Mela tajjeb. Ghandna Franco l-Baggio u issa Dalli l-Pele.

Published: October 31, 2012 at 10:33am

It looks like I’m not the only one who’s picked up on the absurdity of John Dalli quoting Pele as his inspiration for persevering in stupidity and wrong-doing (note that I did not say criminal behaviour).

30 Comments Comment

  1. Neil Dent says:

    The Times has finally caught up with you, and uncovered the name of the ‘young female lawyer’, the PM having named her in parliament on Monday evening.

    • Neil: Have you ever had any doubt that Daphne has direct contact with Castille ? This is how she knew that young female lawyer’s name.Of course, Daphne will deny this !

      [Daphne – That’s not how I knew, Mr Privitera. The name was widely known already, including to journalists. I just happen to have been the first one to mention it publicly.]

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Eddy Privitera, the name of this lawyer was obviously also known to Dalli himself so you could just as easily have said that Daphne has direct contact with Dalli.

        I’m sure that Saviour Balzan and Joseph Muscat also knew the name.

      • Neil Dent says:

        Eddy. Dear, bitter, power-hungry Eddy. One cannot doubt something that does not exist. Such as current PL/MLP policies, to give you one example close to your heart.

  2. Quite nice says:

    Berlaymonster slipped up. Pele’s also charming, rather good-looking, and very, very popular around the world. C-list, he ain’t.

  3. jae says:


  4. Karl says:

    He considers himself a ‘frontrunner’. Poor man.

  5. Rita Camilleri says:

    Kemm hu minfuh bih innifsu….

  6. Roughjustice says:

    I am sure that Daphne will agree that an apology is due.

    I and others might have given the undesired perception that he has been compared to some low-life player.

    We may have also given the impression that we think he may have been a failure in his career, over extended in his talents to meet such demanding games.

    We may even have denigrated his charisma, his honesty and above all his capabilities.

    We are sorry, Pele.

  7. Daphne: sure you must have heard that a number of gonziPN councillors are urging Franco Debono to contest the deputy-leadership race. Any comment ?

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      Oh Eddy go away – go fly a kite.

      • Grosvenor says:

        Daphne must be an angel to allow this guy space. I’ve given up following him. As most may have noticed, when he’s around, I don’t comment much.

        I believe in making good use of time. One way of making good use of time is by following the truth. If you stick to the truth, you save a lot in time and energy and one does not need to convince people.

        When lies are lurking about, it’s a totally different scenario.

        As a matter of fact, Eddy Privitera is forever going on about his beliefs, here, on Times of Malta and other places. If what he says was true and factful, he wouldn’t be going on and on trying to shove lies down our throats.

        But people like him are necessary in Malta as they are a constant reminder of what their party represents. Read his comments and make your own judgement.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        No way. Eddy Privitera is the reason we need euthanasia.

      • Lestrade says:

        Maybe he got his instructions from Mile End (Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once.) to lay off The Times and make an ass of himself on this blog.

    • Neil Dent says:

      Let him do so in that case – it will be hilarious.

      More so should he actually be elected, as he would then be unceremoniously dumped from a height, even higher than that he imagines to have already reached, come election time.

    • T Schembri says:

      I really hope he does, Eddy. But Franco knows better, imagine his perceived support evaporating…

    • Allo Allo says:

      Why not, Eddy? You may contest as well if you wish. I’m sure the votes will then cut you and Franco down to size, but there’s no stopping you trying.

    • ciccio says:

      He probably thinks it’s a beauty parade. Sadly for him, Austin Gatt is not contesting.

  8. Zelig says:

    More of a Conrad Black than a Pele.

  9. GABS says:

    @Eddy Privitera

    I cannot understand all this fuss and excitement to see PL in power. At your age, you can’t get much, No Managerial or Chairmanship posts. You’ve past it.

  10. Frank White says:

    John Dalli does not need a solicitor. According to the CV/Briefing Note that was published on line when he was appointed commissioner he is also a qualified lawyer. On the second page he states that he was employed as a lawyer at The World Bank in Washington DC from 1970 – 1995.

    Everyone knows that he is not a lawyer and that he was never employed by The World Bank in that capacity. He must have vetted and authorised its publication. Check the following link to confirm.

    As for comparing himself to PELE, PELE is talented and he never behaved in the ARROGANT manner that Dalli has done for many years. It looks like that Dalli is a bad liar.

  11. ciccio says:

    Pele’ did not have the habit of scoring own goals.

  12. edgar says:

    Let us have Eddy Privitera board. Every deck of cards needs a joker, after all

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