How can anyone, even somebody as tacky as Dalli, allow somebody like this to represent him?
October 19, 2012 at 4:44pm
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I guess if he s good enough to represent the PN , he s good enough to represent Dalli.
Well said Anna ! daphne will probably ignore your comment since Gonzi is also responsible for choosing John Dalli for the post of commissioner. So if John Dalli is finally declared guilty as alleged, then even Lawrence Gonzi should hand in his resignation !
[Daphne – I did not ignore her comment. It is a fair and pertinent observation. Anna is right about this.]
Trouble is John Dalli ceased appearing on Net TV ages ago and found a new ‘home’ at Super One.
Wishful thinking, Privitera.
This is the level of political discourse we’re reduced to. We should really thank Joseph for this state of affairs.
Everyone should keep in mind that once elected, the likes of Privitera will expect preferential treatment or else.
It will become a democracy for dummies.
As from today, Dalli bad = Gonzi bad.
For the younger among us, Eddy Privitera has been writing pro-Labour bollocks in the Times since at least the 1970s, where everything Mintoff did was perfect.
I remember him as the no.1 labour apologist in the times in those days. How many times did he call for Mintoff & KMB’s resignation, based on the behaviour of their ministers, their policemen, their canvassers etc etc etc The answer is none.
So, Eddy, by your logic, Joe Grima and the rest of the Labour brigade who are defending John Dalli should follow suit if Johnny is found guilty.
Mr. Privitera, using the least number of exclamation marks (that’s the character !), can you logically explain how you get from A to B in the statement “So if John Dalli is finally declared guilty as alleged, then even Lawrence Gonzi should hand in his resignation !”?
Anna, Gonzi was right. Talent is limited. A statement which can be applied to all levels of administration.
There is enough talent on this blog to run the entire country and all levels of administration.
Hux vera Baxxter?
I will answer you, but I must ask you to take me seriously. This blog may be a mere pastime for some, but for me it is the only outlet for airing my views.
Yes, there are half a dozen bright intellects here with enough grey matter to run the country. For all I know, some of them may actually be up there in corridors of power. But one thing I’ll tell you: our current leaders are unfit for purpose. I’ve been saying this for ages. It’s all about intelligence. Never mind integrity. That usually comes with leadership if the leader is intelligent enough.
For years now – since independence in fact – we’ve seen a disastrous erosion of our national quality standards. In all fields. From spelling, to physique, to dress, to manners, to language, to thinking skills, to culture, to aesthetics. I thought it would slowly start to change after EU membership, but it hasn’t. Because we don’t know better. Our leaders satisfy our standards. And those standards are crap. But we’re so blinded by patriotism we can’t even see how ridiculously crap we are.
So what can I say? Like an idiot, I will vote PN yet again because the alternative is too terrible to contemplate. But in my heart, I despise the rabble that is leading us. And if any of them should ring my doorbell asking for my vote, I’ll send them all to hell.
So Baxxter, do we start a political party? Or would that just be a waste considering you’re right when you say:
‘Our leaders satisfy our standards. And those standards are crap.’
Revolutions and coups d’état are out of fashion, and we’d have to go through the meat grinder of elections.
And we’d lose. Big time.
Who would vote for us? Scientists estimate that PN’s core vote is 39%. Labour’s is 45%. That leaves a voter pool of just 16%. Among them, many are more than satisfied with the ballot-sheet offer, and would never vote for a third party. I mean you only have to look at AD’s disastrous results.
If only, melissa. If only this was 1642 and I had half a dozen brave men and carte blanche. THEN political beliefs would be worth something. But this? Setting up a party knowing that we’ll never be in power?
This Saturday night is one of my worst ever.
Anna Caruana, Silvio Zammit represented the PN on the oh-so-important Sliema Local Council. On the other hand, he represented Dalli when dealing with a major international corporation (at least one that we know about)
Don’t you see the difference?
Having an imbecile like this as a frontman is tantamount to using Polonium 210 for after-shower talc.
John Dalli should have known much,much better.
Why would a greedy money-grubbing fool appoint someone smarter than he is?
Silvio Zammit was chosen by the PN executive I assume. So the whole executive should resign en bloc !
As should all those fawning over his Sargas plans or was it Plan Dalli?
Privitera, lil ex sindku tal-Marsa min ghazlu? Min irrizenja?
Privitera, You are so thrifty with honesty – no wonder you’re a PL repeater.
Just let him to it. The moron tried to delve into heavy plant engineering and its troubleshooting this morning.
Polonium? Plutonium?
Poland is in the EU. Pluto is not. It must be a FrEUdian slip.
Both are the carny type of wheeler dealer, Mr. Mqaret and Chewbacca Dalli.
A perfect match made in a typically dirty Maltese public latrine.
Pastizzi u mqaret. Dalli was brought up in a family of pastizzara in Qormi.
He probably has ‘something’ on Dalli. You know, honour among thieves and all that stuff.
