Published: August 25, 2012 at 6:27pm

Eddie Fenech Adami and Ugo Mifsud Bonnici regard the corpse of Dom Mintoff.

88 Comments Comment

  1. Anglu says:

    “Anke ahna se nghaddu minna din, Dward.”


    “Min jaf Franco kemm se jghir u jsabbat saqajh la jarana hawn. Nilghab rasi li jkun irid funeral statali ghalih ukoll.”

  2. Redneck Rabti says:

    “Which one of us is next?”

  3. Calipha says:

    Good God, lady. Let the man rest in peace. Haven’t you vilipended enough?

  4. Walter Cronkite says:

    “If they’d given him an enema they could have saved some money and used a matchbox. He’d have approved.”

    (filched from Christopher Hitchens in reference to Jerry Falwell)

  5. P Borg says:

    “Tghid iqum is-Salvatur, Dward? Illum it-tielet jum.”

  6. Walter Cronkite says:

    Hmmm, he’s had a bath at last

  7. village says:

    Ma jergax ikun iehor bhalu…..nispera!

  8. Il-Kajboj says:

    “Dward, ghid il-verita, jaqaw ma tantx kont tmur tajjeb fis-somom meta kont Form 2? Is-somma li hdimt fuq Mintoff anke t-tfal indunaw li gibtha hazina.”

    • Dwardu says:

      Ugo, kelli nghidilhom li kellu iktar pozittiv milli negattiv ghax bzajt li jibda jidhirli bil-lejl, liebes il-kuruna tar-ruzarju.

      • Gahan says:

        Eddie ftakar li Sant kellu jirrizenja minhabba f’Mintoff, dik kienet li qalbet il-mizien in-naha tal-keffa t-tajba.

        Imkien fil-maratona ta’ elogji fuq Mintoff fuq is-Super One ma’ ssemma li kien minhabba f’Mintoff li Sant ma setghax jiggverna.

  9. Walter Cronkite says:

    “They’ve forgotten the wooden stake.”

  10. ciccio says:

    “Tghid niccekkja jekk hux vera mejjet, Ugo, ma tmurx tkun xi cunning plan iehor tal-Labour biex jigu fuq ix-xandir?”

  11. Josette Jones says:

    Don’t worry. I’ve brought some garlic.

  12. edgar says:

    Ara kemm jitkellem hazin kieku iqum u isib il kuruna ma idejh.

    • Michael Gatt says:

      Tfilhu tivumtaw iktar valen dwar bniedem mejjet

      [Daphne – Is that a caption suggestion, or a plain old insult?]

  13. silvio says:

    Ii is no rocket science to understand that Fenech Adami was making sure that he doesen’t say anything that would increase the division that we have in Malta.

    It was his life mission to put an end to all the hatred that exists between us.

    He should be commended for what he said and it takes a great statesman to give ,shall I call ,praise,to the man who caused him so much personal anguish.

    But repeating what Mahatma Gandhi
    It takes a great man to forgive……

    [Daphne – You can only forgive your enemies when they are vanquished for ever, Silvio. Unlike Ghandi’s British colonialists, the sordid Labour Party as a potential government remains a reality.]

    • Colin says:

      Daphne, you are a disgrace to the Maltese society and I’m surprised than PN haven’t distanced themselves from your comments full of hatred and which are inciting hatred. You should take a leaf out of our president’s behavior and attitude towards trying to unite all Maltese people. Instead you try to create a division between fellow Maltese people. I wonder how you feel so elevated and superior to the ‘hamalli’ u refer to, when your words prove otherwise. I hope you are not so limited to believe that the word ‘dick’ you use in one of your articles, is less rude than its Maltese equivalent just because its in English. Anyone reading here kindly understand that Daphne’s views do not represent the views of all PN sympathizers. An before you ask, I lived during the Mintoff years

    • silvio says:

      By all the gods in heaven, and you call me, a FASCIST.

      ” vanquished for ever”, sounds like something from Mein Kampf.

      [Daphne – Not at all. It merely means that Gandhi could talk about forgiveness and so on because the British weren’t coming back to India. Imagine if he had to fight them off every five years. He wouldn’t be talking about forgiveness then, would he. Let’s say a woman has a violent husband of whom she is terrified. Does she forgive him when 1. he’s living in the same house and beating her up; 2. has been evicted from the house but is still hanging about and threatening her; or 3. when he has backed off, found Christ, begins doing charity work, stops drinking and leaves her alone. I trust you can see that the correct answer is 3.]

    • Another John says:

      And tell me exactly how Gandhi’s British colonists were vanquished for ever, Daphne. They just changed.

