Damn right

Published: August 1, 2012 at 3:47pm

Posted by H. P. Baxxter:

If I were in the PN’s strategy group, I’d put up the classic message on that empty billboard: I’M WITH STUPID.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    I’d just put up the image of Joseph and Michelle in the daisy field.

    Gvern aktar bahh minn hekk.

  2. Legal substance says:

    Oppozizzjoni bla sustanza >>

  3. Night Raider says:

    Baxxter – you have been served:


  4. Rayb says:

    This is why i love H.P.Baxxter.

  5. OK says:

    Nahseb li tal-Lejber mhux jarawh sewwa ta dak il-billboard. Dak huwa ezatt il-mera tal-Programm Elettorali tal-Malta Labour Party ghall-elezzjoni li gejja.

  6. Gianni says:

    Does the PN strategy group still exist ?

  7. Harry Purdie says:

    Why don’t you volunteer, Baxxter? Unfortunately, young Paul inherited the name, but not the brain.

  8. Paul says:



  9. ron says:

    Forsi qed jirriferu ghal gvern futur taghhom ghax s’issa ghadhom ma hargux b’proposta wahda.

  10. Anton Agius says:

    This would be a better reply!


    [Daphne – Yawn. Jacques Rene’s usual tedious and entirely unintelligent equation of the Nationalist Party with the Labour Party. I don’t think he’s blind or daft. He just enjoys being obnoxious, despite being a little too old for that kind of behaviour.]

  11. Claude Sciberras says:

    You must admit that the stunt they pulled was quite good and fast enough to make sense. I suspect they have someone who previously used to help pn on marketing behind this…

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