Ara x’big pony tal-ozbricc faqqalna Franco! Il-lajks, man. Kemm se jghiru ghalih.
August 8, 2012 at 6:48pm
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According to Manu Maltese, Franco does have a big linfa.
I really, genuinely Laughed Out Loud at this one. Thanks Daphne, I needed that!
Franco’s new party
Labour must be so worried
Echoes of Alfred Sant’s chicken jokes at the time of the 2008 general election.
Very funny, nonetheless.
mhux ahjar tidhol naqra “Daqshekk ghal-immigrazzjoni llegali f’Malta fuq Facebook” u taghmel naqra post fuq ir-razzismu sfrenat li hemm f’dak il grupp, milli ha toqghod tahli il hin bil-pictures bla sens?
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Luca Falzon why i hate the blacks:
1. Big fat potato nose
2. Huge Lips
3. They Look Like Monkeys
4. A disgrace to God’s creation…(IF he is God’s creation after all)
5. Cowards. They come to our country, instead of fighting for their own country
6. They rely on us, to feed them, give them shelter and give them work
7. Can’t be seen in the dark
8. Huge teeth
9. On the contrary, they look ugly as HELL….well actually hell is much nicer and better, im sure!!
10. and finally i hate them the most cause: they arent extinct from this world
U allajbierek facebook ihalluh hemm, avolja gie reported!
Mhux ahjar il-pulizija ta’ Malta jqumu mir-raqda u jghamlu xi haga huma dwar din?
Ma nafx ghalfejn ha jiehduha z-zieda.
Your observation on the blatant racism on display in this Facebook group is correct, but why your holier-than-thou first para.?
Why not pontificate in a labour-leaning blog/newspaper, instead of hectoring Daphne and her readers? Or do you not do so because, like most decent people, you’re aware that labour’s track-record on the subject is abysmal?
If you’ve been following this blog, you should be aware that there are few, if any, locals who write as eloquently and forcefully as Daphne against racism.
One thing I learned from Facebook is that people cannot step out of their microcosmos, even when goaded with technology and wonders of the Internet.
Facebook can be nothing more than an outlet to boredom. In the long run, beyond the initial excitement of rediscovering friendships, which probably will not last long, one is creating a shallow, superficial, un-candid world of racist messages, with Facebook as their portal.
Some people such as the above moron, need to get a life.
I’ll take what the person said in his comment above as someone who has serious life issues so far unresolved. Furthermore, Facebook may be the cheaper means to vent it all out, like say, you know, instead of going to a certified psychologist.
Why hasn’t Franco posted a pic of himself on his blog , sneaking at the interviewer’s questions in Disset , before the start of the recording .
I fancied a horse in the 3:30 at Goodwood. Billy had a monkey on it, Tony had a pony on it, I said “Blimey, where is the jockey going to sit”.
“madoffi Rolex” – are you joking ? He lives for his Rolex. What else would he be envied for if not his Rolex? Ah yes, I forgot – his Form II results.
Ever wondered how, if Franco dedicated his energy in the right direction would probably be one of the front runners in the pn instead of being only second to last due to a bigger douche bag?
Mhux ahjar mal-brazzi?
Don’t know why, but this reminded me of Joseph and Michelle Muscat –
Franco’s song: Dear Pony
I’m sure glad I wasn’t drinking my coffee when I looked at this.
Now I know why Franco never voted against Austin Gatt: ghax is-sriedaq bla bajd.
You’re thinking of capons.
Well, despite the strong temptation, I have decided not to write any more comments on Dr. Debono’s “blog”.
For starters, if ever evidence was necessary, the man has clearly lost the plot.
Surely his loved ones should intervene and do some damage control to what is left of his tattered reputation. I am talking shrink’s couch/strait-jacket territory here.
Moreover, I find his moderation very incorrect and unethical. You either censor the whole comment or you leave it unaltered in toto.
The self-proclaimed champion of democracy and free speech, however, sees nothing wrong in amending/partially deleting comments, changing the meaning/structure.
But worst of all, I don’t like to be associated with the screechers (spewed directly out of tasteyourownmedicine) that seem to permanently inhabit that blog.
That a man of allegedly educated background is now being egged on and championed as a beacon of democracy by these screechers, for their own ends, is very sad indeed.
Who’s to say that Franco Debono never posted anything on tyom? His mindset’s right up their street.
It’s PAW-KNEE, not pony. Taf int, bil-Malti ta’ Hal Ghaxaq.
Malta wins.
In today’s Times of Malta I was amazed and astonished as to how low Franco Debono can go.
In an article which mentioned that Debono will be objecting to Claudio Grech’s candidature with the PN, Debono went as far as to reply to everyone who commented online in criticism of him.
Never in my life have I seen a politician who reacts so much to people’s comments and criticism.
Politics is not the right place for this person.
I couldn’t believe how far this guy can go.
The Prime Minister deserves Gieh Ir- Republika for having to suffer and endure this man for so long, most of the time in silence.