Comment of the day
October 19, 2012 at 7:16pm
Actually it was yesterday, I think. I’ve lost track. I ran a post with this award-winning photograph showing the Evil Click in hot pursuit of Dalli, and Jozef promptly sent in:
Insomma, daqshekk Impala.
As they say, EPIC.
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If all this is really true – and I have no doubt that it is – min jaf kemm fotta waqt li kien ministru tal-finanzi.
Min ifittex Isib. Il flus ma jevoparawx. X’imkien intefqu jew qeghdin.
Il-Libja? Portomaso?
I thought he was after a meal for two at Peppi’s not 60 million euros.
Unfortunately money can be the mother of all evils. We never seem to have enough!!
It is also the purveyor of all pleasure. Secks, mostly.
Very clever pun, prosit! (picture is of gazelle or springbok though – very similar to impala).
Great pic, great caption….”Everything you can imagine is real.” (Pablo Picasso)
Brian, the pic is Mrs.Caruana Galizia’s.
‘Having a wild thyme’ (John Dalli)
“This is a systematic plan of entrapment.”
And someone keeps systematically getting entrapped.
Philip Bonello
Today, 19:12
Why is the PM not defending John Dalli, a Maltese commissioner, in Europe? This is the moment when the Maltese government should be showing solidarity with a compatriot.
When I read comments similar to this one, I despair.
What a bloody moron.
Tal-misthija dal kumment Sur Philip Bonello bhall ma hi tal misthija l hanzirata li ghamlu jekk hu minnu li gara mela min jaf qabel kemm saru affarijiet simili meta kien ministru f’pajjizna.
Shouldn’t that be “majjalata”?
Hnizrija more like. Hanzirata is something else, though they have probably shared in that too.
hnizrija, ciccio …
“Ara J Dalli BA. Naqbduh u nikluh?”
Jozef, your quick-wittedness is amazing.
If Dalli had you in the place of Silvio, he himself and the entire country would not be hiding their face in shame.
I am not quite sure though whether you would be prepared to take on the job.
I very much doubt it.
Truly epic. This is by far the wittiest comment I’ve heard in ages. Kudos Jozef.
Why would the ‘ entire country be hiding its face in shame?
It is Dalli who should be hiding, and not just his face, if the allegations prove to be true.
There are millions of Dalli’s around the world and I don’t see politicians anywhere, hiding their faces because of them.
I am still curious why so many statements and ‘clarifications’ are needed in order to try to explain what happened. It creates doubt as to the thoroughness of the investigation, the (less than) professional way it was conducted and the apparent frail evidence most of which (I understand) was provided by the Swedish company making the accusation against the businessman and not directly confronting Dalli.
In the latest ‘clarification’ it has been revealed that Dalli was interviewed twice by OLAF and given the opportunity of having the assistance of a (legal?) representative during the interviews.
Has anyone asked Dalli whether a lawyer was present? If in the affirmative, who was he/she? What is certain, is that Franco was not the lawyer. He was too busy planning who to attack next. Tonio Borg, maybe?