas the ‘traditur’ par excellence.

      • joe says:

        @ Anthony
        I agree with you, For the English I would have been better for them if Mintoff never lived. He kicked them out of the island and gave it back to us Maltese.You might hate him for other things but you have to admit that he was the prime mover to kick the british forces from our Island.

  8. Grezz says:

    I agree with you entirely. The irony is that The Times is one of the “offenders”, giving Mintoff so much post-humous coverage, when he (albeit indirectly) had it burned down, ransacked, etc. Mabel Strickland must be rolling in her grave, poor woman.

    As for him siphoning off money minn fuq dar il-poplu past his end, I wonder how his adoring fans feel at having to fork out towards the cost of his funeral. I, for one, begrudge every cent spent on the bastard.

  9. lol says:

    Daphne … SHUT THE FUCK UP !! all the crap coming out of your mouth is disgusting the whole nation. For God’s sake stop all this hate towards this man and move on. Till yesterday I didnt give a flying f*ck to whom you were but today i can say that you a spiteful woman!! You are a disgrace! a walking failure ! … stfu and yes mintoff will have his deserved state funeral, a one which he deserves !! … not like you which on the other hand if you die no on will probably give a damn !!!!!

    • Backwards country says:

      @ lol

      please don’t speak on behalf of the Maltese nation as you are the epitome of an uneducated human being. Fuck is not a language or sentence enhancer; it just shows how small your vocabulary is.

      It is sad really that I, a decent Maltese citizen has the same voting right as a vulgar uneducated pleb.

      Honestly, and I mean this with all my heart, please go back to school and learn some new words.

      If any of these words caused you some distress please refer to a lovely book called the Oxford Dictionary which will help you. If you do not own one I will gladly purchase one for you only if you promise to read it.

      • J Caruana says:

        Listen, your great hero Daphne just used the same word, so please get off your way to high horse

      • Mary says:

        With all ur lecturing about how lol should get educated, I would have thought that the least you would have owned an Oxford dictionary And not have to purchase one!!

        And when u say a decent Maltese citizens that’s what you think!!!

    • Monte bello says:

      Evidently, Daphne is NOT disgusting the whole nation – she’s merely voicing her opinion, and mine, and that of thousands whose youth was stolen.

      The Times online evidently feels obliged to omit negative comments about Mintoff so that it reads like a litany of praise. Over here you get both sides of the picture.

      Mintoff very clearly ripped Malta in half and, evidently from reading this blog, the affects and consequences of his reign are still being felt.

      Furthermore, nobody is forced to log on to this blog. Yet, here u and your ilk are …. and I suspect, you had to wait to get through to.

      • yor/malta says:

        Like her or hate her Daphne calls a spade a spade without worrying about toes trodden on. When Dom, bless his soul, toppled A Sants government more than a few Mintoffjani and Laburisti were furious in their comments about him.

        Has their tune changed?

    • Wormfood says:

      ‘disgusting the whole nation’

      Hardly cupcake, half the nation is breathing a sigh of relief, it is simply not as vulgar and loud mouthed as the chav part of it.

      ‘i can say that you a spiteful woman!! You are a disgrace! a walking failure ! ‘

      How could she possibly live this down.

      • Mary says:

        Of course half of the nation is breathing a sigh of relife because that half of the nation( who support this low life) are closed minded idiots that choose to remain blind and not learn and except the truth that with all his defects Mintoff did a lot of good!!

        But u all choose to remain in ur own little fantasy where you believe he was a monster.

      • Wormfood says:

        ‘But u all choose to remain in ur own little fantasy where you believe he was a monster.’

        Oh the irony.. It’s not a metal by the way.

    • La Redoute says:


      You are not obliged to visit this site and everyone is free to say what they wish about Mintoff. Face the fact: your hero was a miserable, rotten bastard who made life hell for most and sent many to an early grave.

      May he rot in hell.

    • M. says:

      lol – Charming to the hilt, and typical Labour.

    • Rigor Mortis says:

      The whole country is ROTFL-ing at the idea of the great unbeliever and sworn enemy of the church , il-Perit tan-nazzjon being lumbered around in a plain wooden box with a crucifix on it and will be attending high mass at St Johns. .Bets are being made as to wether the box will levitate or shake when the water sprinking is performed,

      • ciccio says:

        I just hope that no one is taking any bets that the water sprinkling will resurrect him…

    • TinaB says:

      Who told you that he doesn’t own one, Mary, dear.

