Hello! Joseph is appalled. And he’s still rooting for Johnny’s Sargas.
Joseph Muscat has just emailed out this message, with the subject-line ‘A costly fiasco’.
I write to you because I am appalled and worried with the state of our energy sector today.
The BWSC case is a costly fiasco almost beyond imagination.
It started with the wrong choice, a prototype power station burning the dirtiest of fuels, and where have we ended up? Having paid €157 million for a power station that doesn’t work.
Most of us are feeling the very real pressures brought on by ever-increasing energy bills. We just don’t need this.
Our families don’t deserve to pay for yet more of the GonziPN government’s incompetence.
If you work hard, and pay your taxes, to see our money squandered this way is an insult to every Maltese family.
Change is not an option any more, it is now a necessity.
During the past four years I have been advocating the need for a fresh approach to our energy policy. Cheaper bills or cleaner air is not a choice we need to make. We can have both.
But we can’t start until we have new leadership FOR THE COUNTRY.
Join me today to bring about the change we need to see in Malta.
Joseph Muscat
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They hypocrite hasn’t bothered explaining that past expenditure can’t be recovered and that il-povru popolin will have to shell out USD1billion to shave a few cents of their kontijijet.
Ah, our little, fat, naive Joey.
Appointed himself ‘Lord of the Flies’, but has found himself ‘Lord of the Goons’.
Watch your back, Joey.
Harry Purdie; Of all places, why did you choose to go to a non-EU country ? Tahseb li l-Isvizzera qed tixxengel mar-rih ghax mhiex fl-UE , kif kontu tghidu li jigrilha Malta jekk ma tidholx fl-UE ?????
Privitera, have you ever been to Zermatt? Do go there, taste the perfection, drink in the beauty, and then come back and tell me this isn’t another planet, and that Malta’s two-up-two-down Gaza strip shit-urbia could have turned into Switzerland just be staying out of the EU.
H.P. Baxter: I have been to Switzerland too. I realized that for a country to prosper, it doesn’t have to join the EU. It depends on its people and governments. The EU doesn’t change that, as it has shown in Greece, Spain, Ireland etc..etc.. !
Oh what’s the use.
(As if we’d ever have got anything done if it weren’t for il-barrani keeping an eye on us from Brussels. )
Nor why Malta should allow its electricity generation, prime strategic asset, in the hands of private individuals. The fact the proposal came in the shape of a floating plant, easily towed anywhere, is worrying enough.
A floating, take anywhere power station…?
Veru dik ideja sabiha ghall-ambjent. Floating plant kbira daqs id-doppju ta’ ground tal-football ankrata permanenti f’ nofs il-bajja ta’ Marsaxlokk. Ara ghal dik il-proposta FLIMKIEN GHAL AMBJENT AHJAR ma qalet xejn.
Snus and Sargas. Futur li jghaqqadna.
Rumour has it that with the copious amount of hot air being produced by Joseph Muscat, Anglu Farrugia and the rest of the useless lot forming the Partition Laburista, the power system they are are holding so much ‘in pettore’ is based on wind-powered generators.
And for the sake of accuracy, the new BWSC power station is functional and, even without the damaged turbine, can still produce a very substantial percentage of its contract power generation capacity. This Joseph Muscat communication is nothing other than a misconceived attempt at misinformation.
Incidentally the pants-on-fire stance adopted by the Labour Party might yet prove to be an alternative source of energy for heating up the Enemalta boilers.
Haven’t you heard that there is damage also in another turbine, Nr. 6 ? Of course, you won’t hear this on Net TV and even, possibly, TVM. And this proto-type power station has not yet been officially taken over ! what a farce !
“And this proto-type power station has not yet been officially taken over ! ”
Don’t you see the contradiction?
Gawd, you’re thick.
There’s no turbine no.6.
Also the BWSC power station IS NOT prototype. The Sargas power station IS prototype.
Ghal gideb ma jirbhilhom hadd.
The damaged turbine is the one and only turbine in the BWSC power plant – there is no ‘another turbine’, damaged or otherwise.
The non-existence of it might be the reason we do not hear about it on NET and TVM. They are not gifted with as vivid an imagination as Super one is.
