They can’t actually read what he wrote, but their friends told them it’s bad and pointed them to the link

Published: August 26, 2012 at 11:13pm

A keen supporter of the progressive liberal party has posted the following comment on the Catholic Herald’s site, beneath the article which Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith wrote about Mintoff:

Li ma kontx tiehdu f’ghoxx dik il-liba ommok hekk titkellem fuq l-ikbar Politiku li qatt rat Malta. Ara vera liba qarsa int Father Alexander. Ghax ma tmurx tkompli tinhexa ja pufta ordnat. F’ghoxx kemm ghandek hajjin u mejtin u f’ghoxx il-knisja kattolika li inti tirraprezenta. Ja Liba kollok.

I’m beginning to get jealous of Fr Lucie-Smith. The comments he is receiving from Labour supporters are far more interestingly creative than the ones they’re posting here.

They haven’t yet called me a “a pufta ordnat”, though one or two of them have called me “aaaaaaa lezbjana hadra”, which doesn’t have quite the same ring to it somehow.

Oh look, I’ve just got this one from another progressive and liberal Labour supporter. I bet Fr Lucie-Smith hasn’t received one of these. As far as I can make out, nobody has yet called him a ‘wiked bitch’.

You are one frustated wiked bitch go to marsa open center and get laid by all the blackman u can find and after give them a blow job then u can die peasefully

28 Comments Comment

  1. Natalie says:

    I really hope that Fr. Alexander does not read Maltese. I also hope he doesn’t decide to use Google Translate. This is getting embarrassing.

    [Daphne – He grew up in Malta. I’m quite sure he knows what those two words mean.]

    • Grezz says:

      Google Translate:

      “That did not take f’ghoxx that semen mother speaks so on Political largest ever seen Malta. See you real sour semen Father Alexander. Because not go further tinhexa ja pufta ordered. F’ghoxx you both live and dead and f’ghoxx the Catholic church represents you. Ja kollok Liba.”

  2. ciccio says:

    Judging by all the comments you have received and published in the past week, I have come to the conclusion that the subject of Dom Mintoff still attracts more interest than a ricotta-irkotta debate.

  3. Marco says:

    Ma mortx tobzoqlu hero :) ??? Hekk kont ghidt

    [Daphne – Il-femminili ta’ hero hija heroine. U biex ma titfixxkilx, id-droga hija heroin u mhux heroine. Heroine hija l-femminili ta’ hero.]

  4. Ganna says:

    Tal-biza dan il-lingwag.

    Dawn ma jifilhux kritika, kollox posittiv iridu jisimghu.

    Ara jekk jitilghu huma x’inhu lest ghall-poplu.

    Bambin ehlisna minn dan is-saram jekk jitla Muscat.

  5. L. Gatt says:

    What’s Marsa open centre? Il-Harlem tal-Meditteran?

  6. Min Weber says:

    Whoever wrote that message has a medium to high level of education. There are virtually no grammatical mistakes.

    In other words, it’s worse than most of you are thinking.

    • ciccio says:

      You’re right. “Ghoxx” is properly spelt.

    • Bil-vistu says:

      Those were my thoughts exactly when I read it. It’s perfectly written.

      He seems to have been given a good education at school – thanks, no doubt, to the present government’s education policies, but an abysmal one at home judging by such an eloquent and seamless flow of obscenities.

      They’re proving right all our nightmares.

      [Daphne – Hasn’t it occurred to you that it could be, for example, a former cabinet minister or somebody quite senior in the Labour Party?]

      • Backwards country says:

        educated labour ministers now iv’e heard it all!

        [Daphne – Most of them went to university, and presumably know how to spell, the exception being Anglu Farrugia.]

  7. lola says:

    DEAR Daphne,you are instigating a lot of hatred.In the name of God why don’t you stop it? It is not right to write in this manner about a man who has just died.I think that his family is suffering a lot in this difficult time

    [Daphne – Iva, ma rajtomx, jahasra, kollha msallbin bl-ugieh?]

    • Grezz says:

      The man had no respect for the living. Why should the living show him respect just because he’s dead?

    • P Shaw says:

      This must be the moment they have been waiting all their lives. They could not even hide their elation. They can finally use the millions of Euros they inherited. Why do you think Yana Bland came back to Malta once the dementia became more apparent?

    • TinaB says:

      Oh, Lola, please cut the crap, for Christ’s sake!

      Suffering? Is that what you call, sufferring?

      Members of his family were comfortable, living away from Malta, enjoying peace of mind, freedom and opportunities that the rest of us could only dream about when their father was Prime Minister, Lola.

      Now they lost him. So what? The man had an extremely good life, died filthy rich, and lived till he was 96 years old. There are children who never even had the opportunity to know their parents because they were taken away from them much too early, not to mention how hard it was for many of them to live a normal life because unlike Duminku Mintoff, they had nothing.

      Suffering, my foot.

      Kif ma tisthux titkellmu?

    • Lorna saliba says:

      Min jaf kemm qed thokk idejha, Yana, min jaf x’hallielha. They can’t wait for the opening of the will. Min jaf min se jirtu it-televixion tal-kulur?

  8. lola says:

    Daphne rajthomx with an H please. Thanks so that no one says that you cannot write in Maltese. And by the way are you still awake?

  9. Zordon says:

    This has become too comical.

  10. Pizz says:

    Groan…why do they have to embarrass us over and over again?

  11. Kat says:

    Lola, his family failed to hide the fact that they’re ecstatic that he’s gone and they can stop pretending they care about him. It’s all about the money and nothing else.

  12. TinaB says:

    “Then you can die peasfully”.

    Never eat a “pastizz tal-pizelli” and post a comment on Deffni’s (tal-Bahrija) blokk at the same time.


  13. James says:

    ‘peasefully’ as in ‘full of peas’ ?

    I’m confused :/

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