Dan il-gvern qeridna (though we can afford plastic tits)
September 25, 2012 at 7:27am
Here are some more pictures from Labour’s mass meeting tar-rebha, last Saturday.
This one is called Antonella tal-Isnobby. She’s not too keen on Godfrey Grima’s new logo design.
Xi hlew. Qishom Gonzi u Kate. U dak il-confetti ahmar! Najs touch.
Now why could I have told you that this lot vote Labour, even before seeing them at the mass meeting? They’re here because Joseph promised them a job without studying.
Here’s our friend again.
This is the one all the chaps like, so I thought I’d brighten up their breakfast.
And here’s mega Joseph supporter Antonella tal-Isnobby again (centre)
University of Facebook – so she doesn’t care what Joseph does with stipends.
Here’s Antonella tal-iSnobby again. As they say on Facebook: LOOKIN GOOD HON!!!!!!
Christmas three months in advance chez Daphne. Ho ho ho!
[Daphne – I’m not hanging one of THOSE plastic baubles on my tree, sweetheart.]
Labour will also be reducing the price of getting laid.
he will be promising stipends to anyone who goes to the university of ‘facebook’ too soon
Ara x’bokka ta’ s*** ghandu biha l-iSnobby.
“Ta’ l-Isnobby” could be the nickname of her family. In Qormi most of the families are nicknamed and they are composed as Ta’ This or Ta’ That.
That is one professional boob job on this Antonella…..at least 3500 euros’ worth. She has a massive beer belly though. The rest of the photos are pure Labour hamallagni.
It seems that all the money spent on education has been spent in vain.
Can you pay for that boob job with the Students’ Stipend Card, or wherever they credit the students’ stipend these days?
Definitely not. The University stipend is around E540 per year, and you have around E500 in the Smart Card, which can only be used in certain outlets.
OK, so maybe one would need to get a loan from Evarist Bartolo, then.
If her brain were as big as her tits she would be a genius.
No, she wouldn’t.
A genius is someone who sees things other people can’t see, e.g. Daphne.
The woman in question sees herself and makes sure other people do so as well. No genius at all.
U tghidtx kemm tonfoq fis-sigaretti.
What has this island come to…
[Daphne – It was always like that, Zordon. Much worse when the army and navy were around, actually. It’s just that there wasn’t any Facebook or internet, so you actually had to go to Valletta or Gzira to see them.]
Hookers United.
The combination of tarts, pricks and Little Joey looks like a sickening meal.
At least when her great leader starts messing up her life more than she does herself, she can count on a soft landing.
Daphne, in one of the captions you say that ‘THEY’RE HERE BECAUSE JOSEPH PROMISED THEM A JOB WITHOUT STUDYING.’ I think they would run a mile if someone promised them a job or forced them to work.
I bet you anything that these girls don’t work, that they claim lots of social benefits and most of them have a kid or two by an unknown father who nevertheless visits the children or if they are lucky contributes towards their upbringing.
Hear hear.
Joseph has to explain what this latest social experiment is all about.
Whether according to him, governments across Europe should be ‘obliged’ to provide employment to these individuals and under what conditions.
Are we to believe that if he’s elected, these people will be able to walk into any agency and demand, by right, any job which they insist will be theirs by right, that the training’s covered anyway?
Will employers be obliged to provide vacancies, under the regime that they’d be obliged to correspond to the proposed use of the EU’s social fund?
Is anyone considering the possible plain havoc wreaked upon a company’s human resources, built painstakingly over the years, simply to sate the sense of entitlement these people tend to have?
Is anyone aware that this experiment will become a detente between the ones who’ll abuse the system and its proponents who’ll resort to all possible measures to save face?
If it’s true, as someone said in a previous post, that Joseph intends to impose the ID card as a qualification, and restrict work permits, is there any doubt what role they’ll assume? Basically we’ll face imposed employees who’ll disrupt any teambuilding and motivation.
The simple answer, no.
It is human nature to seek the highest reward for the least possible work. For example, large breasts attract men from across the room saving her the trouble of walking there (hence the belly but that’s another story).