Eddy Privitera, anything is better than the persistent power-cuts and water-cuts we were made to endure under Labour. Then again, you wouldn’t really know what it was like, because you were probably long out of Sliema by then.
Josephine: Don’t you remember that before we had the labour government in 1971, there had been a PN government in the 1960s ? I remember the electricity and water cuts of those times too ! But ironically, we are having the same electricuty cuts TODAY after so many years of PN governments !!!!!!!
A mixture of hot air from Joseph and a lot of gas from Anglu can fire up the PS in perpetuity.
Eddy is now an expert on imaginary turbines. I wonder what he’s on. Unless of course, he got the information from his usual ‘reliable sources’.
He’s a liar and an idiot. Or rather he thinks we are all idiots.
And up to a certain extent he is right, because around 50% of the population will vote for him anyway.
All major projects go through a pre-delivery testing phase and not all work straight off, as we well know. In this case, there is a good contract and all additional costs including fines for continued use of Marsa are borne by the contractor. Not many projects are governed by contracts so favourable to the purchaser in this respect.
It is not a prototype, unlike the Sargas one (ta’ Dalli), and it’s emissions are controlled and within all standards.
He opens his mouth, therefore he lies.
While we’re there, lets refresh our memory on the Sargas plant and its supposed efficiency and environment friendliness. See http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2011/11/the-golden-rule-if-it-is-too-good-to-be-true-then-it-probably-isnt/, comments included.
Never one to miss an opportunity to take advantage of what is a run-of-the mill teething problem with the plant, which will be repaired and paid for, damages included by BWSC.
And still not a clue how he will reduce the bills, or by how much. If we could harness the load of hot air which comes out of his mouth, we wouldn’t need a power station at all.
If ALL damages are to be borne by B.W.S.C. why did Tonio Fenech say that on other damages ( financial) to be suffered by Enemalta, he expects we have to go to a London court ?!
My God, Eddy…do things for you work out perfectly all the time without any hitches? Like marriages, for instance?
George Grech: You mention marriages. Normally marriages break up after some time, sometimes after many years. But the BWSC power station is alreadyb having very serious problems before the ” marrriage” has been announced !
Ta’ min ifakkar lil Joseph Muscat li tul is-16 il-sena ta’ Gvern Laburista (1971-87) il-power station tal-Marsa kienet diga’ saret ‘obsolete’: mhux biss tahdem bil-faham imma diga ma kienetx tlahhaq mad-domanda. Id-dawl u l-provista tal-ilma kienu problema ta’ kuljum. F’dan ir-rigward konna sirna litteralment pajjiz tat-tielet dinja (inkella pajjiz ta’ wara l-‘Purtiera tal-Hadid’.)
Ezatt kif inbidel il-Gvern (immexxi minn Fenech Adami) id-dawl u l-ilma kienu fost l-EWWEL PRIORITAJIET!! Fost hafna tfixkil mill-MLP, inghata bidu ghall-Power Station ta’ Dellimara. L-istess ghall-ilma — sar investiment kbir iehor f’impjanti tar-Reverse Osmosis. Dan barra t-titjib li beda jsir fl-infrastruttura in generali.
Min hu egoista u jara sa mniehru biss ma jifhimx u ma japprezzax li Gvern Nazzjonalista, hafna aktar mill-Labour, kapaci jara fit-tul u jhares il-veru nteress ta’ pajjizna. Gvern Laburista holoq hafna iktar tbatija milli zvilupp, sew jekk personali u wkoll nazzjonali.
Rigward faham, il-partit tal-MLP huma esperti. Saqsi in-nies tal-MARSA u il-HAMRUN. Jekk ma inhix sejjer zball anki DR J BRINCAT kien hareg jipprotesta kontra il-faham.
U min nehhieh il-faham? Il-PN ftit wara li telgha fil-gvern fin-1987.
U xi nghidu ghal meta il-fuel kien ghola bi ftit u MINTOFF kien tefa id-dwal kollha tat-toroq u Malta kienet dalma wahda?
