And to add insult to his injury, they’ve even stuffed him into a suit and tie

Published: August 25, 2012 at 1:57am

After seeing photographs of Mintoff in his coffin, published by an international news site, I’ve concluded that his daughters are really up to something here.

Are they getting their own back, or what?

They’ve even stuffed him into a charcoal suit and smart tie when he would have preferred a pair of jeans, big belt and leather jacket, or his more recent green plumber’s rainproofs.

But of course, this is a Labour performance, so the shirt beneath the suit has short sleeves and instead of a couple of inches of white cuff we get to see three inches of hairy wrist.

As for that string of beads. How dreadfully offensive. Religion is just some kind of joke to them – they go to church like they go to a restaurant. It’s just something you do on the weekend.

51 Comments Comment

  1. UNknown says:

    Do you know whats also offensive to everyone, Daphne, YOU. Go rot in a desert in Somalia where Camels get to shit on you.

  2. konti ugolino says:

    Cheap plastic beads – typical. Ma jmorrux ifallu jixtru beads dicenti.

    • Misko says:

      Konti Ugolino, jaqaw ta’ GDM tad-djamanti kienet? Ara veru nies tal-misthija intom. Ahjar tharsu luravu taraw fl-istorja kemm kontu ipokriti.

    • Misko says:

      Konti Ugolino, jaqaw ta’ GDM tad-djamanti kienet? Ara veru nies tal-misthija intom. Ahjar tharsu lura u taraw fl-istorja kemm kontu ipokriti.

  3. Peter F says:

    Mintoff holding rosary beads. Hmmmmm…. What next? The Pope buried holding a revolver? Whoever got that idea must have the most perverse sense of humour.

    • kristy says:

      just for your information mintoff used to go to church especially at cospicua and for your info he had a sister who was a nun and his brother is a priest.y dont u say taht michael gonzi was against mintoff and u couldnt enter church if u were labour.that is our church

    • Calipha says:

      Clearly you are not the brightest crayon in the box…it’s ok, all is forgiven…walk away…

  4. Peter F says:

    And if you’re wondering why I’m up at this time, it’s because I’m just home from a party where we toasted plenty of times to Mintoff’s memory…

  5. asshole-dcg says:

    To my hateful bitch Daphne who made me famous in her pussy-blog!

    Odd, isn’t it, how most of the Mintoffians littering the internet don’t even appear to have been born at the time. But still they know everything, because mummy, daddy and Joseph told them.

    Posted by asshole-dcg:

    Kemm inti tan-nejk, ja ghoxx ta’ baqra immankata, Jekk l-ahdar mohhok ma jafx, Mintoff dejjem meva fuq il-passi ta’ Kristu, u kien ifiehem id-diskursati tieghu b’referenza lejn il-Kliem TiegHu. U intom tghidu li Mintoff baghat lin-nies ikissru u joqtlu. Dan mhuwa veru XEJN. Mintoff ma kellu qatt x’jaqsam ma dawk li harqu lit-times jew attakkaw lil Mary FA, anzi baghat ittra ta’ apologija lill-familja Fenech adami. Dawk kienu nies li jien stess bhala Laburist nikkundannahom, u ma naqbilx maghhom li juzaw il-vjolenza. U, jekk ma tafx, kontu INTOM li qtiltu lil Karin Grech, INTOM li sparajtu lil Raymond Caruana (biex tiffrejmjaw lill-PL), u INTOM waddabtu il-pallavostri fuq mass meeting!! U x”tghidli ghas-social services li Mintoff dahhal f’Malta. U kien hu li hadem biex gabilna il-Helsien! Irrispondi jekk taf ja mara iddisprata, u VIVA MINTOFF GHAL DEJJEM!!!

    Now daphne, please——– Send yourself to Somalia where you can get shat on buy a constipated elephant

  6. P Shaw says:

    Where was the MLP’s image consultant? Shouldn’t Mintoff’s tie be blue?

  7. RJC says:

    Cheap 50 cents rosary beads, typical. Waste not….

  8. the other kev says:

    Just the beads… where’s the crucifix?

    [Daphne – You are not permitted to bury a crucifix. The one on the box comes off before the box goes in.]

  9. ciccio says:

    Considering it is the peak of summer, they could put him into his shorts and sandals.

    And maybe they should have put his pipe, or his wallet, in his hand – not the rosaries.

  10. K. Calleja says:

    Is it just me or is there no crucifix at the end?

    [Daphne – You can’t bury a crucifix. Even the crucifix on the coffin lid comes off before the coffin goes into the ground.]

  11. Shaun says:

    You, out of all people, speak of Religion?

    “Now excuse me while I rush out to celebrate.”

    “Dom Mintoff was appalling and hateful, an absolute sociopath, Malta’s Muammar Gaddafi, and let’s not be hypocritical and pretend otherwise just because he’s finally popped his worn-out, miserable clogs.”

    “He should count himself lucky he died in his bed and not like his godawful friend across the water, which is what he truly deserved.”

    Just like they go to church as if going to a restaurant, you probably go to church like visiting an old friend at a brothel!!

  12. samntha says:

    i know one thing you can get stuffed with at your daeth a vibrator in your ass and an elephant dick in your mouth

  13. Taniaensues says:

    The rosary beads are incomplete – where’s the crucifix?

