Joseph Muscat: Tony Blair to Mintoff’s Princess of Wales

Published: August 21, 2012 at 6:19pm

Joseph Muscat cannot hide his glowing delight at the fact that Mintoff has died – or rather, at the opportunity for a big show that this death gives him.

He’s going to be Tony Blair to Mintoff’s Princess of Wales.

He has summoned the press already to film and photograph him on his pilgrimage to the fetid old bastard’s childhood home this morning.

And he can barely keep that smirk of his under control.

Yesterday he told us that we have all been orphaned because that miserable pervert has died. He didn’t say miserable pervert, but it’s what lots of us thought.

Speak for yourself, Joseph. We weren’t all brought up with votive candles lit beneath his image.

Then we had politicians speaking of him as a “political giant”. Political giant? The man was a dwarf in every way, including physical stature.

He was (oh, the joy of that past tense) the oldest cliche in the history books: the bully with problems rooted in childhood who fights his way to absolute or near-absolute power on a tide of ignorance, there to wreak his revenge on his perceived enemies and work out his personal issues.

Did Mintoff care about the working-class? Did he hell. He cared about nobody but himself.He didn’t bring about ‘social reform’ – for what it was worth – to better the lot of the working-class.

He did whatever he did to spite what he saw as the ruling class. That was his main focus.

But let the myth roll on.

Mintoff presided over Malta’s worst years. He broke the country’s back. Real, ground-breaking, seminal change came after 1987, and that’s when the working-class finally got the trappings of middle class life.

The tragedy is that they take all that happened since 1987 completely for granted, while lauding the coins that Mintoff tossed from Gaddafi’s table in the 1970s.

If I hadn’t been born and raised in Malta, I would consider such lack of insight to be just unbelievable. Sadly, all I have to do is remind myself that in 1992, around 45% of Maltese adults voted for the return of Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici as prime minister.

Twenty-five years of peace, prosperity, education and work have done nothing to change their mentality. They are still there, and they still think the same way, the only difference now being their sense of gross entitlement. This means that there really is no hope, is there.

112 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Will Joseph Muscat be organising any North Korean style public mourning sessions between here and Saturday?

    • maryanne says:

      He can have one session on Friday evening since Silvio Parnis has cancelled his Festa Familja.

    • MARSI says:


    • M. says:

      I doubt it. But rest assured that there’ll be at least a not-quite-so-closet-Minotffjan or two – who have tried to reinvent themselves since their old Labour days – going along to pay homage, and making sure that they are seen by all and sundry, little realising what people truly think of them, and how, in reality, they look utterly ridiculous.

    • Gwynne says:

      Who r u ASSHOLE???? Maltese people r not this way, r u going to compare Dom Mintoff with an Asshole like North Korea???Maltese people r what they r today because of Dom Mintoff, if u r Maltese SHAME ON U!!!!!

      • ciccio says:

        It was your Labour party which linked us to North Korea – ask Alex Sceberras Trigona.

        And it was your Labour party leader who sent condolences and wishes of shining achievements to the Assholes (which I take as the Supreme, Eternal, Generalissimo leaders) in North Korea.

      • Micheal says:

        You cant be serious? Mintoff was a great man. Only if you were a labour right. Then if you were a nationalist.. he would make your life miserable . so please shut up and believe what you believe. he ruined the maltese unity and there is now a great divide in our country.

      • Anon. says:

        Yet another illiterate. Ah… let the good times roll!

    • Anon. says:

      I had the exact same thought, but the fact that you actually posted a link means you went a step further. I congratulate you for it.

      You know, it’s funny how we sit back and laugh, but so many people get caught up in the hysteria of socialism and all of its offshoots that this sort of behaviour could have occurred in Malta.

      In fact, in the homes of a few, I bet it did.

      How disgusting.

  2. Interested Bystander says:

    I hope this isn’t a stupid question but couldn’t AD have joined with PL in a coalition after 2008 result?

    I still find it hard to believe that only a few hundred floating voters settle the outcome of the election.

    Malta is split in two.

  3. Norwegian Wood says:

    Malta Labour Party piggy-backing on death of Mintoff. Next thing the Moviment will start selling relics.

  4. ray says:

    Oh come on Daphne. You have to give Mintoff credit for 1998. Even though his motives were completely different, I certainly do.

