Oh, I thought Il-Guy was the most amazing thing ever to happen to tourism
In The Malta Independent, today:
The next step for the country in the tourism sector is to create a better and coordinated strategy in the sector, including among others Air Malta, the low-cost airlines, the tour operators, online businesses, the cruise liner terminals and Gozo, Labour leader Joseph Muscat said.
Speaking during a visit at the Hotel Excelsior, where the PL will be holding its first congress, he said tourism is one of the pillars on which an economic expansion roadmap would be built. The party believes in the tourism sector, which can create quality jobs, he said.
They should not consider only the increase in the number of tourists visiting the country, he added, they must also see whether the increase is being reflected in more money in people’s pockets.
Also in The Malta Independent, today:
MHRA welcomed the announcement that July has seen a record of arrivals though the airport. MHRA reconfirmed its prediction made at the Quarter 1 presentation in June that 2012 may end up as another record year.
MHRA congratulates all the stakeholders for this impressive achievement reached at a time of great economic difficulties in Malta’s source markets.
MHRA particularly thanks Minister of Tourism Mario de Marco, MTA, all the airlines providing accessibility, MIA and others as well as its members.
MHRA augurs that Malta continues to coordinate its efforts to ensure that this success is ongoing even if the economic difficulties in its source markets continue. MHRA believes that with a huge coordinated effort between all stakeholders, winter 2012/2013 can also be a record year.
We must be missing something, mustn’t we? Must give Karmenu Vella a tinkle and find out.
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A roadmap on pillars? How does that work out?
This? http://madamepickwickartblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/escher2.jpg
Blink….blink, blink….blink, belief…..action, belief…..results, talk….responsibility, blink….blink, broken record….record broken, need to do better….need to do better, believe in me….watch me.
Who do you trust?
And Alla jbierek, again we are starving.
Taht Karmenu Vella ministru ghat-turizmu, San Giljan kien jkun bla ilma darba iva w darba le.
It’s just all hot air. This is really getting to me now. ‘We need to create more jobs’ ‘we need to improve tourism’.
We know all this Joseph and the government is doing its damnedest to achieve this.
Wake up Malta and look at the people who will be in charge. Are these really the people you want running the country?
I’m fed up to the gills with Muscat’s waffle. Why don’t the journalists press him for a clear statement about real and feasible policies?
Because the level of journalism in Malta is at the best shocking. Not enough people with balls in this place.
Everyone is, it’s as if he’s some diplomat playing it very safe in a previously hostile country.
He believes in this country by trying to remove its government from the picture. It’s implied he knows fully well there’s a limit what he can actually criticise.
Muscat hasn’t yet managed to gauge public sentiment except for his own realsocialist following. When will he realise he won’t ever be able to?
JPN was and still is the only option for Malta to prosper.
I may not be the most experienced in the field but have a few years of managing hotels and this coordination strategy is just not possible.
All the market segments that contribute to our tourism numbers have independent strategies and you just cannot get an online opeartor and traditional brochure tour operator to work together.
It is up to us (industry professionals) to make things work.
The Malta Tourism Authority and the tourism minister have understood the fundemental issue to drive tourism, accessibility. This is why we have record numbers and this month should be even better than July, another record.
Soundtrack for the roadmap?
Chris Rea – The road to hell.
Karmenu Vella was Minister of Tourism for a very short term. Nothing he could have done would have had the time to bear any fruit.
Any successes he may have had were simply due to the preparatory work done by those before him. Simply put “sab is-sodda mifruxa.”
Muscat’s latest buzzword is roadmap
There is only one word to describe Muscat’s speeches – jejune. I learnt this expression from Mark Anthony Falzon’s column in The Sunday Times http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20120805/opinion/The-Fair-Society-est-1971-or-1987-.431515