Oh, and it turns out that he’s a liar, too
Malta Today, 6 October:
Dalli also spoke about his recent claims that his email account was hacked by individuals within the Nationalist Party, and a police investigation which began in July when Dalli provided a list of names to police investigators.
While reiterating that email accounts “belonging to me, friends, and family were hacked” Dalli said that while he had his suspicions regarding phone tapping, “I have no proof whether telephones were tapped or hacked.”
He however expressed doubt whether the official police investigation into the email hacking allegations will bear fruit or uncover any perpetrators. “Today I don’t think that there is any possibility that one arrives to the source of the hacking in a legal manner,” Dalli said.
He hinted that the investigation may lose momentum or simply peter out due to a lack of political will to drive it forward. “This is because there is no will to ensure that what should be done, is done,” he said.
Dalli however added that “I am capable of waiting” suggesting that the situation could yet change in the future.
When Dalli said back in July – ON CAMERA – that he had gone to the police with the names and IP numbers of those he claimed had hacked his email accounts (I had written about how it was impossible for him to have that information, even if his email had really been hacked) we took him at his word.
Well, that was stupid, wasn’t it?
In preparations for tonight’s show, Bondi+ asked the Commissioner of Police what became of the investigation. The formal, written reply was that there was no such investigation because Dalli hadn’t made any such report. What he did was complain about a couple of comments on the internet which upset him.
Unbelievable. Scratch that. Only too believable, sadly.
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A similar case two months ago for reflection:
[Daphne – It is NOT a similar case. You cannot compare an MEP with a Commissioner.]
Read the comments here:
Freaking unbelievable – we’ve gone to the dogs, quite literally.
I think he is in quick sand. The less he speaks the better for him.
You got this one wrong Daphne.
Probably, on the 11th of July Barroso had told Dalli that he got ‘some’ information about him through emails. I don’t think that at the time Barroso had given him many details.
Dalli must have figured out a conspiracy in which Gonzi and his Evil Click were hacking him and that he had sent ‘some’ information from his hacked emails to Barroso…
And that’s the reason for all the fuss a few days later…
End of story.
An old adage. ‘When you’re in a hole, stop digging’.
Another old adage: “when you have nothing intelligent to say, best keep your mouth shut”. Got it Harry?
[Daphne – The person to say that most recently is Jeffrey, who illustrates the point perfectly himself. So I’m not impressed. You do the same.]
Tghid dak l-avukat ghamel l-istess, qal li rraporta fuq it-theddida li kellu u ma rraporta xejn? Kieku rraporta, l-kummissarju ma hax passi anke jekk qal li hafirlu?
Il-Pulizija, jekk issir taf min għamel theddida fuq il-ħajja ta’ xi ħadd ieħor, tmexxi kontra tiegħu bi proċeduri kriminali quddiem il-Qorti. Imbagħad stà għal min ikun irċieva t-theddida li, waqt li jkun qed jinstema’ l-każ jitla’ jixhed u, jekk irid, jaħfer lill-akkużat. Dan jitfa’ piż fuq is-sentenza li, ħafna drabi, tkun inqas ħarxa.
Wisq nissuspetta li l-ħabib tagħna avukat li qal li ġie mhedded ma għamel l-ebda rapport u kliemu fil-Parlament (fejn igawdi l-privileġġ) kien biss biex jiġbed is-simpatija ta’ dawk li semugħ.
Poor thing, he is surrounded by Evil Clicks wherever he goes.
Tghid anka Barroso jispicca mal-hbieb ta’ Gonzi fuq billboard tal-Labour?
Oh kinky! White socks! <3
Daphne: Please let us have quotations from any articles, and comments you had written when Mr. John Dalli had occupied the post of minister in PN governments. Or didn’t you comment about him then ? Just curious.
[Daphne – I never praised him, my dear Mr Privitera, as I recall. And if he isn’t rooting for Labour, exactly why are you defending him? I wonder.]
One could easily put the same question to you Mr. Eddie Privitera.
Nice pair of socks, John! Surprised you did not comment about them, Daphne.
Eddy Privitera, if you want remarks about Dalli when he was minister all you have to do is look up L-Orizzont’s archives or Google HuBastjan, and you will find lots of comments which I would not like to quote as I am afraid Daphne will be sued for libel. Also his brother received quite an amount of fair comments.
Hi Daphne can you create an iPhone type shortcut for your website please? I think it deserves to be an ‘app’ on my new phone. A big D maybe?