      Backwards country is offerring to purchase one for lol – he/she never said that he/she doesn’t own an Oxford dictionary.

      Tsk tsk tsk.

  10. jesmond says:

    Tghid hux se naghmlu lilek l-istate funeral ja hadra min dawk il-kbar lilek l-ahjar neziljawk ax bniedma tal-misthija u ma nafx kif ma tisthix tidher barra u turi ic-certifikat ta l-universita ghax vera bniedma pulita u educat l-edukazjoni min widnejk hierga

    • IMHO says:

      li int ghandek kull dritt tammira lil Mintoff u tixghelhu x-xemat ma jfissirx li kulhadd obbligat jaghmel l-istess. Hawn min mhuhiex ghami u ffissat u ghandu mitt elf ragun jghid li Mintoff kien poxt u haxxej, ghax ma kien xejn akta minn hekk, tghid x’tghid int u l-ammiratura l-ohra kollha tieghu.

  11. DaphneIl-kerhaGalizia says:

    Ara vera bniedma mahruqa u gagbina ta. Tixtieq id-deni lil haddiehor, nirrah tifga fil-hdura l-ghandek a purcinella, mur inkedd mat-tfal tieghek talli Mintoff dejjem kien kapaci u int ma kont kapaci ghalxejn.

    • Grezz says:

      @Daphnell kerhaGalizia:

      Nahseb li ghandek xi rota nieqsa, ta’, jahasra. L-ewwel tghid li Daphne mahruqa u gakbina, li tixtieq id-deni lill-haddiehor, imbaghad tghajjara int, u tghidilha li int tirraha tifga, ecc, ecc.

      U, bilhaqq, Mintoff kien kapaci, iva, imma kapaci jiehu l-affarijiet li jkun hadem ghalihom haddiehor, jew, bhalma jghid il-Malti, iboss b’sorm haddiehor.

      Issa mur ifga fil-hdura u mibgheda li ghandek migbura int,.

      • Chris says:

        @Grezz:Kemm thobba lil Galizia….jaqaw ? Ara ma tmurx tolqtok b xi platt…issa veru kera ta biex thobba !

      • Mary says:

        Nahseb iktar dal gvern iboss b’sorm hadd iehor ax grazzi ghal Mintoff sab lil Malta sinjura u malajr meligha tilja dejn u tilef dak kollu li kien taghna!

        Imma la sar taht Dan il- govern korrot incapcpulu u nighdulu bravu!!!!

    • IMHO says:

      Sentimenti tipikament Mintoffjani – hdura, ghira u viljakkerija. Il-vera taghmlulu riklam sabih, dak il-poxt mejjet.

  12. Pecksniff says:


    Quick off the mark, the Mintoff siblings out to make a quick buck.

  13. Pecksniff says:


    Quick off the mark, the Mintoff siblings out to make a quick buck.

    • Jozef says:

      How’s that for bad taste? I bet the Mintoffjani doing their rounds here, that Yana celebrated so much more.

      Is it legally possible to know what his estate is?
      I say, given how we’re all his orphans, that we deserve to know.

      • ciccio says:

        Good point, Jozef. But as his orphans, we are not only entitled to know about the size of his estate. We are also entitled to share in it.
        I volunteer to prepare his “denunzja tas-successjoni.”

      • Beccuna says:

        if we are his orphans we deserve more: we should be entitled to part of his estate.

      • Pecksniff says:

        During the glorious Mintoff years between 1971 and 1987, a representative of Orion Bank, a private bank in London, used to come to Malta regularly to do the rounds and meet with big-wigs in government and their acolytes to review portfolios and arrange for new investments. And this was when Exchange Control (remember Joe Sammut from Mosta ?) authorisation was required to send an LM10 gift to relatives abroad !

  14. Pecksniff says:


    Quick off the mark, the Mintoff siblings out to make a quick buck !

  15. Lee Zammit says:

    “Just as the former prime minister speaks with total conviction about the evils of gay marriage, so countless other men (and even very many women, oddly enough) spoke against the evils of allowing women to vote in general elections. Allowing women to vote, allowing married women to manage their own property, to have rights over their own children, would upset the natural order of things.

    I once asked an elderly (intelligent and opinionated) relative how she stood for a situation in which she was told that she was not fit to vote because she was a woman.

    “We just accepted it,” she said. “It was the way things were, the way they had always been. We took it for granted.” There you have it: the natural order of things. They took it for granted.

