The vermin are all crawling out of the woodwork

Published: August 22, 2012 at 1:25am

I have received this email (posted below).

Read it, and get a grip on the reasoning: “You can say what you say only because you have 24-hour protection”.

Isn’t it incredible?

They actually boast about the fact that the only reason they don’t perpetrate violence on me is because they think they can’t, not like in the old days when the police and politicians helped out.

You’d think that 25 years down the line they’d have been cured of their urges and even taken time out to enjoy a much, much better way of life then they had living under that scum they so admire, but no. Ma tarax.


From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Ilsien is-sriep!
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 23:24:45 +0200


Naf li thobb titkellem u xxerred il-velenu bl-Ingliz pero peress li jien Malti u kburi ser niktiblek bil-Malti! X’tahseb li qieghda takkwista bil-hdura li qieghda turi fil-konfront tal-Perit Mintoff li ghadu kif miet?

Taf kemm qieghda tkun redikolata sahansitra minn Nazzjonalisti akkaniti? Jiena nahdem il-Freeport u naf x’qed nghidlek ghax naghmilha maghhom!

Jiena nista nobsor li int mhux kuragg ghandek izda qieghda tabbuza mill-fatt li mit-taxxi tieghi l-ewwel wiehed qed tkun ipprovduta lilek ghassa 24 siegha kulljum!

Naturalment dan kollu mill-pulcinell ta`Prim Ministru li ghandna! Kieku ma`kontx thossok protetta ma`kontx izzeblah il-memorja tal-Perit Mintoff! Tinkwieta xejn ghax fl-ahhar ta`din l-email ser intik ismi u l-ID biex jekk trid, mur ghand il-Pulizija ghax naf cert li ssib sissy minnhom li lesti jiehdu passi kontrija! Jiena m’ghandi l-ebda ghassa mad-dar tieghi, serrah rasek!

Jekk trid nistiednek tigi taghmel Champagne party l-Belt nhar is-Sibt filghodu, kif wara kollox kont weghdtna!

Mario Coleiro ID 567160(M)

Mario Coleiro and Mintoff: two poison dwarfs

61 Comments Comment

  1. The other hatter says:

    Hawn huma s-suldati tal-azzar. Jaqq.

  2. Josette Jones says:

    No prizes for guessing which Mario Coleiro that is on Facebook.

    Dawk in-nokkli sbieh, Mario? Fejn harbulek?

  3. James says:

    Ahh the amazing gift journalists have to twist and manipulate anything they say to make anyone look like they are the enemy.

    Of course , people have learned over the years that anything you say is to be dismissed since all you know how to do is spread hatred , you just don’t get it , do you? We are all living on this chunk of rock together , and YOU , instead of using your so called “skill” in speaking your mind about certain issues , decide to just speak ill of the dead , I don’t care what he has done , he someone’s father and grandfather , have you no shame? No humanity? Or do you just enjoy the attention so much that you would do anything to achieve such an infamous reputation?

    Also , regarding your 24/7 protection , hmm , I wonder why you need it , could it be that your words have in fact angered and hurt people? No , that can’t be , it has to be because you’re doing such a dandy job with spreading such joyous news into the nation’s heart.Tell me something , were you always put on a high pedestal when you were young? This self confidence has to sprout from somewhere .. you seem so sure of what you’re saying. Anyway , to conclude , in some way or the other , all these childish and ignorant remarks about the lately departed , will surely come back to haunt you someday.

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your petty career.

    • S.H. says:

      Why does she need protection? It’s very easy to answer your question. In fact you must be a titanic moron since you fail to see the most obvious of reasons.

      If we were living in a country were freedom of speech is honoured, she would not need it. But there are people like this Coleiro idiot, and one never knows if he might turn his words into actions.

      Then there are suckers like you who support such violent acts. Even all the “Karma” bullshit that people came up with on another of Daphne’s posts is easily perceived as a threat, ’cause you never know with people – especially with such scum. When people try to silence a person with violence is because they are invertebrates and do not have the mental faculties to debate in a civil manner.

      There are a few basic human rights, and *IF* freedom of speech is not one of them, certainly Daphne has the basic human right to live in a safe environment. If that entails having to have protection from some Coleiro et al. idiot, then so be it.

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      “I don’t care what he has done , he someone’s father and grandfather”.

      Hitler had parents. I don’t suppose you don’t care what he has done, or do you?