Ask the people of Zurrieq, Safi, Mqabba and Qrendi when the open flyash tip at Wied Fulija would ignite spontaneously during the summer months. .
We’re onto one nasty surprise when dioxin levels are determined.
That has to be Mintoff’s greatest scandal, even Reno Calleya was thrown out when he tried to protest. I bet Privitera remembers, Leo Brincat conveniently doesn’t.
‘Cheaper bills or cleaner air is not a choice we need to make. We can have both.’
That’s it Joseph, kill the drive to reduce domestic consumption and renewable energy technology.
Let’s see your followers throwing those darned gonziPN energy savers out of their car windows during your victory celebrations, a gimmick you said.
You’re twenty years behind the planet’s conclusions re efficiency, investment and innovation. Scrap all principles including sustainability in consumption, just like your vehement opposition to public transport as the preferred mode of moving around.
How’s the lawsuit progressing? I bet you’ll soon promise a reduction in registration tax for gas guzzlers and repeal access tolls into Valletta, such nonsense.
While you’re at it, how about promising an amnesty to illegal boreholes and the removal of enforcement on building regulations to the excavation of wells?
You’re as young and fresh as Dom Mintoff was refined and Christian in his ways.
I expect the chairman of the MCST to issue a statement condemning such an irresponsible position.
This is absolutely disgusting.
Since when has MCST been doing any science?
If I receive such an e-mail I would write back:
Dear Dr Muscat,
I am sorry to tell you that I refuse to join you and will surely not be one of those who would chooses a Prime Minister without any experience whatsoever to lead at least a company let alone a country.
I am sorry but in my opinion a Super One journalist is not a good prerequisite for such a position in my opinion as I am sure you can understand.
[Daphne – You won’t be able to reply because those emails come from a ‘no-reply’ address.]
He is one heck of a coward if he is using a system whereby one cannot reply to him.
Gonzi can try and reply to him. But then Gonzi will receive the answer he deserves !
Sur Eddy – if someone sent me an e-mail, I am the one who should reply to it. Elementary, my dear Watson.
Try these:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
I received a junk email from them some time ago. If I am not mistaken it was sent from a URL ending @josephmuscat.com. I replied and I never received their junk again.
What you think about Joseph Muscat is your business, but to say that he is not a good……/ because he was a Super One journalist is ridiculous and reflects very badly on you.
Does a P.M have to be a lawyer or a doctor or some other professional person?
Wouldn’t Thatcher qualify as she was the daughter of a grocer?
[Daphne – Margaret Thatcher wasn’t just ‘the daughter of a grocer’, Silvio. She was a scientist, with a mind like a steel trap, a chemistry graduate from Oxford at a time when almost no women went to university, and a research chemist. In other words, pretty far from a Super One reporter.]
Wouldn’t Mintoff qualify because he was the son of an army cook?
[Daphne – Confusing issues again, Silvio. This is not about social origins, but about brains and ability. Nobody gives a damn whose son Mintoff was. It’s what HE was that counts.]
You must be a person who suffers from an acute inferiority complex.
Silvio, to select a candidate for a post you have to judge his abilities on his past experiences and achievements.
Can you list some pluses for Muscat which would help me change my mind?
Daphne: Now please let your readers know what academic qualifications you have. And compare them to those of Joseph Muscat. Come on !
What I am at the moment looking atare not the pluses of Joseph Muscat, but at the many minuses of Gonzi.
What experiences did Gonzi have, before finding himself Eddie’s successor?
What experiences did Dr. Fenech Adami have before overthrowing Borg Olivier?
[Daphne – By the same token, Silvio, why not run down to your local bank, pluck the first clerk you find from behind his desk, and ask him to run the country? What sort of reasoning is this?]
Silvio, during these last months I have noticed a shift from your centre-left ideology to strictly left.
It seems your antipathy for Gonzi is on the increase. Why?
I would like to meet you in the near future over a coffee and smoking a good cigar. Ciao habib.
[Daphne – Silvio is actually right wing. Not left at all. And that’s precisely why he doesn’t like the PN in its present incarnation. He hankers after the Mussolini days.]
Don’t forget that Mussolini made the trains run on time.
