Restrain yourselves, girls. Don’t all fling your knickers at this one.

Published: September 12, 2012 at 1:16am

We don’t want him buried under tangas and G-strings, miskin. Ma jmurx jerga jikser siequ u jaghmel tlett xhur mohbi d-dar.

I don’t know what it is about him, exactly, but he’s about as masculine as an oestrogen pill. His straight-lady appeal is zero (even Michelle has ended up fantasising about helicopters and Christian Gray), but some gay men seem to fancy him. Not the sort who like butch types, though – obviously.

Anyway, I just wonder what he’s leering at here. Not a hot Barbie, that’s for sure. I suspect it’s the thought of his rapid rise from Super One hack to prime minister, thanks to the EU membership he fought against.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Hey says:

    knowing you are so bloody ugly how the hell can u possibly comment .

    [Daphne – Actually, I’m not at all ugly, sweetheart. Don’t believe the bad PR or real life will be such a disappointment. True, I don’t fulfil the Labour chav ideal of female pulchritude, but I’m rather relieved about that – though of course most of that ideal is deliberately constructed and painstakingly put together through choice. Different folks, different strokes. Your idea of a good-looking man is probably different, too. But never mind. And this is not about ugly/not ugly, in any case. It’s about sexual magnetism, which is something else entirely. Muscat has none, unfortunately, except for a certain kind of gay man.]

    • Work harder says:

      If you wer such a cow girl why did you edit the post … I basta you talk about Franco’s post … You wicked witch ….

      • Work harder says:

        Put it back on if you have balls

        [Daphne – What, my knickers? No need. I never threw them at Joseph.]

  2. Mr. Grey says:

    Kindly have some respect for your future prime minister, Daphne. The man’s not for mocking…, on second thoughts, he’s always asking for it, so let’s oblige.

    And Michelle, any luck after book three, or are you still waiting for some action? I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.

    Ejja ha Joey, thajjar.

  3. JA says:

    If Daphne is ugly, then every Maltese woman is.

  4. ginger says:

    He knows a good dentist in Haz-Zebbug. He should visit.

    • Underbite says:

      He is a living proof of the socialist attitude against private and church school students who could not avail themselves from the services of the scool dental clinic during Mintoff’s golden years.

      An underbite can be corrected easily in adoloscence while children are growing (taller), during the growth stage.

      I think he needs surgery now, thanks to the Mintoffonomics during the Golden Years.

  5. MMuscat says:

    When ever I watch an interview of Dr. Muscat, I get the horrible feeling that he is flirting with the host or worse with me. That creeps me out so I guess some gay men may like it – I’m not pointing any fingers here, Cyrus. 

  6. Mercury Rising says:

    Something must have happenend to the boys in this class at St. Aloysius. Why do both Joseph Muscat and Franco Debono think they are God’s gift to women while proving to be so very unattractive to them in real life?

    If only they had at least one thing going for them – say, charm.

    I mean, there are men who are short, balding, pudgy, and not handsome but who are particularly charming and witty, and very attractive, while these two are as repulsive as it gets.

    And if there’s anyone out there who thinks otherwise, then the Maltese sayig is truly apt, “ara vera l-baqra tinbih kollha.”

  7. Alfred E Neuman says:

    “…except for certain type of gay man.” Loaded.

    [Daphne – No, not at all. Most gay men fancy the same sort of men that women do – you know, fanciable types. Then there is a small minority who like them sexless, largely because they’re not really interested in sexual relations themselves and consider the very thought to be threatening and disturbing. There are some women like that, too, incidentally. This is just an observation, that’s all. I make it purely in an academic sense, because sexuality/masculinity is a major factor for (male) leaders right across the world and oddly enough, it’s most conspicuous in the super-democratic west. Look and observe. Those who fall short of the mark are singled out, from David Cameron poking fun at Ed Miliband for not “being butch” to Francois Hollande being mocked and derided already for his greyness and Mr Normal bathing shorts. ]

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