    • M. says:

      Ceausescu, Mussolini and Gaddafi were somebody’s parents too. Is expressing one’s opinion about them wrong simply because they are dead?

      May the miserable bastard rot slowly away, wherever he is now.

    • tbg says:

      Just because he’s dead does not make one forget all the damage he did during his life. He did not respect the living, why should we respect him just because he’s dead. Do you have any idea how many lives he ruined? These are facts not opinions; the National Bank, the closure of MCAST, the numerus clausus, courses at university not opening, the lock out of the doctors, the closure of private hospitals, the lack of freedom (foreign interference law), the secret pacts with Gaddafi and North Korea, the violence both physical and psychological, the corruption and many, many other injustices which we went through.

      As Daphne says, he is the scum of the earth and those who worship him are the most stupid people you can come across. Otherwise they would have seen all this happening around them. But they were blinded by the social benefits which Mintoff handed out. And you know why they were happy to receive them? Because they are all lazy and have no self-esteem to earn their own living. They are always waiting for the government to give them the social benefits. Pull up your socks and go to work you lazy bums.
      The laburisti are eulogising Mintoff because they say he eradicated poverty. Poverty is not eradicated by giving out social benefits but by investment and creating jobs and educating people to take on those jobs.

      Yes, Mintoff is the scum of the earth – he ruined my and my contemporaries childhood and youth. He also put back my country’s progress by 20 years.

    • Say it straight says:

      Dear James

      Sounds to me that truth hurts and in typical Labour fashion you are trying to stifle anything that speaks out loud and clear about one of the worst tyrants our dear Maltese islands have ever witnessed.

      Do you seriously adore the scum that Mintoff and his troupe (with Lorry Sant and Wistin Abela and their thugs at the helm) were and the terrorised state they turned Malta into during the reign? I wonder how old you are and if you lived through the terrible years when they brought international shame on our islands.

      You suggest that Daphne is spreading hatred… let me tell you what hatred is. Hatred is the aggression and killing intended spree that was meted out on PN supporters whenever they attempted to celebrate Independence Day. Refresh your memory with a picture of a police constable with shield in hand launching stones at PN supporters. No action was taken against him by your dear Mintoff or the Minister of Interior of then.

      Think back also to the tal-Barrani Mass Meeting which you and your so loving species disrupted by firing openly on the PN supporters whilst in the company of the very Police who should have been there to protect them. The latter fired tear gas at them whilst others of your ilk beat PN supporters including women and children or threw stones at them injuring them in the process. Many needed to seek medication PRIVATELY cos they would not dare go to the local hospital for fear of being attacked there.

      Other episodes spring to mind like the Imnarja general strike and how the Socialist thugs (were you one of them by chance?) attacked those who striked the following morning or in the days that followed, Oh and some of them were eventually locked out of their workplace or suspended for months if not years. The Rabat PN Mass meeting when the SAG fired tear gas and hurled stones at the PN supporters. The Haz-Zebbug PN Mass Meeting when the same thing happened, only this time PN supporters were showered with ballustrades apart from being fired upon viciously attacked and beaten.

      The various Independence Day celebrations when Police attacked PN supprters with batons, hurled stones at them, kicked them or allowed MLP supporters to drive at them with their cars.

      Would you recall the times when your socialist friends attacked The Times building setting it on fire with WORKERS (you surely love workers) inside it. That same evening, Fenech Adami’s house was similarly attacked and ransacked whilst his family was terrorised and beaten up including his wife? Drydocks workers who would not accept to take part in protests were beaten up, intimidated and denied overtime. Same happened at Air Malta and other places of work where the MLP held control.

      I could go on and on…. and you dare accuse Daphne of hatredmongering?

      Thank you for reminding us of the intolerance that awaits us and the vindictiveness that you will mete out on anyone who dares not speak your same language.

      Good thing Mintoff died now and not after the forthcoming general elections lest we may have forgotten the tyranny we were subjected to throughout his time. It is a shameful legacy bestowed on the MLP, today’s PL which still harbours the very same people from those sad days of despotic rule.

    • Jozef says:

      ‘I don’t care what he has done…’, not really James, you simply can’t admit what it is he’s done.

      All Daphne did was to write down what more than half the country really thinks.

      If you think it’s normal to expect the whole country to submit itself to this rubbish, you have no taste.

      Time to choose between this and the threats.

    • D BIG BANG says:

      if you dont like what DCG writes then dont read it! as simple as that!!