Maybe what we need is another Mussolini to make ARRiva run on time.
Joking apart, Daphne you are wrong I am not, and never was a Facist, what I am, and proud of it is a Christian Democrat.
Those were the basic principles of the Nationalist Party since after the Second World War.
These principles have been put aside and the present P.N. is nothing but a socialist party, trying to please the masses, where the votes are.
As to Johnny Sigarri’s invitation for a coffee, why not, just wear a pink rose so I can tell who you are.
Who knows, we might make music together.
…and there it is, the hallmark of a true Mintoffian – ending comments on blogs with insults…
And the Labour Party keeps sending out emails without the consent of the recipients.
If you receive any unsolicited mail, email, or text messages, you can file a complaint under the Data Protection Act.
Don’t you know what GonziPN is doing, sending emails to Joseph Muscat, PL MPs asking them to help GonziPN as ” canvassers ” ???? What a farce of a party !
Eddy, one question mark is enough.
Why not? The PN’s open to ideas you see.
Simple, Joseph Muscat and the other PL MPs subscribed to mychoice.
It is very different when I happen to receive the PL emails on work related emails, that cannot be harvested from the internet and which I only use for work related correspondence.
There is only one logical conclusion, that someone within the organisation, with access to our emails, has given the list to the PL and these, diregarding all rules and regulations of data protection, are now spamming my mailbox.
I have found a very neat solution to all this, called junkbox filter.
Eddy – that is happening because they have signed-up to the site – mychoice.pn. Probably they are the buffoons, then.
Eddy, your ideas are the same old Mintoffjani muffati.
1. I didn’t get one.
2. Is there a way to subscribe?
3. If not, how did they get the email addresses?
4. Any ethical, serious, worthwhile emailer would include an unsubscribe function.
5. er …………..
6. That’s it.
I used to receive them all the time on my work e-mail (supposedly it has spam filters) until I unsubscribed. Couldn’t bear finding them first thing in the morning any longer.
Dear Joseph,
I am appalled by the actions of you and your party.
You campaigned vigorously to keep Malta out of the EU.
Your arguments convinced me to vote NO to the EU.
Indeed, when I saw the PL Xalata out with the klaxons I thought the NO vote HAD won.
Then not only did you abandon your position on Malta’s EU membership, you also took it one step beyond the limit by becoming an MEP yourself.
Unless you pledge to take Malta out of the EU, a situation you debated so eloquently to achieve, I can NEVER vote for you again.
Yours etc ….
Daphne, for your info:
Five million paid less than Living Wage in UK, says KPMG
So Joseph thinks he can have his cake and eat it.
Of course he can convince his apostles that he will have OUR cake for THEM to eat as in the good old Mintoff days.
When those that believe his wild promises find that he took their cake away, then we will have another Guinness Book Record, the shortest term of the youngest journalist turned politician prime minister in the world.
Franco will be well pleased.
Hello! We don’t give a rat’s ass.
As Toto’ would say “Ma fammi ‘l piacere”
‘The new proposed power plant will decrease the cost of electricity…. with the strategic aim to export clean energy to Italy and the European grid.’ – Surreal!
‘The fuel consists of bio paste, which is a mix of biomass and fossil fuel.’ (The biomass consists of imported olive pits) – Unbelievable!
Perhaps I found the connection between Dalli’s Sargas and the olive pits biomass fuel
They could have at least spelled Dalli’s name right.
Muscat is at least as dishonest as Alfred Sant.
1. He totally disagreed with privatizing Malta Dry Docks however he never tells us whether he will re-open it and return it to its original state.
2. He disagreed with Sea Malta’s closure however he never tells us whether he will re-open it once he is voted PM.
3. He disagreed with joining the EU and never tells us what are his intentions as regards to this EU issue.
4. He disagrees with the choice of Power plant chosen from BWSC however does not tell us whether he intends to buy Sargas equipment!
5. He disagreed with the transport reform however never tells us what he will do once he is PM.
6. He does not mention big achievements such as restoration of historic buildings and fortifications and does not tell us what he will do in this regard!
