Dak mhux xorta skeletru?
October 21, 2012 at 4:39pm
I will never cease to be amazed at the Labour Party news website’s capacity for the profoundly ridiculous. They run a story about the skeleton of a man who died in bed and was found there 15 years later, and want some kind of picture to illustrate it.
And they choose this: a big, pink carnival skeleton.
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There are many more colourful skeletons in GonziPN’s cupboard , which may start being revealed in a few months time !
Dear Daphne,
Is there a remote chance of banning Eddy from your blog? He contributes nothing constructive and always manages to harm my coronaries with all the stupidities he posts.
But then what do you expect from someone who has lived the last 25 years bar two in bitterness?
Eddy on PL’s leash doing what he knows best (not that he knows much more). Threaten.
Because Joe Debono Grech, Leo Brincat, Karmenu Vella, AST, you, and all the Labour ghouls are not, Mr. Privitera?
You’re starting to sound shrill, Mr. Privitera.
Kevin Zammit, Matt B, Joe Micallef, Jozef: All you have to do if you do not like what I write is to ignore my comments. In this way you prevent any harm to your “coronaries”, as Kevin Zammit has said !
You see, most of you are scared or ashamed to show your real name. I don’t blame you. Supporting GonziPN today has become rather disdainful !
Mr. Privitera, over here it is the content of the comments that counts, not the names of those who write them.
Have you finished your letter to the Editor of The Times about the Delimara turbine as yet? I can’t wait to read your contribution full of wisdom.
Eddy, Kevin Zammit is my real name so stop your nonsense.
I am so scared of using my real name that I could also supply you with my telephone number and my address but I doubt your party thugs would be interested in paying me a scary visit any time soon.
Eddy. please stick to timesofmalta.com if you want to keep posting stupid comments.
Some people should be banned from using a keyboard.
Privitera, when Daphne decides to change the rules I’ll subscribe and add my surname.
This is not your blog. Nor is it 80’s Malta with your machismo, Dom’s passe’.
Oh by the way, did you see the ultimate condition of contract at Delimara? BWSC get to replace any defective AND pay for the running of Marsa. Quite a fiasco.
You don’t appreciate, Daphne, their ability to think ‘outside the box’.
[Daphne – Courage has nothing to do with it, Mr Privitera. I’m just not interested. I never was, right from the start. I am not a news media outlet and I cover only what interests me, because this is a personal blog.]
@ Eddy Privitera
i’m going to say it in Maltese: “Mur sib zokk ta’ sigra…”
Possibbli lanqas kuragg tuza ismek m’ghandek, trid tinqeda b’ismi wkoll ? Nahseb il-poplu Malti kollu sab IZ-ZOKK li wahhallu Lawrence Gonzi bl-impjant ta’ Delimara !
Eddy, get a life you are so old-fashioned in your comments.
If it was for Labour the fiasco would never have happened. They were right from the very start.
Way back as the foundations were being laid, they tried block its access to Delimara. We could have made do with Marsa, and saved a bundle in the process. Moral of the story: never do anything and you’ll never make a fiasco.
U bis-SARGAS xkontu se taghmlu?
BTW, m’hemmx ghalfejn tikteb bl-ittri kbar ghax dak iffiser li qieghed tajjat f’wicc dak li jkun, pastazata mill-ikbar.
Kram: Li nafu zgur hu li l-impjant tal-B.W.S.C. diga falla qabel biss beda jahdem kif suppost !!!! Aghar minn hekk ma nafx kif jista jkun !
Jitla’ l-Labour fil-gvern.
U hallih ha jghid Daph lil Eddy jahasra. Dak b’hekk biss jizvoga l-frustrazzjonijiet tieghu.
Eddy, kieku kien hemm il-partit tieghek, kieku ilkom li allegajtu sabutagg, u forsi anke kontu taghmlu xi frame-up fuq xi scapegoat.
By the same token, Mr Privitera, why don’t you tell us what you think of the Mintoff family’s shady manoeuvres involving land deals?
And you really think anybody is believing you when you state this ? Is it not obvious that you are avoiding this topic because it is perhaps the most revealing proof of how inefficient and irresponsible GonziPn has been in the award of the contract to B.W.S.C. .
And another proof of how the PL has been 100% rigjt when it had critcized harshly the B.W.S.C. contract. Which was also criticized by the Auditor General. Just imagine if this fiasco had been committed by Dr. Muscat. Would you have remained silent ??????
