Published: September 27, 2012 at 9:12am

After more than four years, the dedication of all Karmenu Il-Guy Vella’s time in between striking deals for cruise liner companies and the General Workers Union, the unstinting efforts of former Forum Zghazagh Laburisti Chief Elve Aaaaron Farrugia (now a brilliant Labour economist), and a kungress with shows of hands and pitchforks, this is all Joseph Muscat and his ship of fools could come up with.

And people are planning to vote for THIS. And THEM.


37 Comments Comment

  1. Gakku says:

    Lanqas jiktbu bil-Malti m’huma kapaci. Punt tlieta jiftiehem li familja wahda biss ha timxi ‘l quddiem. Punt disgha – l-aqwa li l-arja nadifa ghal uliedna, daqs li kieku mhux l’istess arja niehdu nifa minnha ahna.

    Kieku staqsew klassi tfal ta’ ghaxar snin biex johorgu b’ideat fuq kif Malta tista “timxi ‘l quddiem” (kif jghidu darbtejn f’dokument ta’ tnax il-punt) kienu jaqghu inqas ghac-cajt.

  2. Ninu says:

    Labour went two better than the Ten Commandments. So wide-ranging and vague.

    The thing is, all of them are works-in-progress of this government, with some of them having been successfully completed.

    If Labour starts thinking seriously as to what they will have to do from day 2 at Castille, they will surely throw in the towel, with immediate effect.

  3. edgar says:

    Can this Guy tell us what’s new? What he is proposing is a mirror of the Malta that we are living in at the moment. Typical cut and paste. He never mentioned how he will stamp out all the contraband from visiting yachts.

    • Angus Black says:

      Maybe he should consult with Luciano’s Sat-nav just to make sure his yacht does not mistake Ghadira for Customs.

  4. Joe Azzopardi says:

    Just hot air

  5. La Redoute says:

    How do they square points 1, 4 and 5? Or points 5 and 9, for that matter?

    And isn’t point 11 (xoghol Ghawdex ghall-Ghawdxin) contrary to free labour movement? How are they planning to make that work?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Spot the contradiction? Where do I start.

      5 vs 9: You cannot lower electricity tariffs if you switch to a gas-fired power station.

      1 vs 5: Malta’s GDP growth is being held back by government subsidies on already low electricity tariffs.

      2 vs 5: Ditto for budget deficit.

      1 vs 2 vs 8: Free healthcare is unsustainable at current levels of demographic change.

      6 vs 7: More overqualified graduates.

      6 vs 10: Which is it to be? Equality or merit?

      1 vs 2 vs 3: More handouts = more deficit/debt

  6. valuri says:

    12 pies in the sky.

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Is that it? Just chapter titles?

    • ciccio says:

      Baxxter, can you check if they copied them from Fifty Shades of Grey? I know you have a copy hidden somewhere.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        You know, my dear Ciccio, you may not be luminous yourself, but you are a conductor of light. You have provided, once again, a spark, and my inspiration is on fire:

        In which Mr Grey buys himself some quality time with a professional escort. Tkabbir ta’ kull tip.

        Fis-sod. Enough said.

        In which he abandons his wife and kids for a younger woman.

        In which he sets up his own escort firm. With consultancy.

        Of the mechanical type, with friction.

        In which he messes up his algebra and gets a severe caning from teacher.

        Damn hard work.

        In which he gets his monthly checkup at the urologists’. And discovers he has not just the clap, but a thundering applause.

        In which he decides the only cure is to go back to nature, au naturel.

        In which he realises he has neglected his mates in favour of crumpet.

        In which he seeks solace in solitude. And finds spiritual enlightenment at Ta’ Pinu.

        In which his wife files for divorce, and returns that transparent négligé he’d bought her when they were dating. Mr Grey decides his only way out is an open door policy. So he leaves with a few muttered phrases about frankly not giving a damn.

      • ciccio says:

        Excellent work as usual, Baxxter. My sincere compliments.

        Only that in the RIGHTS/TRANSPARENCY chapter, I thought it would end like this:

        “In which his wife files for divorce, and returns that transparent négligé he’d bought her when they were dating. Mr Grey decides his only way out is an open door policy.
        At this point, Mr. Grey discovers that he is actually gay and decides to come out on Facebook by joining the LGBT Labour and joins the “movement of progressives and moderates without a name.” Making the big mistake of believing that Joseph Muscat will legislate for same sex marriage, he decides that he will vote Labour at the next general elections.”

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Satanic Verses coming up.

  8. T Schembri says:

    How depressing. Did Joseph’s twins come up with these?

    Small business owners like me must be trembling.

    Imagine all those years of hard work and reinvestment of most of the profits the business generates and it could all be undone by these bunch of amateurs.

    I am really scared this time. Labour wants to win this election at all costs. God help us.

  9. ciccio says:

    When you have no fundamental principles, you cannot have a vision, and therefore you cannot have a roadmap to take you from what you believe to what you dream.

