Futur li jghaqqadna … errr maghna infusna
The picture below shows the home page of Joseph Muscat’s wonderful new wabsite (or wepsite). Aside from the fact that these people seem to have been chosen for their homely appeal, my extensive international network of spies has recognised the following:
• Top left corner: Nakita Zammit Alamango the Forum Zghazagh Laburisti plagiarist (I’d noticed that already)
• Top row, 7th from the left: a Super One TV presenter
• Second row, 3rd from right: long-time Labour activist who might also be a Labour local councillor
• Second row, 7th from right: long-time Labour activist
• Third row, fifth from right: Aaron Mifsud Bonnici, Labour functionary and lawyer to the General Workers Union
• Bottom row, 5th from left: a Labour Party official
The rest are probably in the same league. So what is the message that the PL is sending? Futur li jghaqqadna … errr maghna infusna.
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Bottom row, 6th from left; Charlene Zammit – Law student and ONE TV news reporter/presenter.
Third row, 2nd from left is Cyrus Engerer’s younger brother
Isn’t the one next to him Tiziana Calleja wearing coloured contact lenses?
[Daphne – Ah, what memories. We used to watch that as children.]
Barack Obama has the likes of Beyonce, Jay-Z, Eva Longoria and Kim K to support him. Joseph Muscat has beta nobodies.
How intresting that you re comparing Joseph to Obama.
So who would you compare Gonzi to ?
In Piobbico, close to where I live, they hold a “Festival dei Brutti”. I could send them this to use for next year’s billboard.
Futur li jghaqqadna = Gvern tal-Laburisti biss.
u kburin. You accused use of million things why do you want to be part of us now?
i suggest one thing you and all the flock writing on this block obviously including The monkey (any kind of – however at caqnu’s montekristo there is a large one which really looks like the editor of the blog) to stay away and really start preparing for a peacful election full of red and white flags and wonderful people.
Having said that if you said that we are idiots, ugly and maybe not brave enough…time will tell but i am sure you know the answer…. Coming to the ugly side …..i will stop there as if i start i am sure it will take me a couple of days to compile the list.
One final thing i already chose my spot where i will party following the election won by our party the PL ….just guess….somewhere in the fields ….
goodluck and make sure that you enjoy your last days.
Use your names if you are not cowards!
First row, third woman from left, Antoinette something, local councillor PL Kirkop.
I do no think your comment is flattering of the PN administration in goverment.
If only Labour party officials dare show their face in public on a PL propaganda poster or website, then this shows that people in Malta are scared to be publicly associated with organisations that dissapporve of the present adminstration for fear of reprisals.
Hardly a certificate of democracy for the PN.
Why should anyone who is not Labour, bar professional models*, wish to appear in a Labour poster?
*And they’re out because they don’t represent the average physiognomy.
erm…could it also mean that Nationalists do not really see this future and hence are loath to associate themselves with what is clearly just propaganda?
Your thinking is, to say the least, warped.
WIth the great Leader expecting to win the next elections hands down, it should be PN supporters who fear reprisals.
The PL is in fact ‘discovering’ new sympathisers coming out of the woodwork, smelling a victory! That is one of the main reasons why J. Muscat’s skip is now full to the brim.
@ Randon
Your warped thinking just serves those who want to re-write our recent political history.
Do you mean that Maltese who disapprove of the present administration are scared to show their face on PL propaganda or activities because they are afraid of reprisals?
If so, you surely weren’t here between 1971-87?!
During those terrible years it is A FACT that PN officials didn’t just fear the reprisals but ACTUALLY, PHYSICALLY SUFFERED THEM!
You can then imagine to what extent ordinary citizens were “scared to be publicly associated with organisations that dissapporve(d) of the (then) adminstration for fear of reprisals”!!
2nd row, photo before the last is Rita, a Labour councillor from Zurrieq
Better than the failed mychoice.pn “Lets Talk”. No thank you, the only talk I give you is “Get out of the government, you’re not leading us right”.
This shows that PN supporters such as you Daph have nothing better to do than trying to find the ‘xaghra fl-ghagina’ of your much hated rivals, without actually realising the massive problems your party has.
I agree with you. Actually, Daphne should be spending her time criticising Labour’s plans.
Now wait a minute, what Labour plans?
Very few people who voted PN since 1998 actually support it. They just want to keep Labour from ever being in power.
1998, you must be joking, I’ve been doing it since 1987 and can’t see an end to it.
But many of those who voted PN in 1987 and 1992 actually supported it. They thought it was the best party. After 2004, it was the a case of voting for the least worst party.
Top right hand corner: he makes fireworks in Hal Lija. His sister was a Labour councillor there – but I don’t know whether she still is.
Lorraine Farrugia (the sister of course).
Sadly, Nuxellina does not seem to have been included.
2nd row 4th from right is a Labour counting agent.
Notice, there are no blacks or ‘Muslims’. And are any of them gay? If so, they should be labelled LGBT.
Maybe the “interest groups” are colour-coded. Pink background for gay, yellow for Jewish, sky-blue for disgruntled Nationalist, green for eco-warrior, etc.
What a stupid comment , no blacks or muslim s and that gays should be labelled LGBT
What does s colour , religion and sexual orientation have to do with it.
Get a life.
[Daphne – ‘Get a life’. Din saret il-war cry tac-chavs Laburisti. Tmur hafna mal-gel nails.]
Ma jidirlekx li qeghda tkun naqra iebsa iz-zejjed. Mhux importanti hafna liema huma in-nies irhilha li biex ma issibx numru daqshekk zghir ta’ nies li ma jkunux fil-limelight hija naqra kbira imma fl-ahhar il-messagg jghodd.
They will get irritated quite easily; they will become angry and consequently intolerant and dangerously aggressive.
Top row, 3rd from left (wearing specs): an ex-dockyard staff member. In 1996, as soon as the Labour Party was in power, she moved to an office in the Auberge de Castille, with Helena Dalli.
Two years later, when Labour lost the elections, she returned to her previous job at the dockyard.
Ghalhekk iriduh il-gvern tal-Labour.
Second row ninth from right is Jonathan Brimmer, a Labour supporter.
He vows he voted for EU membership although his party was against it because otherwise he would not have had the career opportunities he so much wanted.
Then, working at ETC and even furthering his studies there, he lied to all and sundry about his political party. All this was revealed by his true self when he sent an offensive sms about the party who had just been re-elected in the 2008 elections, thinking he was sending it to a friend when instead he sent it to his superior.
“Futur li jaqqadna” -is this an admission that we ar still “mifrudin” and waiting for “il-futur” biex jaqqadna?
Did Joseph Muscat ask all of them if they want to be in it to put up their hands like he did yesterday?
I suppose we all know (but a few do not admit) who brought this “firda” amongst the Maltese