    • TinaB says:

      “could it be that your words have in fact angered and hurt people?”

      And why, pray, do those people have to get angry, to the point of threatening with violence, may I add, simply because someone voices an opinion about an ex Prime Minister who ruined her childhood and teens? Her youth? Are you saying that Daphne should not be allowed to be honest and say publicly how she feels about this man just because he died? Are you living in Malta or North Korea?

      In civilised countries this, and worse, happens all the time, James, and if you, and others with the same mentality as yours, do not understand this then I am sorry to say that you are not much better than them:

    • Wormfood says:

      ‘Also , regarding your 24/7 protection , hmm , I wonder why you need it , could it be that your words have in fact angered and hurt people?’

      It would be because herd animals like you who cannot understand the concept of freedom of speech and what becoming a public figure entails. F**k off to Egypt or the Sudan, you’ll find their politics and mentality quite agreeable given that most people share the same totalitarian mindset and allergy to thinking that you and your ilk have.

  4. Wayne Hewitt says:

    This same Mario Coleiro had already threatened my girlfriend over Facebook (li jsiba wara l-elezzjoni) and we had reported him to the St. Julian’s police station.

    A Mintoffian thug. You can refer to our case if you report him again.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      How is his email threatening?

      [Daphne – You are joking, surely. Perhaps menacing would be a better word, though sadly for Mr Coleiro I’m unlikely to feel menaced by the likes of him. Incidentally, why do these people age so rapidly and dramatically? He is exactly four years older than I am, but looks like he belongs to a completely different generation.]

      • Qeghdin Sew says:

        Oh come on, get off it. Was your decision to publish private correspondence also an act of menace then?

        [Daphne – Excuse me? How and in what way can you describe an offensive email and criminal misuse of the communications services as ‘private’? Also, you clearly don’t know the law: emails and letters are the property of those who receive them, not of those who send them. It is so very typical of twisted Laburist thinking to stick up for the man who writes and sends the abuse rather than for the recipient who publishes it. Is this sorry specimen a friend of yours, perhaps?]

      • lollipop says:

        Ma tridiex ta xi wahda tider zghira ux aaaa granc.

        [Daphne – Granc sabih. Li kieku kien hemm grancijiet daqsi kienu jiekluk ghal-breakfast, jew biex tifhem sew, brake-fast.]

        Hate to break it to you, imma jider izghar minnek KRUWHA!

        [Daphne – Fuq kull sieq. Qisu xi wiehed ta’ sebghin sena. Il-vera ordinarju, miskin.]

      • TinaB says:

        Daphne granc, lollipop?

        Daphne bil-qabda isbah minn dawk in-nisa li int u dawk tal-pezza tieghek taraw sabih. Tafu tikklassifikawha is-sbuhija wkoll.

        Lilkhom xi cercura, specjalment tal-mezza eta, gejja u sejra ghand il-hierdresser tizboh xaghra blu blekk u tillixxjah daqs spagetta, b’wicc mizbugh aktar minn ta’ maskerat fit tlett ijiem tal-karnival, xi sett dwiefer faqgha u kollox inkaxxat, xi par koxxox mil-patata l-isfel mikxufin, fuq xi sitt pulzieri takkuna. Imbaghad kif tiftah halqha jew tipprova tharbex xi haga fuq fejsbukk tghidx kemm jibda hiereg gherf ta’ salamun.

        Mela kazz sur kappillan. In-nisa taghna sbieh hi, mela Defni?

      • Chris says:

        ma tantx ta’ ghax anke nannti kienet tilbes ahjar minnek, meta niggudikawk fuq il-filmat ta’ ONE meta mort idahhak in-nies bik il-qorti…kollox imdendel, lanqas xieha ta’ 90 sena ma jkollha sidira mdendel bhal tieghek….u trida li ghadek tidher izghar minn dak is-sinjur fir-ritratt!! hahaha daphne vroom broom!!

      • Anon. says:

        He looks like he belongs to a different generation because he does belong to a different generation.

        Driving through Maltese towns and villages, interacting with Maltese people, is not a uniform experience. Some are modern, modern-minded, open-minded, fair-minded, and well-educated.

        Others are… well… others are Mario Coleiro ID 567160(M)

        Don’t forget the M, in case you mistake him for Roberto Rivelino

  5. Josette Jones says:

    Is that a giant scrotum hanging under the arch in the photo?

