Some people are so very silly with Facebook
October 26, 2012 at 6:11pm
Turns out that Dr Gayle Kimberley has Silvio Zammit among her Facebook friends.
Silvio Zammit’s Friends list is hidden to all but those who are on it, so I don’t know whether Dr Kimberley is one of them.
EU Commissioner John Dalli (he was, at the time) is on Facebook with a whole army of unsuitable friends, including Silvio Zammit. Talk about not knowing the meaning of appropriate conduct.
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The shit is piling up. Just wait until the Commissioner (of Police, that is) switches on the fan.
This brings these suggestions to my mind:
“Commissioner takes Commissioner to court” – The Times
“Commissioner slams Commissioner in court” – Malta Today
If a person is friends with another on Facebook, it’s automatically done the other way round too. If you add me as a friend, I won’t show up on your friend list until I accept you, which would also put you on my friend list.
[Daphne – I don’t use Facebook, for very sound reasons, so I wouldn’t know all this. I always have to ask.]
Facebook can be used better and more transparently, such as “If you would like a private meeting with the Commissioner, press Like.”
Will people still flock to the circus that Silvio Zammit is bringing over to Naxxar and Ghajnsielem?
A rare 400kg white tiger?
You bet.
Maybe it’ll get peckish and have his arm off.
Excellent work, Daphne.
If Silvio Zammit is listed as one of Gayle Kimberley’s friends, then it follows that Gayle Kimberley is listed as one of Silvio Zammit’s friends, only you can’t see her unless you’re one of Silvio Zammit’s friends too.
Daphne, You were right when you remarked about Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera using Facebook.
Sew kien jghid Alfred Sant: hbieb tal-hbieb.
Alfred Sant nesa’ jghid li ‘hbieb tal-hbieb’ mhijiex xi kultura politika partikolari ghal PN biss imma hija kultura tal-politika ta’ Malta in generali.
Anki l-membri tal-partit ta’ Sant, mill-oppozizzjoni kienu jhaddnu din il-kultura, kif hareg car fil-kaz li irrapporta il-gurnalist tal-Independent Noel Grima fuq Dalli u Noel Farrugia (MP Labour) li gara fl-2004.
Friends. Like Anthony Zammit, the one who was tied up by robbers, who is holding clinic sessions at Natius Ola beauty centre in Zurrieq.
Facebook friendships are reciprocal relationships that need to be approved by both sides, so obviously if he’s on her friend list, she is on his.
True, and some others totally don’t get it.
Silvio Zammit tal-imqaret, a friend of the EU Commissioner for Health.
Veru kulhadd tilef rasu.
I would not touch him with a bargepole and I would avoid him like the plague.
And I am just the man in the street.
If she has his name on her list then she must be on his as well. Friends on Facebook has to confirm each other.
If he removes her from his list he won’t appear on hers either.
MaltaStar is running a story about a speech made by Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri in the European Parliament about the political situation in Malta.
Maltastar decided to carry parts of that speech: literally word to word translation from Maltese.
“Appropriate conduct” methinks not.
The whole island is riddled with the same problem. Private is PRIVATE. Unfortunately, the digital age has passed a whole bunch of people by who still think that whispers in dark corridors can be posted as being confidential. Truth will out, as they say.
Al buon intenditor…jghidu t-Taljani.
Seems that Mr. Kessler has a SMOKING gun.
Some people think no one is watching Facebook.
“All Maltese don’t agree with abortion …” Muscat said.
Isn’t that a gross generalisation?
I would have made an exception in his case.
@ pas says
“Will people still flock to the circus that Silvio Zammit is bringing over to Naxxar and Ghajnsielem?”
The circus came to town early this year.
And it was free of charge, and the animal lovers could not complain.
With all due respect to many of those who regularly comment about FB and are quick to draw conclusions, but please don’t make mountains out of molehills as you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Don’t even claim you know how Facebook works when you clearly don’t.
Having someone added as a FB contact means nothing in certain, if not most, cases. The term FB uses is ‘friend’, but that shouldn’t be taken literally in the context of any online social network, as I will explain. You can accept someone’s invitation to connect (thereby adding them as a ‘friend’ and they will show on your friend list and them on yours), but then you might make use of the quite granular and sophisticated privacy mechanism available on FB to restrict much of your content (status updates, material shared and links recommended, photos uploaded, etc.)
If Daphne had a FB profile under her name and she proceeds to add me as a ‘friend’ because we’ve done business together (we haven’t), we were introduced at a social gathering (we haven’t either), or she’s my new boss (ditto), I might feel pressured to add her back but I might elect not to grant her full access to my personal photos or personal status updates which I wouldn’t have shared with her otherwise.
In this sense, a FB friend invitation is in actual terms simply a request for permission to view the material you share. If there is no personal information uploaded on that account, or it’s deliberately withheld from certain individuals, then that ‘friendship’ has no real value to any of the parties and should be considered as such. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s no big deal if someone is on someone else’s friends list. It’s not like they’re on speed dial or something.
Just to give you an example, DJ Gianni, Ira Losco, and some other local celebrities (I use that term loosely) have well over 5,000+ ‘friends’ on Facebook and have had to create multiple profiles because FB previously capped the number of friends to 5,000 per profile. (This policy seems to have been relaxed.)
Lou Bondi’s profile has 5,266 friends at the last count. I very much doubt he can even recognise a good 90% of them if he had to walk past them in the street. Or if he could count on each of those 5,266 people if he ever got locked out of his place in the middle of the night.
So please learn to make that distinction.
Thank you,
The Internet
Facebook was created to let the world know who you are, where you are, and what has become of you.
People who are using it for other reasons are making plonkers of themselves. Case in point il-Laburisti tal-massa: Jekk taqblu ma’ Silvio Parnis aghfsu l-buttuna ‘like’.