And then he wonders why I say that Labour is his natural home

Published: August 22, 2012 at 1:47am

Franco Debono
Aug 21, 2012 @ 17:10:30

@chlamydia :
i can do all tests u ntemmahomla ma wiccha
the Prime Minister should ask wheter there is someone in his family who is
on illegal drugs or wheter someone who has been notorious for such
activities all his life, is now an approved PN candidate.
now refer

I just love the language: ha jaghmel it=testijiet u jtemmahomli ma’ wicci.

Jaqq. Qisu Laburist. Imbasta joqghod jiddandan bir-Rolex u t-tops ta’ Ralph Lauren maghmulin ghas-suq Ciniz u Russu, u jghidilna kemm hu handsome (ghalhekk ghandu queue ta’ nisa mxennqin wara l-bieb tal-mummy f’ Hal Ghaxaq).

Imbaghad jitkellem qisu gellied tas-sriedaq.

Tghidli xejn kemm se jtemmahomli ma’ wicci, meta lanqas ghandu l-guts ikellimni ghax jibza li ntajru mil-Belt ghal sa fuq hogor dik il-mummy tant sabiha li ghandu.

So many freaks in these islands: it’s just unbelievable.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Josette Jones says:

    LOL at chlamydia. People are making fun of Franco Debono even through their user names now.

  2. Antoniette says:

    I just hope that, that there is not really some poor soul”s name.
    Can you imagine being named after an STD?

  3. GiovDeMartino says:

    we write (i)ntemmaghhomlha

  4. ciccio says:

    “ntemmahomla ma wicca.”

    Qisu xi mara maledukata ghand tal-grocer f’xi villagg remot li gabet lura il-gbejniet moxxi ghax sabithom bid-dud biex tiehu flusha lura.

  5. M. Grech says:

    Il-bieraħ wara nofsinhar, ċerta li rajt “post” fil-blog ta’ Franco Debono dwar il-kummenti li għamel il-President Emeritu Dr Eddie Fenech Adami wara l-mewt tal-Perit Mintoff.

    Il-“post” għalaqha billi qal illi Mintoff ried “il-bidla malajr” u fhimt li bil-mod tiegħu, Franco Debono kien qiegħed iqabbel lilu nnifsu mal-“Perit”!

    Meta, ftit wara, ippruvajt nara x’kummenti daħlu għall-“post” in kwistjoni sibt li din kienet tneħħiet għal kollox u għadha ma tidhirx sal-ħin li qed nikteb.

  6. the happy one says:

    There are people named Candida.

  7. C.Portelli says:

    Poor guy! He’s become the laughing stock of the whole country now. U mur u hallina Franco. U should think on making a film comedy about your life.

  8. Napoleon Debono says:

    Franco Debono MP huwa ezempju perfett tad-dinjita’ tal-Parlament Malti fl-2012.

  9. MMuscat says:

    “Imbaghad jitkellem qisu gellied tas-sriedaq.”
    Qisu? Probably he has certificates to show he’s the best ‘cock fighter.’ Such enthusiasts are as despicable as game-dog owners. The Cottonera is littered with mauled and tortured large dogs just for the entertainment of sick crowds.

    Most probably this is the reason why half of this country would love a sadistic leader. They can relate to him.

  10. Enterococcus faecalis says:

    I love Franco very much.

  11. Lactobacillus says:

    X’testijiet ha ttemghalha ma’ wiccha, sbejjah?

  12. Żeża ta' Bubaqra says:

    I honestly thought he was talking about testing for STDs. How does he not get when people are making fun of him?!

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