Reasoning with people like this is like struggling through a wall of mud

Published: August 25, 2012 at 5:14pm

Look at this one: he’s holidaying in Gozo because now he doesn’t have to scrub about for every penny like he did under Mintoff, and he writes an internet comment to thank Mintoff for putting him in some ‘korp’ and landing the taxpayer with yet another burden.

Maurice Caruana
– Fri 24-Aug-2012, 11:12
We all cried watching the funaral courteo yesterday as at the moment we were not at Tarxien we are in Gozo. Grazzi Perit ta kollox il-Helsien. Jien kont fil-korp li ghamel Mintoff u sirna nies. Il-qieghed ingawdi il-Penzjoni li taghni Mintoff. Grazzi Perit persas li qieghed il-genna ghax wetaqt operi tal hniena.Maurice min Tarxien

Ara dan, bic-chihuahua – what a cliche. You couldn’t script it.

4 Comments Comment

  1. Herbie says:

    They managed to turn a solemn occasion imto one big carnival.

    Is this what we’re heading for come 2013?

    Miskina Malta.

    • Norwegian Wood says:

      ‘They managed to turn a solemn occasion into one big carnival’. They did indeed. Yes this is what we are risking if next year’s vote is not used properly, or not used at all. KULHADD AVZAT. WARA M’HEMMX SKUZI. TAFU GHALL XIEX DEHLIN. History repeats itself.

  2. Anthony says:

    “Jien kont fil-korp li ghamel Mintoff u sirna nies”.

    I have spent a few hours reading deep into this sentence.


    I am lost for words.

    I look forward to more comments on this.

    • Angus Black says:

      Me too but I found it impossible to fathom the depth of the abyss at the bottom of which probably lies this man’s IQ.

      Can you imagine if under Mintoff’s education programme this star had acquired a PhD, how more ‘nies’ he would have become?

      Truth is that very few made any headway in Mintoffian times and the successful ones were mostly those who could afford to educate themselves elsewhere and in spite of roadblocks laid purposely by the Mintoffian regime.

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