How bloody insulting – what a preposterous little jerk this man is
September 22, 2012 at 4:34pm
“Muscat urged those speaking in terms of the past to “get over it” and step into the present.”
– Malta Today, last Thursday
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Oh, so I suppose an apology is out of the question, then.
Those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it. Bet Nanna Muscat never said this to her beloved grandson.
“I propose the linja gwida ‘Il-Labour ghandu jtina l-iktar Prim Ministru zghir u sexy li qatt kellha Malta.’ Those in favour please raise their hand.”
It would be a great idea if Muscat stepped into the present and got rid of Mintoff’s and KMB’s men.
Yes. Joey you are perfectly right. Malta did get over its past and stepped into the present.
It certainly did this at a huge cost and certainly not thanks to you or to the party you lead.
This is exactly the reason why you are so uncomfortable with the country’s recent political history.
‘A nation that forgets its past has no future” W S Churchill.
Well, he has to say so doesn’t he? Because let’s face it, PL don’t have anything good to show for their past stunts in government. It doesn’t suit them to remind everyone what a colossal failure they were.
..and stunts is the word.
The word “stunts” is so apt in this context.
It sounds so much better than “stints”.
Then why is he surrounding himself with Labour’s past monsters. He is letting the past speak for him.
Guess he needs to go into a stargate and somehow drop his past monsters into the gutter of time.
Ma jispirani xejn dan il-fartas t’hawn fuq. Nixtieq nivvota Labour. Imma kif nista’?
Labour’s violent. Get over it.
Yes, he can start by giving us his comments on this. This is the present.
“Cyprus wrapped up discussions today on its 2013 budget to include cuts of 1,000 civil servant jobs but the details must still be put to prospective international lenders, officials said.
Leaked documents have shown the troika has demanded pay cuts in the public sector, pension reform and privatisations, unlikely to go down well five months before a general election.
Yesterday the leader of AKEL, the main backer of Cyprus’s left-wing government, said the option of Cyprus leaving the euro could be considered if bailout conditions were too harsh.”…/cyprus-to-cut-civil-service-jobs.437945
Go tell it to those who got shot in Zejtun…or to the parents of poor Raymond Caruana. Go tell it to those who were abused by the police or to those children that lost their education, Dr Muscat.
As long as we don’t step into a Labour future, I am perfectly fine.
We judge you by what you have done in the past. One cannot just ignore the past of a convicted criminal, for example.
Issa sew, kif se jaghmel? Il-moviment progressiv miftuh ghal kulhadd jew le?
Din hija kwistjoni “akkademika” u “mhux fl-interess nazzjonali.” “Get over it.”
How can I ever “get over it” when I remember Alex Sceberras Trigona signing a secret treaty with North Korea for the supply of arms and ammunition to be used against fellow Maltese citizens.
Shame on all who knew about this and kept silent. Golden years, my foot.
Lovely. Just zap our memories, delete Labour’s track record and vote Labour.
And this twat claims to have European values?
Understandably Joseph Muscat doesn’t want anyone to remind the doubting or undecided voters to make a reasoned decision.
He expects them to trust his party even though it hasn’t got a political manifesto, it is still laden with failed Mintoffian dinosaurs and is headed by an inexperienced party leader. Surely, he is insulting these voters.
Joseph Muscat should have the courage to condemn unequivocally the Mintoffian era, its violent and brutal behaviour in government and its failed socialist policies.
That’s all very well for him to say when he didn’t suffer in the past, like some. This man is not the leader Malta deserves.
Whilst listening to Gonzi’s speech, I couldn’t help think how difficult it must be for Muscat to prepare a proper speech which gives a sense of continuity and reliability.
Gonzi, and future PN leaders are so spoilt for choice! Be it Nerik Mizzi, Ugo Mifsud, Borg Olivier, Fenech Adami – all statesmen who left an indelible positive signature on the progress of this country. The only option for the wannabe is to speak of a nameless and baseless progressive movement!
What’s more, the leader to follow Muscat will have an even bigger problem!
Issa bistu it-tebut……almenu ammetti l-hazin u l-izbalji li ghamel Mintoff!
Both parties have done things in the past which they are not proud of. So yes, step into the present. It’s about time.
Bhal ma batejt int taht Mintoff, hemm hafna min bata taht Eddie.
[Daphne – Talk sense, John, not bollocks. If you wish to be credible, try being factual. Obviously, the situation with Fenech Adami as prime minister was far different to the situation with Mintoff as prime minister. This is beyond dispute. It is not a matter of opinion.]