The only jobs they are entitled to will be the ones the bottom rung jobs.
However once you think in economic terms, those jobs are normally shift based and paid by the hour. The influx of say cleaners in large companies will reduce the amount of shifts per person yet the company will pay out the same amount of wages.
In short an influx of workers will dilute the pay between them and thus blow up in Joseph’s balding little head.
Compare and contrast.
(Ta’ Qali, Labour’s unofficial Independence celebrations)
(Floriana, Independence monument).
Now Baxxter, tell us which one you prefer, honestly.
Can you take a twenty-foot bronze statue to bed? Honestly, Ciccio.
I see no point in getting a laugh out of chavettes. Each time I see a picture of that class I think “There but for the grace of God…”
Besides, a gentleman will be as courteous to the cheapest whore in a Bristol bordello as if she were the Princess Royal at the Henley Regatta. So no.
Why does your mind always take you there?
I was only asking which one do you prefer as the Independence monument.
Mr. Baxxter, it is nice to know that chivalry is not dead.
[Daphne – Don’t encourage him further. I keep getting stopped by ladies who want to know who he is and what sort of age, because they’d like to marry him. Sadly, I can’t oblige because I don’t know either. He has his own fan base.]
I’ve got my own hair and teeth. That’s all my female fans need to know.
Your female fans would need to know how much hair, and the colour of it, and how many teeth you have left.
I mean look at Joseph Muscat – he too can say that he has his own hair, but what can he do with it?
He can’t do this for instance.
As Janice would say: ‘Ohh My Gad!’
The Most Feminist Government in History continues to gather momentum.
Just looking at them makes you remember the bad old times and NOT vote Labour.
Old times? Labour have always been like that.
I relate this video to the kind of people seen in the pictures.
Antonella tal-iSnobby is more likely to be a follower of Joe Grima than of his brother Godfrey as she is already bursting at the seams as he is. God knows what she will be like at his age.
I have to admit that sometimes I try to look at Gonzi through objective and impartial eyes. I still see a man who is intent on reaching his main goal: that of turning Malta into a “smart” country meaning that it offers more quality jobs, a better tourist product. A Malta which is there for whoever works and which is also there for whoever, through ill-luck or disease, cannot work and produce.
I’ve always believed that this is the way forward for our country: a land of opportunity (in spite of its size) but also a land where you do not starve to death if life has given you a terrible lot.
Many a time I have really wondered why Gonzi is hated so much. I do not think EFA was ever hated as much as Gonzi, certainly not when he was Prime Minister.
When I see the people in the pictures above, however, I instantly realise why he is hated. Gonzi represents the antithesis to all the things which these people aspire to: sloth, “lerief”, “socjal assistans”, and other blood-sucking escamotages by means of which they would not need to lift one finger to earn a (decent) living.
Indeed, everything becomes clear then. The accusations of “the klikka”, the accusations of Gonzi being heartless and without a social conscience. It becomes clear where all these perceptions are coming from.
Then there are those who hate Gonzi for different reasons. Franco Debono and JPO hate Gonzi. The reasons vary from “nuttiness” (FD) to sheer egocentric reasons (JPO) .
The fact remains, however, that whoever has at least 10 brain cells realises that Gonzi is a very good leader who not only steered our country in the worst economic times the world has ever witnessed, but also through also times of international strife (the Arab Spring springs to mind with Libya, of course, being the foremost example).
Hence, the enemies of Gonzi are nothing but the enemies of what Malta needs to become and has, to a certain extent, become. This is, for me, the most worrying aspect.
If people really had a brain, they would realise that Gonzi is what Malta really needs. His qualities are endless and are certainly not merely formal but rather substantial. His gifts do not include mere excellent oratory skills but they also include the vision which keeps a keen eye on the goal but also on all the minute and not-so-minute steps needed to reach one’s destination.
I wouldn’t except the people depicted in the pictures above to realise this though. Self-centred individuals or individuals who have a peanut for a brain (to quote Black Adder) cannot even start to comprehend what it means to be a good leader and what it means to run a country the way it should be.