    ….Now, just two decades later, we look back and wonder how in heaven’s name we thought such a situation acceptable or tolerable. It seems horrific, something out of the dark ages, but it was still like that in the early 1990s and people took it for granted as the natural order of things.”

    This is what you once wrote…… DO YOU KNOW WHO GAVE WOMEN THE RIGHT TO VOTE?

    • Min Jaf says:

      @ Lee Zammit
      The British Colonial Government in the lead up to the 1947 general election by means of which Malta attained self-government. Certainly not Duminku Mintoff.

      • RJC says:

        I lost my voice shouting this out today ‘Min Jaf’! Thanks for saving me from doing it again. If anyone, it’s Boffa who might take some credit for it.

      • IMHO says:

        Oh, dear. Now you’ve gone and shattered Lee Zammit’s illusions. So let me shatter another few: Mintoff did NOT introduce universal education, did NOT ‘chase the Brits away’, did NOT put Malta’s economy on its feet, did NOT promote democracy, free speech and universal rights.

    • Historyinthemaking says:

      Did you know that in Dom’s time a married woman working in government service had to quit her job if she had a baby? There was no unpaid leave to enable her to look after her child at least for a year before resuming her duties?


  16. Pecksniff says:

    What’s with the funeral mass at St. John’s with all pomp and circumstance. What a bunch of hypocrites ! Archbishop Gonzi must be doing somersaults !

  17. john decesare says:

    Shame on you Daphne



    • Backwards country says:

      i think your keyboard is broken

      Backwards country( wow signing off makes it look more important)

    • The chemist says:

      Il verita twegga John, ghomodha u tikber, ahrabha u tibqa njurant!

    • Min Jaf says:

      Kien il-gvern mmexxi minn Dr Pawlu Boffa li bead it-Tariq bis-servizzi socialist, u mhux Duminku Mintoff.

      • Tal-Profs says:

        Let his (Paul Boffa) memory rest, till other times are come and other men who then may do him justice.

    • Gahan says:

      Gimgha t’erbghin siegha l-anqas issa m’ghandu kullhadd!
      Ahna tal-linja issa hadniha!

      Jekk twieghedni flixkun ilma kulljum u gieghel lil haddiehor itieghuli anke wara li tmut minghajr ma’ thalli sors tal-ilma minn fejn jimtela,tibqa tghid li tkun tajtuli int? Jekk ma’ jkunx hemm nies jahdmu addio l-beneficci li INTRODUCA il-Labour u TEJBU in-Nazzjonalisti.

      Mintoff ZGUR li ma tak xejn minn tieghu , ghalkemm kellu hafna.

    • IMHO says:

      Only a Mintoffjan could celebrate a scrounge-fest financed by Gaddafi’ and paid for in blood.

    • Johan Dekaiser says:

      Ic children’allowance dahhalhom ghal EWWEL TLITT WILD BISS. Ghal Mintoff, dawk li jitwieldu wara it-tielet wild kienu illegittmi u children’s allowance ma jehdux.
      Tghidlix li din ma kontx tafa.


      • Renovat Kallejja says:

        Kun af li Mintoff dahhalx ic-children’s allowance izda dahhal ic-cindrins endowenz

    • Il-Hajbu says:

      Sur Decesare

      Ghal dawn is-servizzi li semmejt, qieghed inhallas it-taxxi minn buti u l-ebda “salvatur ta’ Malta” ma hu qieghed ihallashom minn butu.

  18. Phili B. says:

    I was never a hypocrite. I still hold Mintoff today just like I have since my teens (70’s). His name haunted me from as long as I can remember. He was there to ruin my secondary and upper secondary and tertiary schooling, my employment opportunities, what I can buy to eat.

    His death will not do anything to change my opinion on the person who strived to ruin my existence.

    Whatever he did or tried to do was for his gain. Power all the way. How can anyone possibly still attribute the fact that he always worked to “free” Malta. Mintoff studied in England. He loved it there, he even married a Brit to make it easier for him to stay there. Integration? His aim was to live in England as Malta’s representative in the House of Commons.

    When that failed, and he’d burned all his boats…my oh my… Surprise… Kick the British out.He pantomimed a campaign to please his gullible supporters. Then it was power through totalitarianism that he aimed for, something he couldn’t acheive had he befriended the western world. Hence his short list of friends were the Soviet Union plus all the countries behind the Iron Curtain, N.Korea,Cuba and of course Libya. Yes, of course he has a place in our history books, but for ruining Malta’s future as mapped out by Borg Olivier, and left us 25 years behind our friendly European neighbours. No amount of eulogies, not even from our leaders, can erase these sentiments. We would all have been better off without him. So yes, it really is good riddance to bad rubbish.