7. He does not tell us how he will shoulder responsibility should unemployment rates start to increase once he is PM!
Muscat does not tell you anything. Vote for him and you are in for a big surprise probably much bigger than the surprise everybody got once they got to know how Alfred Sant substituted VAT.
Muscat has never been a guest of Musumeci and Cini on his own One TV for the simple reason of not having any Sustanza at all.
Sustanza is a good word.
Ghidlu ihallina Joseph Muscat. Trying to take advantage of every single thing – even the damage at Delimara Power Station – saying millions spent on something that dosen’t work – x’hasibna il-Maltin, tubi bhalu.
There is an ‘unsubscribe’ option though i don’t know if it works as i just hit delete.
In any event I stand to be corrected but i believe data protection laws are such that he would need my permission before sending me unsolicited mail. If this is the case Commissioner please note.
“If you work hard, and pay your taxes, to see our money squandered this way is an insult to every Maltese family…”
Your, our..?
Who’s writing these things for him?
M’hemmx wiehed jew wahda sura ta’ nies f’dak il-partit. Qabda racanc u mbarazz. Qishom isibuhom f’xi bring and buy jew car booth sale. Sfurtunament, il partit l-iehor ukoll gabar xi ftit bhalhom lil dawn. Hemm bzonn ta’ tfarfira tajba.
Dear Joseph, from the letter you sent me it is clear that you are not fit to lead my country. If you are appalled because during commissioning a complex generating system had a teething problem, than you are not fit to be my prime minister.You panicked when this little problem cropped up, what would have you done if war broke on our doorstep,flee?
May I remind you that the dirtiest fuel is not HFO, but coal .Coal is the same fuel which you were advocating hardly a year ago when you were pushing John Dalli’s ONE BILLION EURO Sargas project. If this was not gross incompetence than what is?
By your standards our families don’t deserve to pay for your incompetence.
I grabbed every opportunity GonziPN presented me to have cleaner air and cheaper bills:
1)Gonzi handed my family eight Energy saving bulbs for free. For four whole years they are still giving me cheaper light than the inefficient incandescent bulbs.
2) GonziPN gave me a subsidy on my solar water heater if I remember correctly it was €300.Thaks to Gonzi ,today I had a shower without turning on the water heater.
3) The GonziPN Government encouraged me to buy a brand new car by giving me €1,300 for my old second hand car.
4) The PN Government subsidized my PV panels on my roof with a handsome handout of €3,000 and now my bills are on the negative side , in other words MRA or Enemalta have to pay me for the electricity I sell to the grid and my bills are covered.
Your policies are directly opposite to what sensible people want
1) You ridiculed the PL(Energy Saving) bulbs scheme.
2) By subsidising electricity you will discourage the installation of Solar Water Heaters and PV panels, and above all encourage waste.
3)Your party encourages people to buy second hand cars and supports the buyers to have the registration tax they paid on them.
The turbine will be fixed , BWSC will abide by their contractual obligations and we will get cheap electricity from cheap fuel while EneMalta collects the fly ash, in the precipitators.
I will vote for change , but the change would be in candidates not in the party which makes the right policies and takes the right (big) decissions.
With this email, you just showed me that you are not fit to be an opposition leader let alone be my prime minister.
Useless in Opposition, useless in power.
No. ‘Useless in Opposition – DANGEROUS in power’.
Useless in Opposition, dangerous in power.
The opposition, a useless generation.
You can thank Labour if your investment faces becoming a burden, imagine being a factory with a major PV installation. Innovation in this case, will be a problem to those who subscribed.
Better off going for the lowest denominator, those who didn’t invest a single cent, understood fully well how Labour will ‘let us work’. How Joseph will bring back the level playing field.
Labour’s reluctance to quantify the argument, that everyone understand and take the necessary decisions is wreaking havoc on the sector in question.
How a political party can get itself to behave in this manner, as if the country’s none of its business is shameful. This has to be Joseph’s weakest point, he just doesn’t care for the consequences, will someone please tell him his words carry weight?
Malta’s credibility to access to further funds to move away from fossil fuels will go down the drain. Dalli’s biomass isn’t an acceptable variant of the definition put down by the EU.