  5. lisa says:

    int bis serjeta …. kin hu li qered il faqar gab il working class fuq saqaja u gab ic children allowance, social servizi drit al vot ghan nisa u drit al espresjoni ija amel hazin ukoll ima it tajeb kulhadd edt igawdih ja hadra …. u il helsien gabu ghal kulhadd mhux ghalih lewel malta qabel kollox

  6. MARSI says:

    Int ok jew? taf xi gwerra ha tqajjem fdan il pajjiz. aqtahha naqra kemm int mignuna. ibla il pirmli filkas jekk qed jahdem hazin mohhok

  7. MR PEE says:

    get a real job Daphne, you cock sucking piece of shit.

  8. lol says:

    How dare you refer to mintof as a bastard !!!! you better go die in a hole bitch

  9. imhasseb says:

    Ala din il-hsara kollha li qeghdha taghmel. Irrispetta lil familjari jekk ghandek qalb. Tixtieq li familtek tghaddi minn dan it tghajjir kollhu wara mewthom? X’gid qed taghmel lil Malta b’dan id-diskors?

    • Fido says:

      Familti għaddiet minn għar fi żmien il-gvern laburista!

    • Angus Black says:

      Imhasseb, ahseb ftit iehor.

      La Daphne w lanqas il-familja taghha f’ghomorhom kollu qatt ma ghamlu hsara daqs kemm Mintoff ghamel f’gurnata wahda.
      Qatt ma holqu gwerer kontra l-knisja.
      Qatt ma kissru w harqu stamperiji, kazini w djar privati.
      Qatt ma arrestaw nies innocenti.
      Qatt ma hbew evidenza biex assassini baqghu jigru mas-saqajn sal-gurnata tal-lum.
      Qatt ma bighu l-Malta, la lill-Inglizi, la lill-Koreani, la lic-Cinizi w wisq anqas lill-Gaddafi.
      Qatt ma serqiu ishma ta banek bla ebda rikumpens.
      Qatt ma serqu djar privati w bidluhom f’kazini minghajr is-sidien ma jircievu sold.
      Qatt am ghamlu xi patt sigriet ma stat Kommunist ghal l-ghoti ta armi biex irazznu cittadini Maltin.
      Qatt ma zammew l-importazzjoni ta ikel w oggetti ohra ta bzonn.

      Nieqaf hawn imhabba l-ispazju, imma jekk tahseb ftit, sur ‘imhasseb’ dak li farrak Mintoff jinkludi lilek u kif tahsiba int illum.

      • Matthew Azzopardi says:

        Kemm ghad fadallek x’ titghallem fuq l-istorja ta’ pajjizna. Niskanta kif nies bhalek ma jisthux jesponu l-injuranza taghhom b’ dan il mod. Dahhaktna ilkoll.

      • Pg says:

        Xta Mintoff

        Children allowance minn guff ommok
        Gwerra ma kniesja qatt ma kellu infatti Sir Michaelo Gonzi ghamilla darbdejn fit 30 lil Strickland u fis 60 lil Mintoff.
        Skejjel bxejn
        Plots u ghajnuna finanzjarja bxejn u mhux cikkulata
        Sparrijiet bxejn
        edukazzjioni bxejn
        Bighma xoghol ta erbejn sija
        leave u sick leave
        penzjioni u mhux tallaba
        bonus u ghajnuna lil nin ma kellux bollol u ghajnuna lil min jirregistra.

        dawn kolla kien ftit mill kullana ta successi ta mintoff. ahjar imkistrien hekk milli kif imkissrin issa.

        daqsekk thobbuha lil art twelidkhom

  10. Gahan says:

    According to Dr Joseph Muscat, Mintoff introduced the student stipends ! What a brazen lier!

    One episode which stuck in my head while reading Lino Spiteri’s biography was when Lino won a scholarship ,and informed Mintoff that he was leaving Malta to further his studies at Oxford University.Mintoff discouraged Lino by telling him “Don’t go, you will be better off with me, stay in Malta, you don’t need to study”. Lino left for England to later become deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Malta under a Nationalist Government.
    Enough said.

    Why did the orphan Joseph Muscat go to Bormla and not at “The Olives” in Tarxien to lay the wreath? Simple,he was not welcome at Tarxien it was his first opportunity to meet and gain sympathy- by blinking his eyes repeatedly -from the Bormla voters.

    This is not an Irish joke.
    Is anyone who loses his dad at the venerable age of 96 called an orphan? Well Joseph thinks so.
    Twelve years ago, Mintoff left the political stage with a big bang leaving the Labour Party in disarray ,after that clash with Alfred Sant ,PL supporters still can’t make wether Old Dom was a Saviour or a Traitor.

    Where can I get hold of a copy of “Dear Dom”?

    May he rest in peace.

    • Gahan says:

      “As soon as he opened his firm there was a lot of work because of the war damage. I was going to apply for a job because I wasn’t keen on university but he told me to join him at the firm.” That was to be Raymond’s first and only job. Though not an architect, he learnt the trade as Dom’s assistant.