    • Daniel Camilleri says:

      You know what – ahjar ghalik, indanna hemm ma Galizia! Kieku stinkajt kont tmur ahjar f’hajtek.

      • IMHO says:

        U mhux hekk? Peress li Mintoff fetah l-universita’ ghal kulhadd, dahhal strutturi ekonomic biex jghinu l-intrapriza privata, u dahhal il-ligi tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem.

        Nies bhalek dejjem igawdu, Daniel Camilleri, ghax kif jghdu – ignorance is bliss.

      • Pepe` says:

        Kemm int injorant Daniel. Bis-sahha ta’ nies cwiec bhalek il-Labour tilef elezzjoni wahda wara l-ohra.

        Nies bhalna ma nindannaw qatt ghax dejjem mxejna minghajr bzonn ta’ hadd isibilna xi flat f’xi housing estate bhalek. Ghalek Mintoff ma setghax ghalina, ghax ma kellniex bzonnu.

        Mela issa mur indanna int, fil-housing estate mal-mummy, u oqghod ibki it-telfa ta’ dak li tghidulu missierkhom.

        Jahasra, lanqas haqq il-flus li hallassna mit-taxxi biex nippruvaw nedukaw bniedem b’mohh ta’ tigiega bhal m’int int.

  19. Pecksniff says:

    Apologies for triplicate posts.

  20. Maltija '80 go Parigi says:

    You are a waste of space on the beautiful maltese islands.

  21. poor sod says:

    Daphne, you should make an effort and start to contemplate the idea that you might be on the wrong side of history after all. Mintoff will have a state funeral – it’s true!

    • IMHO says:

      Il-fatt li se jkun hemm funeral statali ifisser biss hela ta’ flus. Ma jnehhix il-fatt li Mintoff hexa ‘l Malta u ppoxtja in-niex li jghixu fiha. Ara l-mentalita’ miskina tal-Mintoffjani, per ezempju. Zammkom injoranti ghax hekk kien jaqbillu. Issa mejjet, u ghidilna x’ha mieghu.

  22. Eldarion says:

    Daphne, I’m going to be my usual unbiased self, don’t you have police paid by the state to guard your house? Is that not the same thing? (Correct me if I’m wrong)

    [Daphne – How is it the same thing, exactly?]

    • Eldarion says:

      Technically, you’re getting free protection from the state when you could be paying for your own guards.

      [Daphne – The police provide protection for those who need it, not as a favour to the individuals concerned, but as a favour to themselves, because crimes committed create a greater hassle than posting an officer at somebody’s door. Only drug-dealers pay for their own guards – and Jeffrey, it goes without saying. Of course, what you should really be shocked at is the fact that in a democratic member state of the European Union, a person should need protection because she writes her political views in a blog. But there you go. You’re Labour, so why am I not surprised.]

      • Eldarion says:

        ROFL!!! I’m labour?! Laughable, Daphne. Clearly you don’t know me or my family. I voted for PN candidates last election, it’s thanks to people within the PN who have an attitude like yours that I won’t be voting at all come next election. It’s called being unbiased and not believing in stupid partisan politics. Something your generation will never, ever understand :).

  23. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Ciccio, it just occurred to me that in the commotion, the Maltese Government may overlook those invitations to foreign VIPs. I think someone should inform Charlotte Rampling. Would you take care of it? Let’s have a proper celebrity funeral.

    • ciccio says:

      Ok, I’ll look after the invitation of Charlotte Rampling.

      Will you take care of Vanessa, ahemm, Red-grave?

    • Grezz says:

      Don’t leave out extended family. Or is Wenzu Mintoff’s mother dead?

    • ciccio says:

      What about the hymns and music in the Church service?
      Shall we invite Elton John with “Candle in the Wind,” or shall we ask Renato and Mary Spiteri to interpret “Mitna ta’ xejn”?

  24. JesSY says:

    U ma nafx kif ma jisthux issa biex jipprovaw jidhru tal PL biex jerbhu l voti jew simpatija, intefaw jiehdu dawk il papratta ta fjuri fuq kull monument li aw Malta, minjaf il floraculture comunity x jidku bijom. hah mintx tara kemm huma cheap sa tefaw carnivalata warra l bieb tijaw, Btw dawn listess li irridu jmexxu l Pajiiz for a better future

    Pls Jm&Co Ghandi Monument ta Mintoff fil Bathroom gejjin ?