Their only concern is that they receive the “cekk tal-lerief” at the end of the month. We owe it to them. Silly them, they do not realise that given that they’ve received it in the past 25 years or so, if they vote for Gonzi again, they will continue receiving it, and this leaves us with the tranquil and serene lives we enjoy.
But then, I don’t expect the Mintoffians to appreciate the value of a day’s work or, indeed, of etching out of nothing a good career. No. They cannot. It was Mintoff who programmed them in that manner and no amount of top-notch education can take the Mintoff out of them.
Ahem. Gonzi and his social conscience aficionados do not represent the antithesis of the aspirations of the lower class.
They FOSTERED the lower class by handing out our meagre resources to the unproductive and the undeserving, all in the name of some misguided Christian Democratic “person at the centre of wotsit”.
It’s either smart country or country of “hniena” and “wens”. You cannot have both. Gonzi chose the latter. And he chose badly.
This is a most interesting debate H.P. Baxxter. To which extent can we continue dishing out gratuities to people who do not want to do anything with their lives?
I strongly believe that all of us have to shoulder our responsibilities and the full consequences of our actions or omissions.
It is a fact of life that life does not deal the same hand to all of us. Some do need to have be lent a helping hand. It is an obligation of a civilised society not to ostracise these people. However, there are others who just mess up their own lives and expect us (poor sods who have not made a mess of our lives) to pay for their mess-ups.
I always think to myself: why should we pay for single mothers’ casual sex when not even the father wants to formally recognise and acknowledge the child as his? This means, of course, that the father does not pay any maintenance towards the upkeep of his child which, in turn, means the single mother has to be maintained by us (the State out of our taxes) at the expense of other, frankly, more important public expense (say, solid infrastructure). Sometimes the “single” mother is earning her maintenance cheque (paid in cash to avoid cheques and consequent bank visibility and fraud detection) and her “lerief”.
This is wrong. This is pure fraud.
On the other hand, there might be an individual who has had a bad upbringing, who has been unlucky and who, in spite of all he tried to do in life, he got nowhere.
I have met these types of individuals and I have persons, individuals in my mind whilst I’m writing this. Now, a “smart” society would be a society which weeds out the first lot and which helps the second.
There has been a lot done in recent years to uncover fraud and there has been an increase in fraud detection. Fact remains, however, that these people (the fraudsters) are so crafty, sometimes, that they end up working within the system, if you excuse the pun.
Bottom line: a smart country,the country I would want our Malta to be, is one which helps and assists the “unlucky” ones but which punishes the fraudsters (this term is to be used widely).
I do not think we can forget our social conscience. But we cannot either be taken for a ride by those who would not lift a finger if their life depended on it.
By the way, on a side note (and totally out of order), your Feminist novel is screaming for a sequel.
Our problem is that we think of everything in legal terms. It figures, because most of our politicians are (bloody) lawyers. We need to start thinking in terms of management. Forget lofty principles like “kuxjenza socjali”. That’s just meaningless babble which looks good on some “Fehmiet Bazici” publication, but which leads to disaster if used as an instruction manual.
We take a couple of words, and then derive everything all the way down. WRONG.
“Free healthcare”. Bunch of crap. It means even Alfred Sant’s ONLY good policy – his 50 cents hospital fee – was decried as an assault on human rights.
How about “free healthcare for medical conditions you cannot prevent and which are not the result of your own life choices”? Ah, now we’re talking. We’re talking good management.
“Stipendji ghal kullhadd”. Bollocks. How about “Effective post-secondary schooling tailored to the job market”? How about we think of the desired result of our policies before we think of the valuri bazici which underpin it?
Of course, if our resources were unlimited and if we had an infinite budget surplus then everything I say on this blog wouldn’t make sense. But we have finite resources, a budget deficit and government and household debt. So let’s forget “valuri” and focus on efficient governance. Less Sicily, more Scandinavia, please.
And yet, H.P., the alternative is re-introducing the gallows for stealing a loaf of bread.
