My, my – Il-Fusellu had bigger Labour crowds and more Labour politicians round his coffin than Mintoff did

Published: August 27, 2012 at 2:37pm

Be sure to left click on the image and read the lift of official mourners, bearing in mind always that John Bondin had no official status but was an out-of-control thug and fixer who collected bribes for ministers, extorted protection money, and operated as a front on criminal deals for Labour politicians.

His mother “washed Mintoff’s floors”.

Lino Cauchi, the accountant whose corpse was found hacked to pieces in an abandoned well, was kidnapped and murdered after he advertised on behalf of Il-Fusellu’s widow for information on the whereabouts of the dead man’s luxury vehicles several months after his death, including the cream Rolls Royce that he used to park on the pavement outside his Sliema HQ, the Cafe (actually, I think they spelled it with a double F) Roma on Ghar il-Lembi Street.

Astrid Vella, the nouveau Muscatjana, must remember this all too well, given that she lived in the flat above and must have had a daily bird’s eye view of Il-Fusellu, but maybe she’s suffering from dementia like so many other people I could mention.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Saviour says:

    The Monoment must do it in Cospicua where Alfred Sant called him ” Traditur ” Thats the best place.

  2. ciccio says:

    Did the Fusellu occupy any official position of the State? How could the Cabinet Members and the other representatives of the State justify their presence?

    • Grezz says:

      Ciccio, I have no idea how old you are. I am old enough to remember, however, how, after Fusellu was shot, Xandir Malta news was dominated by footage and reports of Fusellu – “alive” (I use the term loosely), albeit seemingly unconscious – in his hospital bed, attached to life-support machines.

      The footage also included his visitors who, I believe, included Lorry Sant and Mintoff.

      Now try explaining that. I do remember that rumour had it at the time that he may have been a lovechild of Mintoff’s.

    • Min Jaf says:

      They never felt the need to justify anything.

      • Min Jaf says:

        And nobody ever called on them to do so. Check out The Times’ coverage. The report implies that the turnout was perfectly normal.

  3. Ganna says:

    I remember them saying that the only funeral that Mintoff attended was Fusellu’s. Even when John Bondin was a child, it was taken for granted that he had been fathered by Mintoff.

    • La Redoute says:

      Yes, and he was accompanied by Lorry Sant, which is an interesting turn of events knowing now what we didn’t then.

      They’re at the front of the photo on the right.

  4. Lolly says:

    Yes, and yours, Daphne, will be an even bigger funeral, with many thousands of people pissing on your coffin……..

    • Maryanne 2 says:

      I have this hazy recollection of a tallish, stern-looking woman always dressed in black at the time who used to run one of the City Gate kiosks (on the Cottonera side of the bus terminus) and I was under the impression people used to refer to her as Fusellu’s mother (he had just been killed). That can’t have been right then.

      [Daphne – Yes, that was her.]

    • A E says:

      He had more than one woman who worked as a ‘seftura’ for him during his incredibly long life.

      I know that one of them recounted a story how he was so dirty that she offered to clean him herself. The pervert was delighted and couldn’t keep his hands to himself that she threatened to throw him out of the window. She quit.

  5. mandango70 says:

    OK, so all the Daphne haters posting here using colourful words (such as “liba”, “zibel”, “demel”, “qahba”, “f’ghoxx imniehrek” etc) get their poetry to print here, whereas my “conversational and decently worded” posts get the axe.

    Why? Elimentary….Daphne is trying to portray a picture of the typical Labour supporter, thus the flood gates are open for anything Labour-leaning and simultaneously vulgar. How pathetic.

    If only it knew (yes, I’m referring to daphne as an “it”) how apt most of the comments attributable to it were.

    [Daphne – Elementary. No ‘i’.]

  6. Ken il malti says:

    Is there any photos or portraits online of this John Bondin, aka il Fusellu character ?

    [Daphne – Read the headlines on this site.]

    • Ken il malti says:

      Thanks, I got the image of this thug finally; hazy, small and dark but that is appropriate I suppose.

      He did not resemble his father Dom in his physical looks though, which is a bonus any way you look at it.

  7. Ken il malti says:

    Lino Cauchi’s accountant partner Lino Manfre also died under mysterious circumstances, all this before the demise of Lino Cauchi.

    There had to be a better reason as to why these men were “whacked” other then one asking for the whereabouts of Fusellu’s moveable property as part of his work for a client.

    What big secrets did these men have?
    Who benefited by their deaths?

    • Murdock2 says:

      min kien mejjet bil-guh u kriminal minn guf ommu. Dawk ibbenefikaw. Allahares qatt kontu tghixu f’dawk iz-zminijeit koroh u tal-biza. U mela jghidu kemm kien qalbu tajba dac-cakkar ta’ sold u nofs? Alla hanin imma hadd m’ghandhu jabbuza mill-Hniena kbira tieghu. U min kien komplici mal-kriminali ma jista qatt jinfeda ghax qatt ma nidem minn dak li ghamel.

  8. Notario says:

    Who was the notary who was called in those last days?

    Why were the searches of these people never published?

    If a Notary was called it means that the property was on Il-Fusellu’s name, or else that he had the power to sign on behalf of a company.

    If the Notary is known, one can have a look at his deeds published on that day. That way one can know what Il-Fusellu signed.

    Someone has to throw some light on this story. Malta cannot be left like that – in the dark!

    Why? Is there something to hide?

    We want to know the truth.

    We want to know whether it was Charles Mangion, for instance. Or was it AST?

    Or was it some other notary? For sure, it was Guze’ Abela – who hated them all.

    If our journalists have a spine, they should investigate.

    • anna caruana says:

      What if god forbids it was a NATIONALIST NOTARY ?

      Let s not forget that there are times when a lawyer is also called in when these deeds are signed ,

      maybe a pn notary and a pl lawyer.

      I m sure Daphne has enough connections to find this out if she wanted to.

      [Daphne – God forbids. Thanks God. NO ‘S’ FOR PITY’S SAKE. God forbid. Thank God. You don’t need connections to find out information like that. This is not a networking situation.]

  9. Notario says:

    It was NOT Guze’ Abela, of course, since it is said that he resigned because of all the corruption.

  10. Cool dude says:

    I remember Bondin driving around Sliema in a gold colour jeep with a large falcon sprayed on the hood.

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