Now that self-obsessed little jerk is issuing “warnings” even to the Speaker of the House

Published: October 9, 2012 at 1:11am

Careful, Mr Speaker, because Franco’s warning you.

“Debono also warned the Speaker not to give a ruling whereby a precedent is created by which a government could block a motion”.

– Malta Today

He must be utter and absolute hell to live with: a tyrant in the TV room, a despot in the dining-room, a louse in the living-room, a bastard in the bathroom and….a bore in the bedroom.

I see no queue of ladies, and why am I not surprised.

Franco fuq l-ixkaffa, u hemmhekk se jibqa ghax hadd u hadd ma jridu.

It’s going to be a lonely old age for you, chicken-fancier.

44 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    Is he going to ask for Tonio’s resignation, now?

    It is not the Speaker’s ruling which is wrong. It is the Standing Orders which Tonio Borg as Leader of the House has left in a very sad state for the past ten years. . .

    • Maryanne. I agree with you 100%. The speaker last night made it obvious that he was not in agreement with the Standing Orders on which he had no other option but to abide by.

      Dr.Michael Frendo also said that ” the keys were in the government’s hands” on this matter. And the government, although it knows that today IT IS A MINORITY, just wants to keep ignoring this reality. Still, the speaker, again making it very obvious that he was not happy at the government’s intransigence on this motion, ordered the House Business committee to meet on Thursday to try and find a solution about the debate on the P’s motion.

      • maryanne says:

        Sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Privitera. It was my mistake (very late at night). I should have put the last sentence as a quote from Franco’s blog. So you are not in agreement with me, not at all.

      • Angus Black says:

        In your haste, Eddy, as usual, your reply to Maryanne was just like a knee-jerk reaction. Not surprising coming from you. You obviously did not realize that the second sentence was a direct quote from Debono.

        Could you ever imagine the Speaker naming a Deputy Prime Minister and accusing him of leaving Standing Orders in disarray for ten years? Maybe a biased Labour Speaker would, like what happened in 1971-1987 when Motions by the Nationalist Opposition were totally ignored and the excuses were “We thought they were some kind of a joke”?

        But thanks for the entertainment, anyway.

      • cikku l-poplu says:

        Sur Privitera, meta Franco jaqsam il-kamra il-gvern ikun f’minoranza. Sa issa dan ghad ma ghamlux u JPO qal li hu qieghed f’koaluzzjoni mal-gvern allura il-gvern ghad ghandu l-maggoranza.

        Pero ma nahsibx li qed tbati bid-dementia ghax il-MLP meta kien fil-gvern 43 mozzjoni tal-oppozizzjoni qatt ma tresqu ghax dejjem riedu li jsirr ix-xoghol tal-kamra qabel kull mozzjoni.

      • Stefan Vella says:

        @Eddy – It is in a minority when it loses a vote of confidence which the government has not lost to date. Have patience and wait for the budget vote and the resident cock might just oblige.

        Then the idiots will get the chance to vote in the government they deserve while the PL will nosedive our country back to the right-wing socialist hell otherwise known as the ‘Golden Years’.

    • ciccio says:

      Has he asked for the resignation of the Speaker of the House as yet?

      Or is he going to suggest that the Speaker is part of the Evil Click?

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    During my university days, I worked on a turkey farm one summer. I have never witnessed a more stupid bird. Franco would have loved them, although they were not as viscious as his cock.

    However. he would have enjoyed them, since the cocks would all line up to mount the hen in a queue, one after the other. The only problem was that the majority of the cocks would mount the hen backwards, and then without unloading, would stagger off, as turkeys and reds do, trying to figure out what happened.

    The hens would be really pissed off, since they were not satisfied. During my research, I identified that the red cocks were the ones that mounted backwards, thus disatisfying the hens.

    My conclusion, coming from my in-depth research, was that the red turkeys have no clue how to satisfy the hens or citizens of the rock, and that the blue turkeys better get their act together before the red turkeys take over and destroy the turkey farm.

    • A. Charles says:

      Next to where I live, there is a peacock/peahen farm. They are as stupid as Debono’s cock but at least the peacocks are very brilliantly beautiful.

  3. Ronnie says:

    Daphne I have exclusive news for you. Franco has just signed a 5-year sponsorship deal with Bata shoes. Bata International, on hearing ‘kemm Bata f’hajtu’, wanted him as the face for their brand.

  4. jack o'fella says:

    Next he’ll be asking for the Speaker to resign.

    • ciccio says:

      Actually, it’s either that or a “Hu Go Fik” Motion number 331 calling for a vote of no confidence in Mr. Speaker.

  5. Daphne, you say that my comments are stupid. Surely, I have never reached the level of stupidity of your above comment !

    Franco Debono, whenever he wants, can find a queue of young and pretty women willing to walk down the aisle with Franco.

