Labour. It’s so feminine.
October 20, 2012 at 7:14pm
From the official Labour Party press release about Joseph Muscat’s speech:
The PL has also become a more feminine movement, he added. This is one of the more serious problems of public life in Malta.
And yes, Muscat really did say ‘feminine’ and it wasn’t the Coconut cocking up again.
Labour – a drag act.
Kemm se jiehu gost Ronnie Pellegrini.
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He’s only saying this so that we can excuse his occasional out-of-character behaviour:
“More than 200 different symptoms have been associated with PMS, but the three most prominent symptoms are irritability, tension, and dysphoria (unhappiness)… Common emotional and non-specific symptoms include stress, anxiety, difficulty in falling asleep (insomnia), headache, fatigue, mood swings, increased emotional sensitivity, and changes in libido.”
Well, at least they know they’ve got a problem, and that it’s one of the more serious ones in public life in Malta.
Ehe? Jista xi hadd jiggwidani fejn hu l-pastizz tal-partit laburista?
Forsi fil-Mile End fil-Kamra bil plakka tar-ramm tghid ‘Mexxej’?
I’m not being fair with the Labour Party. It’s within the fold of the PN and loves raising cocks.
Ghand Sidor, mhux ovvja.
Forsi jinsab hemm u anke hawn, u jgib l-isem ta’ Eddy Privitera?
Doesn’t anyone with brains or perspective reside among these assholes? Very worrying.
This must explain why there are so many c*nts in the folds of the Malta Labour Party.
A feminine movement? That’s going to lose them a lot of macho votes from the forgotten land of Mellieha.
Are they going to rebrand again just before the election? Is pink going to be their colour now?
Joseph Muscat, the more he opens his mouth, the more you realise how big the void is. They must be missing his speeches in Brussels, I’m sure he must have been entertaining to hear what he had to say.
Feminine or not he is right about one thing – the PL is one of the more serious problems of life in Malta, public or otherwise.
If Labour’s feminine, how about giving birth to a couple of policies?
They’re waiting for IVF legislation.
Heightened awareness of Labour’s feminine prompts little Joey to schedule breast exam.