Jahasra, m’ghandhomx il-Meri Spiteri biex tibki fuq it-tebut u tkanta siltiet mir-rok opra Gensna
August 24, 2012 at 12:00pm
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Just wanted to point out some highlights of Mintoff’s legacy:
I would like to start with the positive such as AirMalta and social benefits. The negatives though by far outweigh the positives:
Doctors, teachers and other strikers locked out from work.
The ransacking of Eddie Fenech Adami’s home
The ransacking of the Archbishop Curia
The closure of private hospitals
Church and private schools closed
University courses such as the B.A and the B.Sc stopped
Social housing mostly to Labour supporters while the Nationalists were blacklisted
Nationalists blacklisted and unable to have a telephone line at home
Many factories on a 4 day week roster
Electricity blackouts for days especially in Sliema area and Gozo
Water cuts and water shortages sometimes for weeks on end
Gozo ferry services only till 4pm
Broadcasting limited to state run stations with the intention of inculcating a Socialist generation
The murder of Nardu Debono and torture at the police depot and the prisons
Violence against Nationalists supporters, party clubs, the party headquarters and even at the Parliament
The removal of Indipendence Day
Public holidays reduced to a minimum
Wage freeze
Children’s allowance only to the first 3 children (as if the others were bastards)
Workers forced in military style establishments such as Iżra’ u Rabbi
Computers were banned
Televisions and video bought at the discretion (sic) of some minister
Cord less telephones deemed illegal
Gerrymeandering leads to 1981 victory
Widespread corruption
Bulkbuying – very restricted choice of products
Imports deemed luxurious such as chocolate banned
Friendships with pariah states such as Libya, North Korea, Romania, Cambodia and Bulgaria
I think I’d better stop.
-Changing malta from a dependent colony to a self-sustaining state
-Free education
-Free health care (closed private hospitals to open a free public one)
-Children’s allowance none the less.
-Rebuilding Malta from ruins of the war
-Regarding the interests of non-catholic people by changing malta to a non-secular state, something which the church greatly opposed and led to the ransacking of the Curia by his supporters (not the party itself)
-Restricted foreign imports to help Maltese to start their own business and help establish an economy from NOTHING.
-Widespread corruption..it’s seems like he’s not the only one and not the only party
-Kept good relations with countries who could be dangerous and prevented Malta from falling into deep shit if the English unexpectedly pulled out.
-Localized economy with Airmalta, seamalta, maltapost and a broadcasting station, to mention a few.
-Respected the other party’s ideology and had very close relations to Guido De Marco, Alla jahfirlu
-Felt he had to vote against his own party if it was for the good of the country
You all think that building a stable economy from scratch is easy? you think he wanted malta to suffer? some sacrifices were made, but then Malta benfitted from them later on. And the once stable economy is now ridden with debt from your party.
I think I’d better stop
It wasn’t over even when the fat lady sang…
Mass hysteria. Incredible.
From the website of one of the organisations fighting for basic human rights in North Korea, including the freedom of religion.
“We learned that there were two lives: one is the physical life and the other is the political life. We were taught that political life was forever along with the leaders and the Party. Therefore, I believed that my political life was more important than my physical life.”
“According to party covenant, Article 1, section 1, all North Koreans are required to worship Kim Il Sung with all our heart and might, even after his death. We have to venerate the pictures and status of Kim Il Sung.”
“We must hang [Kim Il Sung’s] pictures. The pictures indicate that Kim Il Sung is god, as we hang the pictures for the purpose of reminding ourselves that we depend on him.”
“Hanging portraits of Kim’s family is compulsory for every household. The portraits must be hung on the best wall of every home, and nothing else can be hung under the portraits. Families with high loyalty to the Party bow down under the portraits even when nobody is watching.”
Will the friends in Pyong Yang be sending a dance troupe like this one for the funeral?
Santo subito!!!!
She should have sung the ‘Titanic’ song.
Whoever does not cry is shot dead on the spot…
fox l-hdura tieghek dcg
Joseph and Michelle have got to learn their place, and fast. It was not in the least apt for them, after going to pay their respects to that ruddy bastard, Mintoff, to approach the people behind the barriers in St. George’s Square, shaking hands and smiling.
Not that I have any respect for bloody bastard Mintoff, but these plebs have got to realise that there is a time and a place for everything, and they were definitely out of line today.
