I’m afraid this is NOT a spoof
If there is anybody around who still takes this man seriously or hasn’t yet grasped that there is something deeply wrong with him, then that person is probably bobbing around at the bottom of the Labour IQ barrel.
He “couldn’t organsie a party because of great spies”?
And there are still people around who can’t understand that what this man needs is not a seat in parliament but a spell in Mount Carmel Hospital, possibly after being sectioned under the Mental Health Act or whatever the equivalent is?
If we can’t recognise the signs of mental unbalance, which include – most famously – the belief that one is being persecuted or followed by “great spies’, then we are goners ourselves.
Just like Franco, who is right in thinking that others are afraid of his qualities, except that he’s got those qualities wrong.
Franco Debono
Sep 08, 2012 @ 23:49:18
M :
enough is enough now. you should be really rude.
i had to contest a district where ministers dished out public contracts to certain constituents a magisteriual enquiry found out. i had to contest a district where i couldnt even organise party because of great spies.
what are you thinking? it is easy to contest a district where two ministers considered you a threat ?
mela hallini ara! cos i never got any opportunities and i am fed up of being in the shadow just becuase others in power are afraid of my qualities
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“… and i am fed up of being in the shadow just becuase others in power are afraid of my qualities”
And of course, you were spot on, as usual, Daphne – this just confirms that Debono has had a thirst for power since day one.
That he’s doing all this in HIS interest and not the national interest.
Anyone who doesn’t believe this must have the IQ of a monkey. Actually, scratch that, for that’s an insult to monkeys themselves.
What is this guy on about? Gonzi had better take action – quick.
Ic-centri tas-sahha ghadhom b’xejn. Nahseb ghandu bzonn imur jaghmel vista tajba ghax din l-ossessjoni tal-voti li gab daqt tisspiccalu u jidhol fi krizi mentali.
It seems that a new obsession is emerging – his blog’s ranking on Alexa.com. Daphne please note.
Daphne, it is great to see that you are back. With respect to Franco, it would be great to see his back.
How was he even elected without the ability to communicate in English?
Because so many electors can’t even speak Maltese.
Franco Debono must have hidden assets. he keeps going on about qualities, yet nobody seems to know what they are.
Spelling certainly isn’t one of them; mentality and outlook neither.
“….. i am fed up of being in the shadow ….”
So this is what it’s all about. Days of parliamentary time wasted just because a certain ‘honourable’ gentleman does not want to remain in the shadow.
YaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa! The Shadow knows!
Can anybody enlighten us as to whom we owe great thanks for letting this nutjob loose in the PN?
Now if you took out Franco’s name and replaced it with your own wouldn’t it read just the same? Mount Carmel Hospital is exactly where you should be for example.
[Daphne – Oh hello, Mr Tyrell. Run out of goats, have we? Try reading Fifty Shades of Grey and then go out and paint yourself a nice little red room of pain, and find a sheep to put in it.]
Seriously, why does this loony have a police guard outside his house?
As a potential taxpayer, I need to know.
(PS please don’t quip it’s to stop him getting out)
Meanwhile, Evarist Bartolo is quoting Franco Debono a couple of times a day on his Facebook wall. What a reliable source.
Am I to understand that the name Franco Debono is only a stage name in lieu of his real Chinese one; “Kien-Ċuċ-u-Baqa'”?
And this dork will be the end of PN.
From ‘shadows’ to complete and pitch-dark abyss of black, dear Franco.
The sooner the better.
Franco, qatt ma hsibt li inti tista tkun qed tbghati min “delusions of grandeur”? Kull min hu madwarek huwa hazin, ghandu jirrezenja jew ma jafx x’qieghed jaghmel? Ghandek paranoia li kullhadd mohhu fik w qed jispijjak! Qatt ma tahseb illi qed tkun inkonsistenti meta tichad illi din il-bitterness kollha gejja ghaliex ma gejtx ikkuntentat fejn jidhlu l-interessi personali tieghek.
Thossok forsi li “you let down those close to you” ghax ma sirtx ministru? In-nies li jinkoragguk huma ovvjament interessati li inti twaqqa l-gvern halli Joseph taghhom jiehu t-turn tieghu fil-gvern (ghalkemm bla agenda w bla pjan). Nista nassigurak illi l-ghada tal-elezzjoni dawn l-istess nies lanqas biss jiftakru fik jew iselmulek – l-aqwa li Joseph ikun sar il-prim!
Taghmel x’taghmel meta jerga jiltaqa il-parlament lili ser ittini pjacir ghaliex fl-ahhar mil-ahhar il-Partit Nazzjonalista qatt ma kellu nies bhalek w bhal JPO w ghallinqas ser jitnaddaf min nies bhalek!
Jiddispjacini nghid dan il-kliem. Mhux is-soltu tieghi nesprimi ruhi fuq il-politika – aktar w aktar meta lili lanqas tinteressani jew taffetani direttament imma jidispjacini nara lil pajjizi f dan l-istat.
Here we have a Howard Hughes in the making. Soon he will be the greatest Maltese recluse, and alleluia.
Mummy gave him this great sense of entitlement and being. Fine. But I wonder where daddy was.
Surely not setting a sense of boundaries and limits; so the man will never stop. Heightened excitement to feed his depression and narcissism to keep him going. Its a dangerous mixture.
It will soon verge on the psychotic if someone doesn’t contain him.
Mental health shouldnt be tampered with. But narcissists are the last to seek help because in their eyes they are functioning well. Fear of failure haunts them.