    • s says:

      Hi Sorry, but you never put a crucifix in a tomb. In fact they remove the cross from on top of the coffin before burrying.

  14. maltador says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Mintoff’s daughters really are trying to get their own back. Yana Mintoff Bland looks rather smug as she shakes people’s hands in one of the photographs on

  15. C.Portelli says:

    Did you see Michelle near the coffin? I bet she was thinking of Fifty Shades of Grey….

  16. carlos says:

    Who ever thought that the men who persecuted the church so much ended up in a religious funeral with rosary beads roud his hands. But this the irony of life.

  17. Babyboomer says:

    Kuruna tar-ruzarju tal-plastic cheap ta xi souvenier tal precett! Possibbli ma hallilhomx bizzejjed flus biex jixtru kuruna aktar addattata ja qatta’ imqammlin.

  18. rina says:


    • ciccio says:

      Aw rina, kif int illum?

    • borsellin says:

      Jaqaw int jismek Toto?

    • M. says:

      Another prime example of Mintoff’s legacy. Sweet. he must be so proud.

    • Min Jaf says:

      Ma nafx , Rina, min ghandhu dwejjaq.

      Jien nahseb li int u l-qabda cwiec Mintoffjani illiterati u mdalma li qed tinfnew tibghatu kummenti oxxeni u bla tifsira fuq dan il-blog.

      Daphne, mara wahda b’laptop, faqatilkom il-buzzieqa ta l-Alla falz li tant kontu temmnu fieh, imma li issa giet ghal-dejjem imminata, kif juru b’mod car l-imsemmija kummenti ovvjament miktuba min-nies mhawwda w disprati.

    • maryanne says:

      Taf kemm ghallimtuni espressjonijiet godda li qatt ma smajthom f’hajti. Pero’ naghmel minn kollox biex ninsijhom, u nhalli lilkom taghllmuhom lil uliedkom.

    • Snoopy says:

      “Ivory” -Thought that that was illegal to use and import.

    • asshole-dcg says:

      To all my ignorant and Mintoff-hating Nationalist enemies:

      Please do fuck off, or if youre not happy living in Malta with Mintoffjani, who outnumber you greatly, kindly move to a deserted island with a volcano in it so that you can throw King Daphne the Great in it and later when it erupts you can jolly well get burnt and the world will be freed from a few desperate and jeolous misers who are trying to get out as much fake shit as you can, obviously with a use of horrible lies and un-Catholic comments

    • I was there too says:

      Ivory, were they? Are Laburisti into illegal trade in endangered species now?

  19. Raphael says:

    Hi Daphne Issa Veru Qbizt l-Limiti Kollha,

  20. Grezz says:

    I think that The Times of Malta has employed somebody from Maltastar, who clearly doesn’t know the difference between grand-daughters and nieces:

    “”10.46 a.m. The readings underway. The readings are being made by Emma Packard, Mr Mintoff’s niece (Anne Mintoff’s daughter) , former Drydocks chairman and Mintoff collaborator Sammy Meilaq, and Cetta Mainwaring, another Mintoff niece (Yana Mintoff’s daughter). Fr Dionysius Mintoff will read the Gospel.”

  21. John Smith says:

    Daphne I do not hate you, but you are full of hate and pure evil.

  22. Lilla says:

    His daughters are smiling in every photo I’ve seen of them during this circus.

    • You are such a lying and hateful bitch. I saw them myself in Valletta today, and believe me, Yana and Ann’s eyes were bloody red and full of tears.

      [Daphne – When you are older, you will understand that when people cry at funerals that are not the result of some tragedy or premature loss, it is not for the dead but for themselves, for what happened, and for what never did.]

      And please, be it known to all you stupid Nationalist haters, that the only reason that they will be inheriting lots of money is because their mother, the late Moira, was a Daughter of a nobleman who had links to British royalty. And, the only large some of money Dom got was by winning the Gaddafi Prize for Human Rights in 2008, worth 250,000 EUR. So there, I hope that that puts a sock in your poisonous mouth

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Sleeping with enemy. Never was anything more aptly named.

      • Could it be that they are genuinely missing thair dear father, something that no one will ever do to YOU

      • el bandido guapo says:

        “…the only large some of money Dom got was by winning the Gaddafi Prize for Human Rights in 2008, worth 250,000 EUR.”

        Let me guess – that is something to be proud of.

        Let me guess again – Mintoff did the only right thing to do, and gave it away? Or perhaps not.

      • I was there too says:

        A few corrections.

        Mintoff made a great deal of money in the post war years, was famously awarded a sizeable sum for – ahem – being deprived of the right to enjoy his property in Delimara on the basis of a law which he himself had resisted introducing, and was a notorious miser, hence his wealth.

        The Gaddafi prize for human rights is not something to boast about, though it was a most appropriate award for someone who was neither humane nor a great believer in the rights of others.

        Nobility and wealth are not synonymous. Mintoff’s wife was not wealthy.

        And daughter is not a proper noun.

        Now put a poisonous sock in your own mouth.

      • Lilla says:

        They were probably crying with relief that their ‘dear’ dad Mintoff had finally kicked the bucket.

  23. x says:

    What is the church to you Daphne?! Is it a place where you spend all your time…..? From your blog, I realise that you are a true Christian..NOT!!

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