And what’s even worse is that the drive to create domestic autonomy, awareness and gradual mental conversion is being tampered with. One of the key elements in the green economy is subjective individual responsibility based on a pro-active approach. Bridling consumption, creating a deterrent, the only tried and tested way to bring it about.
There’s also a minor detail to whether his promise will result to be in effect a subsidy. The ramifications and speculation in the face of an uknown are enormous, his doing, no one else’s.
Finally, this call for centralisation, where issues and solutions are prepackaged for public consumption, is inded regressive and will prove problematic for any ulterior challenge which lies ahead.
You forget to mention that Gonzi gave you €1.16 per week rise while giving himself €600 per week, then reduced it to €500 !
@Eddy Privitera; insejt li Mintoff seraq minn halq uliedna kwazi miljun ewro minhabba li ma ghogbitux l-idea li il power station tkun Delimara.
I will tell you what I got more.
I got a “parent rate” in income tax. I have a daughter at university who has a stipend which your Labour Party will again meddle with.
I’m not at all surprised by your stupid comment which is repeated ad nauseam: the prime minister’s so called “raise”.
A prime minister of a small island like Malta deserves a salary of around €200,000 considering that he should be 24/7 on the job and that he manages a budget of €2,000,000,000.
I’m sure he’s not getting that much, but around half of that, which by the way is the total income lawyers like Franco Debono, Anglu Farrugia and Jose’ Herrera earn with less effort.
How would you, Eddy, explain why people like Jose’ and Anglu would occupy the seat of a minister for a pittance of €500 per week less for all the work and travelling a minister has to do in this day and age?
There are two answers to my question, either they love their country so much that they are ready to sacrifice everything to serve us like Nerik Mizzi did, or else they will trade in influence.
Probably the commission Joseph Muscat will set up will conclude that the ‘raise’ the ministers got was more than fair.
On second thoughts I think that the Minister for the South would deserve less than the salary the ministers had – after all, if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.
I am waiting for a sincere reply which I will keep in my records.
Xi tghid li fuq din Eddy
Prosit Gahan, Your comment should be sent to all voters, perhaps those disgruntled PN supporters will realise what this government has achieved in all the turmoil that surrounds us.
And perhaps a few PL supporters will see for how long their party has been taking them for a ride with all the doom and gloom emanating from the PL and One.
Sometimes I feel angry at the PN because they do not ‘propagandise’ their wares enough.
I forgot to mention the subsidy on double insulated windows,and the opportunities students are getting with government/EU aided scholarships amounting to €8,000 per student.
This government does not hand out money in subsidies but pushes you in investing in your future…you have to fork out your part and it forks out the rest,creating a win-win situation.
Subsidy on the solar water heaters was €550.
So was it LM 300?
Zepp, tbazwar kemm tbazwar, tinqabad ghax lanqas tigdeb ma taf, ahseb u ara kemm tmexxi pajjiz.
Saviour Balzan was on One tonight.
Whilst referring to medical malpractice court cases which end up ”nolle proseque”, he stopped just short of mentioning by name a candidate for the forthcoming elections who was involved in exactly such a case.
The Musumeci/ Cini team saw fit not to enquire further into the subject. How convenient. The professional is one of Labour’s star candidates.
Musumeci also saw fit not to challenge Marlene Farrugia too much. He happens to be her architect.
And Michael Falzon his buddy
Who starts an email with a ‘Hello’?
A person who has no clue about how to address an anonymous reader (as opposed to answering the phone, “heh-llow”).
I had hoped that Privitera would fade out of the scene – his warped ideas are really showing what he really is a blinkered ages-old MLP (Golden Years – plus aristocrat of the workers) Mintoff fan.
elephant: Why don’t you reply to my letters in The Times or even here, but with arguments not with rubbish !
Eddy, why don’t you tell us what the socialist programme is all about? Surely as a paladin of the party you can say what plans the socialists have in store and what better future lies ahead if they are elected.
You may wish to give us the party’s plans on education, health and employment for example.
Privitera, ma tantx int mgharuf biex tirrispondi. Mela ha nerga insaqsik ghar reba darba. Bhala attivist kontra l-EU x’ qed tistenna biex tressaq mozzjoni f’ konferenza tal-MLP biex Malta tohrog milEU? Issa ghamel ftit kuragg u irrispondi mhux tahrab u tistahba.