Truth is – as you’ll find written in one particular book – the poor have always been with, and they’ll always be with us.
Better feed them, then have them rob you to feed themselves.
Prevention (of crime) is cheaper and more achievable than its extirpation.
Then remember this, Min Weber:
Never give money to the poor, for they will become rich and start getting strange ideas about revolution.
Or, to put it in a more compassionate way: Jesus told us to give money to the poor, not to rogues.
why all this adulation for Gonzi – to be sure the Labour Party does not deserve the seat of power – but for heavens sake Gonzi is way behind the times in the Maltese social context – look at his recent position on divorce as one singular example. Too late now I guess but the PN should have changed leaders when they had the opportunity –
It wasn’t just Mintoff, Lomax. He simply concluded the eradication of this country’s social fabric perpetrated by others.
Boffa and Mons.Gonzi could see it coming, as did some elements in the PN, when the drydocks grew to such an extent that a new town reserved for Strickland’s design was built as a countermeasure.
The rest of the country was ignored leaving those who could react to their own devices.
It’s not by coincidence that Mintoff kicked off the migration of his power base into the heart of all minor centres around the island. The war with the church was simply for the physical space and the removal of any links between his followers and the bourgeois in these.
How else does one explain the dissolution of Sliema as soon as the British left? Especially when most of the surgery was in the hands of his cabinet, the stretch from Fortizza to Fond Ghadir belongs to those who today would be alternative ministers.
They’ll be the ones who’ll rant about the entropy.
Zordon, Daphne is right – Malta has always been like that.
I would go even further than the British period. De Vallette shipped them out to Sicily before the Great Siege to a safe haven and having them return when the seige was over.
La Vallette tried to ship to Sicily EVERYONE who was not capable of or who was unwilling to take part in the war effort, and that included, if I am not mistaken , the nobility sulking in Mdina who viewed the Order as a bunch of trouble makers.
Recently I’ve been travelling quite a bit and whenever I land in Malta and walk through the arrivals area I just cringe.
When you get a view of the audience waiting for others you realise that most of them are ugly people, fat and moronic looking. Then when you go down the stairs to exit to car park, you are usually greeted by kids playing football in the tunnel while their parents are having dinner at the airport.
People go to the airport as part of their ‘harga’.
I’m saying all this because most of the people that I see at the airport look like the people in the picture above, and it just depresses me.
I have always found “going out to the airport” depressing, too. My husband and I even have a private joke about it.
Can you share it? I suspect I’m on the right track…
Sort of.
Daphne il-haga taf xini li l-ahhar darba rajt dan ir-ritratt tieghek fuq il-website ta Franco
u ma nixtieqx inweggak pero ma tantx taghti image li hija l-boghod minn dawn ir-ritratti. Dawk l-msielet kbar bizzejjed biex jikklasifikawk ‘hamalla’ u dak ix-xaghar twil u iswed mhuwiex stil ta mara tal-eta tieghek nahseb…. u biex taxxaq kollox ghandek maffler jaghti fl-ahmar!!! Tiblendja sew ha najdlek ma Antonella tal-snoppy.
[Daphne – Ajma x’pacenzja irrid niehu man-nies. Ozzy, jekk xaghari huwa skur, m’hemmx taghmel. Hekk twelidt, u hekk se nibqa sakemm isirli griz. Ommi baqghet b’xagharha iswed sa kwazi sittin sena, u nahseb bhala hrigt. Dik mihiex zeba’. Dik in-natura. U dak muhiex blow-dry bhal ta’ Antonella, lanqas. Hemm ftit Maltin li twieldu b’xagharhom lixx, u insertajt wahda minnhom. L-imsielet kbar mhux il-hamalli biss jilbsuhom. U l-hamalli biss jibzghu li jidhru hamalli jekk jilbsu imsielet kbar. Dak biex nispjegalek biss.]
So you think women over 35 should go gradually “chestnut”, because dark hair is not suitable, Ozzy?
Mmm, that could be a policy for the most feminist government. Subsidy on bleach and lighter tones of dye.