    • Elizabeth Jones says:

      How cheap of you. Just respect who is dead as you would like others to respect your parents when they die

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Did you see how some men in Bormla are dressed in singlets. How dignified and fitting for the occasion. Typical Mintoffjani.

  25. The chemist says:

    Del Boy would have this to say, ‘Ubbly Jubbly you tight git ‘

    • Katrina says:

      Get your facts right. It’s ‘lovely jubbly’ you plonker! Ara vera ‘Only Fools and horses’.

    • katrina says:

      Ah you didn’t publish my lovely jubbly reply! You choose only to publish the vulgar profanities. You are one sad lonely woman. I pity you in a way, because you have nothing going for you. Bitterness is very ugly my dear, try and work on it maybe you can find inner peace.

      [Daphne – Have some patience, darling. I have a thousand comments queued for upload. Get in line, please.]

  26. Elizabeth Jones says:

    I’m not a mintoffjana and I never was.. But would have never imagined someone capable of speaking this way. I feel sorry for Daphne but she must be so frustrated to emerge all this hatred on her birthday instead of celebrating it with her family. I guess the only explanation is that she’s so sad with her life that she has nothing better to do than spitting hatred on others. What a shame daphne.. You should have celebrating LOVE on your birthday dear!

    • IMHO says:

      I’m not a Mintoffjana and I never was and never will be, but I sure as hell can spot one a mile off. Elizabeth Jones, who do you think you’re fooling apart from yourself?

      • Elizabeth Jones says:

        I am not. I just don’t have ” cattivo gusto “like other people. Only a frustrated and sad person can spit hatred on another person’s dead. A wise person will certainly not do that :)

  27. Rachel Maltija ghax nitkellem bil-Malti (u mhux biss) says:

    Dear Daphne

    Kemm int persuna pastaza u kerha gewwa u barra… speechless

  28. Elizabeth Jones says:

    If it’s good riddance to bad rubbish is GOd’s job to decide not ours!

  29. Claudette says:

    U jiena li kont nahseb kemm inti kont ser tkun finalment ferhana wara din il-gurnata qed ninduna kemm kont zbaljata. Ma tantx domt tkanta Glory Allelujah. Iktar qed tinharaq issa Daphne ghax ser tibqa ossessjonata bil-Perit Mintoff anke wara mewtu.

  30. vision says:

    jien ha nikteb mil linjoranza li andi,jekk qed nejdu li mintoff kien ragel hazin ma jeminx f alla u hafna affarijiet ohra,nisoponni li dawn li qed jiktbu hekk jemmnu hafna f alla,allura jekk alla jejdilna biex ma nigudikawx u nahfru mhux hazin qed jamlu ax mumiex jisimaw mili qal alla li tant jidru li jirispetaw,jew forsi fejn jaqbel lilna npogu l alla quddiem,grazzi u jalla li hadt minna qatt ma amel xejn hazin

  31. *1981* says:

    I just hope you are safe Daphne, these people are beyond nuts , seriously

  32. Peter says:


    How can I send you a post for your consideration?

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  33. Sylvana says:


    • IMHO says:

      Ghandu r-rispett tal-injuranti bhalek, forsi, imma mhux ghax haqqu talli zammkom injuranti tant li ghadkom tfahhruh minkejja li ippoxtjakom u zammkom lura.

    • Not Tonight says:

      Sylvana – int ghandek bzonn titghallem li meta tikteb b’ittri kbar tkun qieghda tghajjat, ghalhekk titqis bhala pastazata.

      Jekk tqallalek l-istonku ghax qieghda hawn? Lili xi wahda bhalek tqazzisli l-istonku. Haqqu rispett?? Meta kien jistma’ lil kulhadd (inkluzi ta’ madwaru) taz-zibel?

  34. Village says:

    Mintoff was a miser but he certainly had substantial savings and investments. Which leads me to suggest that the tax authorities should look into the declaration of assets of this exemplary man and compare them with his tax returns.

    You never know his successors might end up with an ex ufficio tax bill for undeclared income.

  35. Paul Bonnici says:

    Go on Daphne, you are doing an outstanding job, which many fear to do.

    Mintoff deserves more than you are giving him. He was the devil incarnate. He sowed so much political hatred in Malta. He damaged democracy and free speech. He was pure evil. He died, but many other died because of him.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      The rest of us don’t have a policeman stationed outside our house.

