Kif kienu jiktbu fl-ittri f’ The Times: Hats off to the santa, it hits the nail on the head.
U halluna.
Fejn kienet il-hniena, il-Partit Laburista fil-gvern taht it-tmexxija ta Mintoff w ta shabu kienu tkissru tant nies u nqerdghu il-prezent u l-gejjieni ta generazzjoni shieha.
Henjin my foot. I could not relate just one sentence to what Mintoff was all about. Seeing him being carried in churches and shown with a rosary beads in his hand makes me wonder if they knew him at all.
I wonder what is on the other side of the santa. Salvatur maybe?
The verses quoted from Matthew 5 refer to the persons he and his party, including the current Malta Labour Party, victimised over the years. Those words will haunt him for the rest of his days on that ‘santa.’
Wow I thought that this was a part of Joseph’s speech. I never knew that it was in the bible. Joey must be really proud that they quoted his famous words on Dom’s Santa.
I am not amazed. One of these days on the TVM news bullettin one of the reporters said that “Mintoff se jkun espost ghall-qima tal-pubbliku”. San Mintoff.
So Mintoff did not receive the Extreme Unction ,the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, for the words konfortat bis – Sagramenti Imqazza are missing from the Santa, Basta hafna kuruni u knejjes u funerali go San Gwann. Hafna teatrini ?? Mintoff was an aetheist FULLSTOP.
Kif kienu jiktbu fl-ittri f’ The Times: Hats off to the santa, it hits the nail on the head.
U halluna.
Fejn kienet il-hniena, il-Partit Laburista fil-gvern taht it-tmexxija ta Mintoff w ta shabu kienu tkissru tant nies u nqerdghu il-prezent u l-gejjieni ta generazzjoni shieha.
Hear, hear.
A great way to remember Dom! And by the way, Daphne, yours will read: F’Hajja t’alla, hlisna minn din il-Mara Kurnuta Ghall-Dejjem, miskin ix-Xitan!
Henjin my foot. I could not relate just one sentence to what Mintoff was all about. Seeing him being carried in churches and shown with a rosary beads in his hand makes me wonder if they knew him at all.
I wonder what is on the other side of the santa. Salvatur maybe?
It would be apt to have printed this on the back page of the santa:
‘Strieh u serrah, Perit.’
Wife’s not weeping his loss?
[Daphne – Whose wife? Mintoff was a widower.]
Did you mean his brother’s wife?
The verses quoted from Matthew 5 refer to the persons he and his party, including the current Malta Labour Party, victimised over the years. Those words will haunt him for the rest of his days on that ‘santa.’
The Eight Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount.
Now somebody, somewhere, has really put his foot in it.
Il colmo.
Wow I thought that this was a part of Joseph’s speech. I never knew that it was in the bible. Joey must be really proud that they quoted his famous words on Dom’s Santa.
I am not amazed. One of these days on the TVM news bullettin one of the reporters said that “Mintoff se jkun espost ghall-qima tal-pubbliku”. San Mintoff.
So Mintoff did not receive the Extreme Unction ,the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, for the words konfortat bis – Sagramenti Imqazza are missing from the Santa, Basta hafna kuruni u knejjes u funerali go San Gwann. Hafna teatrini ?? Mintoff was an aetheist FULLSTOP.