[Daphne – Ozzy is right, though. Very dark dyed hair on women of a certain age is really harsh, unflattering to older skin, and inappropriate. It’s fine when the colour is nature’s, though, because hair that isn’t dyed tends to be naturally variegated and so the colour is far less hard.]
Nies tal-klassi ta’ Daphne jistaw johorgu libsin garbage bag ghax xorta jibqghu ta’ klassi.
[Daphne – Coincidentally, the other day a friend and I were talking about the days when we used to wear dustbin bags, held together with safety pins, to parties. 1978? The Sex Pistols era. I must have been about 14. It was a very practical fashion for Malta, given that there was nothing to wear in the shops.]
“dak ix-xaghar twil u iswed mhuwiex stil ta mara tal-eta tieghek nahseb.”
Get with the times, Ozzy. The days when women of a certain age felt they had to wear their hair short are long gone.
It is fashionable and appropriate for women of Daphne’s age and older to wear their hair long. Nor is there anything wrong with dying your hair to hide the grey, as long as it is tastefully done.
To compare Daphne’s appearance to Antonella’s is ludicrous. On the one hand, you have a woman with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth and her enhanced breasts hanging out of her shirt and on the other hand, you have a stylish woman with large but elegant hoop earrings and a pretty scarf. Try reading Vogue once in a while.
You’re all so high and mighty judging people w/o knowing anything about them…..
The sheer amount of ignorance that can be found in this page really makes me wonder level of education you have…. not the mention Daphne… this is journalism? are your kidding me… sometimes i think my wife is right I should just leave the godforsaken rock
Your wife is right.
All these cliches about judging are becoming irritating. Come on Daniel, I bet you also didn’t picture her working at CERN, trying to isolate the Higgs Boson.
Don’t get me wrong though, she’d get it from me. I find her alluring in that chav kind of way, though I certainly wouldn’t look forward to the conversations.
You really should consider leaving, because the island has enough boring windbags as it is.
Nice tits, ta’ l-iSnobby. Dawk real jew? U x’naqa tattooes eh.
Don’t worry – issa Joseph forsi izidlek il-minimum wage u taghmel xi tnejn ohra.
2nd Photo, first guy on Joseph’s side. Why is he ‘checking him out’ ?
… which reminds me, I have to add “milk” to my shopping-list
Jekk Joseph jghid li “kull min imur l-Universita jiehu l-istipendju” naqta rasi li nofs dawn jehduh litteralment u tarahom sejrin ghac-cheque l-Universita filghodu.
(a) Where do they get their confidence from? How can anyone look in the mirror, see that (especially the muffin-top) and feel smouldering?
(b) Anyone else thinks that Joseph is just not half as in love with Michelle as she is with him?
[Daphne – I do. It’s bloody obvious, and I’ve always said so. He can’t even bring himself to fake affection.]
Dawn dawk li x’imkien fil-kuruturi ta’ mohhok, bla ma trid, tismaghhom jghidu: ‘Ghandek Fejsbuk eh?’
Kemm hawn faqar istra. Sorprendenti l-bicca tax-xoghol. Tattoos, VW Golf, Silicone, Laptops biex jghaddu siegha zmien fuq il-Fejsbuk, Camera digital biex jiehdu r-ritratti u mank wiehed sew, Makeup, Nuccali tal-moda, Blow-dries, Kulur u zebgha tax-xaghar, Sigaretti.
Qas Hugh Hefner ma jlahhaq maghhom dawn.
Ma nafx.
ahjar titalem tikteb int facebook
Ktibtha bil-Malti, sweet. U bil-haqq titalem tinkiteb hekk: titghallem. :-*
I guess you haven’t walked into a PN club recently – the only difference is the colour of their scantily fitting t-shirts. Unfortunately, the masses (PN,MLP, AD, Farfett) are not quite as educated as one would like to think.
Just don’t go around with some illusion that a PN mass meeting involves tea in china, soft spoken gentry and alberta ferretti dress – Believe me I live opposite a PN club: crass, loud and as degenerate as the rest.
