Giovanni Kessler, the director-general of Olaf, is a former magistrate based in Caltanissetta, Sicily. He was an MEP, a Christian Democrat and finished as a member of PD.
I wonder how many of your readers know that even if you use a hotmail or other anonymous email account in a false name, the IP address, the location of the computer or mobile device you use to send the email, is logged and included along with the message details?
This might be why the OLAF magistrate uses the phrase ‘unambiguous circumstantial evidence’ if an email purporting to be from a Maltese entrepreneur has an IP address located in an office in the EU in Brussels.
I would fess up to my lawyer ASAP if this is what I had done.
It shows, if Dalli said he intends to fight this tooth and nail, he better get himself the best team of lawyers.
Kessler refrained from going further and spell out Dalli’s position to safeguard the role of the attorney general in Malta. Loved his response to Bondi’s circumstantial question, 3:30.
Let’s say Dalli has been ‘rimandato a giudizio’ – that there’s enough grounds to proceed with indictment.
A few days ago, I am almost certain that somewhere on the web I read a message from an individual claiming that he was a PL supporter that he was disgusted by a certain PL candidate who was doing business with Silvio Zammit. I forgot who this PL candidate is. This could be another twist to this story to show the cobwebs in which Silvio Zammit and John Dalli are in. The public perception is that John Dalli is a Laburist. Zammit is however just a PN candidate in the public eye.
But I don’t want to go among mad people,’ Alice remarked.
`Oh, you can’t help that,’ said the Cat: `we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.’
`How do you know I’m mad?’ said Alice.
`You must be,’ said the Cat, `or you wouldn’t have come here.’
Alice didn’t think that proved it at all; however, she went on` And how do you know that you’re mad?’
`To begin with,’ said the Cat, `a dog’s not mad. You grant that?’
`I suppose so,’ said Alice.
`Well, then,’ the Cat went on, `you see, a dog growls when it’s angry, and wags its tail when it’s pleased. Now I growl when I’m pleased, and wag my tail when I’m angry. Therefore I’m mad.
Se nikteb bil-Malti ghax kultant il-Malti ghandu idjomi sbieh. Fittex tasal l-elezzjoni halli l-Partit Nazzjonalista jkun jista’ jitnaddaf ghal kollox mill-hmieg tal-eghnuq li tkahhal bih dal-ahhar hames snin. Jirbhahha u jitlifha…
1. L-ewwel fil-lista ghandna lis-sur John Dalli li ilu gej b’nofs skandli u skandli li, b’xi mod jew iehor, irnexxielu jizgicca minnhom. Fl-ahhar inqabad bl-iskandlu ‘SnusGate’!
2. Imbaghad kellna lil Mugliett li, fl-2007, kien involut fl-iskandlu ‘BridgeGate’.
4. U fl-ahhar (u mhux l-inqas, ghax inkella jaqbez 4 pulzieri mill-art u jaqbad isabbat saqajh) ghandna lil Franco Debono, li l-unika Gate li haqqu hija ta’ Frankuni (pun intended!!).
L-elezzjoni li gejja tghalqilhom il-foss ta’ halqhom, kollha kemm huma, darba ghal dejjem… forsi ma nisimghux iktar b’ahbarhom! Ghax, kif jidher, issa anke tal-Labour, se jlaqqghu kungress bil-mohbi u b’mod urgenti u jnizzluhom minn fuq il-karru (jew ahjar… jergghu jixkupawhom ‘il barra mill-iskip)… jekk fadlilhom ftit melh f’mohhhom (li ghandi d-dubji serji tieghi!).
@interested bystandard. Your comment is not correct. In many airports such as in Asia and Americas there are many cheap cell phones on the market which sell for a few euros. With a local sim card one can accesses the Internet. So for a couple of days one can have a personal telephone number and an IP address.
Both the sim cards and cell phones are cheap so one can easily throw them in the garage after the email is sent.
Law enforcement personnel with access to sophisticated counter-crime technology has had a hard time identifying the person with a particular IP address.
We speculate and conjecture about the presumed remote origin of a bribery attempt indubitably made by Inge Delfosse, Secretary General of ESTOC, In the meantime, the real villains at Swedish Match congratulate themselves about the successful outcome of their intrigue to unseat Malta’s Commissioner because he had been a serious obstacle to their tobacco expansionist plans. They must feel euphoric about the outcome of an excellent hatchet job carried out by OLAF and its director general Giovanni Kessler in collaboration with them, whilst we indulge foolishly in an orgy of back-stabbing!
Bondì! Hemm hu!
Notice how it had to be the Italian to cast doubt on the workings of the investigators and put the rogue and the magistrate on the same level.
Giovanni Kessler, the director-general of Olaf, is a former magistrate based in Caltanissetta, Sicily. He was an MEP, a Christian Democrat and finished as a member of PD.
I admire this person.
Are there any serious Maltese journalists in Brussels?
Just wondered.
I wonder how many of your readers know that even if you use a hotmail or other anonymous email account in a false name, the IP address, the location of the computer or mobile device you use to send the email, is logged and included along with the message details?