  6. elephant says:

    This Coleiro born in 1960 must have missed a lot of what was going on in Malta under Mintoff

  7. The chemist says:

    Ghidilna kemm taqbad il-Freeport u x’kont tiehu taht Mintoff Sur Mario tal-memorja qasira. Korpi kellek dak iz zmien siehbi bil minimum wage u mentalita socialista li kienet tapplika ghal poplu biss. Issa doqt il konsumerizmu u nsejt il qamel li kont tghix fih.

  8. ron says:

    They threathen you because they are afraid of you. They also know that the pen is mightier than the “pon” excuse my pun and they are pretty sure that your articles are read and followed more than all the means of media put together and they are afraid of what you write about them. i don’t need to tell you to keep struggling because I know you do not fear them.

  9. Chris Z says:

    Have pitty… honestly! Poisoned minds… Incredulous how many still live in ignorance.

  10. Natalie says:

    Marelli, jaghmlu l-arja issa, ahseb u ara taht il-gvern taghhom. Qas zejt f’wicchom m’ghandhom.

  11. L.Gatt says:

    As I said in a previous comment, I was shocked at what a bunch of hypocrites and fanatics posted on their Facebook diaries yesterday.

    The overreaction and lashing out resulting from the slightest comment, even if diplomatically made, was out of all proportion. Yesterday witnessed a perfect cocktail of Nationalist hypocrisy and Labour venom.

    I am sort of glad that my holidays are over today and that I will no longer have much time to follow Malta news because, quite frankly, I have had enough. At times like these I feel so blessed to be away from it all.

    I sure as hell would not like to live in Malta when Mr. Joseph Muscat is in government and when these people will regain all their power which they will inevitably use to take Malta back to the sorry state of democracy that it was in during my teens.

    It is not just teenagers fed crap that posted comments of appreciation on facebook, sadly it is also people of my age who, like me, lived on the wrong side of the fence during Mintoff’s regime. And a regime it was.

    Going down memory lane what came to mind was “pijunieri, dirghajn il-maltin, dezerta, tal-barrani, black monday,english go home, frame-up, tear gas, Curia, Times of Malta, attack on the University (I was locked in the library and still the thugs came in and beat up Dr. Paul Xuereb). How can they forget who Dom Mintoff was? How can they? Honestly.

    As I said, I will not be able to follow your blog regularly now that my holidays are over but I am glad to have done so because, to some extent, your posts and some of the comments counter the idiocy on Facebook and the Times on line.

    It is a relief to know that there are still some sane Maltese who have not totally deleted the miserable recollections of Mintoff’s era.

  12. Joseph says:

    I am not one that usually indulges in blogging but hearing (at work about what you said about Mintoff, I got curious and decided to take a look. I was shocked not at what you said (it is a free country no thanks to Mintoff, and we do have freedom of speech) but at the reaction of the people offending your family and you and threatening you.

    I thought they changed, but this was an eye opener!

    PEOPLE thinking of voting in a Labour government should take the HINT the old thugs are still there and the freedom we enjoy today can be lost again.

    I say this to the young people who know nothing, but the luxury of living under the PN. And have no idea what went on during MLP’s years in power do not experiment with our freedom.

    Finally I admire the way you are not afraid of these people but do take them seriously!

    (I do not need to tell you this) but some of these people are capable to act on their threats. Having said this I do not agree entirely with what you said but this is democracy, we might not agree on everything but we fought for the right to not agree and live in peace!
    Take care.

  13. ciccio says:

    Mentalita ta’ vjolenza – dik li hallielhom Mintoff. U hija mifruxa kullimkien f’Malta.

    Imma issa telaq. “Bye Bye” – kif ihobbu jghidu huma.

    U skond Joseph Muscat, jinsabu orfni.

    Joseph Muscat ghazel li jaddottahom. U allura dawn issa huma ulied Joseph Muscat. U ghalhekk irid izomm u jgorr hu ir-responsabilita’ taghhom.

    U allura nixtiequ nisimghu x’ghandu xi jghid Joseph Muscat dwar theddid ta’ dan it-tip lejn min ghandu dritt jesprimi ruhu bil-liberta kif irid. Mhux talli hekk, talli Daphne Caruana Galizia thalli lilhom jesprimu ruhhom kontriha fil-mezzi taghha.