      [Daphne – Well, you don’t need one do you. You’re friends with that lot, one of them.]

    • Grezz says:

      Even worse, many others lived a living death because of the bastard.

    • Mary says:

      If you consider Mintoff as pure evil take a look around you and see who is being evil now!!

      With regards to your comment where you said that he damaged freedom of speech, he was the one that gave us freedom of speech! It’s more more now that you can’t express your opinion because you’re be risking loosing your job, just ’cause you express your opinion. And don’t you dare tell me it not true because it happened to people close to me!

      So ye pure evil is now not back then.

    • Random Person says:

      What fucking Bullshit all you obsessed Nationalist haters are throwing about a dead person, who cannot be here to defend himself! And Mintoff certainly did NOT ruin democracy. In fact, he gave it to Malta, and not your bad mouthed god eddie

  36. ken says:

    So he gets a state funeral paid from the kaxxa ta’ Malta and some get personal police protection also from the same kaxxa ta’ Malta!!

  37. Babela says:

    Comment in The Times

    anthony sultana
    Today, 17:40
    Kont nara hafna nies f’Ghawdex jejxu mill karita tal CARE[UN-America] hobs u ilma kwazi biss konna niklu u nixorbu,u xi ftit gobon.Kif lahaq MINTOFF dawn l-istess nies bdew jixorbu l- birra.Nisperaw li JM ikun bhalu jew ahjar minnu, inqas ma naccettawx.

    La jilhaq JM, il-jacuzzi bil-Cristal nibdew nimlewh.

  38. CASSAR says:

    I wonder which edge of hell you will be sent to!! This country would be a better place if you yourself would take a long ride to somewhere where you might find the education you so dearly need. You must be the greatest disappointment your parents ever had and I’m sure that your loved ones suffer greatly, every time you put pen to paper. Your insolence is infinite and your articles and blogs are an insult to journalism. Most of what you write indicates that you are just annoyed that the nationalist party never came near to succeeding the way Perit did. Tough!!!

  39. Jessica says:

    Mela anki inti jekk tigi tmut il-folol ikun hemm warajk biex ikunu certi li mhux ha jisimu b’iktar hdura, bid-differenza li ma jithallas mill kaxxa ta Malta. U l-funeral ta’ Mintoff ha jkun statali mhux biex jirritornaw il-pjecir talli kien ghamel funeral statali lil George Borg Olivier, imma ghax haqqu. Ftakar li kieku ma kienx hu, int l ewwel wahda m’int xejn, ghax hafna drittijiet grazzi ghalih gew. Ghax kieku int mela kellek it-tifel la maternity leave u children’s allowance ma kont tiehu, u ridt thallas l-isptar (ghax gvern tieghek hekk iridna), u kieku ibnek stess ta’ tmintax il-sena ma setax jivvota (u int ukoll kieku ma tivvutax, ghax tak il-vot) u lanqas stipendju m’ghandu, u gab hafna xoghol ghall-maltin, u hafna mill-kumpaniji li gab kollha inqerdu mill-gvern tieghek.

    E bilhaq la jkollok il-funeral inti tarana from down there

  40. chris cassar says:

    Can you decide if you are going to write the article in Maltese or English please? It is very unprofessional and confusing. Apart from the article being a load of shit anyway.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Daphne does this for the benefit of the Mintoffjani hodor injoranti ta’ wara l-muntanji, that is the only way she can get the message accross to you lot.

  41. kevin says:

    il gurnata tasal li inhasruwlek ismek bil gomma dear daphne ,u meta tasal kun preparata ja dustbin kollok.

  42. La Redoute says:

    You forgot to mention Debono Grech in the photo caption.

  43. Gladio says:

    Il-Mintoffjani ghandhom problema: liema Mintoff qeghdin jibku, Mintoff is-Salvatur jew it-Traditur?

  44. Malti says:

    L-injoranza tispikka. Jekk jaqra l-kummenti xi hadd li se johrog għal-politika jieħu qatgħa kbira u jerġa jibdielu bix-xogħol li jrid isir fl-edukazzjoni. U facli li tmaqdar minn fuq blog u ma tagħmel xejn tajjeb għal-ġid ta’ Malta. Jekk forsi temmen li Mintoff m’għamilx, allinqas prova u ma qagħadx imaqdar lil nies oħra wara mewthom. Rispett ta’ xejn ma fadal.

