It’s going to be the Most Moronic Government in Maltese History

Published: September 27, 2012 at 9:31am

Konrad Mizzi, a Labour candidate and one of Joseph’s favourites, is supposed to be the bright young star in Labour’s firmament of financial gurus.

Even the Times interviewed him.

Then you go to Facebook and discover that he’s advertising (against payment) that for every ‘like’ clicked on his page he will donate 20 cents to charity. God help us.

24 Comments Comment

  1. edgar says:

    Now every reader of this blog clicks Like and this guy will have to run to his bank manager for a loan.

  2. valuri says:

    Simply not fit for purpose.

  3. James Borg says:

    Let’s hope the whole country clicks ‘like’ on this guy’s page… and then ask him to publish the receipt from the charity organisation.

  4. mattie says:

    0.20 euro cents = 0.08 old Maltese cents.

    Iridu jaghmlulu 100 likes / day biex idabbar 20 euros. 20 euros are hardly substantial to clothe, feed, medicate, wash and educate one child in Malta, let alone Europe.

    Textbook maths.

    Ghadna lura boss.

    • Grosvenor says:

      Jekk l-ekonomija tal-pajjiz ha jmexxuha b’dat-tip ta’ hopes, guesses, fantasiji u likes ta’ Konrad Mizzi, il-Moody’s u l-Fitch ha jgennuhom.

    • Aunt Hetty says:

      Old Japanese saying;

      ”Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare”.

  5. Jozef says:

    This geezer has to tell us what a proper conversion from oil to gas is. They have the cheek to criticise government for choosing the technology which allows the conversion, then expect to keep to keep their solution under wraps.

    Another social impact assessment as vouched by Jospeh wouldn’t be amiss either. Or is theirs a statement of intent to be explored once in office?

    And how does one become an energy consultant anyway, gulp barrels of red bull?

    Honestly, listening to their spiel on matters crucial to the country as this, is giving me the heebie jeebies. If there’s an issue all stakeholders should be concerned about, it’s this one, environmentalists foremost.

    Joseph and this new whizz kid cannot be left to it, not when they won’t talk to us, their intellectual dishonesty MUST be exposed.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “Consultant” is the new “self-employed”.

  7. David S says:

    I did not read the article . Did Peregin ask him for his credentials to call himself an energy consultant? Where did he specialise? What is his work experience?

  8. Oscar says:

    When you can’t get a decent job, become a consultant. No one’s any the wiser.

  9. Middle Kingdom says:

    “…I am proud to say that during my tenure we were focusing on gas.” What an unfortunate choice of words. Management waffle and hot air.

  10. Lupin says:

    This is the sequel of ‘Nitla jien jitla’ z-zejt’ ta ‘ l-gharef l-iehor Joe Mizzi.

  11. Natalie says:

    It appears that we’ve entered the Like Marathon era.

    Jekk taqbel li Silvio Parnis johrog ghall elezzjoni, aghmel like.
    Click like to donate 20 friggin cents to charity.
    Click like to help Labour allow businesses to work.
    Click like to allow chavs breed other chavs.
    Click like if you think that lazy people should not work ghax tat-tajjeb hi, u niehu s sowxjal security.
    Click like to convince me not to blow my brains out.

  12. sasha says:

    Excuse my ignorance, what is an energy consultant?

  13. Superman says:

    He specialised in computing, not energy. How can he call himself an energy expert?

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