Why are Labour leaders always angry and negative?

Published: September 24, 2012 at 10:59am

My God, look – even yesterday’s It-Torca thought it was a great idea to give us Joseph Muscat in full-on rabid rage.

Could there be greater dissonance between the trying-to-be-inspiring headline and the mega-negative photograph?

I mean, you don’t exactly look at that picture and think ‘Wow, yes, I really want that screaming angry man to run the country. He looks like he could really give a girl a good time.’

They’re really going too far with this business of resurrecting the Mintoff years. Truly, what could be more tempting for somebody of my generation than the sight of yet another furious Labour pseudo-peasant agitator?

Mela ahna ghadna fl-era ta’ Hugo Chavez Style, jew?

32 Comments Comment

  1. Carmelo Micallef says:

    A J P Taylor’s description of an earlier rabble reminds me of the current Malta Labour Party (PL) – ‘an organisation of pimps, pickpockets, deserters, black marketeers and hack journalists’.

  2. mattie says:

    Nies li jwieghdu bidla, iridu juru li huma nbiddlu. Jien kull ma nara huwa l-istess ucuh lebsin kostum differenti.

  3. Matt says:

    U zidulu naqra xaghar bil-Photoshop, ukoll. Gabuh qisu Elvis.

  4. ciccio says:

    Ghaqal fit-tmexxija. Ghas-slavag.

    Progressivi u moderati.

    Futur li JAQQ-Ghadna. U nibqghu.

  5. Jo Borg says:

    Mhux biex jimpressjona tghid. Mela ghalfejn? Bhal tad-dulur li wera meta bies it-tebut. Tajjeb ghal-fuq il-palk jew biex jahdem xi film tal-kummiedji.

    • maryanne says:

      Lanqas ghat-teatrin mhu tajjeb ghax jidher li falz u jaghmel sforz biex iwassal messagg. Hawn hafna atturi ahjar minnu li jnessuk li qed tara film jew dramm.

    • stephen demanuele says:

      Not even that. You can see through his expression, it’s all fake. What a prick

  6. David S says:

    Definitely not another Mintoff. Mintoff never used teleprompters – again very evident at Ta’ Qali meeting. Super One revels in showing it – Ara kemm hu high tech, Joseph.

  7. Jozef says:

    Hu u jaghlaq id-diskors qal li l-pajjiz, taht il-Labour, jerga’ jsir ‘haga wahda’.

    M’hemmx ghalfejn hafna immaginazjoni dawn biex jhewdnu.

  8. The Phoenix says:

    He looks like a shark about to swallow a fly.

  9. nutmeg says:

    WOW! I’m thinking, this guy is so passionate about what he stands for. He really, really, really wants to pay less in utility bills.

    He is absolutely in favour of letting us work. And he genuinely believes Karmenu Vella and the other Otzies have the right to renegotiate the ‘EU agreement’.

    My God, what a fiery soul! Can I please swap my Bocci Club pennant for a PL flag?

  10. Antoine Vella says:

    This is an unusual phenomenon: when he’s ‘angry’ his hair seems to regrow. Or perhaps, it’s just standing on end, as in cats.

  11. Mister says:

    Minn taht il-ghajn….. qisu Joseph Calleja, ir-Royal Albert Hall.


  12. Rover says:

    I think he should be sent on an anger management course before it all gets out of hand. We don’t want him pulling at the remaining stragglers on his head, do we?

  13. Paolite says:

    This morning I received through post the MLP’s road map in the form of Yellow Pages.

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Is that a bicep or just a ill-fitting suit?

  15. SC says:

    Shouting and screaming is all they understand.

  16. Joe Micallef says:

    A parallel from football is so appropriate – the least technically endowed are the most violent.

  17. Wormfood says:

    Dak għax ispira ruħu mid-diski ta’ Clinton Paul u sar ‘rebellion’ u ‘badass soldier’ qabel ma’ mar fuq il-palk.

  18. canon says:

    Malta is going to have not only the youngest Prime Minister but also the craziest.

  19. Mark M says:

    ‘Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself’ Desiderata.

  20. Natalie says:

    He looks like Jason got stuck up his ass.

  21. sasha says:

    Unfortunately unlike the past uneducated people don’t try to elevate their status by being respectful, dignified and polite. On the contrary they expect everyone to be rude just like they are.

    We live in the post-Mintoff era of “might is right”, where you may hold a university degree but still be uneducated.

    He is appealing to these uneducated individuals, of which our island is full. They are the ones who hate people who are polite, dignified and educated, and who see all that as weakness.

  22. Jane F says:

    Anzi Joseph qal li ser jiggieled lill pn bil kalma u bi tbissima… Filfatt gja qed jurina

  23. Neil Dent says:

    That hair….it’s Tin Tin.

    Loved Herge’s books.

  24. Village says:

    Labour is desperate because their leaders cannot get it right! They have been too long in opposition and they fear they still have many years there.

    In as much as they are trying to change, they cannot fathom the true reason they have lost so many elections in the past three decades.

    What is worse, many of its echelons see government incumbency as a true opportunity to grab and take pecuniary advantage. They do not have the interest of Malta at heart.

    I claim that their anger which often manifests itself in expression and form, betrays an inferiority. Because in reality they fear an opponent that has a strong school of thought and political preparation which has proved time and again it leads hands down in political foresight.

    They need a complete transformation in a post Mintoff era. They need to adapt to a new Malta that has grown economically by leaps and bounds. Detaching from the Mintoff legacy and that abominable history is sine qua non. Renouncing the evil socialist policies is another. Ensuring that the party has a strong elite of thinkers and a wise and long term political philosophy. Developing a philosophy that is not built on hatred and ignorance but on mutual respect and wisdom.

    Not an easy task at all. But they owe it to the present and future generations of this island.

  25. The Engineer says:

    Ghax huma indannati ovvja. L-ewwel joqghodu jimlew il-xulxin, jindahlu fejn ma jifhmux, u imbaghad jaghmlu froga u ma jitilghux u joqghodu jinharqu.

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