[Daphne – I go to all the Nationalist Party mass meetings around election time, and I can reassure you that they are extremely civilised affairs with huge numbers of truly middle-class people, while the ones at the St Andrew’s parade ground and Dingli Street, Sliema, are full-on tal-pepe, including all the old ladies who play bridge, and their skinny-jeaned grandchildren (though they don’t stand together, of course). Yes, there are a few people there who look like Antonella tal-iSnobby, but they stick out like sore thumbs.]
Who the hell do you think you are to judge all these people? or to publish their photos and talk about them like you know them?
Do you paid her boobs? maybe you should get your done Daphne.. haha I guess i am smelling some Jelousy over here.. what the hell do you know about their relationship? ..i don’t think you sleep between them in their bed .. everyone have his opinion ..live and let other live their lifes.. you don’t know how rude and pathetic you are ..I say this From the bottom of my Heart I HATE YOU ..you are A HEARTLESS woman with no Feelings.. And if you’re going to say something .. nistmak fsormi qalbi .
Thus spake Alisha, amply confirming Daphne’s standpoint.
Alisha, dear,
I assure you that the only thing decent educated people feel for girls and women showing off their fake chest, is PITY.
but who you are to stop them ? she is judging everyone . Is she perfect or what? no one is for sure.. she is only seeing the colour maybe if she was wearing a BLUE Top it wouldn’t be a problem to show her fake chest or her tattoo
Alisha my dear,
If people go and exhibit themselves on Facebook or any other public photo site, posting comments that aren’t fit for a nonsense site let alone Facebook, then viewers are allowed to say what they think and what they like.
‘People who put themselves under the spotlight must not complain when the light is too hot’.
As the saying goes.
Daphne is not judging them, Alisha, but telling it like it is.
Neither she is trying to stop them. You see, there is a difference between stopping people from doing something and trying to make them see how ridiculous they look by their way of acting.
Joseph Muscat and his party attract voters who refuse to educate themselves and their children so that they can have a better life without having to rely on the state. That cannot be good for Malta, Alisha.
If, instead of getting all touchy and offended you care to calm down and read properly what Daphne writes you may understand what she means and conclude that she is right after all.
And may I also add, Alisha, that whatever the motivations of people who exhibit themselves on Facebook are, they serve as a reminder that no matter how ‘cool’ you think you are, there will always be people of higher skills who will think otherwise.
Alisha, I would like to painfully point out that going out in public with the girls in the air exposes one (ahem!) to criticism. Daphne is not seeking to stop but to criticise. The only one(s) seeking to stop anything are you and your cronies trying to stop Daphne and other comments from airing views. Tough on you mate!
‘Do you paid her boobs? ‘
Perhaps she did ‘paid’ for them indirectly as did I and the rest of the nation, ‘il-ftit mill-ħafna’ at work I suppose. Tell me ‘qalbi’, are you also a few silicone strips short of being a walking sealant gun?
But why do Labour fools assume that “Tal-pepe” have to be jealous about the most idiotic of matters.
We don’t need to be jealous because we are happy with what we have. Unlike them we don’t want what others have.
[Daphne – PLENTY of tal-pepe people are jealous of what they THINK others have. That’s exactly why the Labour Party positioned one of its My Choice of Friends billboards on the roundabout leading to San Anton School/San Andrea School, so that every parent driving their children there will have to go past it every morning. This is some psychology I know about, because I have to live with it. It was used in 1996 as well with the ‘barunijiet’. It wasn’t ordinary people who voted Labour because of ‘barunijiet’. It was the ‘barunijiet’s friends and associates, who were envious and felt they weren’t getting enough themselves.]
The names of this sweet girl’s babies are Zainn (a boy) and Zhanelle (a girl).
[Daphne – Zainn tal-iSnobby and Zhanelle tal-iSnobby? There’s a whole different Malta out there.]
BABIES? She looks sixteen.
Never heard about the unmarried mothers, unknown father scam? Free accommodation, weekly cash handouts. There are male teens who milk the system by impregnating their own small herd of females, while they themselves remain out of sight.