      It seems that the offer Lino got was accepted by Raymond who never got a “karta tal-incova” from the university!

  11. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat can’t believe his luck. Everything is going his way.

  12. Mary says:

    I think you meant 25 years of hell!! because thats what we had under this sorry form of a goverment!!! but i guess are so full of it that you see!!

    • La Redoute says:

      What hell, Mary?

    • PRO says:

      what the f*** are u sayin??? did u spend 25 yrs in baghdad by any chance ???

      • Mary says:

        What the fuck am i saying?? I wish you me tell me what did this goverment do right? NOTHING!!! We lost everything that was ours!! Believe me I was living here but of course I’m not blinded like you all believing and accepting everything that is thrown my way!! But i guess you like living like that!!

    • Lisa says:

      What do you know about governing? You can’t even write properly.

    • Backwards country says:

      you heard it here first folks,the wise one has spoken!

    • M. says:

      Actually, it’s 25 years of bliss, less 22 months of uncertainty. Labour were in government between November 1996 and September 1998. Remember?

      • TinaB says:

        I must admit, I would have never guessed – I expect a graduate to have a complete different mentality than yours.

        You work 12 hours a day, eh? You should consider yourself very lucky, dear. There are millions of graduates in Europe who can’t even find a job, cleaning lavatories for a couple of hours, let alone work 12 hours a day.


    • TinaB says:

      Mary, nispera li m’intix wahda minn dawk li jaghmlu granet shah jeqirdu fuq il-fejsbukk kif qatilna bil-guh Gonzi imbaghad fl-istess waqt iffaqqghulna xi ritratt fuq il-powfajl, jippuzaw fuq xi cruise liner.

      • Mary says:

        Not at all dear I have better things to do than waste my time on facebook! Believe if i had money to waste to go on cruise, I wouldnt need to work 12 hrs a day! And just so you know I’m a graduate. I guess shows the misery this country is in!!

    • Gourami says:

      Int u min hu bhalek l-ewwel tiehdu biex teqirdu u tgorru kemm m’hawnx flus u kemm hawn faqar, imma biex naghmlu d-dwiefer, nilghabu t-tombla, nixtru s-sigaretti u mmorru l-Coffee Morning ta Dear Joseph hemmhekk kulhadd ghandu!!!

      U halina!

      • TinaB says:

        Ghax hekk derriehom il-Perit, Gourami, l-ghazzien inkallat joqghod b’idejh fuq zaqqu u l-gvern jaghtih ir-relief, postijiet b’xejn u mitt haga ohra bit-taxxi u l-propjeta li jakkwista minn fuq dahar min ikun dejjem irsista biex ghamel xi sold biex ikun jista jghix komdu.

        Li jixxokkjani hafna hu li ghadda daqs dan zmien, naghmlu parti mil-Unjoni Ewropeja, imma il-mentalita baqghet tintiret mil-generazzjonijiet taghhom.

        Il-vera tal-biki.

  13. Debbie Cassar says:


    • Anon. says:

      bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

      If only we could understand your LOUD rant we would reply.

      But zero replies means nobody cares.

      Maybe next time you should write in English. The article was in English – why must you reply in Maltese?

      Should I write letters to your brother in Dutch?

  14. Lomax says:

    But how do you manage to read people and situations so well?

    I couldn’t understand yesterday why Muscat was smiling so shamelessly.

    I thought it was due to his (Muscat’s) finally swung free of the patriarch’s meddling. However, you must be right. He envisages his role as Blair’s when Princess Diana died.

    But you could not have said it better: the revolution in Malta came after 1987. And the best words written this year in Malta have to be the following:

    “But let the myth roll on.

    Mintoff presided over Malta’s worst years. He broke the country’s back. Real, ground-breaking, seminal change came after 1987, and that’s when the working-class finally got the trappings of middle class life

    The tragedy is that they take all that happened since 1987 completely for granted, while lauding the coins that Mintoff tossed from Gaddafi’s table in the 1970s. ”

    You couldn’t have said it better. This is the sheer truth. No amount of state funerals can change this.

  15. mark says:

    l ahwa tatux kasa di ovja xet tamel biex tistieden in nies al inkwiet u imqabda mill pn isa imp li kif jitla il labour dakinhar stess qalbi liskorta titlaq ha ha taqawx al provokazjoni di min iz zobb jaf min i bhal dak iz zibel binha imkecci ukoll ax patenta u basa bhal ommu we can see right tru you bitch mux ha inpxxukom

  16. Daniel Camilleri says:

    Well, I can’t believe that in “Twenty-five years of peace, prosperity, education and work” (oh, I almost chocked even copying the phrase), there are still people like you that are ready to lick a party so that they adore you. I barely believe that your ideas are really free.
    Daphne, just asking, how does Gonzi’s ass taste like?