    Per ezempju, dan ir-ragel hu tesserat fil-partit ta’ Joseph Muscat?
    Ser jittiehdu passi immedjati kontrih?
    Joseph Muscat ser johrog kundanna kontra theddid bhal dan?

  14. AP says:

    So you are Calling this man a ‘ Poison Dwarf ‘ just because he had the guts to confront you, I don’t agree with Mario 100% because in my opinion its not a matter of politics, both sides should have respect for each other and stop acting like children. If you have a personal Grudge for Mintoff keep it for your self, I’m sure you wouldn’t want any of us celebrating your father’s or son’s death, if that ever happened I am more than sure that you’ll cause a havoc in Malta.

    If your a loyal nationalist you have should have given your sincere condolences and showed respect, there you will be respected and MAYBE people won’t be so harsh on you.

    Celebrating someones death isn’t as amazing as you think it is. Your saying that Mintoff ruined Malta but I’m sure he has done good for Malta.

    One last thing about your so called ‘Freedom of speech’. You’re being utterly a fucking Child! get over it and live your life like other people and stop complaining! when the time comes everyone will be happy in their own ways.


    Someone that knows what Respect means ;) xx

  15. Minix partigjan says:

    Li tiehu pjacir bid-deni ta’ haddiehor. Li ma jkollokx emozzjonijiet. Kollha sinjali li ghandek problema kbira u trid il-kura. U oqghod attenta ghax jipproteguk kemm jipproteguk…. meta iz-zifna tinbidel ha tkun izjed vulnerabbli u persuna bhalek rigal wiehed tista tinghata. Diga taf li min hemm ghad tghaddi. U jekk tahseb li qeghda tidher helwa b’li qeghda tghid… jekk vera ghandek is-security tista tnehhihom. “Bil-hena” li minghalik ed ixxandar hadd m’ghandu jghammillek il hsara le?

  16. chetcatty says:

    tijhom daphne ax ek irridu dawn ax ahna adna ma insejniex minxiex adina dan il bniedem

  17. Romualdo Azzopardi says:

    Qed nahseb u ghandi mistoqsija li ma nistax insib ir-risposta ghaliha.

    Tista’ gentilment tghidilna x’qatt kien ghamillek Mintoff? Din mhux qed insaqsiha b’ton ta’ “miskin jahasra x’qatt ghamillek hi??” Le. Din qed insaqsiha f’mod genwin ta’… “I wonder”.

    nistenna minghandek.

  18. joe micallef says:

    One has to have pity on this coleiro! He was born stupid and he’s got it against the whole world!

  19. James says:

    You are evil. there is no other word but a coward. if you didn’t have a security round your house you would not speak like this yoy blood bitch … may you rot in hell

  20. FreeDOM says:

    Nisthajjel li ix-xufiera tal-krejnijiet tal-Freeport ikollhom problema meta jnizzlu l-containers minn hemm fuq u jkun hemm Coleiro hemm isfel, ghax rasu tirrifletti x-xemx go wicchom.

  21. James says:

    Int tghajjar lin nies koroh jaq vera kerha miskina u ghandek dwejjaq kbar f hajtek…. ghamel pajcir lil kullhadd u ghalaq halqek ax hdura hierga minnek. Alla Zgur ghaffeg il forma ta wiccek tal karatru ta kollox li jaghmel lil Daphne ax int ma ghandek xejn sura fik …. Bloody Bitch

    Miskina int u familtek li mdawrin bik …. Malta ma tahmlekx

  22. marc says:

    he is attacking and insulting the prime minister in this email that you just published so as far as a i know the police have to take action against him

  23. Jozef says:

    ‘Her provocation should not remain unchecked.
    Her comments do not even warrant a reply.
    Her views on the announcement of the death of Dom Mintoff are irrelevant.

    This is what this woman disgustingly wrote…..’

    What really matters is to insist that the views are irrelevant, quite a disclaimer.

  24. Lawrence Caruana says:

    I would always remember Dom for making me redundant from my job without alternative employment as promised,than he took away my service pension,something which I had worked for.

  25. Paul Bonnici says:

    He looks rediculous taking a photo wearing sunglasses on his balcony and in his garden.

    He reminds me of the gay YMCA singers.

    This is a veiled threat and the police (maybe a ‘sissy’ policeman, as he calls them) should have a word with him.

    Let’s not forget, this is what awaits us next year under an LP administration.