In my line of work I meet all sorts of people. Not so long ago I met this young , unmarried mother of three.
When the first two were born, she told me, she wrote down ‘father unknown’ and got all sorts of social benefits without any hassle whatsoever.
When she had her third one, her concience pricked her and she wrote down the name of the father.
That is when, she said, her troubles started. She got all sorts of hassle from various departments that did not make it ”worth her while” to be honest.
Next time round, she told me in confidence, she will make sure that it will be back to the” father unknown” routine to avoid all that red tape.
Unbelievable, but true.
My daughter Paula complains that her name makes her sound like her contemporaries’ grandmother. Sigh.
Iz-Zajn u z-Zanella more likely.
Why anyone would want plastic tits defies my imagination. Having them “done” seems to be de rigeur, irrespective of political creed or brain cells.
Here’s an example of before and after
“our friend”. Her parents own the Labour Party Club in Rabat.
And it seems that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree neither.
When one sees “our friend’s” mother posing provocatively, half naked and revealing her huge tits which she then posts on Facebook to the delight of her “hunk” friends, one fully comprehends why these young people are like they are. They know nothing else.
Ta’ min wiehed isibilha ”gobb” bhala ”valletta” jew ”velina” ghal-edizzjonijiet il-godda ta’ INKONTRI.
Here’s an idea for a tattoo:
Is that like one circle on each boob?
That would surely make the largest boobs on earth – I mean one nipple in the Pacific Ocean and the other in the Indian Ocean.
It would make for a great geography teacher. Look, children, this is a projection of a sphere on a plane, while these…
Had Antonella tal-isnobby invested the thousands of euros that she spent on a boob job to educate herself instead she would have done herself and her children a huge favour.
U jmorru jisfnu mal-poles fid-discos
amilli pjecir u r ritratti tijaj hallijhom f dak il kaz itfa t ommok ax jekk tixbah lilek taqsam kull m hawn ta
Hawn u fuq il-Facebook, mhux xorta?
le mhux xorta ta jekk alik xorta alija le. tefatom aw u li kitbet bix titnejjek bin nies minalija imma ada ma tafx kemm hi tan nejk hi jaqqqqqqqqqqq
Jien xorta narha.
nesitu zmina tisfen u ticacra ma dAK U LIHOR III ANDA AL FEJN TAJT AN NIESS JA KUMIDJANTAA
Isma, sweet, il-Facebook ma nhalaqx ghalik biss izda ghal kulhadd.
Il-Private Page tieghek fuq Facebook, ma tixtrihix, hija l-propjeta ta’ Facebook.
Jekk ma tridx kummenti, tmurx fuq il-Fejsbuk jew inkella mur indirizza l-problemi tieghek lilhom, jew inkella ohloq website ghalik biss u bil-password, halli lil min trid, jaccessa l-pagni tieghek.
Tigix tgerger hawn. Is-soltu tal-Maltin, l-ewwel jghaxxquha imbaghad ifottuha.
isma hij ajetli mohi isa amili pjecir mur hudu fox il mejtin tijak u larblu ta raztek kola ghax dejaqtli wicek igifiri zobbi men u oqot vgata vdemek taf xjonqosom fil gima il kbira jahbu il vari u johorgu lilek kumidjanta VIVA MUSCAT
Bongu sweet, tista titkellem bil-Malti plijs?
Ghall-beneficcju tad-dubju. Il-Policies ta’ Facebook, mhux tal-PL :)
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Biex trid titnejek bin nies inti hi.ahajr tintefa qudiem mera qabel mad dahaq bin nies ta qisek it triq tac cawsli bit tumbati u l hofor li andek bela.u ir ritrati tijaj ma namilhomx biex tohodhom inti ta.
ilhaq salibek u in nies halijhom bi kwiethomm
Issa flok toqghodu tahlu il-granet tinsulentaw lil Daphne u tikkummentaw il-hmerijiet b’Malti lanqas jiftiehem u titfghu ir-ritratti biz-zejziet mikxufin u kollox issikkat, fuq il-fejsbukk, halli imbaghad joqghodu jghidulkhom “kemm inti saxy u x’gissem andek” tmorru tiehdu ftit lezzjonijiet biex ta’ lanqas titghallmu tiktbu tajjeb forsi issibu tahdmu?
