Oh look, Labour has a tactic to reach the ‘yoot vote’ – because all they’re interested in is music

Published: September 14, 2012 at 12:26pm

timesofmalta.com, this morning:

KISS on DAB+ launched

One Productions Limited has launched KISS, a radio statimed aimed at the young and young at heart, in a bid to extend its message to the digital platform DAB+.

The radio station plays music 24/7 and has a comprehensive playlist of over 30,000 tunes from all decades, artists and music genres.

KISS will entertain its listeners with classified music shows at different time slots, featuring niche selections from the golden oldies to country, to the 70’s, 80s’ and 90’s.

It will also provide listeners with news, weather and sport updates on the hour, every hour from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily.

KISS on DAB+ can be accessed along with all other analogue local radio stations and main digital European Radio stations on DAB radio sets accessible on the local market as well as through the internet or the digital television platform.

Several car manufacturers are also including DAB+ in their new models.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Grosvenor says:

    Useless. I don’t have DAB. DAB radios are very expensive here. The cheaper ones are tal-qamel and don’t usually receive digitally transmitted stations.

    Besides, with Malta sinking in poverty (according to the PL), how can one go buy DAB radios? Are these people for real?

    Ghandhom tant flus, why don’t they get a contract to provide and distribute DAB radio to us for free? That’s a good way to encourage some new voters.

    Huma iridu kollox b’xejn, imma b’xejn ma jaghtu xejn.

  2. Grosvenor says:

    ….and why on earth did they create a station on DAB, and assume that a large chunk of the population is on DAB+ ?

    Or did they create the station to encourage people to go buy a DAB set ?

    Didn’t they say Malta has poverty issues?

  3. La Redoute says:

    Exactly what is Labour’s message, anyway?

    • yor/malta says:

      Simple ,’ all for all ‘ , no need for the fine points of a manifesto , their ‘all ‘ encompasses all , ‘string theory’ included .

  4. Simon says:

    Deary me.

    This is a great insight into Labour’s dreadful decision-making.

    They decide to launch a radio station for ‘d yoot’. Fine

    But they then decide to broadcast only on DAB+ digital radio, which can only be heard if you have a DAB+ radio set (costing around €100 +). Oh dear.

    They then decide to play ‘golden oldies, country, 70s and 80s’. Oh dear, oh dear.

    Now I’m not a betting man but if I was, I’d put all my money on ‘d yoot’ not giving Kiss even a little smooch, and staying with Bay.

  5. SC says:

    KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid!

  6. kev says:

    It’s not a tactic, but a stragedy.

  7. Steffy says:

    Oh look, even Nuxellina was invited. She has just uploaded a picture.

  8. Louis Borg says:

    Viva l-Labour

  9. The Engineer says:

    Music is not enough. People want real arguments and not confrontation of futile shallow insults.

    That’s why I don’t think the PN is supporting this website because sometimes I am sorry to tell you this you tend to go to extreme although at times you show researched journalism like that of Yana MIntoff and others. The PN wants more dialogue and less confrontation and insults.

    [Daphne – I don’t work for the PN, Engineer, so your point is completely irrelevant.]

  10. Duminku says:

    Golden oldies and country to reach to the youth vote? And news every hour? Hardly gonna work.

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