Maaaa, x’hamallagni: snatching and fighting over Mintoff’s santi. X’baqa issa?
August 26, 2012 at 10:55pm
From an online report of Mintoff’s funeral:
11.38 a.m. Mementoes are handed out to those following proceedings in St. John’s Square. Some people snatch them from each other and arguments briefly break out.
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Imbaghad jghidu li Mintoff qered il-faqar u l-injoranza.
hekk kien ghamel fil fatt izda il-gvern tieghek rega holoq il-faqar u l-injoranza kif jidher car fuq dan il blogg….
Dalwqaqt jibdew jitqatlu ghar-relikwi.
Zarbun ta’ Mintoff, qalza ta’ Mintoff, troffa xaghar ta’ Mintoff. But his bokkla, well, that will be auctioned to the highest bidder and the proceeds go to the haddiema.
Sorry I disagree Lomax, now they will establish a Museum for Mintoff in Cottonera.
There already is a virtual museum –
Did they bury the bastard in the suit and tie he wore on 31 March 1979?
I think so.
Kemm int ahdar ja skadut indannat tkellem hekk fuq lahhar wiehed li mietlek kurnut
The problem is that persons like you hide after nickname and do not have the gutts (bocci) to say your true name … Coward
Because you’re writing under your true name?
I’ll say this slowly for you to understand: Most of us write under nicknames because we can’t risk revealing our true identity, as when you’re back in government, we would be discriminated against, just like when Mintoff and KMB were in government.
I can understand the behaviour of the crowd if the mementos consisted of Rolex watches.
le ta nahseb ir rolex watches inghataw fil funeral ta gwido peress li skond xi hadd gwido kellu hafna aktar nies fil-funeral….u taf int peress li il gvern taghkom huwa sinjur li seta jaghti lilu innifsu u lil shabu 500 euro fil gimgha zieda mil but tal poplu, setaw jaffordjaw din l-ispiza…
I got many. Now I sell dem on maltapark and with the money I put the big sound sytem in my honda civic. Grazzi perit.
Soon those santi will be changing hands for blessed miracles or even favours, probably the Lorry Sant version I might add.
Soon those santi will be changing hands for euro 500 notes.
X’ironija …
Santi, relikwi u mirakli ghal dawk li jqisu lil Mintoff xejn anqas minn Alla Salvatur li ma qamx mill-mewt wara tliett’ijiem … Monument tal-bronz ghal dawk li ghexu iz-zminijiet meta l-computer kien jisraq il-jobs.
Imbghad ghal dawk li ma jiftakrux dawk iz zminijiet, website u online museum, youtube videos juruna il-konkwisti tal-passat, ritratti ta kadavru atew go knisja bil-kuruna torbotlu idejh ghal bejh fuq Facebook.
I just wonder how the Mintoff myth will evolve in the future with Sant’s “traditur” poode in goverment … jafu jisthu dawn in-nies?
in another article you said that there were hardly any people at his funeral and that they were more interested in looking for shade. Now you are quoting from The Times that they were ‘fighting’ over Montoff’s mementoes.
I suppose there were more people than your wretched self wishes.
[Daphne – Or fewer mementoes. Tinsiex li qeghdin nitkellmu dwar il-qamellin hawnhekk.]
By the way, I wander how many people will attend your funeral. Personally, I would be ashamed.
[Daphne – Only southern Mediterranean villagers worry about the size of the crowd at a funeral, bettina. Perhaps one day I will write my views about Maltese funerals, which tend to be the pits.]
Ghal hafna Mintoff kien ta’ ghajnuna b’hekk jiggieldu ghat-tifkira tieghu, jidispacini daphne li ghalik ma kienx izda bla dubju li mhux se jiggieldu ghas santi ta’ gonzi jew EFA ghax dawk ghal hbieb u lil hbieb tal hbieb biss kienu ta’ ghajnuna. dan mhux kas ta injoranza, u ghamel favur lilek innifsek u tkomplix taqa ghac-cajt. ibqa zgur li fil-funerali ta dawk li semmejt qabel u inkluz tieghek mhux se jkun hemm ‘injoranza’ zgur, mhux ghax nazjonalisti u fil-fehema tieghi bravi hafna, izda ghax qatt ma ghamiltu u mhux se taghmlu il-gid li ghamel hu.
nispera li ma tantx jezitsu nies bhalek fid-dinja mhux ghax taghti lopinjoni tieghek, izda ghax ma titkellimx fil-hin addadat u nahseb li int qed tkun l-injornata in a way.
Biex nikonkludi, j’alla dak li tixtieq lil haddiehor jigi fuqek u nixtieq li mara ta klassi bhalek titghallem tkun prudenti ghax twaqqa lilek innifsek ghac-cajt :)