      [Daphne – Sorry, I forgot you people take things literally. I meant they were out of the picture, which they were. Gandhi could afford to forgive the British after they’d packed up and left India. He certainly didn’t forgive them before they did that. That was my point. The Labour Party are there all the time, threatening to come back and govern. Therefore it’s impossible to forgive and forget.]

      As have labourites over 20 years. Only someone as full of hatred as yourself cannot get over what happened. I’d vote for neither party, but your one-sided bigotry almost (and I stress that) tempts me to vote labour just to annoy you.

      [Daphne – People who say that have made up their minds to vote Labour (and probably always did so) and are just looking for an excuse. What they don’t seem to understand is how very childish and under-developed it makes them sound. I’d think twice about saying that in public if I were you. You really don’t want people to think you’re mentally deficient.]

  14. U-turns u Kutrumbajsi says:

    “Mank din il-bicca xoghol grat erghin sena ilu.”

  15. Konti Ugolino says:

    “Marlek l-arja issa.”

  16. Galian says:

    “Marelli, Dward, dak zgur hu? M’inhix naghrfu minghajr il-bokkla u l-gakketta tal-gilda.”

  17. Aunt Hetty says:

    Min jaf Fredu x jiehu gost.

  18. kri says:

    pls hudu break twil!

  19. kri says:

    Jien ma nafx kif qed isemmu ghax mintoff ghax il laburisti etc etc….. kull min hu fil politika kollha l istess jien niftakar li Dr Fenech Adami il belt irrabajt hafna u jajjat fejn huma il laburisti ajma vera kien tal biza ghallahares kien hemm xi persuna bil maktur tal labour ghax ihanxara kien :) insomma dal blog galni nithaq, nirrabja, insomma ghaddejt ftit hin! pero in all Mintoff haqqu gieh ghal ftit hsara u hafna gid wara kollox hadd mhu perfett la laburisti u wisq anqas nazzjonalisti. u injoranti intom li tiggieldu fuq nies li vera ma tantx jimpurtom hlief mill but u intom tajru lil xulxin minhabba fijom BOLOH. wiehed jitaq u iehor jilhaq u hadd minnhom ma jigi jhabbat biex jamillek xi cekk anzi il wicc tost jigu ghall voti u ghal xi drink minn fuq! xi dwejjaq ta politika jaqq

  20. Gladio says:

    “Dward, la ma qamx wara it-tielet jum mhux Salvatur kien imma traditur”

  21. workers aristocrat says:

    “Min jaf fejn poggew il-pala tal-bajtar.”

  22. Censu says:

    Now that he’s gone we can rest in peace.

  23. Anthony says:

    Miskina Mary ma kelliex ix-xorti tkun hawn illum.

    Ma kienx mn’Alla.

  24. Natalie says:

    “Zgur mejjet hux? Ma rajtx xi id ticcaqlaq?”

  25. kri says:

    u anki bdejtu tajru lill tas south mhux sew ghaliex il mara ta Dr Fenech Adami f intervista saqsewa meta ir ragel jispicca mill kariga u ikun mieghek id dar kif se thossok? taf x qalet? le ta jien ma rridux ma saqajja.:) allura din mhux wahda minn tas south qisa irrispondiet u jien vera kont nammira hafna ghax kienet mara tal familja u spontanja. imma jiena li rrid nghid hu li mis sema l isfel kullhadd l istess u ma nafx ghala dan it tajjir kollu toffendu, tiggieldu u jahasra dan kollu ghalxejn x ha tiehdu flus mill kaxxa ta malta jew xi midalja tad deheb!

  26. ecdl says:

    “Kif jghidli tal-computers: garbage in, garbage out.”

  27. FreeDOM says:

    “Tghid inkantawlu wahda Run Rabbit Run?”

  28. Muammar Gaddafi says:

    “Kieku kien ghadu haj tghidx kemm jghajjat li tebut bhal dan hela ta’ flus u misshom deffsuh go xi kaxxa tal-laring.”

  29. The chemist says:

    ‘ Nitolbuk Gesu tergax tlaqqana mieghu ‘

  30. Walter Cronkite says:

    Here’s someone who deserves a state funeral and acres of newsprint:

  31. M.J. says:

    “Il-vera hxejtha, meta’ ghidt li dan il-bastid ghamel il-gid.”

  32. RJG says:

    Iktar Gonzi bahnan, mela dan kien haqqu funeral statali; dan ta’ min tefawh l-mizbla.

    • anna caruana says:


      [Daphne – Imma kif dejjem tridu ddahhlu r-religjon? Mhux suppost progressivi u liberali intom? Kemm ghadkom lura, jahasra.]