This might be why the OLAF magistrate uses the phrase ‘unambiguous circumstantial evidence’ if an email purporting to be from a Maltese entrepreneur has an IP address located in an office in the EU in Brussels.
I would fess up to my lawyer ASAP if this is what I had done.
Live and learn.
[Daphne – John Dalli is not IT literate.]
…hmm.. Ma nafx … It kind of explains why Dalli alleged that his email was hacked.
Ethics? My ass!
Kessler was a magistrate on the DNA (Direzione Nazionale Antimafia) in Caltanisetta.
This is the creme de la creme of the Italian magistratura.
With Dalli he must feel very much at home.
The only difference is that Dalli, in comparison, is ‘makku’ for him.
It shows, if Dalli said he intends to fight this tooth and nail, he better get himself the best team of lawyers.
Kessler refrained from going further and spell out Dalli’s position to safeguard the role of the attorney general in Malta. Loved his response to Bondi’s circumstantial question, 3:30.
Let’s say Dalli has been ‘rimandato a giudizio’ – that there’s enough grounds to proceed with indictment.
A few days ago, I am almost certain that somewhere on the web I read a message from an individual claiming that he was a PL supporter that he was disgusted by a certain PL candidate who was doing business with Silvio Zammit. I forgot who this PL candidate is. This could be another twist to this story to show the cobwebs in which Silvio Zammit and John Dalli are in. The public perception is that John Dalli is a Laburist. Zammit is however just a PN candidate in the public eye.
‘Curiouser and curiouser!
But I don’t want to go among mad people,’ Alice remarked.
`Oh, you can’t help that,’ said the Cat: `we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.’
`How do you know I’m mad?’ said Alice.
`You must be,’ said the Cat, `or you wouldn’t have come here.’
Alice didn’t think that proved it at all; however, she went on` And how do you know that you’re mad?’
`To begin with,’ said the Cat, `a dog’s not mad. You grant that?’
`I suppose so,’ said Alice.
`Well, then,’ the Cat went on, `you see, a dog growls when it’s angry, and wags its tail when it’s pleased. Now I growl when I’m pleased, and wag my tail when I’m angry. Therefore I’m mad.
Lewis Carroll would have written a very successful scond novel, if he had visited our rock.
Entitled, ‘Alice in Blunderland’.
Dallice in no man’s land.
Se nikteb bil-Malti ghax kultant il-Malti ghandu idjomi sbieh. Fittex tasal l-elezzjoni halli l-Partit Nazzjonalista jkun jista’ jitnaddaf ghal kollox mill-hmieg tal-eghnuq li tkahhal bih dal-ahhar hames snin. Jirbhahha u jitlifha…
1. L-ewwel fil-lista ghandna lis-sur John Dalli li ilu gej b’nofs skandli u skandli li, b’xi mod jew iehor, irnexxielu jizgicca minnhom. Fl-ahhar inqabad bl-iskandlu ‘SnusGate’!
2. Imbaghad kellna lil Mugliett li, fl-2007, kien involut fl-iskandlu ‘BridgeGate’.
3. Imbaghad tfacca JPOS bil-‘MistraGate’, lejlet l-elezzjoni fl-2008.
4. U fl-ahhar (u mhux l-inqas, ghax inkella jaqbez 4 pulzieri mill-art u jaqbad isabbat saqajh) ghandna lil Franco Debono, li l-unika Gate li haqqu hija ta’ Frankuni (pun intended!!).
L-elezzjoni li gejja tghalqilhom il-foss ta’ halqhom, kollha kemm huma, darba ghal dejjem… forsi ma nisimghux iktar b’ahbarhom! Ghax, kif jidher, issa anke tal-Labour, se jlaqqghu kungress bil-mohbi u b’mod urgenti u jnizzluhom minn fuq il-karru (jew ahjar… jergghu jixkupawhom ‘il barra mill-iskip)… jekk fadlilhom ftit melh f’mohhhom (li ghandi d-dubji serji tieghi!).
Now that’s publicity.
As I listened to this video I just realised how this tyrant of a commissioner has tainted the reputation of our nation.
Shame on you, Mr. Dalli, and shame on those who are backing you.
You are a disgrace to this country of ours, and I hope you will do the right thing by exiling yourself to another country where you have a home.
And may God help that country.
@interested bystandard. Your comment is not correct. In many airports such as in Asia and Americas there are many cheap cell phones on the market which sell for a few euros. With a local sim card one can accesses the Internet. So for a couple of days one can have a personal telephone number and an IP address.
Both the sim cards and cell phones are cheap so one can easily throw them in the garage after the email is sent.
Law enforcement personnel with access to sophisticated counter-crime technology has had a hard time identifying the person with a particular IP address.
We speculate and conjecture about the presumed remote origin of a bribery attempt indubitably made by Inge Delfosse, Secretary General of ESTOC, In the meantime, the real villains at Swedish Match congratulate themselves about the successful outcome of their intrigue to unseat Malta’s Commissioner because he had been a serious obstacle to their tobacco expansionist plans. They must feel euphoric about the outcome of an excellent hatchet job carried out by OLAF and its director general Giovanni Kessler in collaboration with them, whilst we indulge foolishly in an orgy of back-stabbing!