So x’naghmlu? Noqghodu naghmlu il competitions min baghta l’aktar? How exactly is that productive?
[Daphne – We could start by acknowledging what happened, apologising for the fact that it did, and getting rid of the people, like Karmenu Vella, who made it possible. Until then, forget it.]
And before you say “But the pl has elements from the past in the party” .. know that so does the PN.
[Daphne – In fact, it does not. I counted them only yesterday.]
Then its your choice to remain stuck in the past, reminiscing of what could have been and what was. goodluck with that :)
[Daphne – Actually, we are the last kind of person to be doing anything like that, john. Those who support the Nationalist Party are by inclination do-ers and achievers. Labour is for losers. It even attracts losers with degrees and jobs, imagine that, because what makes a loser is a chippy loser attitude and not money in the bank.]
Forget the past? U lil Mintoff ninsewh ukoll miskin? U lil Karmenu Vella, Joe Debono Grech, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, Alex Sceberras Trigona? U hallina, Muscat.
Oh God help me! My neighbours must think I’ve gone deaf. I had to put telly volume right up as I can hear the PL mass meeting from home.
[Daphne – Oh, so that’s what it was. I thought somebody was having a loud party until the national anthem came floating across the valley, and I couldn’t figure out who would be playing that in the middle of an evening out.]
Let’s talk about the present. Let’s talk about Karmenu Vella, Leo Brincat, Alex Sceberras Trigona, George W. Vella, Joe Debono Grech, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca…
I agree 100% with Ciccio. Meta Klikka tal-Passat hallew l-Maltin jissawtu, jitfawna l-gass tad-dmugh, fiz-Zejtun u l-Furjana waqt il-meeting tal-Indipendenza, fil-Belt kapitali Valletta, tfih ta’skorfinif’Haz Zebbug, u fir Rabat, ma tispicca qatt issemi, forsi wiehed jibda jiehu lil Joe Muscat bis-serjeta.
Ghalxejn jiktbu L-Futur Jghaqadna? Il-PASSAT HU L-MERA TAL-FUTUR.
‘ Intom u ahna, min mhux maghna kontra taghna: Joe Muscat ghandek ragun ghaliex inti kont ghadek ma twelidx, u ta’ madwarek bellawlek kollox.
Naturalment dan kien zmien Mintoff li mort tbus lt-tebut tieghu.
Stop reminiscing, Ciccio. Dawk kolla nies tal-passat.
With this comment, Muscat is actually admitting that the Labour Party has a past to be ashamed of.
Our great fear is that if the Labour Party is elected to government, our future will be a repetition of that horrible past. So no, thank you.
May I just point out that the most interesting to observe in this picture isn’t Joseph Muscat but Jason’s body language. I love to study body language as it speaks volumes. Its Jason’s body language that we need to keep an eye out for in the coming months if not years.
sasha, you are right in most of what you say.
But is it we, or is it Joseph Muscat, who needs to keep an eye out for Jason’s body language in the coming months or years?
You have just experienced your first cross-legged dwarf, as difficult as that seems.
Little Joey tells us to ‘forget the past’ as he surrounds himself with the past. An irresponsible, reprehensible, deceitful comment as he assumes the whole nation is as gullible as his brainless followers.
Harry, Joey has surrounded himself with the past and he is trying to sell it to us as the future.
In all fairness we should get over it. But first the PL must face it, admit it, and come clean. Then, and only then, can people start to get over it.
Getting over it is not some get out of jail free card. It is only possible if there is some level of trust.
Telling people that those years were the best years of Malta’s history does nothing but make people feel deeply hurt.
Halluh jahasra. Iktar ma jghid hmerijiet, iktar hemm cans li n-Nazzjonalisti li se jippruvawh jifthu naqra mohhom u jahsbuha sew qabel ifattruha. Ghal dawk li ghalihom kull ma jghid huwa vangelu m’hemmx tama.
Seventy years after World War II, the Germans (and the Japanese) are still prohibited from deploying an army outside of their country, and are still denied permanent international diplomatic posts such as in the UN.
This prohibition is still on despite the fact that they apologized for all the horrible stuff Hitler did. They never called the Nazi era the golden years, and they paid billions of dollars to Jewish causes, and are still looking for the Nazis who escaped after the war.
The MLP has never come to terms with the acts of the local tyrant and his entire regime, let alone apologize for those horrible years, and compensate the victims.
My God, Gonzi is so superior to Muscat.
This morning in Gozo he was brilliant and literally tore apart Muscat’s declaration on the minium wage freeze amongst other things.
Muscat had better not count his chickens.