    [Daphne – I wouldn’t know. I rarely eat meat, and I have no idea how to cook bottoms anyway.]

    • Lomax says:

      Daniel, my ideas are free and I can assure you that Ms Caruana Galizia echoes my exact thoughts when she writes about Mintoff and the PL.

      You know why I do not use my real name? Because in your beloved party’s time, should any person not toe the line or dare to make his voice heard in opposition to Mintoff’s policies, then the MLP’s machine of retribution would fall on him like a ton of bricks in the form of loss of jobs, illegal imprisonment to name some national pastimes of the time.

      You, on the other hand, can log oto this site, write whatever you like, presumably under your real name, without fear of retributiont. I, on the other hand, use a nom-de-plume because the fear which I used live in as a child, still lingers in me as a direct result of what happened at the time.suffice it to say that my mother used to go around with a screwdriver in her ndbagdue to the fact that we (the whole family) would be threatened since my parents were (closet – non-provocative ) nationalists.

      Which 25 years were the real hell?

    • Ivan Cutajar says:

      Yes, Daniel you are right she would like at lest lick the ass of Gonzi, it seen that its a long time she did not get a F…k, that is why she have this termper Kelba shuna u vera DF….. majta ghal zo…

    • Pg says:

      that’s because you’re a wanker and don’t forget that what goes around comes around. have a look in the mirror if it doesn’t break and after have a live

  17. Jozef says:

    He just had to place another wreath on top of that tribute to gagazza, looks like he’s not so sure of his hindsight when in Cottonera.

    Now that his idol’s dead, any discrepancy in the party’s identity has to be ironed out, judging by the multitude and quality of comments, guess who’s on the up in Labour.

    Joseph will have to oblige, making it any self respecting individual’s duty to challenge the obscenity of Mintoff’s memory.

    Celebrating his demise has its pathos, it challenges glorified indolence with the real deal, our here now.

    Mintoff has long been dead and buried, perhaps since 1987.

    What does it mean to be a Mintoffjan anyway, if not something akin to those who still cannot get themselves over their fear of this blasphemy?

  18. Ritienne Abela says:

    I can’t believe Daphne that God can create you, only the devil can create you, as you are. You’re no person of Christianity and of God. You’re cruel on the inside and on the outside, and please do look at yourself in the mirror, a close look my dear. What are you thinking, that reading your messages people will vote for PN? NO NO NO you’re making it worse for PN to be in Government again! Shame on you and don’t ever say you’re Maltese. You’re the worst journalist in Malta as you show your hatred towards people. You’re the example of the Nationalist Party. Look at the mirror before you critisize and judge people because like the Bibble says ‘ if you judge you will be judged!

  19. RGG says:

    Ma tmurx tihdu gox qabar familtek ja liba. Int ghandek intern hazin ta majjal marid bil cancer..

  20. David Meilak says:

    Describe ‘Hell’ as you see it Mary. Let’s see some wisdom. Come on, Mary, describe the hell of the past 25 years.

    • Pg says:

      Are you utterly and mentally sick? You are one of those wankers who are well off? you don’t receive electrical an water bills? I ask you one question. Mention one social law in these past 100 years that the PN applied for the poorest not poor but the poorest as they were always against the lower class. and if you want wisdom mention one PN member that gave so much to the people as Mintoff does when he build a country who had to work for a living and not go to war

  21. David S says:

    Joe Grima even had the cheek to credit Mintoff with the freeport project. Till May 1987 a mere 2000 containers were handled at the so-called Freeport, and not because it was just completed but due to the fact that it was idle for a number of years.

    Indeed the wharves had to be totally rebuilt and remodelled as containers could not even be stacked more than two high.

    Everything Mintoff planned was a mess, a leaking silo with gurbiena growing inside it, the Marsa shipyard white elephant, a power station powered by coal (let alone heavy fuel oil) … And the list goes on.

    And Dr Fenech Adami, I feel INSULTED by your saying Mintoff will be remembered for more positively than negatively.

    Have you forgotten that we were terrorised and lived in a police state? Have you forgotten the famous slogan, Xoghol, Gustizzja, Liberta because all three were completely lacking by 1987.

    You also owe an apology to all the suffering Nationalists for uttering such a screamer. Are you suffering from dementia as well now? Yes, today was a very sad day. Not because Mintoff passed away but because Eddie insulted half the nation .

