Guest post 2: “Joseph was half right. Labour acted like a bunch of orphans.”

Published: August 25, 2012 at 4:33pm

This came in as a guest post.


Without knowing, what Labour did with Mintoff’s corpse, for the few hours they had it in their possession before handing it over to the state, flung open an enormous window on what they will be like as a government.

The political chore they had should not have been difficult to figure out.

All they needed was to organise a dignified ceremony for their former leader. They needed to have Mintoffians weep in silence, Labourites who knew that the man was not all good (not even to them) to rise to the occasion, and floaters to get a sense that the PL can deal with matters of state as ably as the PN does.

Had Labour chosen to take this dignified route, they would have hit even the PN where it hurts.

Labour’s dignity would have shone a bright light on the mealy-mouthed crassness of some of the PN’s bigwigs and their attempts to rewrite history and hide Mintoff’s abominable cardinal sins.

Alas, it was not to be. Joseph Muscat’s Labour Party turned those few hours at its disposal into a carnival of bad taste. People watched it, appalled, and mocked. Jokes were exchanged, memes spread over the internet, and the inclusion of Mary Spiteri crying in black trousers and singing excerpts from Gensna had us shaking our heads in disbelief.

The coffin kept popping in and out of the hearse like a Jack-in-the-box, family members were giggling throughout it all, Yana Mintoff Bland did not wear straight black, Joseph paraded some trinket that the latter gave him as if it were Malta’s first Olympic medal, Ray Azzopardi (yes, he’s still there) hovered as if this was backstage at Warda Kanta circa 1981, Joseph Cuschieri pressed the flesh, smiling and parting the crowds as if this was his coffee morning, Fr.Mark Montebello – normally the epitome of ‘I might be a member of the clergy but you will not be able to tell from my attire and my moterbike’ – came out in splendour. And so on.

This was not a send-off fitting for a party leader. It looked more like the funeral of a father who kept siring children with wild abandon and sundry women, only to pop them in and out of orphanages for the rest of their lives with a bit of manipulative pampering in the intervals.

The result was that the children grew up with a weird love-hate relationship towards their father, a syndome which stunted their ability to distinguish right from wrong, to have balanced views and to have an instinct to do the right thing.

Yesterday, the orphans with the syndrome – and I mean the entire Labour Party – returned in force to organise the funeral with a lot of strong and sharply conflicting emotions towards the corpse in the coffin.

In the end, the syndome got the better of them. They simply did not know what to do. So they did everything, except what they were supposed to.

That is exactly how Labour will run the country as from next year.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Rita 1 says:

    “That is exactly how Labour will run the country as from next year.” Now that will be fun. If you lot do not like it, you can always go and stay at Dar Malta in Brussels. It seems that the majority of this land love it this way. Always remember: Il-poplu dejjem ikollu gvern li jixraqlu.

    [Daphne – Rita, Dar Malta in Brussels will be chock-full of Labour bazuzli. It’s owned by the state, remember, not by the Nationalist Party. Ohra b’mohha ta’ xi dundjan.]

    • Rita 1 says:

      Oh yes dear. We will chuck out the PN bazuzli and sand blast the place for any bacteria. Those of you who do not stomach the future Muscat government can always find a suitable place in Brussels, the bastion of EU democracy where you can all live happilly ever after.

      • david meilak says:

        Rita 1, the way you write shows exactly what all these posts are about.

        Mintoff taught you people to treat anybody who does not agree with you as your enemies, there to be cut down or wiped out.

        Read your own comment above where you say that you would sandblast the place for any bacteria.

        It shows how you regard those who do not share your Labour sympathies. Yet if you went to Dar Malta today you would find very many Labour supporters working there, because this government does not employ the same methods.

        Even the way you comment sarcastically about Brussels as the bastion of EU democracy shows how false you Labour supporters are as you try to give us the impression that you have now embraced EU membership.

        You couldn’t control yourselves this week and the mask has fallen off your faces completely now.

      • Justin Paul Grima says:

        David Meilak….seriously???? You’re telling Labourites how they regard those who do not share your Labour sympathies?

        On this website??? Seriously???? hahaha

        This site’s a Psychiatrist’s dreamland.

        You made my day. :))

        [Daphne – Why do you people always sound like you’re on drugs? Cackling and so on.]

  2. Min Weber says:

    “This was not a send-off fitting for a party leader. It looked more like the funeral of a father who kept siring children with wild abandon and sundry women, only to pop them in and out of orphanages for the rest of their lives with a bit of manipulative pampering in the intervals.”

    Seems like a South American, Garcia Marquez, novel.

  3. village says:

    Pero dan Mintoff x’kien ezatt ghal-laburisti, salvatur jew traditur, jew it-tnejn?

  4. Loredana Gatt says:

    Prosit Daphne, my feelings exactly.

    [Daphne – This is a guest post. I didn’t write it.]

  5. Antoine Vella says:

    Princess Diana had Elton John, Mintoff had Mary Spiteri. Same thing.

  6. C.Portelli says:

    In my honest opinion Meri Spiteri was the climax of this theatre show

  7. ciccio says:

    Another excellent guest post which summarises the genuinely-Labour circus that we have witnessed in the last few days.

    I suspect that they will soon be selling CDs with the Best Moments of the Funeral of the Salvatur with background music from Gensna.

    And while at it, they might even start a merchandising business under the Mintoff brand, selling Mintoff rosaries, Mintoff statuettes, Mintoff candles, Mintoff flower vases, and Mintoff Rolexes.

  8. Business as usual says:

    During the funeral the Labour Party club in Rabat Gozo was business as usual.

  9. Spiru says:

    Anzi ma tellghuhx sal-gharix ukoll. Jiftakar ftit fil-flus li ha mill-poplu Malti u zamm id-dar ukoll. Jiftakar kemm sajjar bebbux u ghasar hall….

  10. C Mangion says:

    Is it true u r planning a long holliday in about 8 months time

  11. Sonia says:

    You are mocking a great politician’s death because you don’t agree with his politics. And you are talking about how other political parties treat others?
    (Mintoff taught you people to treat anybody who does not agree with you as your enemies, there to be cut down or wiped out)
    Isn’t that the way GonziPn always treated us?
    I just wonder if anyone would cry if any of your past Pn leaders died. We cried, unashamed, because we can see the difference. You criticized people crying because you have no sentiments.
    You will soon be crying when it is time for the next election results. You know you’re going to lose and you don’t know what to grip to.
    I can imagine DCG hiding somewhere! Who knows, maybe the GonziPn will protect her then, maybe at the quarters where they had hidden so many guns and rifles in the past behind that false wall? Or is that forgotten Daphne?
    Some things you never mention, do you?
    You hate us Labour voters, and it doesn’t make a difference to me. I just can’t wait to vote Labour again!

    [Daphne – Exactly why should I hide somewhere if Labour is elected to government, Sonia? Go on. Think about what you’ve said.]

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