Published: August 25, 2012 at 5:28pm

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28 Comments Comment

  1. Rita 1 says:

    Kullhadd jirrispetta lil Mintoff. Miz-zghar sal-kbar u anke dawk ta’ erba’ saqajn. F’liema kategorija taqa inti, sinjura?

  2. Simon says:

    This photograph sums up the typical Mintoff supporter perfectly.


  3. WhoamI? says:

    Every man and his dog mourns the death of that grumpy old git.

  4. MARSI says:

    Ibqa sejra hekk, daqt nisimaw bik

    • Angus Black says:

      Is that a threat, Marsi?

      Get hold of yourself, that idol of yours is dead and Malta is that much better for it. An opportunity has arisen to truly bury the architect of hatred, violence and a dictatorial abuser of power.

      What Daphne revealed in detail in the leading article, has been known from day one, but as she correctly stated, the Press in Malta has its own agenda and by not revealing the story as it happened, it was actually blackmailing the public by representing an image of Mintoff which was false.

      Mintoff is dead and may he rest in peace, a peace he denied thousands who dared to not agree with his atrocities.

      • mixx09 says:

        “Mintoff is dead and may he rest in peace, a peace he denied thousands who dared to not agree with his atrocities.”

        Hear, hear! I was in fits when I read the following:

        “Exactly an hour later, when the cortege is in front of St George’s Band Club in Cospicua, 21 white doves will be set free. Mr Mintoff was the band club’s president for more than half a century….. The doves “represent the Mediterranean peace Mr Mintoff always strove so hard to achieve”, explained PL organising secretary Ray Azzopardi.” (ToM, 23 Aug 2012)

        [Daphne – As the teenage protest has it: “How gay.” Jason throws flowers over the coffin outside Super One, and Ray releases 21 white doves over the band club. This is an escalation of arms of worrying proportions. Something must be done before they begin slashing at each other with pinking-shears.]

      • dm says:

        Don’t forget Joseph spontaneously kissing the coffin after he threw flowers on if. Heartbreaking. -.-

    • nufc82 says:

      It’s quite clearly a threat. Marsi is showing great signs of courage, posting threats online behind an alias.

  5. Omega says:

    They’ll be praying to him soon and claiming he’s done miracles.

  6. Pawlu Agius says:

    His fat belly says it all – he seems about to give birth. His family must be suffering from severe hunger under GonziPN. Instead of leaving the dog to walk freely on the ground, he raises it on his hands to also see Mintoff and have it blessed by the Salvatur tal-Habba-Goz.

  7. pooch says:

    Il-kelb lanqas irid ihares

  8. edgar says:

    Is the fat guy belching or what?

  9. sasha says:

    Who in his right senses takes a child to see a dead person?

  10. Thrower says:

    You people are so damn vile and vulgar, do you even go to mass?

    And can someone please tell me what is so wrong about a family and their dog paying their respects to the man who picked them up,from poverty ?

    [Daphne – What’s this problem you all have with mass? MASS? Iffissati. Qiskom xi Kattolici mill-ikbar.]

  11. NG says:

    Yesterday a couple of twisted mothers took their children to see Mintoff’s corpse after lunch at McDonalds, balloons in full view.

    Maaa, x’nies. An outing with a difference: first a kiddy meal, then a dead body.

  12. C.Portelli says:

    Why would anyone take children to see a corpse?

  13. TROY says:

    Every dog has his hour.

  14. nufc82 says:

    Mintoff holding rosary beads. A big LOL at that.

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