Stick to criminal law, Franco – outside that box, you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about

Published: September 27, 2012 at 9:23am

27 Comments Comment

  1. Someone says:

    And this from the person that the Fitch rating agency labels as a risk to our continuing stability? What nerve…

  2. mattie says:

    Malta is probably the only country which has quite a lot of dumbos in it.

  3. edgar says:

    Malta is the only country where a stupid village lawyer becames a big-headed nitwit in parliament.

  4. kev says:

    “The rest of Europe is normality.”

    Ghandu ragun, harsu ftit x’paci u trankwilita:



    Thabbilx rasek, Franco, daqt nilhqu n-normalita Ewropea.

    Ahleb, Guz!

    Is-Senatur ma jafx li s-sema blu.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    FACT: Malta is the only European country where a rebel MP can vote against the party whip and still get to keep his cabinet post.

    FACT: Malta is the only European country where someone who cannot write or punctuate is awarded an ‘A’ grade in English, a degree in law, and is elected to parliament.

  6. La Redoute says:

    He’s right in saying Malta is exceptional and the rest of Europe is normal.

    The point he misses is that, right now, normality means teetering on the edge of an economic cliff but Malta’s well behind the safety barrier – minus the risk factor of Joseph Muscat and the pitchfork brigade.

    • kev says:

      €5 bln in the red with a 72% debt-to-GDP ratio is normal for you? No wonder you call yourself ‘La Redoute’.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        One must think in relative terms, Kevvy, as do the rating agencies.

      • Village says:

        The level of sovereign debt is just slightly over the normal criteria used to make a risk assessment on repayment feasibiliy.

        But then practically all this debt is owed to the Maltese so technically there is no serious threat from foreign creditors should there be a case of default.

        Should rating deteriorate and the cost to finance this debt increases, it will clearly end up in the pockets of he Maltese and in all probability turnaround in the same Maltese economy.

      • yor/malta says:

        The reason you are not in business Kev is that you cannot look at the figures objectively , emotion and the fear of large numbers can be a right hindrance .

  7. josie says:

    Dan se jinzel fl-istorja bhala l-bniedem li fotta lil Malta

  8. NikiB says:

    If Franco thinks we are so abnormal why doesn’t he just pack his bags and leave? It’s a win-win situation. We will all be happy that way.

    [Daphne – He can’t even leave his mother’s house at 40 to go and live in the house he bought and furnished, and then you expect him to fend for himself alone in another country?]

    • A. Charles says:

      I have been given to understand that Franco Debono has put his house in Marsaxlokk on the market.

      However, he has kept his boat-house aka “il-kamra” in St. Thomas Bay where he loves to spend weekends. His mother owns the one next to his.

  9. jack says:

    The USA also have a bi-polar political system. Is that also a repressive, undemocratic system?

  10. Allamana says:

    Fact: Malta has the only government whip without teeth. Try doing your shenanigans with the Conservative Party in the UK.

    You would be put in your little corner with the pointed ‘D’ hat on it within 24 hours.

    Within 1 week you will be history.

    Within 1 year you will be the stuff that stand up comedians would have ditched 11 months ago.

    Hawn Malta ghadna nitqannaw bik sa issa.

  11. Omega says:

    If this is the case, and seeing that the AD are useless, perhaps Franco should start his own party. But I think his first rude awakening comes when he finds out that no sensible person will join him.

  12. Indri says:

    What Franco is saying is an offence to all the Maltese people. It is the Maltese people who chose to elect just two parties in our parliament. In the last election we had the opportunity to elect four parties but stuck to two as the other two did not convince us enough.

    Strictly speaking with all the nonsense said by the PL, I don’t know how we have two parties in parliament.

    I can’t understand how they manage to convince so many people to vote for them. In an educated world the Labour Party would not manage a quota in any district. And we would have the PN as the only party in parliament.

    Not that this would be good for the country, but the PL does not deserve to get anyone elected. Their candidates are all so dumb. They are all like that idiot Franco Debono.

  13. Alfred Bugeja says:

    With all due respect, Daphne, I don’t agree with your choice of title for this post.

    He doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about even when it comes to criminal law.

    • Angus Black says:

      True. Daphne gave him too much credit this time.

      It has been months since his name was mentioned in the papers in connection with criminal cases.

      Maybe his mobile has gone dead and he cannot pester journalists in order to make sure his name is mentioned? Or maybe he lost too many cases lately and does not want his name connected with less than stellar performances by Malta’s “leading criminal lawyer.

      After all, did he, not long ago, not boast that every project he undertook was 100% successful?

    • Tinnat says:

      I have to question if he is a ‘busy’ criminal lawyer. He appears to spend most of his time writing on his blog, mornings included.

  14. ciccio says:

    Oh, so this means that he still considers himself to be part of one of those two parties.

    But if we believe Joseph Muscat, Debono is technically wrong. Malta is actually the only country in Europe with one party in Parliament. Thats because the one in Opposition is a ‘Moviment.’

    And if we believe Joseph Muscat even further, then Malta should have no parties in Parliament, because “the days of political parties are over.”

    Now how about that for ‘normality.’

  15. lola says:

    Boys find it very convenient to have their own house and still live with their parents.

    They think that the mother is their servant for life. Franco being an only child(am I right?)finds it
    very difficult to leave his dear mum behind.What’s wrong about that? Mums love to serve their offspring and become jealous of their son’s partner.They think that they were robbed of their child.It is difficult to accept the empty nest.

    [Daphne – Franco is not an only child. Empty nests are difficult only for women who never worked and still don’t, which means their sole occupation is taken away from them.]

  16. Tinnat says:

    I have to question if he is a ‘busy’ criminal lawyer. He appears to spend most of his time writing on his blog, mornings included.

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