  45. cicciobello says:

    issa li gejna kollha orfni, nissoponi li jmissna xi haga mill-wirt

  46. D.A says:

    Ic-cucata li din Daphne ma kinitx tghix fi zmien San Pawl meta gie Malta ghax kienu jghidu li l-velenu li nehha minn halq il-lifa tefghu f’halq dil-HADRA Daphne – GET A LIFE Daphne veru ghandek gosti sbieh biex tqatta l -birthday tikteb dal-hmieg – Ftakar li Hadd wara Hadd tasal ta kulhadd!!

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      I am sure Daphne can handle her turn when it comes. She is a brave woman with balls. She knows how to hand out the right medicine to those who need it most.

  47. D.A says:

    Ic-cucata li din Daphne ma kinitx tghix fi zmien San Pawl meta gie Malta ghax kienu jghidu li l-velenu li nehha minn halq il-lifa tefghu f’halq dil-HADRA Daphne – GET A LIFE Daphne veru ghandek gosti sbieh biex tqatta l -birthday tikteb dal-hmieg – Ftakar li Hadd wara Hadd tasal ta kulhadd!!

  48. tal-misthija says:

    Xi hadd fuq TOM qed jghid li l-genituri taghha hadu dar fi zmien mintoff dak akkwist dar min fuq il-poplu u lil hafna taht l-istess mintoff hadulhom darhom bil ligi li hareg mintoff dik tari-reqeustion order jigifieri li kull min kellu post batal kien jiehdulek il-gvern u jghatih lil xi pampallun tal-lejber, lil nannti mara ta 85 sena ghax kient tigi tqatta xi erba t’ijiem ghandna hadula d-dar u meta mar missieri sab li l-pulizija kien sgassawla l-bieb tad-dar u kien qed jarmula l-ghamara l-barra fit-triq. Ghax tkellem riedu jarrestawh u meta mar il-parlament biex ikellem li mintoff dan qallu li ma hemmx x’ tghamel. Nannti kellha tghix l-ahhar zmien ta hajjitha refugjata gewwa darna. Issa illum j’ Alla Mulej li hu tant gust jkollu hniena min Mintoff ghax cert li hu diga deher quddiem dak l-Imhallef gust.

  49. Josef Borg says:

    U l-pulizija li hemm ghassa wara biebek min qed ihallsu ?? Mhux mill kaxxa ta Malta wkoll ?? Ja xkupa –

  50. Dranoel says:

    Dom Mintoff RIP. Ms Daphne now it’s quite enough, let him off your hook—he’s dead. We will all die and leave this earth, then it will be over. Malta needed people like him in the 70’s and needs progressive people today. the PN was right for the 80’s and 90’s and beginning of the century, but now we have to make way for others to govern this great little nation. A change is necessary.

    [Daphne – ‘A change is necessary’. I agree. But if the only change available is Joseph Muscat, Jason Micallef, Il-Guy, Anglu Farrugia, Jose Herrera and Silvio Parnis, I’ll stick with what we have, thank you. As for the PN being right for the 1980s, damn right they were, but your ‘change’ people ate up all the years until 1987.]

    • IMHO says:

      Where did you get the idea that Malta needed Mintoff in the 1970s? Exactly what is the Malta that your lot are always on about? Mintoff set out to destroy any sort of private enterprise, which is the bedrock of a successful economy, and then went to Gaddafi with a begging bowl, supporting lazy bums in Malta at the expense of his supposed friends across the water.

  51. M Cindy says:

    Daphne – Understanding is like a fountain which gives life to those who use it, but foolishness brings punishment to fools

  52. Daphne, I hope that you find a shred of humanity in you heart and come to your senses. You have exceeded yourself in attacking a man who has passed on. Show some respect for the dead. Your hatred towards Dom Mintoff is only a cancer that will eat away at you in the end. Try something brave like forgiveness. Forgiveness releases you and does not justify the other person’s actions. You have become a beacon of bitterness.

    [Daphne – Oh do shut up, Paul. You’ve become so very boring. Just go the whole hog and join the Krishnas or stop preaching at everyone, for crying out loud. Dom Mintoff isn’t some ruddy foetus.]

  53. Antoine Vella says:

    If they’re going to have a state funeral, why not include street decorations and fireworks? And a ‘marċ ta’ filgħodu’?

    This is festa season after all and, finally, we do have something to celebrate.

