This is the look Michelle must have been hoping for when she dressed Joseph for his mass meeting
September 24, 2012 at 7:32pm
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The only difference I can see is at the top. Below that, it’s pretty much the same.
Pretty much the same? One is the stuff of dreams, the other the stuff of your worst nightmares.
One is ‘007’ – the other just ‘0’.
One is double 0 seven; the other is double 0 zero. Doesn’t lose the alignment, if you know what I mean
I think that Craig is the best 007 by a long chalk. George Lazenby second.
Remaining actors in order of “faithfulness” to Fleming’s novels:
Muscat has the “cunning” feel all of the above lack, so the comparison holds.
I think.
[Daphne – What is the common factor to all the Bonds above? Sex appeal and sophistication. So you can count Muscat out. He has neither, and never will. The first can’t be acquired or learned, and it’s now way too late for the second. Oh, and I should have mentioned a handsome face, good figure and innate elegance, too. Sorry about that.]
I had no idea we had howler monkeys in Malta.
Joseph Muscat is already dangerous without a gun.
[Daphne – Ah, but he’s got a magic wand.]
The Ginger Magician – CEO, Policies ‘r’ Us (Malta)
Wearing cufflinks to address a Maltese mass meeting (and a PL one, at that) does seem a bit over the top.
[Daphne – They’re cufflinks tad-ditta, too.]
Cufflinks minghajr ingravata!
Well, as long as it’s *either* cufflinks or tie, he’s not overdressed.
Say the fashion police who’ve never been to a PL mass meeting?
Is the magic wand the one mentioned in Fifty Shades of Grey and which Michelle has been reading about?
I still haven’t changed my view.
There is no way the floaters, including spouses of Maltese who have the vote, will vote PL.
Even if the spouse is PL.
I have to disagree with you on this one. My brother-in-law is married to a non-Maltese woman. He’s a Labour supporter, and she says she’s going to vote Labour for one reason: because a lot of her friends are not being given jobs or Maltese citizenships. (They’re from outside the EU.)
Now how’s that for a reason?
When she told me this, I asked her: “Do you think that if Labour is voted into government, they will expedite these issues? They hate foreigners. They would rather kiss a giant mound of dung than give foreigners Maltese citizenships.”
That would be the Department of Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And you’re right, it’s pissed off many non-EU expats.
Is it true that at a recent meeting at the Chamber of Commerce the leader of the opposition suggested that one way of reducing female unemployment is to stop visas for Filipino live-in carers?
If this is true, I am totally disgusted that this is what the prospective prime minister of the most feminist government in Maltese history thinks that Maltese women aspire to.
Had he said reducing the number of visas given to Filipino accountants so that Maltese women can all find professional jobs, then he might just have a point.
How about we start with the Muscats’ nanny?
Well, at a recent business breakfast JM had with retailers, somebody remarked that small retailers are losing lots of business to online trading. Guess what he promised: that he would stop access from Malta to international online trading sites (such as ebay, and so on).
Some actually liked the idea.
My friend (who was present) was disgusted. Sadly, nobody recorded him.
Can you confirm this? Because if it is, it’s explosive stuff. Where THE FUCK is the press?
No he wouldn’t. The way to create more jobs is to stimulate economic growth, not disrupt existing working relationships by redistributing the same jobs to different people. Labour’s already tried that and it infamously didn’t work.
Mela ma rajtux kif kien liebes Gonzi fil mass meeting (insomma mass, iktar corner meeting nghidlu) ta fuq il fosos? hsibtu ghadu gej min razzett tal-fniek, wara girja kontra l hin ifittex kwart bebbux ghall anniversarju. Il-problema hi, li kemm hu ghajjien il-bebbux, xorta mid-dehra harablu.
Truth be told, I thought Gonzi was the other extreme, with his bus driver shirt. At least it’s wasn’t a polo shirt tal-pony.
ahhh xi pjacir tihu gost bil kumenti vojta issa wkoll…qed tispicca int ukoll bhal sihbek il gonzzzzzzz
And his supporters believe things will be better if he is PM.
God forbid.
There are “achievers” and there are “supporters”.
Obviously, his supporters believe in being supported. Who needs achievement, when you can achieve the kind of support the aspiring PM has acquired (through the political system and from his supporters). The inspiration, “you can be a socialist too”.
Who needs achievement, when someone pretends to provide life-long guarantees for nothing (except on the backs of the real achievers), until the system of constructed “ideals” tanks [destroying is ever so much easier than building].
God forbid “if he is PM”. Get real.
Wow look at that cross face. I’m scared enough of them being in government, let alone with the prime minister being so mad at us all.
I hadn’t even noticed Daniel Craig was holding a gun until someone mentioned it.
Daphne gave the guys some Labour trash with plastic titties and us gals the stuff of dreams.
Thank you, Daphne.
[Daphne – I see. The gun made all the difference, eh? Hmmmm.]
No, who cares about the gun. He doesn’t need to be packing heat to be hot.
As I said, I hadn’t noticed it until someone mentioned it (admittedly they mentioned that Muscat doesn’t need a gun to be dangerous).