      • P Shaw says:

        At least not a hypocrite, who at the age of 60+ became a ‘liberal’ beacuse she has a few token gay friends at Super One.

        You have become a joke, Anna, unlike your sisters who were and remain decent.

    • roderick says:

      bhal ma kontu tamlu intom in nazzjonalisti titfawom gol mizbla a pufta

  33. Makjavel says:

    I was lucky I never needed any politician , so I never had to cross swords with any one .At least Dom Mintoff balanced out the bad that he did when he really became our saviour by outmanouvering Dr. Alfred Sant out of government to let Malta resume its road into the European Union ( Integration of sorts), so he still got almost what he wanted , integration with Europe and through the PN, so whether we like it or not all of us owe him something, for better or worse……


    possibbli hadd ma kellu bajd biz-zejjed biex imur isibu u jghidlu f’wiccu, dak li qeghdin tiktbu….l-istedina li tmorru fuq il-qabar taghmlu dak li ghidtu ghadha miftuha !!!

  35. calafatu says:

    “Ma kienx salvatur mela ghax miet bhal kulhadd u ma qamx wara tletti jiem.”

  36. Żeża ta' Bubaqra says:

    “Int imiss”

  37. TROY says:

    Xjah u miet u baqa qatt ma sar president

  38. J Abela says:

    “Dward, tghid ghandu bokla kbira taht il-glekk?”

  39. P Shaw says:

    Ara kif qed jinhall il-foundation fuq in-naha tax-xellug – jaqaw tqammlu u uzaw make-up skadut li xtraw bil-bulk buying?

  40. Drinu says:

    Messom libsuh werqa lil-Ggant tal-palazz.

  41. tal-eighties says:

    “Ix-xjafek, Ugo, nahseb insejt il-cooker mixghul. Ahjar immorru.”

  42. Matt B says:

    “Regghet intliet il-kaxxa ta’ Malta, Dward.””

  43. E.Muscat says:

    Trab konna u trab irridu nsiru.

    Id-dinja fruwa, u l-mewt, bhat-twelid, huma l-gustizzja t’ Alla.

    May everybody rest in peace.

  44. canon says:

    Jista xi hadd jghidilna jekk Mintoff talabx xi forma ta skuza tal-hazin li ghamel jew haseb li kull ma ghamel kien kollox sewwa.

    • ciccio says:

      Canon, prosit ta’ din id-domanda. Sa fejn naf jien, Mintoff qatt ma talab l-ebda skuza lil min hu kien ghamel il-hsara.

  45. Esopu says:

    To all our Nationalist brothers and sisters:

    How does it feel knowing that you all have contributed from your hard payed tax for a State Funeral ?

    Damn it feels so good knowing that even though you hate Mintoff so much, together we paid for all this. THANK YOU

    At this time, what is the point for the PL to Govern having such a generous and kind PM. First a President from our side, now State Funerals for our Leaders. Dr Gonzi, we shall never forget….THANK YOU SIR

    ps: payback it’s such a bitch :)

    • La Redoute says:

      See, Esopu? That’s real statesmanship for you. Your lot, on the other hand, believe government exists for your tesserati alone.

  46. Ian says:

    “X’tahseb, Ugo, did the good outweigh the bad?”

  47. john says:

    Min jixtieq Id-deni l-garu jigi f’daru u Alla ma jhallas b’nhar ta’ sibt.

  48. me says:

    “All the world’s a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players;
    They have their exits and their entrances,
    And one man in his time plays many parts,
    His acts being seven ages. …”

  49. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “Tghid jghaddi mill-metal detector tal-genna b’dik il-bokkla?”

  50. Catsrbest says:

    I believe Mintoff would not have liked this scene at all. Dr E Fenech Adami looking down on him as he lies there dead in his coffin.

    I am convinced that he was grossly obsessed with Dr E Fench Adami.

    This is because the very first time that Dr Fenech Adami contested the election as PN’s leader – Mintoff lost the majority and never recovered it.

    So much so that he had, against his wish, to find a substitute (Dr Zero), since he said that “without the majority of the people he wouldn’t have governed”.

  51. Joe Azzopardi says:

    “Nahseb li kien hemm izjed nies fil-funeral ta’ Raymond Caruana.”

  52. GD says:

    ”Tghid jekk tmisslu il-but, iqum ghalijja?”

  53. canon says:

    Tghid il-Gvern se jdahhal xi haga mill wirt tieghu jew ra kif ghamel biex jevita it-taxxa.

  54. Duminku says:

    The bastatd finally looks peaceful

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