    • A.Attard says:

      He even insulted the memory of his wife Mary, I could not believe my ears.

    • maryanne says:

      “And Dr Fenech Adami, I feel INSULTED by your saying Mintoff will be remembered for more positively than negatively.”

      I also disapprove of that comment. If you only put Raymond Caruana’s murder on one side of the scale it will surely outweigh any positives coming from Mintoff. There is no price for one life.

      It is not just the list of what a government does that one has to take into account. For me the attitude, the mentality and the culture that a prime minister and his team foster are more important than economic and other considerations. In this regard, Mintoff veru irrangana ghal-frisk for many generations to come.

      Life before Mintoff was ‘civil’ enough to let you grow and mature and live in peace. All that changed after 1971. L-aqwa li hadna c-children’s allowance.

    • M. says:

      Very well said. I couldn’t believe he said that, either, especially after what we all went through – He would know as much – if not more – than anyone else who suffered under the bastard’s “rule”.

  22. David Meilak says:

    Yes Mary I can see why Labour only governed for 22 months in the past quarter of a century, because we were living in hell.

    Even Dear Dom couldn’t stand Sant’s government, and brought it down.

    • Anon. says:

      Hear, hear… finally, somebody who remembers!

      I teach at the university, and we were having a friendly political discussion about Malta’s legacy.

      Someone said the NP had been in government for 30 years, and that Malta needed a change.

      I said “they tried a change and it failed.”

      Nobody knew what I was talking about. Everyone’s forgotten that this LP party could not keep the government afloat, and it could not do so because this man, whom young people – in the gushing and hyperbolic style of our days – seem to think of as some sort of Moses, brought the government down!

      Yes, that’s right. Mintoff disbanded a Labour government and handed the reigns back to the Nationalists.

      Where has Alfred Sant been during these celebrations?


  23. Observer says:

    Watching Super One right now airing Gensna sends shivers down my spine.

    This is the stuff we are braced to watch in a few months time on PBS with the likes of Jason Micallef at the helm of the national broadcaster. How on earth can people claiming to be free from a mental disorder consider voting Labour?

  24. Babyboomer says:

    Dear Dr. Yana Mintoff Bland,

    Your dad and mine were of the same age. Yet I was not blessed as you in seeing MY dad live to the ripe old age of 96 and see his own grandchildren being born and grown up.

    You see, your dad’s intransigence, bullying tactics and spiteful nature drove mine to pre-mature aging and an early grave about three decades ago.

    God may forgive your father for his nefarious deeds, but you must forgive me if I do not do likewise. I am not God but an imperfect frail vulnerable human being and no amount of forgiveness from my part will ever give me back my dad or my youth.

    I am sure that there are countless others out there sharing my sentiments.

  25. Bob says:

    They took him to Mater Dei least he will cost the family anything.

  26. jose says:

    “Eddie Fenech Adami said today that all considered, Dom Mintoff’s positives outweighed his many negatives.
    “He believed in his country and wanted to bring about change quickly, possibly too quickly at times,” former President and Prime Minister Dr Fenech Adami told”………………….go and fetch a nice rounded red dildo, daphne!………poor dildo!!

  27. Andre says:

    Uzgur li 25years of peace to you, god knows how many dicks from the government you suck so they let you write all this fecal matter on the internet. And who knows how many more dicks to enjoy the privileges you have.

    [Daphne – In a democracy, and most particularly an EU member state, you don’t have to suck dicks to be allowed to write. The only privileges I have are the ones I was born with, but I wouldn’t expect your kind to know anything about that, so it’s best if you drop the subject. It’s only people from your background who can’t understand that it’s not everyone who was born in a gutter and raised in a garage.]

  28. giraffa says:

    Those of us who are over 50 years old still have clear memories of the despotic rule of Mintoff’s reign, which negatively conditioned our lives and those of our families.

    We shall never forget how we lived a form of dictatorship with mob rule and rampant corruption being the order of the day.

    We were thankful for small mercies such as 1c reduction in the cost of tinned mackerel (I am not joking!), or when the water bowser turned up to fill up our roof tanks with murky water.

    Despite this, brace yourself now for the hypocrites coming out of everywhere (even unashamedly from the PN quarters) who will shower praise on Mintoff like he was the Prophet, and, given a chance, will possibly move for his early beatification.

    We must not let the true history of those dark ages be forgotten and it is good for Daphne to make sure we don’t

    • leslie says:

      if you’re so much against mintoff’s reign and you hate him so much ,why did you eccept the children allouance ,you got because of him.
      if i was you i would give back all you had cause of him

  29. Dolores says:

    The Man is dead..let him rest in peace. whatever he did good or bad..he did it his way,the best he know how. My God grant him eternal life. don’t speak ill of the dead.
    you sound like a real bitter woman. what’s the reason for that?