Gonzi redeemed himself with me today – Whilst his wife made the sign of the cross, he just looked on sternly.
As for Michael Frendo, you could almost read his mind – He looked like he was there because he “had to”, though you could almost see him reliving scenes from Mintoff’s despotic days.
The first task by Joseph Muscat as Prime Minister will be the erecting of a mausoleum for Dom Mintoff. Every weekend his followers can go there and shed their tears.
Well, not entirely. http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20120824/local/crowd-waits-to-pay-tribute-to-dom-mintoff.434152
Video: 1:39
Tghid qatt ma semghuh il-cunt ta’ Meri Spiteri?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ckmcrvn8bTY&feature=player_embedded Completely irrelevant, but I just died laughing watching this.
Birds of a feather
Kemm inti mara mill-aghar. Ma tapprezza xejn ghall-gid li ghamel ghalik u ghal familtek Daphne!!
Daqs kemm ghamel gid lilek bqajt b’dik il-mentalita miskina.
Ghall-informazzjoni tieghek Mintoff taghni il-Childrens Allowance u b’hekk il-genituri tieghi setghu jixtru aktar ikel ghalina. Taghni sptar b’xejn u kura medika b’xejn, li tant apprezzajt meta kelli bzonn. u taghni ukoll id-dar li fiha nghix f’Santa Lucija, li hija mibnija KWAZI kollha minn gvern Mintoffjana! U puu ghal-wiccek!!
[Daphne – Kemm tifirhu bix-xejn, jahasra! Mhux ahjar xoghol imhallas tajjeb minflok cheque minghand is-social services? Bic-cekk tac-children’s allowance bqajtu taht Mintoff, imma bla xoghol siewi jew imhallas tajjeb. Kellkom tistennew sa wara l-1987 biex ikollkom xoghol tajba bizzejjed biex ma tibqghux iddisprati ghac-children’s allowance biex tixtru ikel.
You’re so damned stupid that I can’t stand even to listen to your lot any more. Let’s see now. Mintoff is elected prime minister. His job is to improve Malta’s economy so that we all have better work and more pay. Instead he wrecks the shop and suddenly, there are thousands out of work and more thousands stranded in a dockyard that the Royal navy has abandoned after the f**king idiot blew his negotiations with Britain on the renewal of its contract post 1979. He goes running to Gaddafi for financial help to pay the salaries. The economy crumbles even further. But Mintoff’s devoted followers? Why, they’re grateful because he gave them a cheque from social services, using Gaddafi’s money. They overlook his catastrophic failure to ramp up employment, improve the economy and have us all working for better pay. Instead, all these pathetic fools see is their children’s allowance cheque, and they kiss his feet for it. post 1987, they gets loads more money through the economic policies of the new government, which kickstarts the economy and sends employment rocketing sky-high, but they take this brilliant turn of events totally for granted – you know, because Fenech Adami didn’t actually GIVE it to them in the form of a cheque, and whine that Mintoff was better, because he was the one who gave them a cheque.]
Mara bla qalb,
Basta balla paroli fil-vojt, u bil-puluzija mieghek qieghda, ghax tibza’…. DELEK TQIL ja xitan!!!
By Emmanuel Mallia:
Injoraw lil min tilef kull tifsira tal-kelma “rispett”. Injoraw lil min tilef kull kontrol mentali. Injoraw lil min irid iwegga lill-ghajru. Injoraw min irid jaghmel d-deni b’kitbitu. Il-gudikant finalment ser ikun Alla il-Missier
Oh what crap!
Had he also put in “Injoraw min heggeg il-hdura bejn il-klassijiet, injoraw min halla l-vjolenza tisplodi, injoraw min halla l-korruzzjoni etc etc” we would have known EXACTLY who he is referring to.
Why, wasn’t he referring to Dom Mintoff?
Forgive me for my pig headedness
Forgive me for encouraging thugs and violence
Forgive me for hating the church
Forgive me for trying to deny you freedom of any sort (though I did allow you to buy colour TV’s in the end. (with a hefty levy on top – because I love you)
Forgive me for selling Malta’s soul to the devil(s) – Mao Tse Tung, Kim Jong Il, Gaddafi, Ceaucescu
Forgive me for putting personal vendettas in the way of goood governance
Forgive me for being vindictive against anyone who got in my my way
I did it because I knew I was right all along
By the way. I will not forgive you for giving me a church funeral. What the fuck are you thinking? You bastards, get me outta here………………..