I have arrived at the stage where all I can say is ‘poor guy’.
Can anyone make sense of the following paragraph which is taken from Franco’s blog (9th.September):
if one were to wonder would andrew azzopardi most likely not be doing the reply would probably had been : radio presenter due to his sad, gloomy, weeping voice! yet there goes PBS!
Poor soul.
He still thinks he is in the shadow.
In actual fact he has been in the skip of Maltese politics for a couple of years now.
Those in power are sick and tired of his qualities.
Those not in power, like myself, are overcome by a sensation of intense nausea every time they hear or read his name.
What I am saying will hit him straight in the face in a few weeks’ time.
Then he will stop being in the shadow.
He will be in oblivion.
I likened him to a character we had back in our school days, Daphne ..a die-hard Nationalist – full of ego .. to an extent that many thought he was bonkers.
This fella switched to the PL when he did not get what he wanted from the Nationalist party. He ended up behind bars. Franco deleted the post twice on his blog.
[Daphne – Sandro Schembri Adami.]
Great spies in the 5th district.
The bicca deputat who came in from the cold.
Has nothing to do with this article, but don’t know where else I can ask this question, so I’ll try here.
Care sharing with us what you were up to for 10 days plus? Quite unusual to go missing for so long.
Or perhaps, let me rephrase the question: what exactly did the “puppet masters” demand of you, besides to take a back seat for a few days?
It brings to mind those situations where an employee messes up, and his boss asks him (her) to take a couple of weeks off.
[Daphne – I was far away from Malta for weeks, Mandango, and I couldn’t give a shit. I made an effort for a while, and then I said, what the hell. Who are all those pricks, anyway? They seem like they’re a million miles away, in some perverse Lilliput. They can just go an f**k themselves on their rock. I take it you will find my answer satisfactory.]
Hey Mandango! I see that, since I left a month ago, you have not progressed from the sorry shit you were.back then. I suggest you read a book, masturbate, clear your head and come back with something intelilgent.
We should ask him for HIS first year, univeristy law course, results.
You know what he is talking about here? He is referring to ministers Louis Galea and Ninu Zammit, two PN heavy weights who were at the forefront when people were being shot at and gassed at PN mass meetings.
Two ministers that were at the forefront to change this country from the shambles it was post KMB. Two ministers who were always loyal to the party and the country even when times were hard or they did not get what they wanted or deserved.
Unfortunately these ministers were ousted by Debono who promised much and delivered little.
The ministers were right to be afraid of his so-called qualities.
It is important to note that the magisterial enquiry mentioned by debono was conducted by magistrate Herrera who said upthat most of the contracts being given by the foundation for tomorrow’s schools were being won by companies in the minister’s district which is known to be the home of most contractors so what was obvious became a crime.
The magistrate had not even spoken to the “accused” minister to ask questions and get his side of the story before issuing her report. Although full of hearsay and inaccuracies the report still found Minister Galea not guilty of any wrong doing something debono fails to mention.
Can you please remove the photo of Partit Bla isem ghax dak mhux Anglu qisu imma Dimonju!Vera harsa Hadra.!Le Skuzi m’ghandi xejn kontra l-lejbour!Dak l-ittratt biss.Forsi
Daphne tiffansjah?
Welcome back Daphne.
Ħadd ma jagħmel xejn għal-xejn inkluż id-69 li hemm fil-parlament. Iddaħkux iżjed.
Daphne why don’t you mind your own business instead of attacking Franco, JPO, Mugliette, Joseph Muscat, Anglu Farrugia and all those people whom you do not like.
[Daphne – Dear Business, I don’t attack people who I don’t like. I criticise politicians who are deserving of criticism. If you wish to live in an environment where politicians (and all those you mention are politicians) are not criticised, buy a ticket to North Korea and stay there. Otherwise, just thank God you live in a country where politicians are criticised freely – by a few people at least. You give yourself away when you include Franco Debono, Jesmond Mugliett and Jeffrey Pullicino with Labour politicians. You give them away, too.]
Daph! You’re back! Was starting to get worried :)
Franco tell your followers that you are suffering from a very acute form of inferiority complex, that you are envious of your colleagues’ achievements and that your utter sense of insecurity is imploding you.
You might also wish to tell them that you are currently undergoing psychiatric treatment (taht dak il-Mintoffjan Spiteri) and that you are being moulded into a puppet, like Pinocchio … Tell them Franco, tell them … open up and come out … you will feel so relieved afterwards.
Dear Daphne,where were you?I really missed your blog.I agree with you that Franco is becoming obsessed with partit nazzjonalista.If I were him ,I would give it up and do like JPO.JPO is the most powerful member in parliament.More That the primeminister,I may say.
Speaking of JPO, we always wondered what will happen to him after the next elections. Seems like he might have a great future in St. Tropez.
“…as pert as a pair of genetically modified pomegranates and appear to turn the corner a good two seconds before the rest of her.”
Dal-primadonna ser jaghmel mozzjoni ta’ sfiducja fl-Onor. Roderick Galdes?
What a sad little man
Haffef Franco, qabel l-isptar u c-centri tas-sahha ma jibqghux b’xejn.
I am a fifth district voter and proud to have always voted Louis Galea or Ninu Zammit 1st and 2nd preferences, because they were and are still true Nationalists.
Franco your days in parliament are numbered and you will never return. The Nationalist Party will recover and be stronger without people like you.