  30. Deborah says:

    u aqtahha issa hi ghax jekk taf taqra indunajt li dejjaqt hafna nies!!! Vera imnalla kien Dom Mintoff ghalik l ewwel wahda ghax kieku la ghandek allowance u lanqas ghandek cans tghid il kelma tieghak purcinella ghax hu kien il persuna li ta cans lin nisa jidhlu fil politika!!!! repeat purcinella!!!!

  31. ciccio says:

    Miskin Silvio Parnis. He is going to have to cancel, or postpone, his Silvio Parnis Fest. And it’s all Mintoff’s fault.

    My hopes to win a new mattress with a cheap stake in a lottery have just evaporated.

    • Danton says:

      I know for a fact that Parnis is going to cancel his show after he got hauled to Labour headquarters and given a big tongue lashing by Joe Muscat. Fellow Labour cadidates in his same district are infuriated about the way he has been promoting himself as ”THE” Labour candidate from the district.

  32. Tomb raider says:

    Will Dr. Joseph Muscat now organise an SMS fund-raising competition for an epitaph to be inscribed on Mintoff’s tombstone?

    Or maybe we can propose some ideas on this blog…

  33. Stingray says:

    Do you realise how much harm you are causing the Nationalist Party with your comments. People out there are taking you and your hip jointed twin HP Baxxter (Lou Bondi??) as part of the PN strategic machine. They may be right you know

  34. hope you die you heartless bitch says:

    you are a disturbed individual who needs serious help

    • M. says:

      Try reading again what you’ve written, including the name you gave yourself. What does that make you? Typical Labour.

  35. GakkI says:

    Aw Mary Miskina nithassrek nistaghgeb kemm int injuranta nippreferi mmigrant illegali minnhek . Ghandek tfal Jew – fejn bghatthom jitghallmu l l Libya Jew? Il mohh kollox insomma

  36. Dickens says:

    Beneath the skin of every so-called ‘progressive moderate’ Labourite is a raving raging rabid snarling semi-illiterate Mintoffian neanderthal ready to spring out.

    It only takes a few well-worded ironical barbs to smoke them out into the open for a whole nation to ”lo and behold.”.

  37. toni says:

    Dear Daphne,

    you are a shame to you and your family. you want attention by posting nasty things. i don’t wish you to die BUT i wish you to live till old age so you will suffer for your sins and hate.
    now get a proper life.

    [Daphne – The concept of family shame is linked to village life and does not apply to families like mine, toni. The trouble with people like you is that you know nothing outside your own culture and so lack all imaginative empathy and the ability to see that your values are not the gold standard.]

    • toni says:

      by showing such anger and hate,you are showing how sad and low life you are.regarding the shame to families, i meant that i am sure your family are good people but rather than turning out like them,you turned out a NASTY,VILE “PERSON”.
      you really don’t deserve attention.
      i am sure you wanted to be an actress growing up but since your genes wont allow you to be on the big screen,you chose this kind of media.
      even nationalist people are disgusted by your comments and hate.
      enough of my time with you.

    • CASSAR says:

      daphne, our values are not gold standard. They are there. You have no values, that is the issue!!!

  38. 1970 baby says:

    At the risk of sounding melodramatic what is truly disconcerting is the way Joeph Muscat obviously has no qualms about using Mintoff’s death to curry favour with the die-hard Mintoffjan section of the electorate instead of politely but firmly using the occasion to distance his Moviment from the excesses of the Dom Mintoff years.

    Vera pinnur…when it suited him he made some mealy-mouthed apology for the violence of the 1970s and 80s – that’s when he had the ‘puliti’ in his sights – and now he is farting around visiting Mintoff’s childhood home!

    What we see here is an upstart who beneath the very thin veneer of ex-MEP with kids at independent school who holidays in Tuscany bla bla bla is really not very different from the cwiec who are lashing out on this site.

    Yes, the very kind who see absoluitely nothing wrong in keeping a flight waiting to accomodate a pal who is running late for check-in. They are frothing at the mouth to be in the driving-seat and then this ‘Ha hudu go fikhom min tahsbu min intkhom’ attitude will become par for the course.

    • Danton says:

      You do not know just how right you are. I heard from a reliable source that Joe’s Labour have been preparing for the eventuality of the old perv’s death for quite a while. They had everything in readiness to rev up their propaganda machinary as soon as they were told that he had snuffed it,and start their carefully choreographed progress of Joe Muscat as he makes his stately progress with his Mintoffian pilgrimage at selected Mintoffian shrines.
      The old bugger has not yet been buried but the new Fondazzjoni has already been set up with people already breceiving invitations to join up .

