The Labour Party: by the shameless for the brainless
The Labour Party’s news site is leading with the story that “PM Gonzi is a threat to jobs and growth”.
It is not just that the growth and near-full employment that Malta has experienced over the last few years are entirely the result of Nationalist policies, including membership of the European Union.
It is the absolute brass neck of the Labour Party, with its long, long history of policies that spelled disaster for the Maltese economy, including the fierce battle AGAINST EU membership, led by its former leader Sant ably and enthusiastically aided by its current leader Muscat.
Bla zejt f’wicchom.
What sort of person do you have to be to support this rubbish of your own volition, and by free choice rather than decades of family brainwashing?
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Simple really, you need to have an IQ of a beaver – Privitera do you read me?
VERY unfair comment…….just what have you got against beavers, Brian*14?
Not only yours is an UNFAIR comment brian*14, but beavers have brains which architects and engineers envy. Dams built by beavers stop rivers and dynamite is used to blow them up to restore water flow.
Your answer to Daphne’s question should be something like this: ‘Rubbish supports rubbish’. We have ample proof and do not need to mention names. Take your pick, some of those elves even comment here.
Angus Black: while you have confirmed what I have just posted re beavers, on the other hand you are considering the majority of the Maltese as ” rubbish ” – according to the last survey carried in Malta Today on the same day you posted your comment !
Eddy, your Party earned the reputation, so amply confirmed for 16 years plus 22 months. During that time democracy was stifled, free speech suppressed, beatings and murder were routine etc. That, Eddy, is more than rubbish. It is called filth.
Besides, my comment was in reply to brian*14 and no reference was made to your beloved party, but as they say, ‘if the shoe fits, wear it’.
Brian: Then presently, according to you, the vast majority of the maltese people” have IQs of a beaver “. So Gonzi is scared of beavers ! PAR IDEJN SODI ???? Still, I suggest you update yourself on beavers, Describing someone as a “beaver” means also that you consider such a person as ” hard-working” !!!!!!!
Yes, the vast majority of the Maltese people have the IQ of a beaver.
Careful Eddy!
Confucius says, “Work smart, not hard”.
Il-‘Par idejn sodi’ se jgib il-bocca hdejn il-likk. You watch.
How long has Joseph been promising ‘an election soon’?
‘Soon’ seems to be when the next election ought to be and not much ‘sooner’. No greater evidence of a pair of steady hands and a smart brain.
You just got stuck with Joey. Well, what can I say? You have to make do with what you have. Its either Joseph or Jason – some choice!
Where was Joseph Muscat today? One interview was recorded?
Answer to your last sentence: a person who is having it so good under the PN administration and is taking everything for granted, and at the same time wants more and more and thinks will continue getting it under a PL government.
Etil: so you missed Dr. Muscat’s speech on Saturday afternoon at Qormi. Sunday morning he was at Mosta for the unveiling of a monument to another well-loved former minister, Freddie Micallef. he was also on One radio for a brief telephone-interview. Satisfied ?
Eddy, l-ewwel nett jien mhiniex xi die-hard tal-PN, u lanqas irrid inkun.
Nista nsemmilek lista ta’ zbalji li ghamlu l-PN dawn l-ahhar snin, pero kull meta nigi nara dal-blog dejjem irrid insib xi kumment min tieghek biex idahhak in-nies bik.
Nista nkun naf xi jgielek tahseb illi partit li hlief frejjeg u vromi m’ghamilx meta tela l-ahhar, jista jiggverna l-Malta u jtina futur ahjar?
Kif jista jkollok leader tajjeb jekk qas jaf jiehu political stand, hlief KONTRA l-Ewropa meta kien bridesmaid ta’ Doctor Sant?
M’hawnx alternattiva tajba u dik kienet u baqat ir-raguni ghala l-Labour imoffa fl- oppozizjoni.
Malta and Germany are the only countries in the EU to have MORE people in jobs now than in 2008 (before the start of the international crisis) and LESS unemployed now than in 2008.
Must have been because Joseph Muscat became leader of say-nothing Labour then…
Labour can create jobs in opposition. Just imagine how it can make them vanish when it is in government.
Libertas: Please ADD, that Malta today , has been declared by the World Bank as the WORST countyry to do business in throughout the whole of Europe. Worse even than many third world countries !
Classic electoral strategy. Hit back at what your opponent is best at.
Ever considered the extent of the female participation in the labour market in Malta?
When you do that, you might want to recheck your statement.
[Daphne – An unemployed person is somebody who is looking for work or registering for work. A woman who is happy to be kept by a man is not unemployed.]
Well it seems to be that most if not all of the Labour Party and its supporters have been hit on the head very badly and all at once, causing them to suffer from selective memory loss and paranoia.
For all their back-peddling on EU membership, they still have not convinced many people, who unlike them don’t just forget or abuse of people’s forgiveness to get away with anything, that they truly have the country’s best interest at heart.
I’m sorry, did I say back peddling? I meant blatant denial of ever having campaigned 100% against full membership, and not for “a better deal”.
Their idea of a better deal was a partnership that didn’t even exist and had we said yes to that we would probably still be waiting to see one materialize.
You see, unlike all other EU-sceptic parties around the EU, the PL is one of the only ones which has now done a total 180 and now acts like it never said “NO” and not even told us why or how that change has come about.
They won’t either, because it will give the PN brownie points, and that’s the last thing they want especially after the way they behaved during that referendum, claiming they won when they knew they hadn’t.
And yes, that is a pertinent point, since it was a very worrying time to see the PL supporters celebrate in front of their leader who was leading them all up shit creek without a paddle and once it all hit the fan, humiliating them.
But we’ve forgotten all of that now.
And while we’re on the subject of memory loss and denial, what about those golden years?
Supermarket politics doesn’t work out for the people. You can’t pick and choose what the public is allowed to remember and question and what they public isn’t.
If you have such a back story the only thing you can do is face it, deal with it, and own up to it.
Denying it raises big questions. Calling it the “golden years” and “ we would have got us a better deal” raised even bigger questions.
Edward, is your main subject history? you seem to be very fond of it.
No, it isn’t.
We are all looking forward to another spell of ‘Dirghajn il-Maltin’, ‘Bahhar u Sewwi’, ‘Izra w Rabbi’ or/and ‘Korp tal-Pijunieri’. Tears run down my cheeks when I remember that I never qualified to form part of the Dockyard aristocracy.
Dan il-blog nisthajjlu l-Air Raid Shelters li fihom kienu jmorru jingabru l-Maltin biex jiskansaw ruhhom mill-bombi tal-ghadu !Hawn jingabru l-apologisti ta’ GonziPn li jkunu jridu jaharbu mill-attakki tal-PL u ta’ hafna ex-nazzjonalisti !
Yes! Yes!
Ic-cucata li nhallu lilek manning the ack-ack, u nsibuk qed tikkollabora mal-ghadu u tbiegh il-corned beef mir-ration tieghek fuq il-black market.
It won’t do, Privitera, it just won’t do.
P.S. Insiblek nylon stockings, nudge nudge wink wink? Ghax nixtieq nimpressjona lil dik ir-WREN Daphne b’rigal xieraq.
P.P.S. Ghandi contact fost il-Kanadizi li jista’ jikseb a lorryful of doughnuts, no questions asked. Jinteressak?
Jaharbu? Ironic since Daphne posted YOUR comment. Isn’t that freedom of speech after all?
Or did you want to forcefully silence the Labour Party critics just like you did when you burnt down The Times and attacked the Leader of the Opposition and the PN supporters?
Ara wiehed bhalek, kont issibu fuq xi sur ifajjar il-bofors. Tsk.