    [Daphne – No doubt. Even useless old men who are physically unattractive and have boring personalities manage to find somebody, for the very simple reason that lots of women will take anyone rather than be alone, especially if they get a bit of a meal ticket out of it. But they’re never going to be the ones he wants, Mr Privitera. Those will remain out of reach. That’s his problem.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Which aisle? The one at Lidl?

    • Joe Micallef says:

      Privitera, what oo you get out of a tube of red paint?

      Red paint, unless you’re cheated (which may well be the case nowadays, given that the tube is camouflaged as blue).

      So how can one expect to get an intelligent comment from you?

      • Joe Micallef: You reveal the level of your intelligence or lack of it, by the comments you post, lauding the prime minister whose biggest record is that under his watch, the national debt more than DOUBLED !

    • Clifford says:

      L-aqwa li l-molla ta’ Eddy ghadha tahdem. Ghalkemm ghandha bzonn naqra grease.

    • anthony says:

      He will only get the ones that go ” any-cock-l-do”.

    • TinaB says:

      Oh my goodness, look who’s here!

      Mr Privitera is now commenting (a lot) on Daphne’s blog. Wonders never cease.


      Baghtuk mil-kwartieri biex tirribatti u tipprova tikkonvinci xi erba’ cwiec li tal-Labour ghandhom sapporters civilizzati ghax fuq il-boards ma rnexxielekx taghmel hekk?

    • Maryanne:Then you are very wrong , my dear !

      As for you Daphne: How do you know that Franco will never be able to have the woman he wants ? Did you get the man you wanted ? If you did, THAN ANYBODY CAN DO THE SAME, AND MOST PROBABLY BETTER !

      [Daphne – There is a key difference, Mr Privitera. I am not mentally unstable. Also, by the time I was Franco’s age I had had a 20-year relationship with the same man and three children who had left school already, while he hasn’t even begun and shows no signs of wanting to embark on any kind of adult life. Women find his sort of instability frightening. Yes, there are some women who deliberately seek out that kind of man because they think they can ‘make him better’, because it makes them feel needed and gives them a project (or they have just given up on finding a nice man) but they are not going to be the ones Debono wants. Debono wants the kind of wife that other men got first.]

    • Giovanni says:

      Hawn taqla xeba Eddy. This is not the Times blogg were you are protected from our constructive censored comments in reply to yours.

    • Toyger says:

      Dear Mr Privitera, please don’t insult us women.

      I wouldn’t want to spend 5 mins in the same room as Franco, let alone walk down the aisle with him.

      And if I was the last woman on Earth, and he the last man, I still wouldn’t give him the time of day (and if you think I’d fall for him because of nature’s needs, I’m sure he wouldn’t be able to satisfy me as much as me).

      • maryanne says:

        Franco on Super One this evening:

        “Jghiduli biex nikkalma. Kif tista’ ma tkunx ecitat. Iva jien ecitat hafna…”

        The thing is Franco wasn’t discussing women but the current political sitauation.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Love that cute retort, however, little ancient Eddy won’t get the drift of your last sentence.

  6. Rhodes Island says:

    Seems as though you’re ruffling your feathers.

  7. etil says:

    Can Debono present a motion of no confidence in the Speaker? He might as well, since it seems he has nothing better to do.

  8. Brian*14 says:


    I can’t believe how kev has not yet unleashed a conspiracy theory in reply to your turkey-farm experiences.

    It’s only a matter of time, I know.

  9. Toninu says:

    He should present the TV show “Min imissu”.

  10. jack says:

    I just love Franco’s preambles these days – they almost inevitably start with “I forgive him”… and then proceed with a barrage of insults and/or thinly-veiled insinuations against whoever so much as irked him.

    Ample material for a new “The Grudge” sequel? Any takers?

  11. AA says:

    He must be a nightmare in the courtroom too.

    Can’t imagine what it must be like for the magistrates and judges when Debono is the defence lawyer. Quite an ordeal to shut him up, especially if things don’t seem going his way.

    • Very good lawyer says:

      Rest assured he is a very intelligent lawyer. He knows the law especially criminal law very well. I was once present in a trial by jury and he was defence council. He was brilliant especially when he was presenting his defence to the jurors.

  12. Brian Calleja says:

    What would happen, mathematically speaking, if one were to present a motion for a vote of no confidence in Debono? Assuming of course that JPO and JM would vote against Debono.

    [Daphne – Nothing would happen. There can be no such motion. He has no position from which to resign, which is the reason for all this trouble in the first place. Motions can’t be presented against backbenchers, who can never be made to resign their seat. They are presented against ministers and similar.]

  13. Aunt Hetty says:

    The Ghaxaq capon will end up like Chicken Licken, who was gobbled up by Foxy Loxy in his haste to spread the news that the sky was falling down.

  14. Dunstan says:

    Hope all this makes it till panto time! Franco never to be forgotten.

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