It’s a girl’s right to change her mind

Published: September 24, 2012 at 2:30am

Talk to him tomorrow after a couple of glasses of wine at Monte Kristo and he’ll have a different idea already.

The Big Chief of the Most Feminist Progressive and Liberal Movement in Maltese history has gone from loudly advocating the living wage to loudly advocating a wage freeze.

I think it’s time for anyone who considers taking this waddling duck seriously to consult their GP.

He’s obviously basing his so-called policy statements on whoever happens to have bent his ear last at some ‘resepshin’ at Caqnu’s animal palace where grapes go to die.

There’s listening and formulating policy, and then there’s being a total charlatan.

What a pr**k. My God, it’s just unbelievable. One Labour leader after another and they’re all such rubbish. I’m beginning to think they do it on purpose.

24 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    As previously mentioned, this boy twit does not have a clue when he approaches economics, or economic policy.. (personal experience)

    • anthony says:

      or anything else for that matter..(personal opinion)

    • ciccio says:

      Strange. Didn’t HE SAY he is an economist?

      • kev says:

        Ciccio, I hope you read my response to your effort:

        You don’t have to reply, and I’m not expecting you to get it, but it could help you pull one toe off that rut and the foot might just follow suit.

      • Neil Dent says:

        Chomping at the bit there Kev – must have been proud of that particular post-cum-bollocks.

        Come on Ciccio – don’t let him down, now.

      • kev says:

        If you’ve got absolutely nothing to say on the subject, Pepso, why make a fool of yourself in this most absurd fashion?

      • Harry Purdie says:

        He’s just following your lead, Kevvy.

      • ciccio says:

        Kev, I did read your long winded reply which, if I understand well, can be summarised in the argument that I suspect you have made hundreds of times before, that money in circulation cannot exceed the gold deposited at the central bank.

        But I do not see where you would like to get to with this argument.

        Are you also suggesting that the printing of money should be a function of the Treasury?

        So in substance, are you suggesting closing down the banks, or just nationalising them?

        I also think that you do not understand how central banks work.

        For instance, you question why central banks should be involved in the determining the interest rates. The answer to that is that central bankers are the lenders of last resort to the banking system.

      • kev says:

        Tal-biki, ciccio, I give up. “Central Banks are lenders of last resort”, hux? Mur obsor, hej! The answers to your questions are in the text. Learn to read carefully.

        Just one point – it does not have to be gold. Sound money is sound money – it is backed by something tangible, not ‘good will’. But remember what Soros has been telling you: ‘gold is a bubble’… and yet Soros himself has transferred most of his equities into gold.

        Go fugure, ciccio, eh… ibqa’ ibla’ t-tadam shieh – xi darba tehillek wahda fil-gerzuma.

  2. The majority says:

    You can imagine what Labour’s electoral manifesto is going to be like.

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    I’m waiting to see how Caritas will react. When Muscat mentioned the living wage they were quick to support him by publishing a “study” claiming that the minimum wage had to be increased by €22 a week.

  4. Homer says:

    He’s what the Chinese call ‘a silk pillow’. In other words: no opinion and no ideas, and just a reflection of the last arse that sat on it.

  5. Joe Xuereb says:

    After all, il Profs is on record as saying that students should be paid a lower wage then the minimum wage.

  6. ciccio says:

    The politics of experimentation. And we are his guinea pigs.

    Same Mintoffian politics.

  7. Paul Bajada says:

    Can someone tell me how much did the minimum wage increase in the last five years? without cost of living adjustment of course…. because that applies to all wages and shall continue to do so in the future.

  8. Just me says:

    I wonder whether he has now learnt what a hedge fund is. It would be disgraceful and worrying to have a Prime Minister who doesn’t know.

  9. ciccio says:

    Oh, by the way.

    Did he carry out one of those Sowxjil Impakkkt Assesssssminnnnttttsss to decide that the minimum wage will be frozen?

  10. Paolite says:

    Remember when we used to sing “Il-Perit (Mintoff) twit, twit, kull filghodu jqum b’xi wahda”? Labour hasn’t changed at all.

  11. NikiB says:

    …and in the meantime the leading Italian financial newspaper praises Malta’s economic success….{%2210151226117980470%22%3A466055400092181}&action_type_map={%2210151226117980470%22%3A%22og.recommends%22}&action_ref_map=[]

  12. Francis Saliba says:

    Echoes of “Il Duce ha sempre ragione”.

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