My gosh! He’s got nine friend requests! Who would want to befriend this clown?
Those friend requests are not his. They belong to the account of the person who took the screenshot while viewing Silvio Zammit’s profile.
How did you conclude this? I don’t think Silvio Zammit sent Daphne a screen shot of his own profile.
Maybe he boasted he had a big payday coming soon.
My mistake about the number of friend requests, but not the fact that he’s a clown.
Birds of a feather flock together. That is the PN for you. There will be more birds flocking together under Labour, Malta is doomed.
Silvio Zammit has a perfect ‘CV’ on Facebook. He explains himself perfectly.
Well this is a good example on how corruption should be fought. I am in favour of an independent body like OLAF doing its work independently without strings attached to investigate corruption.
However in Malta it’s not like this. We have Labour going around claiming that there are nationalist MPs who are corrupt.
U alla jbierek dejjem Nazzjonaliti huma korrotti. It’s obvious that Labour is smearing opponents for political mileage.
I am in favour of an organisation like this in Malta. The problem as always is that it’s very difficult in Malta to be fully independent. And I don’t think Labour can claim to be a saint as regards corruption not that the PN MPs can be fully free on corruption.
However, corruption tends to be the last despairing resolve of any party who is definitely finding it difficult to win an election. One also mustn’t forget that John Dalli was disavowed from the PN ranks and so was welcoming on the Labour bandwagon. However one mustn’t forget that Dalli was appointed by the Pn to the seat of EU commissioner.
I have nothing against thos who have commited wrongdoing to go to jail or be metted their rightful sentence no matter from what party they come from.
Now Dalli can start working at Silvio’s circus. He can set up a Bedouin tent and be an attraction.
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What do Dalli’s cabinet staff do now? are they out of a job or do they get re-assigned to the new Commissioner? They included a couple of Nationalist and ex Alternattiva big-wigs.
When I heard about this case I was confused.
Well the OALF spokesman had doubts about how to pin this case exactly. He almost labelled it as a mystical fraud. But what was exactly a fraud, a case of corruption or what else. For the time being I think it can be considered a case of breach of code of ethics, a misconduct or a serious misconduct. This is so because even the OLAF organisation had its doubts about how to label it exactly.
[Daphne – In public, perhaps.]
However, my conclusion is based on the claims made so far. One should delve into the exact evidence and hear both sides of the story and possibly keep in mind other possible conclusions. However it must be said that the 60 Million Euro is an enormous amount and obviously it raised more than one eyebrow.
[Daphne – You don’t have to. It’s been done already.]
One should keep abreast with the latest developments. So far it is a breach of code of ethics or serious misconduct. To be Continued …..
[Daphne – Patrick, asking for EUR60 million in order to influence the decisions of an EU Commission is not serious misconduct or a breach of code of ethics. It goes far beyond that.]
I think Kessler had conspiracy in mind – but given his background as a Mafia investigator he must have opted for caution.
And probably he was right. You should never overdo it, or else the entire edifice of the institution crumbles down. And the public – which is not made up of technocrats and expert lawyers – will not understand the nuances and will lose all faith in the European project.
But for me it’s as clear as daylight: conspiracy to commit a crime, almost an associazione a delinquere.
If it was a conspiracy, why didn’t they ask Kev ta’ Sharon No2EU to investigate in place of Kessler?
Kev is a resident of Brussels, and he is an expert in global conspiracies.
Sur Privitera, numru kbir ta’ ministri ta’ zmien Mintoff mhux jirrezenjaw kien imisshom imma jmorru l-habs.
Anke Mintoff stess kien haqqu jmur il-habs u dan nghidu minn habba l-fatt ta’ kif mexxa l-kaz u d-decizzjonijiet li kien ha wara il-qtil makabru ta’ Nardu Debono gewwa id-Depot tal-Pulizija. F’dan il-kaz Mintoff anqas inkjesta ma’ kien ghamel u emmen il-guramenti foloz ta’ l-ghola nies fil-korp korrott tal-Pulizija ta’ zmien il-Labour ta’ Mintoff.
Vera ghandkon biex tiftahru ta’ kif kontu tmexxu l-pajjiz, b’ministri korrotti u kriminali.
@eddy …………….. nibdew insemmu l-yachts l-ghadira, tv tal-kulur, ittra biex jason jishol ix-xandir, kif ministru minn flat f’zabbar road bena zewg vilel wahda l-fgura u l-ohra wied il-ghajn, insemmu l-magic kiosk, insemmu affarijiet li ghamel mintoff ma mara ta xi hadd fuq il-yacht tal-marsovin ……. nifqu jew ?,
Is it a Left Click, or an Evil Click, on the image?
Ostra kemm hu bravu! Qisu Confucius.
Maltese politics is littered with these so-called canvassers and political fixers who are in the game for nothing other than personal gain.
There are many others I can think of who are a no better than Silvio. Trust a circus organiser to make a clown of himself.