Has the Editor of The Times been removing your multiple question and exclamation marks in your letters to him for something like 40 years – since the beginning of the Golden Years?
I admire him for his patience.
Very soon you won’t belong to the PL Sur Eddy. It’s becoming a ‘feminine’ party according to Muscat, so you’ll need a sex change.
Muscat did not have the chance to commit a fiasco as you say of the BWSC issue. But we know that when he had the chance to interfere in the Iceland and Cyprus affairs we all know x’harga ta cuc hareg.
Ma nafx ghalfejn il-gvern nefaq dawk il-miljuni fl-impjant ta’ Delimara. Kull ma kien hemm bzonn kienu bicctejn ‘wire’ u jwahhalhom ma mohh Eddy Privitera u addio ghall-bzonn ta’ faham, heavy oil u gas.
Zidlu pipe mal-warrani u L-Labour jkunu jistghu jweghdu cilindri tal-gass b’xejn ghal-kulhadd.
U jekk izzid pajp iehor, anke l-ilma jkun b’xejn.
It is only a totally stupid person who would call the incidents at the power station a “fiasco”.
An unbelievably stupid one who could imagine that had Labour commissioned it, the relatively minor damage (I’m sure you don’t even understand what happened, Eddy, you are too busy with your inane blog comments) would not have occurred.
Eddy Privitera is actually a keen follower of this blog!
Now that is interesting.
Denis: Taf ghaliex ? Ghax aktar nippreferi nilghab ” away” milli “home” ! Ara inti u dawk kollha li jappoggjaw lil GonziPN, il-maggoranza assoluta taghkhom tridu tilghabu biss ” home” halli toqghodu tikkonslaw lil xulxin !
Honestly, I’m not that amazed Daphne. A pink skeleton? It’s the new feminine side of the PL beginning to shine through…
Jiena diga saqsejt lil Privitera tlett darbiet forsi illum jirrispondi . Bhala attivist kontra is-shubijja ta’ Malta fl-EU u ukoll membru attiiv fil-PL x’ qed jistenna biex iressaq mozzjoni fil -partit biex Malta tohrog mil-EU?
Verita: Diga kont irrispndejtek. jien la mhu qieghed f’xi kumitat u lanqas ma jien delegat. li dejjem emmint dwar l-UE QIEGHED JIGRI. L-UE m’hemmx ghalfejn tohrog minnha. Ghad jasal iz-zmien li TIZZARMA wehedha . L-ewwel daqqa se jaghtuhiela l-poplu Ingliz !
Jigifieri Joseph iblah meta’ jghid li jridna l-aqwa fl-Ewropa.
I believe Eddy Privitera is the same MLP candidate who contested about 4 elections and never got elected on the Sliema St Julians district.
I recall seeing banners “Din id-darba Privitera”.
And this when Labour elects people like Kalcidon Agius, Joe Mizzi and Jose Cuschieri – and Eddy never even made it. Speaks volumes.
Instead, the electorate voted for the candidate with the banner stating “Din id-Darba Eddie.”
David S. Ghandek zball. Int qed tirreferi ghan-neputi ! Mhux l-ewwel wiehed li ghamilt l-istessNinfurmak ukoll li hija , il-perit Salvu Privitera, kien gie elett f’isem il-partit laburista fin- 1976 . M’intix l-uniku iehed li ghamilt l-istess zball. Qablek kien ghanìmlu Eddie Fenech Adami fuq Xarabank. U meta kont gbidtlu l-attenzjoni li kien zbaljat, flok skuza ruhu, qalli: ” INSOOMA JIGI MINNEK ” !!!!!!!!
Ara kemm il-kumment kiteb Eddy Privitera, lanqas darba wahda ma qalilna x’behsiehu jaghmel Muscat Labour Party meta jkun fil-gvern.
Eddy, ahna dan irridu nisimghu u mhux tghajjir fuq dak u fuq l-iehor. B’kitbietek tkun qieghed taljena lill-qarreja mill-aktar problema li ninsab fiha l-elettorat, dik li ma jaf xejn fuq Dr. emails.
Il-Hajjbu: Jekk trid taqta l-kurzita, ghid lil gonzi jsaffar is-suffara. Jaqaw INT diga taf x’se jkollu Gonzi fil-programm elettorali ? F’dak il-kaz ghidilna .
Il-Hajjbu: Wara kollox Gonzi jista jivvinta li jrid fil-programm elettorali, la diga konvint li mhux se jkollu bzonn iwettaq dak li taparsi se jwieghed . L-istess bhal budget li se jipprezenta !