Damn right
August 1, 2012 at 3:47pm
Posted by H. P. Baxxter:
If I were in the PN’s strategy group, I’d put up the classic message on that empty billboard: I’M WITH STUPID.
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I’d just put up the image of Joseph and Michelle in the daisy field.
Gvern aktar bahh minn hekk.
Oppozizzjoni bla sustanza >>
Baxxter – you have been served:
This is why i love H.P.Baxxter.
It must be why Labour loves Daphne. Or at least they are obsessed with her.
Nahseb li tal-Lejber mhux jarawh sewwa ta dak il-billboard. Dak huwa ezatt il-mera tal-Programm Elettorali tal-Malta Labour Party ghall-elezzjoni li gejja.
Does the PN strategy group still exist ?
Why don’t you volunteer, Baxxter? Unfortunately, young Paul inherited the name, but not the brain.
Forsi qed jirriferu ghal gvern futur taghhom ghax s’issa ghadhom ma hargux b’proposta wahda.
This would be a better reply!
[Daphne – Yawn. Jacques Rene’s usual tedious and entirely unintelligent equation of the Nationalist Party with the Labour Party. I don’t think he’s blind or daft. He just enjoys being obnoxious, despite being a little too old for that kind of behaviour.]
Regghu tfaccaw l-ghorrief li jifhmu f’kollox.
You must admit that the stunt they pulled was quite good and fast enough to make sense. I suspect they have someone who previously used to help pn on marketing behind this…