Oooooo, kemm kien helu Mintoff. I just love the sound of that voice. Such sweet memories.

Published: August 25, 2012 at 5:23pm

11 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Bonnici says:

    Kemm se jghid ruzarju b’ dik il-kuruna Mintoff il-genna.

  2. P Borg says:

    Illum, it-tielet mill-mewt tieghu, kien hemm xi Laboristi jistennewh iqum mill-mewt. Lis-Salvatur.

    • cens says:

      Ha Ha Ha, L’ Era ta Mintoff ilha li ghaddiet, kien salvatur uniku li ma jergax ikun ghawn iehor bhalu. Pero il Laboristi mhux lilu qed jistennew iqum ghax jafu li diga hemm salvatur iehor bl isem ta Joseph Muscat.

  3. silvio says:

    Dear Daphne, do you really have to bring up all this?

    [Daphne – Silvio, you might have not noticed, but it’s really topical.]

    Haven’t we had our share of problems?

    You had your day, and you had nearly a whole week to get it out of your system.

    I am no judge to your actions. I’m sure you believe you are right and perhaps you are, but I think it’s now enough, and it is time to start reasoning with your brain instead of your heart.

    [Daphne – That is exactly what I’m doing, believe me.]

    I expect the cause of your nightmares is now gone and buried, and your blog should once again go back to being something we all enjoyed following.

    [Daphne – Lots more people are enjoying it right now, Silvio. At this end, I can see the statistics.]

    I expect quite a thrashing for what I said, but it is something I’m now used to, and as long as it is for your and our good, let it fly.

    • silvio says:

      You might be right, as usual, but I’m afraid it’s the wrong type of people that we all can do without.

      • Lomax says:

        Silvio, if it were not for this blog, I would have had a much more upsetting week.

        Yes, this week was upsetting. I cannot accept that, in 2012, at a distance of more than 20 years, people still regard Mintoff as being a saviour and a saint.

        I do not feel like recounting again what we lived through during those horrible years.

        Fact is, I want to forget but I cannot. I want to forgive, but I simply do not. I want to be immune to what some of my FB contacts are saying but I am not and cannot be. And you know why?

        Because I am still writing this under my nom-de-plume. That’s why.

        If Mintoff never “graced” this land, this blog would not exist, I wouldn’t be here writing this on a balmy August afternoon rather than enjoying a good book in my comfortable living room (furnished with foreign furniture of course, which would not have been anything extraordinary had Mintoff not existed given that the Nationalists’ policies back in the 60’s also centered on entering the then EEC).

        But no, I’m here writing under a fictitious name, even though people who know me personally know how vociferous I am on these issues, because Mintoff existed, because he took from us the freedoms which others in other countries take for granted and which we know will be taken away again should that half-brain Joseph Muscat be elected.

        And Mintoff replaced these freedoms with a fear, a lingering fear which deprives an individual, even a thinking individual, of the basic freedom to stand up and speak out.

        I was rather surprised this week. Most people were singing Mintoff’s praises and eulogies. Yet, nobody had the guts and spine (apart from Daphne and a handful of others) to stand up and say: Mintoff was a tyrant and he was a dictator and he despised his people because he sold them to yet another dictator, Muammar Ghaddafi.

        This is reality Silvio. This is history. This is reality. I wish it were different but it is not. Grow up and deal with it. We, the victims, are still trying to do so. Perhaps it’s high time for you to do the same.

      • Another John says:

        Silvio, ha nkelmek bil-Malti forsi nifthemu. Dawk id-diskorsi kienu iwerwru lin-nies.

        Dawk mhux suppost kienu jintqalu minn mexxej ta’ pajjiz.

        Ma tezisti l-ebda gustifikazzjoni ghalihom. Issa ha nghidlek fejn hi r-rilevanza taghhom illum: hafna minn nies li kienu jappoggjaw dawk id-diskorsi u li capcpu ghalihom ha jkunu il-mexxejja ta’ Malta ghada. Issa fhimta il-konnessjoni u ir-rilevanza?

        [Daphne – Is Silvio here, though? The last time I looked, he was sucking up to Dom Mintoff admirers on Maltastar’s comments-board, and using his full name and surname if you please, unlike here.]

  4. Franky says:

    Statistics may feel you up and make your head turn around …. you don’t seem to realise that loads of people access your blog to measure the extent of your venom.

    • Lomax says:

      The pen is mightier than the sword.

      You people do not understand that this website can also be cathartic.

      It also makes me realise how little has changed from those damned years which have hurt so many.

  5. joe zerafa says:

    What a schizophrenic!

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