Press ‘Like’ to make Luciano Busuttil happy

Published: September 12, 2012 at 1:01am

And when you’re done pressing Like to make him happy, try pressing that button in his lower back and watch him pee. That’s his other trick.

Meanwhile, he’s working hard on blinking and squawking ‘Mama’ when you tweak his belly-button. But he’s a slow learner, so give him time.

20 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    They say people get the politicians they deserve. Do I really deserve this? Where did I fuck up?

  2. ciccio says:

    Which button do we press to make him think?

  3. Danton. says:

    He is going to be needing more then a button to make him happy in a few months’time, Yana Mintoff is running in the same electoral district as his and doing door- to-door in his favourite hunting gounds..

  4. Rayb says:

    What happened to the children he had?

  5. Clifford says:

    How the heck did he manage to graduate?

  6. WhoamI? says:

    Can we tickle his balls? That usually makes men happy as well.

  7. Joseph (Not Muscat) says:

    Why did he write ‘we had two children’? Did he sell them, or lose them in a poker game?

  8. Say it straight says:

    My God, what have they done with the kids? Are they a thing of the past or what?

  9. Fido says:

    Petty things please petty minds.

  10. David Meilak says:

    What’s this thing with Labour people and ‘press like’? Do they get brownie points or something? Do they get a Boy Scout badge? Or do they trade in the ‘likes’ at the supermarket or something similar?

  11. Reporter says:

    Is this man a SCREAMING IDIOT or what?

  12. thinker says:

    I’m sure his children hacked his Facebook page.

  13. kev says:

    Here’s something up your street: Hungarian PM unfriends IMF on Facebook –

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