  10. Alfred Bugeja says:


    It took them a whole week of tqanzih and ranting to extract the grand total of 60 words (most of which are not even laid out in proper sentences) out of the thousands of the demented ‘elfs’ who went for their xalata in Ta’ Qali.

    Doesn’t say much about their collective intellect, does it? And God knows what we’ll have to endure while they’ll be drafting the electoral programme.

  11. Interested Bystander says:

    What’s the difference between a lorry load of PL candidates and a lorry load of pebbles?

    You can’t pitchfork pebbles.

  12. Phili B. says:

    I tried to see if the points where coded-NONE as long as they’re not crypted. Ara Tal PN, just a simple motto with an easily read code (S)ahha (E)dukazjoni (X)oghol. Give us more!

  13. Toyger says:

    How about this Sur Karmenu Vella / Joseph Muscat: why don’t you start elaborating on those points?

    These ideas are already in place by the present government.

    If you really want to convince the floating voters you have to start saying what you will be doing differently than now to implement all these wonderful changes.

  14. Just me says:

    For most of the points made I have just one question:


  15. ciccio says:

    What we have here is a confusion of concepts, possibly resulting from incoherent and untrained minds.

    First of all, Labour keeps confusing us by using different terminology all the time. They say here that these are the “Linji Gwida ghall-Programm Elettorali” but on several occassions Joseph Muscat said that the Party will have a roadmap, not a Programm Elettorali. So what is it exactly that they will have? Is it one or the other? Or will they have both?

    Secondly, the Free online dictionary defines a guide line – hence a ‘linja gwida’ – as “a statement or other indication of policy or procedure by which to determine a course of action” and gives as an example “guidelines for the completion of tax returns.”

    Within that list of 12 ‘linji gwida,’ in some cases, they are expressing an ideal – “Livell ta’ ghejxien oghla biex familja timxi ‘l quddiem” and “Arja iktar nadifa ghal uliedna” – unquantified vague objectives.

    In some other cases, they are expressing a goal – “Sptar fejn tinqeda ahjar u fil-hin.” Slightly vague, but contains some specificity since one can measure timeliness. Also, “xoghol f’Ghawdex ghall-Ghawdxin,” an impossible goal but one where such failure can be tangibly measured (and predicted).

    In yet other cases, they are stating a course of action – “Inrahhsu il-kontijiet.” It clearly does not show any hint of the goal for the sort of bills we should expect, by how much they will reduce those bills, or how they will do so, though.

    They even included a course of inaction: “Inhallukom tahdmu.” It’s like “We will not burn your business down as we did with The Times,” or “We will not nationalise your business without compensation like we did with the National Bank.”

    So at the moment those 12 points really look like a list of vague concepts thought over a cup of coffee, and noted down on a paper napkin, at one of Silvio Parnis’s coffee mornings where he hands out free necklaces and ear-rings to women who can’t see the day of living under a Most Feminist Government.

    A proper road map would start with:
    1. A statement of the current situation. Where we are today.
    2. A set of goals. In other words, where we would like to go. The destination. What needs to be achieved.

    Hence, the road map would need to state what needs to be done to get from here to there, perhaps indicating possible pitfalls that must be avoided. These are the courses of action or inaction.

    It is here that the guidelines will come in. Using the example of the Free online dictionary, the guidelines will help us fill the tax return and compute the taxable income and hence the tax bill.

    How can you have guidelines if you do not know from where to where you need to be guided?

  16. anthony says:

    This is the contents page.

    Where is the book?

    • ciccio says:

      It is not even the contents page, because we do not even have the page numbers. If we knew the page numbers, at least we would have known how much beef there is in the fridge.

  17. miki says:

    Forum Zghazagh Laburisti Chief Elve Aaaaron Farrugia (now a brilliant Labour economist),
    I think you meant “Elf”, with plural being “elves”; like “half” and “halves”.
    I know, anally retentive.

    [Daphne – For God’s sake, use your brain. Is it at all likely that I don’t know the singular of elves? No, it isn’t. I meant ELVE – because that’s how THEY spell it.]

  18. Wormfood says:

    I’ve heard half conscious alcoholics come up with more detailed proposals.

    Imma.. u iva issa naraw la jkun hemm, x’għaġla għandek? Don’t judge ħi.. Wind of ‘chejnch’ tik tak tik tak. etc etc…

  19. SM says:

    They aren’t even capable of conceiving a radio station slogan:

    “KISS – We play just music” as opposed to what? unjust music?

  20. Pepe` says:

    Firma tan-nutar kull ma jonqsu.

  21. Grezz says:

    You’ve just got to love the bit where it states “NEGOZJI – Inhallukhom tahdmu”.

    If their history is anything to go by, then that’s one promise that can go straight into the bin.

  22. Qeghdin Sew says:

    How did he write his PhD?

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