  54. Appalled Citizen says:

    I cannot understand how you are so full of disrespect, if you have no respect for Mintoff at the very least you should try to find some respect for the family of the deceased who are in mourning. Sure you don’t like the guy but you do not have to be cruel about it.

    I hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday, I’m sure you had a much better day than the Mintoff family, and I’m sure the state would be fine with paying your death celebrations after you croak, since overnight you managed to become one of (to not give a definite THE) most hated woman in Malta (by people from both political parties). Proset ghamilt success kbir, ibqa sejra hekk.

    • Konti Ugolino says:


      The old bastard (may he rot in hell) had NO respect for his own family DURING HIS LIFETIME. And by family I refer to his late sainted wife (may she rest in peace), his children , his brothers and THEIR WIVES.

      He had no respect for anyone but HIMSELF, his POCKET and HIS OWN NEEDS,




  55. A.Spiteri says:

    Is Mintoff’s Will going public?

    [Daphne – All wills are public and anyone can collect a copy.]

    • ciccio says:

      Daphne, a small correction if I may. All wills of deceased persons are public and anyone can collect a copy. A death certificate must be presented.
      The will of a living person is not public.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Yana will be the first to see his will. That is why she spent the last few years in Malta and not for the love of her father, she wants to make sure she gets her share.

  56. Peter F says:

    Will we know the cost of a state funeral? I’ll be deducting my share from my next payment due to the CIR. I want no part of this.

  57. Gorg says:

    Who is Mintoff? What is happening?

    • JerM says:

      :) Ignorance is bliss …
      God bless you

    • Konti Ugolino says:

      Bhalissa ghandhom glieda kontra il hin biex ma jibdiex jinten u jiffermenta, qabel ma jpogguh ghal qima tal poplu fil palazz tal-Belt. That ,is what is happening,

      Nispicca naraw xi erba granmastri johorgu mil inkwatri isoddu imniherhom u u jigru girja sal funtanti li Gorg ghamel fil pjazza halli inehhu ir-riha ta Mintuffjani immuffati min fuq hwejjighom.

    • mattie says:

      Someone in the papers said yesterday: ‘he placed Malta on the map of the world’.

      I spent fifteen years of my life studying and all the maps, text books and things connected to the world never showed / mentioned Malta on anything I had.

      365 churches on the island, people worshipping and praying obsessively. Someone dies and the next thing I know is that he is being compared to God when God is by far, Greater !

      Quote from yesterday’s Times of Malta: ‘First our Lord, after Dom Mintoff.

  58. As I expected. Your bitterness extends to anyone as long as your deep hatred for others who do not confirm to your twisted perverse logic if normality. I forgive you yet again. Good luck with having a peaceful existence and all that.

    [Daphne – Paul, you are the one with the serious issues. And you made them very public. Nine plus, indeed. Imagine minding other people’s business like that. Your misogyny seeps out of every pore, even in the way you write here.]

  59. You are hurtibg nobody but yourself when you lash out like some hysterical crazy person. Get a grip woman. Do the right thing and try to be nice for once.

    [Daphne – Oh, I’m nice all right, Paul. I just have no time for people like you. Another damned bully and misogynist.]

    • ciccio says:

      Paul, why don’t you tell these members of the Marmalja Mintoffjana who are posting offensive comments here that “liba” is an essential element of the Gift of Life and consequently it should be handled with care not thrown around here as part of an offensive campaign?

  60. ludvig says:

    foxx il liba omok u foxx il mejtin kolla tighek

  61. brian says:


    Dr. Arturo Colombo had the misfortune of losing to Mr. Mintoff in the MLP election for the post of Deputy Leader in 1947 and finished up expelled from the Labour Party even though he was the second most popular politician after Sir Paul Boffa.

  62. james says:

    really really enjoy all your blogs

  63. Matthew Azzopardi says:

    Meta nkun irrid nara l-injuranza miktuba b’ ingliz tajjeb nigi fil-blog tieghek Daphne, sabih li toffri entertainment lill-poplu, izda oqghod attenta li ma jiddispjacikx ta’ li tkun ktibt, mhux kulhadd kapaci jippercepixxi l-injoranza u jidhak bija, hawn min igibuh ”livid” kellmtejn minn tieghek. :)

    All the best.

  64. josef says:

    ara vera int kelba ta harja fil loki ma rridekx ahjar tara kunjomok li fisser tigieg ghax vera ghandek minnhom

    [Daphne – Try applying yourself to some arguments. You sound like those fights I used to overhear in the Arcipierku.]

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