Marlene doesn’t want any electoral bananas
Marlene Mizzi, Labour star candidate and chief of the Labour Business Forum (what became of that?), on Facebook:
Did I understand correctly that the PN is promising the gozitans an undersea tunnel , as an electoral banana ? Imma dan bis-serjeta’ ? The new PN slogan must be : ” If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit ”
And while we’re on the subject, might I point out that Mrs Mizzi is perhaps one of the strongest arguments against the Malta Labour Party’s thoroughly non-progressive and utterly illiberal fixation on quotas for women in the boardroom. When the most recent Labour prime minister, Alfred Sant, wanted a token woman chairman of a state corporation, he whipped Mrs Mizzi out of her Rabat toyshop and put her in charge of the national merchant shipping line.
And look what happened.
Whether they are women or men, directors and chairmen should be chosen only on the basis of merit and experience. Anything other than that is completely irresponsible.
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ditto for MPs.
Didn’t she go ‘bananas’ when she was kicked out as chair’person’ of Sea Malta?
An exceedingly thick individual–excellent star candidate material.
U ejja Defni, you must admit she brought a bit of glamour to the scene, what with her curvaceous figure, and those coloured soots/siuts. My my so so witit, or is it weetitt?
What’s that expression bhalissa? Mutton dressed as lamb.
U kemm insistiet biex tibqa hemm, tmexxi kumpanija b’vapur wiehed, ghaxar bahrin, u mija w tletin skrivan fuq l-art. Mintoffian economics at their very best.
Hemhekk iridu jerghu jiehduna Joseph Muscat, ekonomista Scicluna, u l-PL.
Mohhok hemm, ras.
I think Marlene is getting her fruits and vegetables mixed up.
I’ve heard of a banana republic and an electoral carrot but never an electoral banana.
U ejja, it was only a Freudian slip. She probably had the banana in her mind, and the carrot on the tip of her tongue, so she confused them.
Ma tafx tgharaf banana min karota – tigiha tajba l-minestra.
Immagina banana split.
Tghid liema d-dahhal l-ewwel f’halqha biex tiekolha?
What sort of banana is she after, if she doesn’t want an electoral one?
An electrical banana, judging by her previous remarks on Balotelli.
We have telegraphic and vague guidelines so far. When may we expect the detail?
Aaron Farrugia
Hbieb, dawn huma il-linji gwida għall-Programm Elettorali hekk kif approvati mill-Kungress tal-Partit Laburista 2012. Grazzi tal-appogg taghkom:
1. EKONOMIJA – Tkabbir ekonomiku li jilħaq lil kulħadd
2. FINANZI – Għaqal bi flusek
3. FAMILJI – Livell ta’ għejxien ogħla biex familja timxi ‘l quddiem
4. NEGOZJI – Inħallukom taħdmu
5. ENERĠIJA – Inraħħsu l-kontijiet
6. EDUKAZZJONI – Aktar żgħażagħ ikomplu jistudjaw b’suċċess
7. XOGĦOL – Xogħol li jixraqlek biex int tgħix aħjar
8. SAĦĦA – Sptar fejn tinqeda aħjar u fil-ħin
9. AMBJENT – Arja iktar nadifa għal uliedna
10. SOĊJAL – Soċjetà ġusta fejn kulħadd jista’ jimxi ‘l quddiem
11. GĦAWDEX – Xogħol f’Għawdex għall-Għawdxin
12. DRITTIJIET / TRASPARENZA – Gvern b’bibien miftuħa għalik f’soċjetà ħielsa
That’s it. I’m voting for Joey. He’s my man.
Kultura – missing presumed dead?!
In the Mintoffian world, culture is a waste of time. Only utilitarian projects are allowed.
Bil-mod, ghax tfixxkilt naqrahom.
Ahjar nikkalma.
Arja iktar nadifa ghal-uliedna…
They left out Justice, too. Are they planning a coalition with Franco?
And no reference to Home Affairs.
“Nipproponi din il-linja gwida ‘L-Immigranti f’nofs ta’ bahar inhalluhom sejrin lejn l-Italja halli jieklu l-pizza u l-pasta.'”
And where is “Politika estera”? (Politika ‘barranija’ may not sound very progressive and moderate).
Nipproponi zewg ‘linji gwida’ dwar il-politika barranija ta’ Gvern Gdid tal-Moviment ta’ bla Isem:
1. Alex Sceberras Trigona ghandu jtina pariri kif bil-politika barranija nibbilancjaw il-budget.
2. Karmenu Vella ghandu jipproponi dawk it-tibdiliet necessarji fit-Trattat tas-Shubija ta’ Malta mal-Unjoni Ewropea biex effettivament Malta tohrog mill-Unjoni Ewropeja.
Rahal, it took them 4 years to develop 12 vague ‘linji gwida,’ and they had to call a congress to do so.
At this rate, the details might be ready in 50 years from now.
Great! So what they are proposing are a bunch of dim-witted slogans? I think they got the definition of “policy” completely long.
Not even 12 linji.This seems more of a roadmap to nowhere. Well more to oblivion for all of us, if our fellow citizens vote Joey to Castile.
On the first botched budget, I bet Joey will be knocking on Barroso’s door for a bailout.
Is he thinking of using Dom’s refined and sophisticated diplomacy in this eventuality?
The proposed reduction in Water and Electricity tariffs is irresponsable and politically criminal given this economic scenario.
Joseph Muscat is obliged to give an explanation or face the consequences of losing credibility.
SOCJAL – aparti dawk fuq il-minimum wage.
Ma rajtx dwar Sowxjil Impekt Essessmennt.
True what you say about her and Sea Malta. However the PN is also responsible for leaving her at the helm (sic) for so long.
[Daphne – I’m guessing they didn’t want to make a martyr of her, and then look what happened.]
She should stick to Noel’s banana, now that it’s got out of jail free.
Well, at least she can operate a slot machine.
She has her thumb up but I don’t see any winnings there. What does she mean by that?
Marlene must have misunderstood the PM; he said that a feasibility study will be undertaken with regards the construction
of a tunnel between Malta and Gozo.
‘Whether they are women or men, directors and chairmen should be chosen only on the basis of merit and experience. Anything other than that is completely irresponsible.’
Seamalta literally sank under Mrs. Mizzi.
With quotas you get monkeys… and I’m not referring to the banana eating type.
Probably she mixed it up with Joseph’s promise of work for all Gozitans in Gozo
“…illiberal fixation on quotas for women in the boardroom.”
Don’t blame the parrot, Daphne, it’s a very EU thing – straight out of the Commission’s secret vaults:
The natives are voiceless tonight. No dishwashing jokes, alas. They gorged so much on Marlene’s bananas they missed the boardroom gaffe.
It may escape you that generally many ignore you as they do with your better half.
Nice quote from an Economist publication.
That quote is from Daphne’s, you moron.
Ara veru tfal zghar.
Hi celebrated one I was obviously referring to your link.
I just love that they’re making up a language as they go along.
That LV handbag, if it is original after all, must cost a LOT of money. LV products do not come cheap.
As if they ever invested any money in Gozo. What have they done for Gozo in 16 years of labour government? The development in Gozo and the access to Gozo was done by PN governments.
Jahasra, will someone tell her it’s an electoral carrot (not a banana)?
Marlene might fancy this banana:
So the Labour gurus managed to think of 12 points in all these years. Wow, that sounds of lot of work…….indeed.
Way to go, Joey and friends.
Was she baffled when Joseph Cuschieri got more votes than she did in the MEP elections? Dazzling brilliance.