  39. Johann Agius says:

    Can you yourself just go to hell Daphne? That would makes us all very happy indeed.

    [Daphne – Why need I go to all that trouble, when you can simply avoid logging on to this website? It’s not as though I’m running your life, as Mintoff ran mine. And incidentally, what is your view of his having brought down the only Labour government in 25 years?]

    • ciccio says:

      Excellent question about Mintoff bringing down the Labour government.
      Johann, we await your reply. But we are not holding our breath.

  40. Renald Micallef says:

    I wrote this because I could not stand the Facebook Likes for Mintoff’s greatness without feeling so embarrassed.

  41. francesca says:

    Aktar kmieni illum kont hdejn missieri. Ghandu sebghin sena.

    Saqsieni jekk rajtux id-dokumentarju li gabu dwar il hajja ta Mintoff fuq Net TV.

    Qalli ”x’hin gabu lil Mintoff jissahhan u jhedded, ergajt twerwirt u hassejt il-bard”.

    Dak kien Mintoff.

    • M. says:

      Seeing him on television evokes the same sort of feelings in many people of my generation, having been brought up with such a tyrant for a prime minister.

  42. D.C says:

    Il-mibeghda li ghandek lejn Mintoff tirrifletti l-injoranza tieghek fil-politika u fis-socjologija in generali. Ma naghtikx tort imma, wara kollox mohhok sal-arkeologija wassal.
    Nirrispetta l-opinjoni tieghek pero kull min ghandu naqa sens u gherf f’mohhu li kapaci jiddistingwi bejn ggant u nanu tal-politika jaf li dan il-blog ma nkitibx minn mohhok, imma minn qalbek.
    Nahseb illi bhali taf li n-nuqqas ta cikkulata barranija fi tfulitek biddlitlek hajtek ta taht fuq. (Jew forsi tant thobb tilghabha tal vittma li, skontok, fi tfulitek il-mintoffjani ittorturawk). Lil Mintoff toboghdu ghax int egoista wisq, tant li lanqas lit tfal tieghek ma ridt igawdu.
    Ma tafx x’qieghda tghid meta titkellem fuq riformi socjali, ma tafx xi tfisser klassi socjali. Minflok tghajjar lil haddiehor ghax ma jafx jikteb xi kelma nahseb li jkun ahjar li kieku tipprova tifhem l-istorja. Imma nsomma, ghalxejn thambaq mal-injorant, ma min hu mohhu skadut u widnejh mizdudin tant li ma jridx jisma.
    Jalla Alla jaghraf li inti persuna injoranta u jghadrek ghax mhux tort tieghek li tikteb hekk. Huwa tort tal egozimu u tal ghanqbut li jinsab fmohhok u fqalbek.
    Ma tistax tichad it-tajjeb ta Mintoff bhal ma hadd ma jista jichad it tajjeb ta Fenech Adami. Persuna bhalek li hlief stupidagni ma johrogx minn halqha (skuzani, mill-pinna) ma tista qatt tiddetermina min hu l-ggant u n-nanu tal politika. Tiddeterminaha l-istorja u min ghandu kemmxejn gherf fl- ekonomija u s-socjologija, u mhux fl-arkeologija. Nispera li ma twahhalx f’Mintoff li int gejt persuna daqshekk mibghuda minn kulhadd. Persuna li bhalek thossha ‘elite’ ma jmisshiex taqa daqshekk fil-hama li toffendi personali lil haddiehor, specjalment lil min halliena u qieghed igawdi l-hajja ta dejjem.

    Jalla tnaddaf l ghanqbut, l-egoizmu u l-mibeghda li ftit cikkulata nieqsa minn hajtek rabbietlek f’qalbek u f’mohhok.

  43. Anonima says:

    Ithaq kemm trid, imma meta tmur tivota, ghid jien se nivota minhabba Mintoff.

    • M. says:

      Kemm int injoranta, jahasra. Naf x’ridt tfisser, pero’ ha’ nghidlek haga – Anke’ jiena dejjem immur nivvota minhabba Mintoff, imma biex naccerta ruhi li tal-Labour ma jitilghux fil-gvern waqt li nkun hajja jiena.

    • Priscilla says:

      Good one

  44. Gwynne says:

    Hahahaha, calling Dom Mintoff IGNORANT, thats like AL PACINO in the GOdfather talking to Kate, when he was talking about the Senators, anyways watch the Movie moron.

