Published: August 27, 2012 at 6:13pm

I put up a brief post about the burning of The Times in October 1979 by a Labour mob, and this is one of the first comments to come in:

Din xi gidba ohra min tieghek Daphne, bhal tar-ritratti ta’ Mintoff li kien irrikattah bihom Lorry Sant.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Ganna says:

    Dear housewife, tal-ittratti mi gidba xejn, jiena niftakar sewwa mete grat, Wenzu Mintoff Kien deputat u ma baqax mal-labour, zamm is-siggu, u Kien independenti, imbaghad hareg ma alternativa.

  2. Herbie says:

    Do I laugh or do I cry?

    Is this for real?

    In another post someone asked you who the Blue Sisters were.

    This is incredible.

    Oh how right Anton Buttiegieg was when he said ‘Il-poplu jinsa”.

  3. Paul Bonnici says:

    RECONCILIATION? That is why there are still corrupt officer in the police force!

    • Tabatha White says:

      Talking about violence and police officers, one policeman beat me with a chain in those days when a report would have been of no use, and that, for trying to divert his attention away from the old couple he was continuing to kick even when they fell to the floor. I will never forget neither face nor number.

  4. elephant says:

    If the Times was NOT burnt down, then why did then minister Joe Grima, in Parliament said that he regretted that The Times was not burnt to the ground. (What a night it was for me)!!

  5. Silverbug says:

    We are destined to relive those times since we seem determined to forget they happened.

  6. Herbie says:

    The attack on The Times was planned and orchestrated.

    I know as a fact that Labour sympatisers working at The Times kept away from their place of work that fateful evening by reporting sick.

  7. Herbie says:

    An retired policeman from Gozo who on that day was on duty near The Times offices, recently told me how when he and his colleagues asked their superiors whether they should intervene to stop the fracas they were ordered to let the mob do what they want.

    This they insisted upon even when these policemen remarked that there were people inside the building.

    Now of course someone would remark that this too is a lie.

    [Daphne – No, I will say something else: what sort of policemen were they, that they asked for permission to stop a crime of such great magnitude? Cowards all. I don’t know how they can live with themselves. Maltese culture makes me sick. It’s a bloody good thing that Malta didn’t fall to the Nazis, because we would have had a population of collaborators and SS guards and nobody actually in the camps.]

  8. elephant says:

    I was working at The Times then . I could see the goings on in the street from an upstairs window.

    Fusellu was in charge of the operation and the smiling policemen (yes, smiling) were encouraging the attackers.

    What a horrible scene – and I mean the police attitude.

  9. Housewife says:

    Daphne, mhux soltu tieghek ma taghrafx kumment sarkastiku.

    • Murdock2 says:

      ma tantx kien jidher sarkastiku. peress li hawn min lest ibiddel l-istorja ta’ Malta kif tghogob lilu biss. Diga qed naraw l-istorja politika ta’ Malta tinqaleb ta’ taht fuq. Qisu Fenech Adami ma farrakx lil Mintoff f’zewg elezzjonijiet generali. Qisu l-labour ghadu fil-gvern. Qisu Mintoff qatt ma ttradixxa lil MLP meta kien fil-Gvern. L-uniku ragel li hareg bl-unuri huwa Alfred Sant ghax ma mexiex ta’ ipokrita. Dejjem kien onest. U ma tax gieh lil dak li farraklu l-gvern immexxi minnhu. missu jisthi l-MLP.

  10. Rusteeee12 says:

    Din li se nghid hija ghal ‘housewife’ anke meta sawtu l-ommi u l-missieri u kissrulhom il hanut fejn kienu jaqilghu l-hobza ta kuljum biex lili u lii-ghazieza ohti jtughna edukazzjoni ahjar minn taghhom hi gidba.Liz-ziju tieghi daru sitta fuqu, tefawh go rokna ,waqqawh ma l-art u kulhadd ifajjar bis sieq fuqu,kissrulu ma nafx kemm il kustilja f’sidru, din gidba wkoll.Lill ziti illum mejta Alla jahfrilha tawha daqqa ta manku ta revolver go nofs wicca ghal xejn sempliciment ghax Nazzjonalist din gidba wkoll.Dan kollu gara lejliet l-elezzjoni tal- 81 u jien kelli biss tnax il sena.Ghiduli kif jien qatt xi darba nista nivvota lill PL meta jien rajt dan kollu jigri fuq familti.Dawn in nies kienu kollha canvassers ta Danny Cremona [li qieghed jinharaq fl-infern] u ta dak il ‘fat fuck’ Joe Grima meta kien ministru fil kabinett tas- salvatur tat -toqba ta sormi.U issa minu Laburist jista jghajarni u joffendini kemm irid pero meta ggarrab tkun taf x’jigifieri ghax sal mewt nibqa PN

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