Louise, you are happy to be common, however you ask for examples not to be? Think that through before you revert to blasphemy.
int alijista jkun alija et tajd louise ????
Louise, gisem sexy ma fiha xejn billi jidher fil-pubbliku. Anzi. Jaf ikun hawn talent scout qed jara dan il-blog.
Kieku jien ghandi d-definition li ghandhom xi whud minn shabek irgiel, kieku fqajtu Facebook bir-ritratti torse nu.
By Antonella tal-isnobby: language that is colourful but very difficult to decipher:
As expected, “our friend’s” middle aged saxy mummy gave her 2c worth too.
She is calling Daphne “kerha” ukoll, jekk joghgbok.
And now Hamburger Joe has Nikita Snobbija as a friend. One happy family.
It’s Nakita, Snoopy. Nikita sounds slightly smarter.
mhux ahjar tara u iddur dawra madwarek u tara naqa x hawn fil pajjiz, int vera trid tilhaq salib in nies, ahjar tara iddur naqa familji u tara kif inhuma ghaddejin fi krizi bil kontijiet tad dawl u l-ilma, u bil petrol u id diesel gholi u b l arriva ghax tasal tard kullimkien u il powerstation, ix xogholijiet li tistudja u ma issibx. U fuq dawn in nies li qed tghid inti nahseb kullhadd ghandu il vot u ghalhekk ma nahsibx li kieku il partit tieghek ma jaccetahomx ghax l elezjoni li ghaddiet ma telaq b xi ghaxar t elef vot ghax jigri. Nahseb ahjar tara u igib min kien mal pn u sar pl u ma gburi u hiereg for the next election jew jghin lil pl ghax ma rax li ghad hemm postu jew induna li kien fil familja ta nies sbaljata u mar go triq tal verita u li jahseb fil veru futur ta pajjizna ghalina iz zghazagh u ghal nies futura.
thanks u nispera li tirrifletti fuq dak li tikteb u tinduna bl izbalji imma kullhadd umbad jidra il bniedem u jiznu u jara x tip ta bniedem hu.
ma nafx min tahseb li int ! bli dritt taqbat u titfa ritrati ta nis li lanqas bis tafom !! sidira halastula int ? jew halasula il gvern li jhalik tamel li trid lilekk ? ir ritratt tijaj ma nafx xtambihh ax jin u shabii ma namluwomx awn alik ahjar tkompli tejx hajtek!! jek taf
erba kelmiet ta veraaaaaa
Mid-dehra dawn l-anqas ghandhom ideja xinhu il Facebook u kif jahdem. Meta tpoggi ritratt fuq Facebook, dak ma baqax tieghek.
I love you Daphne :)
Whatever happened to punctuation marks? =) No sign of a start, middle or end!
why, oh why?. It’s like they cannot afford that much on clothing, the less the cheaper. Women have really forgotten their dignity and respectability, all they care about is showing off their body. I wonder what type of men look at them. They should pick a book or something. They probably complain on how high the bills are, when the probably spend their wages on booze, cigarettes, fake nails, hairdressers and shitty clothes.
Daphne is the only one who dares speak the truth.
Mara bhal dik li hemm fir-ritratti twaqqa l-livell tan-nisa Maltin. Nista’ nimmagina biss l-barranin x’jahsbu meta jaraw mara hekk! ghoqod studja gahan u zomm id-dinjita tieghek biex tigi wahda bhala u tohdilna l-beneficcji socjali mit-taxxi taghna! Jistghu igergru ghax m’ hawnx flus fl-idejn…imma flus ghas-sigaretti u u l-make up hamallu ghandhom!!!
grazzi daphne ghalkemm mhux dejjem qbilt mieghek fuq din naqbel wahda u sew