    • Anon. says:

      Are you certain you understood the nuances of the film, Gwynne?

      It was based on a book written by Mario Puzo, and he is a master of symbol and nuance.

      I only ask if you are certain you could grasp such a long and metaphor-laden film because your grammar and proficiency IN YOUR NATIVE LANGUAGE suggests otherwise.

  45. Clint says:

    Mrs Daphne, ghax ma tmurx tiehdu foxx kemm ghandek u taghlaq halqek.

    • Fido says:

      L-istess lingwaġġ u attitudni qed jiġġustifikaw r-rabja u l-biża li mmotivaw dak li kitbet Daphne!

    • M. says:

      Pulit int, e, Cunt.

    • Kalepin says:

      Qatt qalulkhom li intom il Mintuffjani ta’ Joseph Muscat limitati kemm fl intellet kif ukoll fil vokabularju? Hlief ”oxx, fox inhexa, liba, hadra u kerha” ma tafux tghidu.

      Kemm intom monotoni anke fl insolenzi taghkhom, ja qatta’ assenza tal-hara tal-gawwi wara li jigi imnixxef f”ghadira mahta tal-Lhamas .Darb ohra , meta tkun iffrustrat minflok tigi hawn, mur inhexa mal-granc li ghandu l ”untile dominium perpetum” fix-xaqq ta’ sorm dak il bazwi ta ‘ nannuk!

  46. D.Z says:


  47. james says:

    daphne your a great right keep it up cause there are people who listen to you and let the haters hate :)

  48. VIVA MINTOFF says:

    if you want to give her a taste of her heatred medicine all that are against her write: VIVA MINTOFF!

  49. Kev says:

    Ara din trid daqa ta zokk ta iswed ta….

  50. CASSAR says:

    Dear Daphne, I do admire you in a way, for the lack of shame you show in exposing matters and I sincerely hope that this comment gets posted to show that you are truly an open minded person.

    You must have had a terrible life. I pity you. Your heart is so full of hate and discontent that I cannot but weep for the pain you must be feeling. The distasteful way you speak about the dead will for sure haunt you. Than if you truly believe in the nationalist values, you hold God foremost and God forgives much but not hate, spite, cruelty and the spreading of these. In that logic and if you believe that Perit Mintoff was really such a bad person, you should be enjoying his company till eternity if you keep on this way . Imagine that. The two of you in satan’s company, side by side! Is that not enough reason to hold your mouth/pen and forgo conversion to better values. To write about things like the ribbons cut by this government and the successes in job creation achieved in the past months. Go on then Do it for yourself!

  51. Doreen says:

    Ghalik kull min hu laburist jew mintoffjan huwa injorant,baxx u hamallu.Nahseb li l-ikbar injorant u baxx huwa dik il-persuna li ma tafx x’jigifieri li jkollok sentimenti nobbli u tiehu pjacir twegga’ l-qalb ta’ l-ohrajn.

  52. DC says:

    Ma nafx kif ma tisthix titkellem b’dan il-mod. Jiena Nazzjonalist u feroci, pero, dawn huma mumenti fejn ghandna niftakru fit-tajjeb tal-perit Mintoff. X’qal hazin meta ndirizzah bhala ggant Joseph. Mhux vera kien ggant tal-politika u dan ma jichdu hadd. Isma minni Daphne u ghid posta ghal ruhu u l-mejtin hallihom jistriehu. Il-barka tkun fuqek Perit. RIP

  53. dolores says:

    la titkellem hekk fuq l ghaziz ta malta ahseb u ara kif titkellem fuq ommok u missierek ja haga kerha

  54. dolores says:

    U li titwiled injoranta tort t ommok imma li tibqa injorantat tort tieghek

  55. Carmel says:

    Min dan li qrajt kollhu nitallhemm il-POPLU ahqru werrhu ikasstigah u izjed ghamlu LAQQI biex ikun ferhan li hu cuc.

  56. Toni says:

    One cannot but fail to be impressed by the colourful language used to defend Mintoff and attack DCG. But then again education was never one of Dom’s greatest achievements.

  57. Foxx Ommok Daphne says:

    Ghax ma tmurx tiehdu foxx il-liba ommok u foxx dak il-muntun missierek. U kif qieghed hawn foxx dak il-hara ibnek.

    [Daphne – Kemm intkom tedjanti. Dejjem l-istess diska. Conversation round the dinner table must be great fun with you lot. But then I suppose I could always amuse myself by looking at the way you eat. If you want to learn how to use a knife and fork, call me. I’m thinking of providing a pro bono ‘how to eat at table’ class for Laburisti.]

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