My God, Elvis hasn’t left the building, after all

Published: September 12, 2012 at 1:42am

Elvis sightings be damned. Dom Mintoff has been spotted in Greece, caring for Mediterranean monk seals in a desperate attempt at avoiding being reincarnated as a cockroach.

19 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Dom of the Dead.

  2. The other Dom says:

    Hot off the press.

    Chalie Mangion mistghagbin kemm hu mahruq. Ha ghalih hej, ghax il-kuntratt ta’ Yana ghamlu Sceberras Trigona.

    Qalla “tajba din – meta xtrajt bl-erba telef lira tajtni c-cejca u issa ghax qlajt il-miljuni qallajt hamsin elf euro lil dak l-AST. Mela jien taz-zejjed u n-nieqes jewilla.”

    Have a good night, D.

  3. Bubu says:

    Cockroach? Damn. Just killed him again I think.

  4. canon says:

    Is there any news of Dom Mintoff’s will?

    • Dr. Evil says:

      If these apparitions continue, he cannot be registered as dead, and therefore his death certificate, which is an essential item to publish a will, cannot be issued.

  5. J.Agius says:

    Sure won’t hurt…very tough indeed.

  6. Fido says:

    He’s been resurrected to take care of MONK seals. Not bad for an anti-cleric.

  7. P Borg says:

    The Saviour’s resurrected, after all.

  8. Duminku says:

    Isn’t that insulting to the seals?

    (Welcome back Daph!)

  9. elephant says:

    He’s too clean to be Dom.

  10. Antoine Vella says:

    Perfect likeness.

    And even the other one, in a cap, looks like Dom.

  11. U-turns u Kutrumbajsi says:

    May be he’s stealing their fur?

  12. Grosvenor says:

    Viva l-miljuni.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Oh look, daph, and the seal looks just like you! What a perfect resemblance!

    [Daphne – The last thing I look like is a monk seal, Anonymous. But then you’ve never seen me in real life, so how would you know. The women who have the face-and-body shape of a monk seal tend to be at Silvio Parnis’s coffee mornings – though of course, they are not half as cuddly and their hair tends to be crimson.]

  14. Pat Zahra says:

    Can’t be him – that jacket is new.

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