The harder North Koreans cry, the larger their ration of rice. We are in a worse position because Mintoff-diehards sincerely believe, are utterly convinced, he was a saviour, whatever that means.
L-unika dispjacir li ghandi huwa li l-poplu malti qed ihallaslek security mal-bieb tieghek biex ma taqlax dik il-well deserved xeba ghal kummenti dizumani tieghek.
Daphne, ghax ma taqbadx zewg IP numbers u tatihom lil pulizija halli jipprocedu u malajr ma tircevix iktar kummenti. Dan theddid u instigazzjpni.
U jekk dawn qeghdin dispjacuti jaghmlu l-luttu, ghandhom mohh tal-blogs.
@maryanne… jien qatt ma naf li xtaqt lil hadd mejjet u fraht ghax miet bhal din il-blogger. Jien ma naqbel xejn mal-ghemil u d-diskors ta’ Daphne, imma lanqas tghaddili minn rasi li nifrah jekk tmut avolja hi waste of space and air.
Graziella, minhabba nies bhalek hemm security mal-bieb.
Forsi ghadhek ma realizzajtx, imma illum il-gurnata ma tistax taghti xebgha lil xi hadd ghax ma joghgbokx x’jikteb.
Jekk int brava, gib argument b’sustanza, sostnih bil-fatti, idjota.
l-moviment moderat u progressiv hareg xi memo mid-dehra;
‘Qisu li thedduha bil-pulit.’
Ma tantx bil-pulit wisq, Jozef.
ifimni Tati daqqa tiswik 60 Euros – Igifiri worth it
Graziella, jaqaw inti xi wahda msawwta?
Mary not Meri, dipshit
Merry she definitely is not, at the moment.
Well, you never know. Maybe she’s a beneficiary.
The only time he was a saviour was in 1998, when he brought down Alfred Sant’s government.
For the rest, he employed a policy of divide and rule. He sowed hatred, brought about violence and pursued vendettas.
The country he divided to rule remains divided until this very day.
Litteralment hnizrijiet biss rajna fi zmienu. Thank God that is over, and let’s hope we don’t get back there, so dear friends let’s keep our feet firmly on the ground and make no mistake in the coming elections.
These people have not changed.
Daph daph xixxxxxx – Dr Mallia is on the PL side now – Alleluljah, alleluljha – lol
foxx il liba li xorbot ommok liba kemm tiflah tkun mahta. Mur sawwat il zewgek mignuna ax ma jaqflukx hat tard. mur tallaq ma sigra ax al emm tajba!!!
[Daphne – Imagine being a simultaneous interpreter and having to switch that into English without stopping to think about it.]
let me try…
vagina the sperm which your mother drank sperm how you can be snot. Go and hit your husband crazy why not lock you ” hat late “. Go hang yourself with a tree coz for there you are good.
Alan, you are pathetic. if you know what it means. Edukazzjoni b’xejn imma ma tghallimtu xejn.
mela ma tafx xi jfisser il malti jew? jekk trid niltaqaw wicc imbwicc u nispjgahilek ahjar!!!!!! x ma tallimnix mr/mrs s? ma tallimnix nirrispettaw lil ohrajn jew???? jin sissa nejd li nazzjonalist,, imma ifisser li ragel kbir bhal mintoff tpeclaq ekk jewww?? l-aqwa li intom tallimtu hafna uw. proset uw xi trdini nejdilkom.
Ma Nghafx Meta Alla SEr Jisma TAlbna U jAqbdek Lakbar Cancer li ma Tfiq Minnu Qatt u tghamel xi sentejn tbati f qih ta sodda, a kelba dan il kliem nejdu mil qalb META SER TMUTU INT U FAMILTEK FORSI ID DEMM MARID LI GHANDKHOM IRIS ESTINT
Ħanqa ta’ ħmar qatt ma telgħet is-sema.
daph its thanks to mintoff, that you have the right to vote
[Daphne Yes, right, because Maltese women wouldn’t be voting in 2012 if women hadn’t been brought into the electorate in 1947. And Mintoff had nothing to do with it, either.]