Marlene Farrugia refused to answer George Pullicino, when, how and by how much tariffs will be reduced, saying Joseph will make an announcement as soon as the electoral campaign kicks off.
This was on TV yesterday. She let drop a ‘gasification plant’ as well as ‘terminal’, when Ellul Vincenti was waxing lyrical about the ease of converting to gas. Yeah right, Benghisa all over again.
Some experts they have at Mile End.
They’re already blaming the PN for not having done the conversion back in the 90’s now that a pipeline’s so expensive, poor things. I can guess what they’ll say once elected; sorry can’t do, PN decisions won’t let us. Sargas on the other hand…
She also implied the answers to Pullicino’s question to be the leader’s prerogative, and his alone. Her survival instinct intact then.
I wonder what Marlene Farrugia would have said if George Pullicino had told her that he cannot answer because it is the prerogative of the prime minister.
Exactly, it was one of two things yesterday. Either she’s not in Joseph’s inner circle, Konrad Mizzi being the preferred option, or she won’t have anything to do with the proposals.
Did you see her flare up as soon as George mentioned Sargas? Kienet qisha cercura tiggieled ghal-par jeans fuq il-monti.
Jozef:Haven’t you heard Lawrence Gonzi say that he doesn’t want to say when or what he will be doing ?
So you didn t hear what Falzon said about PN getting
Falzon also couldn’t understand Pullicino’s point re prices of both fuels.
What he and Ellul Vincenti didn’t say is that the volumetric consumption of a plant using gas would offset any cost savings. Both ingnored the costs related to a regasification plant as well the headache where to place it. Marlene was absolutely disingenuous when she hinted it’s no big deal, I’ve seen the one next to Venice, believe me, it looks like something straight out of Bladerunner. It’s efficiency depends directly on volumes processed.
Then there’s the minor detail of supply, which determined the decision to suspend the strategy when Putin shut down the supply to Europe.
The issue here is not whether a technology is better than another, technology evolves due circumstances, going for gas implied relying on factors outside our control. An unsurmountable disadvantage, the real risk for jobs and the economy.
With the pipeline in place, another idea which depends directly on Italy’s decision making, yeah right, and North Africa returning to stability, the conversion will take place.
The pipeline avoids the need to process the gas.
Blaming the PN for not going after that idea is a sham, connecting to Sicily when that island’s infrastructure is lacking a ridiculous proposition.
Why Ellul Vincenti, ex chairman of Enemalta, didn’t mention any of this, may provide a clue to the current situation of the corporation.
I’m not saying there wouldn’t have been solutions, just that these would have created a whole different set of problems. Labour’s message however, that somehow they had the solution without the latter is a plain lie.
This applies to Sargas, their technology makes sense in Sweden with its ample supplies of coal, albeit pending EU scrutiny, transferring it to Malta doesn’t. If Labour considers it to be a CO2 manufacturing plant there will be major issues, now that pollution zoning is history, Chinese smog is ours as well.
Joseph Muscat’s email has just popped up in my inbox now, showing up as “Joseph Muscat A costly fiasco” No one beats the Partit Laburista when it comes to PR initiatives.
I had to frame your well-written email. I hope you sent it to the PN party secretary as this letter should be mailed to every home.
8.15 AM CET / 30-Oct-2012 / Swedish Match (STO:SWMA)
Interim Report January – September 2012
Sales for the third quarter increased by 7 percent to 3,208 MSEK (3,011) and by 6 percent in local currencies
Operating profit from product areas1) for the third quarter increased by 4 percent to 942 MSEK (909) and by 3 percent in local currencies
Operating profit2) increased by 4 percent to 1,022 MSEK (983) for the third quarter
EPS (basic) for the third quarter increased by 4 percent to 3.41 SEK (3.28), EPS (basic) for the first nine months increased by 19 percent to 10.40 SEK (8.72)
Operating profit for Swedish Match product areas, which excludes share of net profit in STG and larger one time items.