  26. elephant says:

    To all those who for some reason or other will be voting PL in the coming election, the reading of Daphne’s blog is a lesson – a good lesson and a warning. Surely the edifying contributions of the PL supporters are enough proof of what is in store for Malta when those incompetent lot, supported by these bloggers get into Castile. Think hard. As the headingsays, the vermin are crawling out.

  27. AP says:

    So you are Calling this man a ‘ Poison Dwarf ‘ just because he had the guts to confront you, I don’t agree with Mario 100% because in my opinion its not a matter of politics, both sides should have respect for each other and stop acting like children. If you have a personal Grudge for Mintoff keep it for your self, I’m sure you wouldn’t want any of us celebrating your father’s or son’s death, if that ever happened I am more than sure that you’ll cause a havoc in Malta.
    If your a loyal nationalist you have should have given your sincere condolences and showed respect, there you will be respected and MAYBE people won’t be so harsh on you.
    Celebrating someones death isn’t as amazing as you think it is. Your saying that Mintoff ruined Malta but I’m sure he has done good for Malta.
    One last thing about your so called ‘Freedom of speech’. You’re being utterly a fucking Child! get over it and live your life like other people and stop complaining! when the time comes everyone will be happy in their own ways.
    Someone that knows what Respect means ;) xx

  28. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    You should make a page for your hatemail Daphne, it’s quality entertainment.

  29. Joseph Attard says:

    I find the 24/7 protection bit really funny. I mean this is Malta we are talking about here. First of all there is no such thing as 24/7 protection as the killing of 4 US Presidents and 15 popes should tell you. Secondly as I say this is Malta we are talking about here so any form of protection you may have other than your chubby little sister would probably be totally incompetent criminal types as used by your glorious leader. Believe me if anyone wanted you dead you would be gone already. The truth is you are so insignificant no one cares about you and those who do think you are doing a really good job of costing the PN votes. The kids must be really proud though telling their friends that their mother is so hated she needs protection!

  30. Gian says:

    What is it with Labour supporters and porn? They all seem to be fascinated by porn.

  31. Zeppi says:

    Insew meta ghajruh TRADITUR

  32. Carmelo Mangion says:

    “How and in what way can you describe an offensive email and criminal misuse of the communications services as ‘private’?”

    Trid ikollok wiccek mcappas bil hara tal baqar jintenn biex tghid xi haga hekk….. Immurlek kollhu in nejk meta xi hadd itiek daqqa ta harta hux…… Forsi ghalehekk kont tfajtlu il borom lir ragel …… hawn … u biex tkun taf…. jien Nazzjonalist bilhaqq….. u mhux bin nejk qieghed nghidlek….

  33. Not Applicable says:

    You Internet Explorer 9 and do not know how to take an active-window-only screenshot?

    My my… for all your high self-esteem I really did expect more, Duffy.

  34. Not Applicable says:

    You use Internet Explorer 9 and do not know how to take an active-window-only screenshot?

    My my… for all your high self-esteem I really did expect more, Duffy.

  35. pm says:

    So he works at the Freeport: thanks to the PN government who created this place out of nothing.

    He wrote in Maltese because he is proud; but on the published page he says that born in Malta but native language English.

    And he is using a computer: something that his great, wonderful, and all conquering leader, was absolutely against.

    Three thoughts for you, Mario, and try and come to grips which party did its very best for Malta.

  36. george cassar says:

    dik nisranija minn tas-sfafar li kienu jidfnu il-laburisti fil-mizbla

  37. Angus Black says:

    Dak bir ftit il-boghod mill-Gharix ta Mintoff f’Delimara.
    Milli jidher Mintoff kien jistieden hafna rgiel ghall-ikel fosthom dan ta hawn fuq, Emmy Bezzina w ohrajn li kitbu fit-Times. Ma qalux x’kien jitmaghhom, pero.
    Forsi xi gemba mhaffra bi ftit zejt, basla u landa tonn taz-zejt?

  38. Drattax says:

    Now forget what you are trying to portray to the contrary. Where is the menace and threats in Mr. Coleiro’s e-mail which you should never have published?
    If anything, I think he was very polite in addressing you!

  39. Andrew Vella says:

    Remember Tony Coleiro? This chap is one of his many siblings.

    [Daphne -I thought so. He looks just like him.]

  40. Bob says:

    Viva Mintoff ghax bis sahha tijaw thalna EU … veru li Mintof tefa li Malta fil hara imma il fatt li tajjar lil Fredu min hemm was a blessing..

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