I see that they are going to be celebrating really hard in Fgura

Published: August 27, 2012 at 1:39pm

20 Comments Comment

  1. Oscar says:

    I know EXACTLY what they can do with their tomatoes, but it would spoil Joey’s hairdo.

  2. WhoamI? says:

    Tomatina Maltese style. I guess it’s a Tadamata given that Tadamina could be the diminutive of Tadama.

    X’ahna xotti kulturalment.

    Anzi mhux se ssir xi girja bil-barrin a la San Fermin festival Pamplona Spain. Oh bil-haqq, gieli kellna barrin jigru fit-toroq fis-sebghinijiet u l-ewwel nofs tat-tmeninijiet. U huma zminijiet li ma rridux li jergghu jigu.

  3. Julian says:

    You can always trust the government to find new ways to waste tax money.

    TOM 27/8/2012 Fgura to hold big tomato fight:

    “… The activity was launched this morning by Parliamentary Assistant David Agius, who said the activity is being held with central government financial assistance. He said that in the past four years the government handed out almost €1 million as subsidies to local councils to organise 222 cultural events in their respective localities.”

  4. A Zammit says:

    Ghax the arts u l-food fighting imorru tajjeb ma xulxin.

    Ara, hi… please please sparawli…

  5. Ganna says:

    According to Joseph muscat people are so poor in Malta and poverty is on the increase, there are so many beggars and so on. I have a suggestion for the Fgura local council about those 2000 kilos of tomatoes.

    Please don’t waste them – give them to Joseph and he will pass them to these people above he loves to mention to put our nation down. Thank you.

    • Anonymous says:

      May I remind you that these will be ROTTEN tomatoes, not good ones used for eating. And please, stop trying to change the subject to your liking, you people sound desperate.

  6. lola says:

    What a cultural event! Who is going to clean the mess left behind?

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    Why didn’t they hold this tomato-throwing exercise last Saturday in Valletta?

    • Deo says:

      Antoine Vella, dardartni ta’ vera, qazzizt lil kulhadd biz-zibel li tikteb fit-Times, issa jekk int ragel bil-bajd dan il-kumment li ktibt fil-blog ta’ din is-sahhara mur ghidlu fil-kwartieri tal-PL jew f’xi kazin Laburista. Ghax ma tghidx li int indannat ghax rajt dik l-imhabba kollha lejn il-kbir Mintoff. Mhux bhalek, ma tiswa ghal xejn ja ndannat. Kompli nharaq hemm ja bicca mbarazz.

      • HP Sauce says:

        ‘Kompli nharaq hemm ja bicca mbarazz.’

        Did you write this to Antonie Vella or to yourself?

      • Konti Ugolino says:

        Ghax ma tghidx li int indannat ghax rajt dik l-imhabba kollha lejn il-kbir Mintoff.

        IMHABBA? Dawk il- qatta ipokriti lmarru il-funeral halli jaccertaw ruhhom li dak it-TRADITUR qammiel j u jinten kien verament mejjet u ma kienx hemm cans li hadu zball fic certifikat tal mewt.

      • Anonymous says:

        @Deo, very well said.

        @HP sauce, to answer your rubbish question and not to give you satisfaction, to antoine vella, who should be ashamed of writing a trash article on the Times. Truly sickening people.

  8. SKS says:

    Il-Ġidra ta’ Brussell kien l-ewwel suċċess letterarju ta’ Manwel Cuschieri.

    Issa se jikteb It-Tadam tal-Fgura.

    U mbagħad Il-Basla tal-Ħamrun Tmur Kastilja.

    U fl-aħħar, Il-Kaboċċa tal-Ħamrun Konsulent tal-Basla ta’ Kastilja.

  9. Min Jaf says:

    Araw ic-cercir u l-hamallati.

    • Jien naf ! says:

      Too posh for a faggot like you I suppose. Some people, enjoy life with simple things and find happiness, others, your like specifically, are too stuck up to do that, hence the look on your face.

      I doubt that you know what the actual definition of a ‘Hamallu/a” is.

      May your fake smiles help you get through the rest of your dull life.

      [Daphne – Here we go with another lesson in British idiomatic swearing and pejorative language. Faggot, like cunt, tit and bastard, are insults used exclusively for men. You cannot use them for women without being thought a stranger to the language or just an idiot. Also, you address the comment to me, showing that you are confused about how blogs work.]

    • Lomax says:

      My thoughts exactly Min Jaf.

  10. elephant says:

    There can no longer be excuses – we all know now and have written proof what the Labour mentality is – and if the leaders approve of this mentality then we have proof of their inability to run the country.

    Muscat brought in all the rubbish that had previously sided with the TRADITUR and of course with their mentality which will eventually take over the Labour administration. See today’s Times, there is a bit about ex-minister Joe Grima – meditate gente, meditate

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