Operating profit for the Group includes share of net profit in STG and larger one time items.
For the full report: http://www.swedishmatch.com/investors/
Swedish Match telephone conference
A telephone conference will be held today, Tuesday, October 30 at 2:00 p.m. (CET), (1:00 p.m. UK time). At this time we will review and comment on the results. Participants will include Lars Dahlgren, Joakim Tilly, and Emmett Harrison.
Listen to the telephone conference live at: http://www.swedishmatch.com/investors/
Replay will be available for 30 days at the link above as well as on telephone number:
UK replay number: +44 20 7031 4064, access code: 909284
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Swedish replay number: +46 8 505 203 33, access code: 909284
For further information, please contact:
Lars Dahlgren, President and Chief Executive Officer
Office +46 8 658 0441
Joakim Tilly, Chief Financial Officer
Office +46 8 658 0213
Emmett Harrison, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications and Sustainability
Office +46 8 658 0173
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Office +1 804 787 5130
The character of the information in this report is such that it shall be disclosed by Swedish Match AB (publ) in accordance with the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was disclosed to the media on October 30, 2012 at 08.15 a.m. (CET).
I most especially like this sentence. The capitals are mine.
“If YOU work hard, and pay YOUR taxes, to see OUR money squandered this way is an insult to every Maltese family.”
Spoken like a true politician.
Good one. Interesting how the way politicians use their possessive nouns reveals what they are really thinking.
Helena Dalli in a blue dress on TVM2 – wonder of wonders they are afraid of their red.
Great show on Bondi+ tonight.
The Angela Callus/Renee Laiviera saga is one story that I bet Maltatoday will not refer to.
What Dr. Muscat said is the truth
Ding Doing! Scoop!
The Times front-page headline this morning:
“Lawyer is third to be named in Dalli probe
Another link to Sliema”
The Times is reliably informed….
No. 6 is a generator diesel engine, not a turbine, Mr Eddy Ever-ready-biex-taqa’-ghan-nejk Privitera.
Il-gost tieghu Privitera li jaqa ghan-nejk, ghandu jkun.
Nothing to do with this article itself, so I guess I’m out of order in a way.
If you’d allow this to pass through though, I’d be chaffed.
[Daphne – Chuffed. Chaff is what you’re left with when you sort the wheat.]
It is rather uncanny that your and Franco Debono’s blog “so silent” simulataneously, as is the case these past 48 hours, which is relatively a longish time span if you consider the established norm.
I am unsure as to whether this is a co-incidence or not. I tend to think that this is the result of the “current developments” and thus both of you take a back seat before recommencing the volley fire.
[Daphne – No, my dear. It is the result of my having a magazine going to print on Monday and an entire day out with back-to-back commitments yesterday, between 9am and 11pm. As for Franco, I can tell you exactly where he was yesterday between 1pm and 2pm: pacing up and down outside the restaurant window in which I sat, trying to look sexy and magnetic and failing miserably. My veal was more fascinating.]
It is evident that Franco is having a rethink, is less categorical on his threats (a been there done that kind of thing), and is hoping (foolishly I guess and hope) that the PN will have him back in its fold. He’s even hinting at considering contesting the deputy leadership of the party. Nearly fell off my chair when I read this.
As for you, presumably, a contributor to some strategy group within the party framework, deems it fit to influence what’s to happen next at a PN level and in view of uncertainties as to how things might develop in this highly sensitive scenario, you opt to “take a break”.
[Daphne – I am not at all involved in the PN’s strategy group. You don’t seem to realise that I work for a living and that this is my ‘amusement’. When there are print deadlines and related commitments, those are prioritised. Though I’m capable of doing a great deal, I can’t do everything. What Franco does is his business and if he isn’t posting on his blog, it’s not because he’s working – on that score, you are right.]
My take on all this?
Its just such a waste of time to us all. I just cannot understand why Gonzi does not just pull the plug and do what one would expect out of a self-respecting politician to do.
Privitera feels important that he has been accepted on this blog. In fact he feels pride in calling Mrs.CG by her name “Daphne”. I do not blame him because his place, actually, is in Joseph’s skip with the other lot